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/lit/ - Literature

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3337778 No.3337778 [Reply] [Original]

Does one become a genius through the acquisition of knowledge at a young age? Or are you born with a natural talent in which becomes more and more predominant? I was thinking about this last night /lit/ and wanted to seek your ideas.

Lets take a young child aged around 2-3, if we nurture the child and educate him at a young age consistently till he's old enough to think for himself would that not lead to a child smarter than the average, perhaps even a genius? Or are some children born with the ability to comprehend ideologies and concepts with ease and expand upon them?

>> No.3337799

Nature and nurture both play a role and to different degrees with each individual

>> No.3337803

Lots and lots of sleep, reading and diversity, most importantly sleep

>> No.3337805


Elaborate on the sleep, is allowing the brain to rest and let the information settle a vital part?

>> No.3337808

we were discussing this yesterday, faggot


>> No.3337809

You need both for a genius, in almost all cases. There are occasionally autists who can suddenly play the piano like a boss, but those are probably a few dozen people in the world.

>> No.3337810


What if my sleeping is erratic and irregular and I dream vividly every night and usually remember them?

>> No.3337821

Sleep depends on your age if your under 25 your brain is still developing and lack of sleep can cause brain fog which won't allow information to flow in easily, basic idea behind neon smart is actually understanding things and not taking them for simplicity, for example lets take an object as an apple, if you start to think and actually use your brain you would realise that an apple comes from a seed it has a strange form that resembles earths magnetic field, inside it has seeds and it consists of water mainly, meaning its good if you want to loose weight, furthermore it's easy on your body and keeps you hydrated, my point is that it's important to link things to other things you come across in life which comes to 2 main points which are diversity and connections, if you apply this principle to anything everything will become really clear

>> No.3337823


You're sounding pretty schizophrenic there, brah.

>> No.3337829
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You just stretched-out the definition of Autism.

>> No.3337830

Hahaha, how's that? :D

>> No.3337834


Linking seemingly unrelated things and positing some sort of grand narrative of relation between them is one of the signs of schizophrenia. Many schizophrenics believe in elaborate conspiracy theories for this reason.

>> No.3337838



>> No.3337846

Linking unrelated things can yield interesting results both creatively and intellectually. Nobody is positing a grand narrative here.

>> No.3337857

>no mention about nutrition

>> No.3337860

I agree, it's all good until you start linking the apple to the government then you get paranoid

>> No.3337875

What should I be reading? I don't wanna acidentally pick up something like John Green, Hunger Games, Harry Potter, or Twilight again.

>> No.3337889


Go through /lit/'s recommended reading in the sticky. Pick things that seem interesting to you.

>> No.3337896

If you truly want to be a literary genius you'd have to start with the ancient classics and work forward

>> No.3337898

Why is that?

>> No.3337905


Everything builds on everything else.

>> No.3337906

You need to have read everything that ever influenced anything of worth

>> No.3337916


For the pussy.


>> No.3338038

The ancient classics which you wouldn't have the capacity to fully understand at a young age.

>> No.3338083

no, you become a genius by having a passion for something.

>> No.3338089

cont. genius is susceptibility to "inspiration"
this is why people with 175 IQ can handle insane spatial and logical problems but are just as average as everybody else when it comes to producing "works of genius"

>> No.3340058
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It's very simple.

In determination includes genuine interest your physical condition. This inevitably entails sufficient understanding about the human body. Determination also applies to everything that is mental. Understand yourself. May inevitably entail an understanding of psychology. Just like someone mentioned earlier and got pointed out for being latent-schitzophrenic/schitzoid; acknowledge properties and appreciate richness in things you see. Not only visual sensations, include auditorials, hell, include all external stimuli. Familiarise yourself with the world around you, especially what is often around you.

Don't convince yourself of lies, or settle with convenient "truths" for the sake of convenience. Don't motivate yourself with lies of how good you are at anything. Avoid lying to others about yourself to convey an intellectual pose, it makes it harder to honestly and genuinely learn. If your world view doesn't add upp, think about reviewing it.

>Determination, determination, determination.
This is the root of it all. If you're determined enough, you WILL find ways to improve yourself.

>> No.3340076

Same guy claiming ID. Not going to delete the post and repost it just to edit the errors. If it bothers anyone then they're silly.

>Determination, bro.

>> No.3340099

IQ is pretty much defined at birth, it grows a little when you are in puberty but that's it. So yeah, you can try and try but you'll never get more intelligent, more knowledgable maybe, but not more intelligent