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/lit/ - Literature

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3334180 No.3334180[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do most of you guys browse reddit? It seems like most of you have similar views as redditors, excluding the edgy atheism.

>> No.3334185

So /lit/ now loves Hitchhiker's Guide and Russell?

>> No.3334186

No, reddit is terrible.

I assume this is about a resemblance between what you take /lit/'s political viewpoint to be and what you take reddit's political viewpoint to be? I mean, that's what's going on here, right?

>> No.3334194

Once you get passed the obvious homework threads, there are some nice links to interesting articles in their philosophy and literature boards. Too bad those boards are slower than a snail crawling through molasses.

>> No.3334197

No. I tried once. Never again.

>> No.3334199
File: 2.70 MB, 1280x910, 1348100843651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I post exclusively on http://www.reddit.com/r/Anarcho_Capitalism/ because it's hard to find other anarcho-capitalists to discuss things with. Aside from all the people I've converted on /lit/, that is.

>> No.3334201

Is that where you bastards breed, and organize your insidious plot to take over the entirety of the Internet? I hate you, and all your rat-like ilk.

>> No.3334203


>> No.3334204

The closest I got to that site was pretending I thought it looked interesting when a qt3.14 asked me about.
Broke my heart to find out she thought it was hilarious so I face-fucked her and spit on her before we broke up.

>> No.3334205

>implying they have any females in their little cult

>> No.3334206

I've been there once when some creator of a game i played made a 'thread', or what it is, there.
Didn't really figure out why it is so popular, the culture seem juvenile.

>It seems like most of you have similar views as redditors

Elaborate please

>> No.3334207

I can't help but laugh at all the time this poor, poor guy must have taken to make this image.

It's a sad world we live in.

>> No.3334210

hahahahahaha fuck that site
fuck that pic
never again

>> No.3334214

>Elaborate please


>> No.3334216

It's a fucking awful echo-chamber where every post contrary to popular opinion gets downvoted and silenced.

>> No.3334219

Many people, including OP, associate Reddit with "political correctness", feminism, anti-racism, opposition to misogyny, etc. And because /lit/ is less willing than other 4chan boards to completely hate women (although it still hates women plenty), clearly we're the same as Redditors. QED

so fucking dumb

>> No.3334221

This website and its posters are horrifically stupid. It's home to populist thinking of the worst kind and it breeds laziness and egoism in the same way that Facebook and Twitter do. Their sense of humor is barely on a grade-school level.

It's a social network for the kind of people that argue on youtube.

>> No.3334223
File: 818 KB, 847x1103, 1348383915566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a feud going on between two prominent libertarian females about the lack of said libertarian females. The first chick is correct but has a horrible voice, and the second chick is a typical stick-up-her-ass feminist.



>> No.3334232

no they're both dumb and wrong, you can tell because they're both libertarians

>> No.3334236

much like real life old chum

people generally stay within their comfort zone

>> No.3334239

That's a very reddit approved opinion you've got there.

>> No.3334241


I thought Paultards and reddit went hand in hand.

>> No.3334243

i have literally never made a single post on reddit, but it's kind of funny because you'll see literally any kind of opinion dismissed with "go back to reddit"

>> No.3334244

Nope, not nearly the majority. Paultards are sanctioned off into their little separate board, and the "politics" board has paid statist propaganda posters and is pretty much an arm of the Democratic Party.

>> No.3334248

Only leftwing/politically correct posts.

>> No.3334253



>> No.3334257
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>> No.3334259


>> No.3334267

Normalfag pop culture politically correct dogma like "all races are equal" and "men and women are equal".

>> No.3334268


>> No.3334278

The math and chemistry subreddits aren't bad in the sense that they're aggregating things I'm interested in and the comments aren't all vain retardation.

r/books is fucking TERRIBLE, though. I'm pretty sure every single person with a book quote tattoo posts there. Just total try-hard faggots who don't actually read (if their lists are anything to go by) and would rather circle jerk to pictures that talk about how awesome reading is.

>> No.3334280

Nice job on that second link, shitdick.

>> No.3334304


I actually feel terrible after watching this. I had no idea the Libertarian Party was just a charitable collective made for those with downs syndrome.

She has a wonderful spirit.

>> No.3334316
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please no bully

>> No.3334373


>> No.3334437


Are there other book related subreddits that are worth checking out though?

>> No.3334448


There are no subreddits worth checking out.

>> No.3334454

It is not that this place is like reddit. It is that everywhere is like reddit.

If you aren't a full blown right wing stormfag retard, or a randroid, you have most likely been propagandized by leftist thought. Outside of right wing meme factories like fox news, the dominant meme is leftist thought churned out by the media and the universities.

Nearly every single internet forum I've been on has eventually been taken over by the eternal september, and the majority of the eternal september have had their mind's captured in some way by the various forms of leftism. This happened with slashdot, it happened with somethingawful, and it happened with hacker news.

Most of 4chan is the same way, apart from /pol/; but again, places that are overtly right wing usually don't fall prey to this phenomenon. If the online community is apolitical and shuns the far right, it ends up becoming left wing in the long run. Always. Of course, to the propagandized they don't realize it. Usually they are so far off the political reservation that everyone to their right is right wing scum in need of some maoist struggle sessions and checking of privileges.

>> No.3334460

>the media
Are you watching the swedish news or something?

>> No.3334464


>> No.3334470

Although I generally tend to think that sites becoming more left is generally a good thing, I don't think that this has or will happened on 4chan to nearly the extent that it has on other sites, and for a very simple reason - the commitment to a lack of moderation. The reason SA, for instance, has become more left-leaning, and particularly less casually racist and sexist, is because it's fairly heavily moderated and the moderation team is committed to punishing people who use slurs and say racist shit. In comparison, there's no equivalent to that on 4chan. Even if it's true that the average, non-politically-committed user is going to be vaguely left-leaning, /pol/ still exists and there's a plethora of right-wing people and racists throughout the site who are going to be around to have their say, and no one is going to even try to block them from saying it except other users. Unless 4chan starts being moderated in a way that's completely alien to the community as it is now, and that m00t has signaled complete opposition to, I can't see it losing the quality of an open forum and losing the range of viewpoints that are currently on here. And I think that openness is basically a good thing, although I wish I didn't have to deal with you fucking racists all the time.

>> No.3334473

it's cute how you think the dominant ideology is leftist.

>> No.3334474

Go have a conversation with a modern young person and then tell me with a straight face they don't lean left.

>> No.3334477
File: 56 KB, 460x288, he wasnt even 8 inches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but if everyone is a leftist I will lose my edgy rebellious "fighting the man!" image =[[[[

>mfw a liberal listened to edgy music but then supported legislation to ban words he didn't like(hate speech) near me

>> No.3334478

Just because they're not embracing a Marxist revolution doesn't mean the media isn't leftist. who publicly opposes any of the leftist dogmas in >>3334267 and >>3334219 ?

It's funny, because while /pol/ seems retarded on the surface the messages they spread are actually true. Seeing /pol/ crush /sci/ in debate is fucking hilarious.

>> No.3334481


Surely there are some good book subreddits? Anyone else?

>> No.3334485

>punishing for thoughtcrime is generally a good thing
What has SA produced in recent times? SRS?

you think the dominant ideology isn't leftist because the "moderate" viewpoint is so incredibly far to the left

>> No.3334486

So the demographic with the least political power leans left, good to know

>> No.3334490

They are the ones most influenced by modern pop culture, stop being purposely dense.

>> No.3334492

If you define "leftist" as "in favor of gay marriage and agrees with the statement Racism Is/Was Bad", then yes, they are mostly leftist

that's not a useful definition of leftist though, especially since it's not like they have any understanding of racism whatsoever - your lot could probably get them to agree with a lot of the things you believe as long as you didn't explicitly call it racism

stop pretending your definition of leftism is the only relevant one. god, i hate this "cultural marxism" bullshit

>> No.3334493

Yes, when you define leftism in such broad terms as "not being racist" and "understanding science"you will, funnily enough, find that most people are leftist

>> No.3334496
File: 13 KB, 240x210, tumblr_mcayl4kwX11qdrfgeo1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>god, I hate this truth bullshit
pic related

this again? have you seen what happened to /sci/ you want me to call in the /pol/icemen on you too?

>> No.3334497

> I will lose my edgy rebellious "fighting the man!" image =[[[[

no, /pol/tards have a monopoly on edgy rebellious images. nice try tho.

>> No.3334499

I think it's a good end but not necessarily a good means to it

I wish there weren't racists posting on sites. I think I would enjoy any site more if it didn't have you shitheads posting about white power on it. Because you are boring and I hate you. That doesn't necessarily mean that banning people for racist is a good idea (although I also think different things work better for different places).

>> No.3334500
File: 131 KB, 644x644, 1356577284938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>understanding science

Leftists don't understand science anymore than others. They ignore science when it conflicts with their political opinions just as conservatives do. Cool delusions though.

>> No.3334505

>I wish that people with opinions I don't like were silenced

Typical leftist mentality.

>> No.3334509

because the right has such a good track record with not silencing it's ideological opponents

>> No.3334511

You're just an intolerant faggot. /q/ is full of people like you demanding for /pol/ to be deleted for racism or anti-Semitism. Yet no one from /pol/ is demanding for /lit/, /fa/, /soc/ or any of the other normalfag boards to be deleted for being anti-racist, anti-white shitheads.

>> No.3334512

I don't want you silenced, I just wish I didn't have to talk to you because it's unpleasant and you're boring.

Do you not get the distinction between those two things

>> No.3334513

Even far-right loons like Sean Hannity support unmitigated free speech. I can't say the same about far-lefties.

>> No.3334517

Because /pol/ wants to use those boards to propagandize its views.

and again "I wish racists wouldn't post on 4chan because I would then enjoy posting on 4chan more" is not the same statement as "ban all racists"

>> No.3334518

When was Hacker News ever NOT leftist?

>> No.3334520

>tu quoque
"I wish everyone on 4chan was a racist like me". - No one on /pol/, ever

>> No.3334521
File: 22 KB, 491x224, laughter2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>politically correct drone calling others boring

You're freshly molded out of the public school system and ready to go, I see. Not everyone is born with the ability to think for themselves, some like you find comfort in feel-good lies.

>> No.3334526
File: 103 KB, 210x235, jam bonds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you just counter the /pol/ propaganda with /lit/'s intellectual eloquence or /sci/'s knowledge of biology?

>> No.3334530

lol, that's just straight-up untrue

even just looking at this thread, there's plenty of stuff lamenting the existence of non-racist posters

it is boring though because you repeat the same fucking talking points. all the fucking time. your points aren't boring because they're the same as everyone else's, they're boring because you make the same fucking points over and over in the exact same fucking way, and if i was going to agree with you, i would by now.

>> No.3334531

can't think of any racially motivated right wingers who supressed ideological opponents... nope... not one...

also, unmitigated free speech is a horrible idea.

>racist fuck calling people intolerant

doublethink much

>> No.3334534

I don't, I can't get past that clusterfuck of a layout.

>> No.3334539
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>unmitigated free speech is a horrible idea.
>the government should threaten to use force and put you in a cage if you make certain noises come out of your mouth

Typical leftist mentality.

>> No.3334540

because responding to the same talking points again and again is fucking boring as hell, and at a certain point ultimately pointless, since it's never going to change anything one way or the other. like Knut commanding the tide to stop. it'd be much nicer if you just wouldn't post the same boring talking points again and derail threads and be annoying and dull.

>> No.3334547

>can't think of any racially motivated right wingers who supressed ideological opponents... nope... not one...

Oh, the Hitler card already? Then I guess all leftists are Stalin then.

Get real. We're talking in the modern political environment.

>but conservatives are LITERALLY nazis

>> No.3334553

You're the one saging the thread, calling us boring and implicitly asking for us to be removed from 4chan. I don't care where you go. As long as you don't shitpost you're fine with me.

Hold on now. What makes me a racist? Even if I was, racism does not necessarily mean intolerance to begin with. So what makes me intolerant?

>> No.3334555


Don't waste your time, the breed of right winger you find on 4chan are so far right that they consider any political opinion that doesn't involve outright racism, bigotry, protectionism and jingoism to be liberal.

No matter what you say to disagree with them they always just reply with calling you a stupid liberal because they have no idea how to actually hold a debate or argue a point logically. They will never make any effort to understand an opinion or position that isn't their own, which is why they think that the only two political positions in existence are "Right Wing" and "Stupid Liberals".

>> No.3334557

>responding to yourself

>> No.3334559

"free speech" is never universally protected. we all know this.


>implying the opposite of unmitigated free speech is being condemned to the gulag for life

Stalin was a fine man.

>> No.3334561

>Stalin was a fine man.

He killed way more people than Hitler ever did.

>> No.3334564

yeah i know but i can't get to sleep b/c anxiety so i have to do something man. fucking sucks, i really need to catch some sleep but i'm just too nervous about shit. anyway that's why i'm killing time here.

i don't even know why you're attempting to deny that, honestly, man.

>> No.3334567

>/pol/fag asking people not to shitpost while shitposting on /lit/

you people are like 90% cognitive dissonance

>racism does not necessarily mean intolerance to begin with

eye roll

>> No.3334569

You are either have free speech, or you live in a place where government agents will put you in a cage for making certain noises.

There aren't any other choices.

>> No.3334573

Your opinion on shouting fire in a crowded theater? Is that a noise that government agents should be able to put you in a cage for?

>> No.3334577

If it's a private theater, then you a subject to their rules just like you would be if you were inside there house. They can ask you to leave if you are being disruptive.

Government agents have no part in this.

>> No.3334579


No, there's just multiple people here that are aware of how retarded every statement that comes out of your mouth is. Any political thread on 4chan always devolves into you retards spouting "DEM LIBURALS" because you're always the most obnoxiously opinionated and loudmouthed fucks on the entire internet.

>> No.3334582

>responding to me twice in order to cloak your samefagging

>> No.3334584


>Can't grasp the idea of there being more than one person who disagrees with him in a thread.

>> No.3334587

no one has free speech then

>what is fraud?
>what is libel?
>what are fines? isn't gulag for life the only option governments have?

>> No.3334591

You have the right to say what you want without the government putting you in a cage. But if you are in my house, on my property, then I can ask you to leave.

>> No.3334597

This argument is nothing but false dichotomies and strawman arguments any more.

The point is that silencing political (!) dissent is a way of denying free speech which should not be happening in the supposedly free nations of the world. Inhibiting free speech is antithetical to democracy.

>> No.3334608

I dont mind Reddit because just like 4chan it is mostly garbage but you can occasionally get some decent content. But what I prefer about 4chan that will endure beyond my interest in reddit is that it is raw. It isnt afraid to get to the crux of the issue and people arent bothered about being in your face and rude, because most of the time its the truth. Reddit you only see the most popular because its voted up.

>> No.3334609

>You have the right to say what you want without the government putting you in a cage.

you should go to the un and tell them about the routine disregard for this right of yours.

>Inhibiting free speech is antithetical to democracy

it's been part of every democratic nation in the world, though. take it up with them.

>false dichotomies

well, duh, you piece of shit, that's my point. false dichotomies that >>3334569 raised.

quote the strawman argument.

>The point is that silencing political (!) dissent is a way of denying free speech which should not be happening

says who?

>> No.3334613

>you should go to the un and tell them about the routine disregard for this right of yours.

The UN is a far-left organization, so it's not really surprising.

>well, duh, you piece of shit, that's my point. false dichotomies that >>3334569 raised.

That's not a false dichotomy. Either you do go to jail for making certain noises with your mouth, or you don't.

>> No.3334627

>it's been part of every democratic nation in the world, though.
So? Slavery was a part of every nation at one point too. Would you have opposed the abolitionists out of the principle that if has no precedents in history, we shouldn't care about it?
take it up with them.
Why don't you take up your gripes against /pol/ with moot? Why are you still posting here? Why have debate at all, it's pointless anyway.

>says who?
I say so. "A democracy that silences political dissent" is an oxymoron.
>quote the strawman argument.
Am I strawmanning myself?

>> No.3334632

>What has SA produced in recent times?
I love their LPs. The Dangan Ronpa thread especially has been really enjoyable.

>> No.3334733
File: 2 KB, 1154x14, redditbar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I go to reddit. I like it, it's very easy to simply insulate yourself in your subscriptions and ignore a lot of the idiocy. I'm subscribed to some of the political subreddits, but only because they occasionally discuss a continental figure I'm interested in. Usually Deleuze.

Also touhou and kappa because one can't be a scholar all the time.

>> No.3334739


Please leave my /jp/ and /lit/.

>> No.3334757


I don't buy into it (that's a really simplistic statement, but I don't want to be lynched. Of course it's actually more nuanced than that), if that makes you feel better. But I'm interested in criticizing it, so I follow what they post so I can learn more about the conversation surrounding it.

>> No.3334773
File: 51 KB, 395x395, 1352271879352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post-anarchism or postanarchism is an anarchist philosophy that employs post-structuralist and postmodernist approaches (the term post-structuralist anarchism is used as well, so as not to suggest having moved beyond anarchism). Post-anarchism is not a single coherent theory, but rather refers to the combined works of any number of post-structuralists such as Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze, Jacques Lacan; postmodern feminists[citation needed] such as Judith Butler[citation needed]; and post-Marxists such as Ernesto Laclau[citation needed], Chantal Mouffe[citation needed], Jacques Rancière[citation needed]; with those of the classical anarchists, with particular concentration on Emma Goldman[citation needed], Max Stirner, and Friedrich Nietzsche. Thus, the terminology can vary widely in both approach and outcome.
>mfw marxists associate Nietzsche with their shitty communist dogma in my general vicinity

>> No.3334777


>"A democracy that silences political dissent" is an oxymoron.

Uh, no? Democracy just means a system of government managed by the people being governed. Just because freedom of speech has become a principal of modern liberal democracies doesn't mean its inherent. It's perfectly possible that a democracy without a constitution to protect freedom of speech could actually vote it out of existence, if they decide that political dissent, or certain kinds of political dissent, are destructive to their system of government.

Not the guy you're arguing with, but yeah. Get some historical perspective and actually think about your ideas as ideas, and stop pretending that modern liberal democracies are the only possible democracies.

>> No.3334784


>mad that they associate X with Y
>not mad about how they associate X with Y

The sign of a lazy, or ignorant, thinker. He only concerns himself with names, not ideas.

>> No.3334788

>He only concerns himself with names, not ideas.

And Nietzsche's thought is antithetical to Marxism. Thanks for playing.

>> No.3334794


What part of Nietzsche's thought? Whose Marxism?

Come on now, actually say something. All you're doing is namedropping and calling upon isms. Engage something, come on. If you're capable, I mean.

>> No.3334799
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>What part of Nietzsche's thought? Whose Marxism?
>this desperation
>he's trying this hard to reconcile his admiration for Nietzsche with his trendy marxism

There is nothing remotely related to Nietzschean thought that is inline with Marxism.

>> No.3334811


I'm neither a Nietzschean nor a Marxist, I'm just capable of spotting when someone is making claims based on nothing. Or using ambiguous terms without disambiguating them. The fact that you think you can talk about "Marxism" as if it were any sort of unified thing is ridiculous. I don't know much about Nietzsche, but I would assume he also has his share of disparate interpretations.

But you don't seem interested in talking about any of that. You just want to make simple statements that don't actually say anything.

>There is nothing remotely related to Nietzschean thought that is inline with Marxism.

I guess if you keep saying it, you'll convince me eventually.

>> No.3334820
File: 131 KB, 500x333, 1349237266950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't know much about Nietzsche, but I still know that you're wrong

Just give up.

>> No.3334835


I never said you're wrong. I said you're not saying anything. I don't know that you're wrong, and I don't know that you're right, because you haven't made a convincing argument either way. You haven't really made any claim at all, and you've resisted all attempts to disambiguate what you've said. You just want to greentext and post images of laughing people, because that will irritate me and you want to laugh about how someone got mad because you acted dumb on purpose.

Since this thread is about reddit, I suppose it's worth mentioning that I never encounter this sort of behavior there. I mean, I disagree with people, but people aren't nearly as antagonistic, and they're usually mature enough to not be interested in just making someone irritated over the internet. The conversations are almost always more interesting and more productive.

>> No.3334843


I'm not anyone in this thread, but I pity you a little bit if you think what goes on over there is 'interesting and productive'.

Browsing reddit is like walking through the halls of a high school at lunch time.

>> No.3334845
File: 27 KB, 300x300, laughter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I never said you're wrong, I don't know that you're wrong.

Thanks for admitting defeat, it's much easier when your opponent just gives up in the face of an intellectual heavyweight the likes of which he could never compete with.

>> No.3334857


Who 'browses reddit'? What does that even mean?

That's like saying "browsing 4chan". It doesn't mean anything. Are you talking about /b/ or /an/?

In the subreddits I go to, I don't encounter any sort of behavior that I would equate to "the halls of a high school at lunch time". In fact, my favorite subreddit is populated mostly by graduate students, so that's kind of a funny metaphor.

I'm sure there are a bunch of very dumb subreddits, but if you actually want to talk about the content of any one, you'll have to name them.

>> No.3334860


Not him, but discussion and argument aren't about winning.

You'd know that if you weren't recently out of high school.

>> No.3334864


Yeah, guess I was right.

>> No.3334867

>Discussion and argument aren't about winning.


>> No.3334869
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>Not him

Yeah, sure you aren't.

Right that I am your intellectual superior? Oh how right you were.

>> No.3334870



>> No.3334875



>> No.3334885

Seriously though when we will get a mod, I thought the point of /pol/ was to keep their shit on a single board

>> No.3334897
File: 20 KB, 429x420, 1352365447968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still butthurt because he lost the argument
>wants the people who intellectually sodomized his redditor asshole to be banned

>> No.3334908
File: 35 KB, 300x200, 300px-Constanza_helada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>still identifying users based on the fact that they go to a different website than you
>now is the shiggy of our diggytent

>> No.3334936

That's my only post in the thread since >>3334460 so there's no argument to lose and quite frankly I fail to see how anyone here has been "intellectually sodomized" by some poor fuck who does not understand the conventions of argument, basic political terminology and basic facts about the nature of media and politics. It's quite telling that you've spent god knows how many hours in this thread regurgitating the same shit post after post, called almost every other poster a samefag and then had the fucking audacity to complain about the attitudes of a board which you clearly feel you don't belong on in the first place.
If you truly felt so strongly about the state of /lit/ you would no longer be here.
Finally the reddit association is both lazy and untrue for it fails to recognize fundamental differences between the demographics of /lit/ and r/whatever (you never did specify which area of such a vast website we are like; you surely must know given the claim you make of similarity).
So yeah piss off

>> No.3334946

I used to get stoned from time to time and browse http://www.reddit.com/r/spacedicks.. But then I grew up. The culture of Reddit is absolutely insufferable and unbearably superficial.

>> No.3334948
File: 33 KB, 400x400, 1351002705509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep on digging that hole deeper, le redditscum.

>> No.3335160

I came here for the GETs.

>> No.3335258
File: 114 KB, 742x644, reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you browse Reddit. If you can somehow ignore the worst fucking user interference in the history of the internet, you have a community that is generally terrible

>> No.3335263
File: 314 KB, 720x540, only 900 miles to go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>115 posts and 18 image replies omitted. Click here to view.

>> No.3335266


You could say the exact same thing about 4chan.

>> No.3335268


4chan is awful but its funny sometimes

>> No.3335272

I browse Reddit too. The literature section is pretty bad though, which is mostly why I come here when I want to talk about literature.

The best thing about Reddit is that it's more pleasant and the more substantial your post, the more people are willing to respond (the opposite of here). People aren't just volatile for the sake of taking out their passive-aggressive tendencies like here either.

Anybody who says Reddit is terrible is probably doesn't like writing more than 2 sentences for a reply, has only spent a minimal time there on the main-shitty meme-friendly boards or only likes literature (which as I said it is a pretty bad board so fair enough.)

>> No.3335275
File: 56 KB, 400x400, 1357651854937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My version makes more sense.

>> No.3335277

>Anybody who says Reddit is terrible is probably doesn't like writing

>> No.3335315

>implying anyone has ever won an argument on /lit/

>> No.3335334


Also I can't help but feel that most of the people who dislike the reddit do so pretty much because the people on 4chan told them so and they've embraced the hivemind.

I used to think reddit was an awful place. I'd go there and glance it and think 4chan was right. The more I looked, the more I realised how specialist and interesting it can be.

>> No.3335396

you see, this "evidence" doesn't say anything about race though. It's only looking at African Americans. What about the billions of Africans? Perhaps this is a result of African American culture. If so, that would mean it is not race.

There is no way to connect SAT scores to fucking race.

I'm pretty damn conservative and hate obama and all that shit, but you guys are fucking loony.

>> No.3335403

>bumping this
This has to be samefagging

>> No.3335443

god, that fucking ugly-ass mug in OP, and the snobbish pseudo-intellectual subtext makes me want to smack him in unimaginable ways.

>> No.3336601



>> No.3336606

there's a minority in /lit/ dedicated to bumping shit threads, sometimes they overlap with the /pol/ insurgency