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File: 1.15 MB, 1451x1255, 1356833117510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3333412 No.3333412[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

With the rise of feminism and the "emancipation" of women, men are turning to other alternatives like 2D and sex dolls, which feminists are already pushing to ban. Do you think that, ironically, feminism will lead to women being less desired and powerful because the one thing they have over men(a vagina) will be taken from them?


>> No.3333421
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>> No.3333420


any of these boards would be more topical to your shitty troll thread

please post about books or fuck off

>> No.3333423

Buttdevasted redditors detected.

>> No.3333425

That stories cited in that article are comedy gold, and I say that as a feminist. Doesn't stop the actual article and the website from being a piece of shit thougj
needs /fit/, /sp/, /v/ and /b/

>> No.3333432


This is the logical extension of gender egalitarianism.

>> No.3333445

Supposedly that leads to public lavatories being much cleaner and lasting longer. Still learn what logical means

>> No.3333449


/lit/ must want to be trolled, there is no other explanation

>> No.3333452
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>that leads to public lavatories being much cleaner and lasting longer.
>actually defending the legislation

>> No.3333457

Pol runs this thread on a daily basis. Sometimes multiple times per day.

>> No.3333463
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I think we can all agree that this anon speaks the truth.

>> No.3333467


Take this /pol/ shit elsewhere. I live in Sweden and somebody dug this shit up from some obscure news site, actually thinking things like this are being discussed here.

>> No.3333474

>I live in Sweden

I'm sorry, that must be unfortunate.

>> No.3333475


Only from a /pol/ point of view.

>> No.3333477
File: 49 KB, 419x353, 1243732149061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> this whole thread

. . . are you're serious? Are you fucking serious? The news is old, the feminist movement is a joke, and the second you stop humoring it is the same instant it loses any power. I mean, feminism is supposed to be about the equality of women, but now the feminist agenda is working towards special treatment over women. Any actual feminists have abandoned the movement long ago, and shit like this (only on more legitimate media hubs) is honestly the only reason it's even still around.

It is a joke, and an old one at that. The vast majority of such goals that they work towards never happen anyway. They spend years bitching about something utterly pointless and then it fizzles and the look for some other means of getting attention; because they're feminist. That's all it's about. Desperate grabs at attention and means to validate their existence.

Now cut it out.

>> No.3333492

>on /lit/

Oh you must be one of the self called intelligent feminists.

>> No.3333501


There are at least a few of us

>> No.3333505

since you're engaging with /pol/ bait

you cannot be

>> No.3333507

They brought it in in Thailand (I think) to great success, it wasn't forced just encouraged. That said I am sourcing this mainly from my memory of a cracked article of all things

>> No.3333512

Do you not yet understand how /lit/ handles troll posts?

>> No.3333517


Even feminists get bored

>> No.3333521

by biting the bait as hard as it can?

>> No.3333528

>male feminist
>maybe if I worship women and be really nice to them they will notice me ;((((

So pathetic.

>> No.3333530


>Women wont notice me because they're so stupid, fucking feminists

I wonder who's pathetic.

>> No.3333534
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>implying I seek the attention of 3D whores

>> No.3333535


>anti-feminist logic

>> No.3333546
File: 592 KB, 1468x1080, 1357046524533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For example, the United Nations convention on the rights of the child, recently ‘celebrating’ its 20th anniversary, included the outlawing of any pictorial representation of a minor in a sexual context. In other words ‘child pornography, defined to the max. Now, in 1989, any such pictures would be photographs of actual minors. Yet the feminists were careful to word the convention in terms of ‘representation’. Probably few of the 180+ countries that signed the treaty in 1989 realised that the wording of the documents that they were putting pen to paper to would lead to millions of ordinary men being criminalized for clicking on a mouse to view a digitally created anime picture that was merely a possible ‘representation’ of a person under 18.
lol'd my ass off at autists thinking ordinary men have any interest in their disgusting weeaboo 'cheese pizza'

Sexual liberation has been for men ever since sex manuals taught women to shut up and enjoy anal. You should read more.

we r leigon

>> No.3333548

>women try to make men their enemies
>support them

>> No.3333554


>doesn't know what feminism is

>> No.3333556


Since we're on /lit/, you /pol/ faggots should probably read up on the subject you're trying to argue against.

>> No.3333557

That would explain a lot about the average 4chan misogynist

>> No.3333559
File: 216 KB, 640x480, uh huh huh huh hurrrrr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>With the rise of feminism

>> No.3333567
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>implying pointing out the obvious superiority of 2D women when compared to 3D is misogynistic

>> No.3333575


Nobody was implying that, shitwit

>> No.3333595
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>> No.3333600

I doubt you'll find a women upset that sex dolls are stopping them from jumping the bones of the guys at dollforum, the (silly) issue is more to do with the fact that the dolls are effectively portraying the female form as good for nothing other than sex, whilst lying static and silent like a Disney princess.

>> No.3333611

Jesus fuck you sound like some kind of faggot from a terrible Dystopian future. It's something attractive to put your dick into because it feels good. This all stems from the knowledge that all women possess, that maybe men won't put up with being told what to do when they can get their rocks off elsewhere.

I don't see any legislation looking to ban dildos because it "reduces the male form to just the penis, and creates unfair expectations(12 in dildos).

Kill yourself.

>> No.3333620

so would they prefer the robot had a more abstract shape?

>> No.3333627


>I don't see any legislation looking to ban dildos because it "reduces the male form to just the penis, and creates unfair expectations(12 in dildos).

Come back and spread your bullshit when they try to ban my fleshlight.

>> No.3333637

It's the same argument, that you're objectifying the opposite sex. That's exactly what dildos are, reducing the male to just the lifeless hard dick. Do you think men would give a shit if single women started making sex robots to fuck them? Would they push for legislation to ban it?

Of fucking course not because men don't have a raging inferiority complex. Again, kill yourself.

>> No.3333645


>Again, kill yourself.

This is my first post in this thread.

By the way, trolling doesn't work when you're the one getting mad.

>> No.3333651
File: 20 KB, 275x283, 1352616957380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I lost the argument
>I'll call my opponent a troll, and say "U MAD!"

Just leave.

>> No.3333666


Like I said they haven't tried to ban my fleshlight so obviously they've got no "secret feminist agenda". Sorry buddy, head back over to /pol/ you'll find no one to join your circlejerk here.

>> No.3333685

>This guy.

>> No.3333701

You're pretty dense kid. I was replying specifically to the criticism that sexbots need to be banned because they objectify woman and turn them to sex objects.

>> No.3333731


Where the hell do you live where people can just ban things they don't like? is it the same place where you can sue someone for giving you too hot coffee? If that's the case it's not the feminists it's your government.

>> No.3333740

This thread is so much butt hurt.

No one gives a shit what you do behind closed doors in the privacy of your own home. If you want to fuck a woman, that's fine. If you want to fuck a man, that's fine too. If you want to fuck a machine, or have a machine fuck you, that's cool too.

>> No.3333746

>get the government out of the bedroom!
>except to give me free birth control because it's a human right(UN approved)!

>> No.3333757


Things like that can be given outside of the bedroom though.

>> No.3333764

You obviously didn't understand my post in the slightest.

>> No.3333763
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So no one here actually would actually argue that sex robots ought to be banned, right?

>> No.3333775


>> No.3333776
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>> No.3333781
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>> No.3333786
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>> No.3333792
File: 91 KB, 1503x1127, GANGRENE[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3333793

/b/ is legion lol xDD epic gore

i think anonymous is here

>> No.3333802

Why do images like that disgust people? What evolutionary purpose?

>> No.3333810
File: 12 KB, 320x179, ebola-disease[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god made them so we could always end troll threads autistic people refuse to not reply to

please sage

>> No.3333812


>> No.3333816
File: 13 KB, 220x251, 220px-Al_Gore_at_SapphireNow_2010_cropped[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, it's probably because rotting bodies are filled with dangerous pathogens and diseased folk are contagious

>> No.3333819

>manually spamming gore on /lit/
Way to just ensure that this thread just stays on page 0 even longer

>> No.3333820

>stop discussing what I don't like or I'll spam gore
Real mature

>> No.3333821

Fear of infection or having the same thing happen to you, empathy, pity, and so on and so on.

>> No.3333828
File: 148 KB, 757x487, horsebotfly[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being upset over the loss of a troll thread
>wanting to discuss feminism with an MRA and a Redditor

>> No.3333829


>revulsion towards death and harm
>what evolutionary purpose

im starting to believe less and less in evolution with more fucking retards i see each day.

>> No.3333836


>turdvonefaggot saving the day

all of my suiciding suicides

>> No.3333839

first time i've ever felt the need to filter someone

>> No.3333848

>not already having him filtered

It's not even because of he shitposts, it's just how he has no self-awareness and actually thinks he's funny and intelligent. It's just painful to witness someone so oblivious.

>> No.3333850
File: 41 KB, 620x406, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You really are the best poster on /lit/.

>> No.3333852

>When tripfags go bad
I just filtered them for the other thread, should have done it ages ago as they're never on topic. Notice how they bumped this as well

>> No.3333854


congratulations faggot and why haven't you done it sooner? now you can devote your full attention to the remaining 3 posters

>> No.3333863
File: 132 KB, 561x684, fourniers-gangrene2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you stop bumping this

>> No.3333872

How do you filter someone?

>> No.3333880


you have to believe

>> No.3333875

best thread on 4chna

who wants to talk about schopenhauer?

>> No.3333874


oh but i know that you know that i am the most intelligent (now that deep doesnt post here anymore) and only non-hunchback depressing waste of life in this board. you need me you stagnant heap of meat.

>> No.3333881

>i am the most intelligent (now that deep doesnt post here anymore)
what happened to the real santa?

>> No.3333882


its a chrome app if you use chrome but there's other ways

>> No.3333892


there is no real santa. santa fluctuates. and lets not get ahead of ourselves. you should know genuine admiration from strategic namedropping.

>> No.3333896


>strategic namedropping.

So you're saying that you're actually smarter than D&E?

>> No.3333900


isnt it clear? i won debates with him last year when he was like 41 and with a doctorate and i was a drugged up sophomore college student. but i do miss that old 'define subjectivity' bit.

>> No.3333917
File: 125 KB, 1280x720, 1357440178612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In an anarcho-capitalist society, you would be free to live in a community without feminism. You might even be able to find somewhere with laws that let you enslave women!

>> No.3333923

>why aren't there more female libertarians?!?!?

>> No.3333925
File: 82 KB, 500x392, libertarians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3333933

>not hate


>> No.3333937


>> No.3333943

>getting your opinions from a youtube channel

>> No.3333942
File: 801 KB, 2124x1717, 329448d1326225157-death-herod-agrippa-new-research-reveals-his-horrific-desease-fourniers-gangrene-skin-sloughed-off-1-[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most of the anarcho-capitalists i know are feminist women

>> No.3333946

I'm just providing educational material for the less intelligent /lit/ posters(feminists).

>> No.3333950
File: 71 KB, 500x396, tumblr_m8b9h8UPyU1qzb29vo1_500[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>expecting anti-feminists to have brains

>> No.3333954

Random youtube woman isn't an educational material love

>> No.3333955
File: 288 KB, 1200x800, Hemipelvectomy_gas_gangrene[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the thread that would not die

this dude died though i bet

>> No.3333959

I have a condition that makes me unable to read posts that lack a coherent argument. Unfortunately your post is appearing as blank.

>> No.3333972
File: 128 KB, 700x438, gangrene[3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


have you ever been able to see your own posts, then?

>> No.3334001

>mfw /jp/ has better moderation than /jp/

>> No.3334003

Finally! Someone who makes sense in a sea of idiots!

>> No.3334028

Feminists are striving for female supremacy, not equality.

Prove me wrong.

>> No.3334045

>pls respond

>> No.3334081


Stop trying to totalize your narrow worldview, kiddo.