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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 88 KB, 550x419, dirk-gently.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3330593 No.3330593 [Reply] [Original]

What are some laugh out loud hilarious reads?

>Pic related, almost a laugh every page.

>> No.3330597
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>> No.3330601


>> No.3330602

some of moby dick

>> No.3330606


I'd like to take this opportunity to bemoan the fact that of all the books I've read that have had "laugh-out-loud funny" on the cover, only a handful have really made me physically laugh. And fucking Lucky Jim ain't one.

Hunter Thompson always made me laugh, and, surprisingly, George Orwell. Down and Out in Paris and London is hilarious.

Vonnegut's a good laugh too.

>> No.3330608

Snow Crash
Breakfast of Champions
Catch 22
Infinite Jest
Don Quixote
A Confederacy of Dunces
The Trial
Waiting for Godot

>> No.3330610


Confederacy of Dunces FTW

>> No.3330626
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Check out David Sedaris, he has some hilarious stuff.

>> No.3330630

>A Confederacy of Dunces

That book is fucking abysmal.

>> No.3330636
File: 46 KB, 319x475, Cosmic-Banditos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosmic Banditos.

There Is a copy in /rs/ that I downloaded yesterday, and I'm thoroughly enjoying it.

>> No.3330650


I thought it was hilarious.

You can get fucked squarely in your puckered rose.

>> No.3330651


It's hilarious, I don't know what you're talking about. Since you know so much about humor why don't you tell me what books make YOU laugh?

>> No.3330662

>Since you know so much about humor...

>American trying to into humour.

>> No.3330663


...is that a sentence?

>> No.3330664


Not enough flibbidywutzits, teatime yarns and bangers in the gullet for ye, eh?

>> No.3330665

Welcome to 4chan, newfriend. You'll pick up the phrases soon enough.

>> No.3330667

I haven't read it in a while but i remember Robert Rankins The greatest Show off Earth being lol-worthy.. actually, i'm gonna reread it now!

>> No.3330668
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>> No.3330670

Better than moronic statements with a laughter track playing.

>> No.3330671
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>> No.3330683

Sade's Justine is very funny. The absurd amount of rape and perversity and the elaborate mechanicalness of the orgies are great. Also the Enlightenment style reasoning about why assfucking is superior and all the philosophical utterings between being shat on by little boys and the like are very entertaining.

>> No.3330688


Not to mention it's raging-boner inducing.

I've never read anything like it

>> No.3330694


Fuck, I've been smoked out!

>> No.3330695

You'll probably like Henry Miller's Opus Pistorum. Not nearly as depraved as Sade, but a fun read. It's mostly just smut. I believe he got paid by the page. There's transgenerational incest and satanic orgies though.

>> No.3330740


>transgenerational incest and satanic orgies

Finding a copy as we speak.

>> No.3330832

Oh mang, D. Gently's HDA is one of the funniest books I read.
>dat horse in the bathroom scene

Oh, and the tv adaptation is horrible

>> No.3330897


Absolute shit.

>> No.3330978

I found Inherent Vice quite funny.

>> No.3331042


Nobody gives a fuck, you cocksucker. Seriously, why the fuck do you think you can mosey right on in to this board and start spewing opinions from your nethers like anybody gives a single flying shit? Go fuck yourself raw and with a vengeance. Seriously. You are the cancer that is destroying this board. You are the fucking plague. You are Megiddo in the spring. Go killyourself and take your family with you. Nobody wants you here and they never did. You're a fucking waste. A piece of trash. I will hunt your pretentious ass down until I find you and I will leave your body as a platter of goodies for passing vultures. The solid bits in my sputum are worth more than you ever were or ever will be. Pork yourself raw on a poker. Leave and never look back. I'm fucking serious.

>> No.3331113


is this type of language really necessary i just want to read some funny books

>> No.3331120

inherent vice, op

>> No.3331151

inherent vice was hilarious

>> No.3331183

I can hook you up with an epub if needed.

>> No.3331242


>> No.3331256


I don't have an e-reader, and I'm planning on going through Tropic of Capricorn first anyway as it's sitting in my room, but feel free to post it for /lit/

>> No.3331295

John Dies at the End and the sequel This Book Is Full of Spiders by David Wong.

Horror/comedy that actually got me to laugh. Bonus fun for me: the generic /lit/izen that actually reads these gets butthurt whenever these books are mentioned. They started off as a web serial and the writing is not exceptional (but not terrible either), therefore /lit/ must pour its ire upon them.

>> No.3331297

Any book by Bill Bryson.

>> No.3331301


Go to bed, Wang Chung

>> No.3331312

Huh? I am an 80s band now?

>> No.3331316

+1 for Cosmic Banditos.

>> No.3331448

Hey, where's the epub?

>> No.3331612


Pretty much dead on.

>> No.3331647
File: 53 KB, 380x480, henry_miller_by_man_ray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry guys, I was eating dinner. I figured I might as well upload all the Henry Miller stuff I have. Not sure about the quality, haven't looked at them yet.


>> No.3331658

I don't think ire is a liquid or can be poured.

>> No.3331666

poetic license
The liberty taken by an artist or a writer (or 4chan poster it seems) in deviating from conventional form or fact to achieve a desired effect.

>> No.3331670

But surely this is too far! Giving physical form and properties to an abstract conception like ire?! My mind is literally reeling from the implications of setting such a dangerous precedent.

>> No.3331677
File: 43 KB, 358x480, pale-fire-doyle-m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pale Fire is pretty funny

>> No.3331697

Future Eden
anything Douglas Adams
Discworld series

>> No.3331714

Living on the cutting edge of the English language isn't for everyone and I know how scary anything less than a century old is for /lit/. Perhaps you should take a break and let your heart settle.

>> No.3331721

Fine so be it, if you want to live in the topsy turvy world of rolling resentment and inflatable ideas then that's your choice. I'm going for a walk.

>> No.3331725


Funny because of how terrible it is.

>> No.3331734

Can someone confirm this link

>> No.3331741
File: 71 KB, 724x585, snapshot15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it works

>> No.3331752
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>tfw your good deeds are met with suspicion

>> No.3331792

>oi he's a wanker
>10/10 couldn't stop laughing better than Monty Python


>> No.3331963


Seconding this, very funny read.

>> No.3332010


Look, troll. Not only does Ignatius hit WAY too close to home for some anon, but Myrna as an entity is also a rageful show to them: misogyny, fat acceptance, the need to get laid...

BUT JONES. Jones is key to the hilarity. You have every other character absorbed in high stakes and high drama, commitment to their misguided notions at emotional zoom; and then you have the janitor.

For those of you near Richmond, VA who know of Myron "Turkey" Sweeden (dishwasher at tobacco company at 12th and cary); you now have the perfect portrait of what Jones is supposed to be.

Check out Myron "Turkey" Sweeden. He is the key to Confederacy.

>> No.3332016

>He is the key to Confederacy.
Can he unlock the shitty writing and terrible characters?

>> No.3332030
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>> No.3332039
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Robert Rankin in general, but I liked this one in particular. Christopher Moore also has some good stuff, especially A Dirty Job.

>> No.3332051

The Great Pursuit by Sharpe was funny. Many a chuckles there.

>> No.3332076

The series of Dirk Gently the BBC aired a while ago was excellent, shame they'd rather commission more terrible costume dramas.

>> No.3332084

it was genuinely hilarious, was nice to watch it after the Sherlock series finished to, good to lighten the mood.

>> No.3332108

Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy Series by Douglass Adams.

>> No.3333721



>> No.3333739

Naked Lunch was pretty funny. Burroughs in general was a funny guy, I believe he was even on SNL


>> No.3333803

Foucault's Pendulum
A Spell for Chameleon

>> No.3333871


I'll check this out.

>> No.3333909

I only laughed at some parts, I don't get how reptiles rubbing their dicks together to get high is funny. Actually, now that I say that it does seem pretty funny.

>> No.3333931
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>> No.3333939


>> No.3333974

Thanks for the better quality

>> No.3333989

I can't believe nobody suggested this yet, Huckleberry Finn!

>> No.3335849


Not very funny.

>> No.3335862

Well, I'm reading Smokescreen by Robert Sabbag right now. It's funny in the same way Guy Ritchie films are funny.

>> No.3336718
File: 27 KB, 564x676, 1348434648368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So, not at all?

>> No.3336719


U 'avin a laff m8?

>> No.3338157

i like this thread this is a good thread i am not op

>> No.3338216
File: 23 KB, 400x397, The-Good-Soldier-Svejk-Hasek-Jaroslav-9789626349137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3338291

The Man Who Was Thursday

>> No.3339476

great thread op! if i had anything to contribute i would but i dont geez i hope someone else can help this guy out.

>> No.3339546


Oh god I hadn't laughed this much from reading 4chan in years.

>> No.3339878
File: 84 KB, 419x582, scapa_cine _poate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty funny for my 15 yo self.

>> No.3339895

Confederacy of Dunces
Good Soldier Svejk
Three Men in a Boat/Three Men on the Bummel
At Swim-Two-Birds
Dead Souls
Anything by Beckett
All About H Hatterr

Infinite Jest and Ulysses

someone needs to make a humor chart a$ap

>> No.3339963

Importance of Being Ernest is funny. I know it's a play, but suck my dick
>or his, as we all know he was into that

>> No.3339987


Don Quixote Don Quixote Don Quixote

>> No.3340007

Boomsday by Christopher Buckley was pretty hilarious.

>> No.3341481
File: 23 KB, 387x281, 1350201739707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a great thread op whoo-boy i cant wait to bull out the ole kindle and get some of these funny books!

>> No.3341602

Why is Candide considered 'pleb'?

Because it's in the sticky?

>> No.3341791

Try a Lance Manion book. Short stories that are quite good. In the vein of George Carlin or David Sedaris.

>> No.3341808

you're all hopeless plebs

The Rape of the Lock is the funniest shit ever

"Restore the Lock!"

>> No.3342009

>not The Dunciad

>> No.3342066
File: 422 KB, 796x1268, artemisfowl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading this back when I was like 12 or 13, I found it hilarious seeing this teenager trying to kidnapp fairies to make some money. Then with the other books it starts getting sentimental and shitty.

>> No.3342909

Shut your whore mouth. The TV adaptation was great.

>> No.3343036

Too bad he didn't stay full asshole.

>> No.3344718


yeah dis is p gud

>> No.3344749

You may have no interest in basketball or the ABA, but if you're looking for an hysterical historical read, this is it.

It's an anecdotal history of the ABA told by those involved. As an added bonus Bob Costas got his start with the Spirits of St.Louis, so you get to read his sections in his voice.

>> No.3344750
File: 50 KB, 330x500, loose balls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meant to post pic. Drunk at 6am failure.

>Terry Pluto - Loose Balls

>> No.3345355


This is actually interesting as hell, I'll grab this from bookz.

>> No.3345385

Moab is my Washpot
By: Stephen Fry
An Autobiography
Though it may not be an intentionally comedic book, I found myself laughing during my read.(With a range of all other sorts of emotions)

>> No.3345549
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>> No.3345629

No "Money: A Suicide Note"?

I wanted to make a thread about it when I read it, I'm glad I found th e/lit/ recommended because that book was hilarious

Also Infinite Jest
The beginning of the book. I got bored and put it down.

>> No.3345678


How much of the book should I read before I throw it away?

>> No.3345699

Read until you stop being interested in it

Honestly I'll get back into it one day, I can't lie and say the first chapter wasn't funny, but then I think about starting to read it and remember how huge it is and I lose motivation

>> No.3345821

Proust in places
Douglas Adams
Machado D'Assiss - check out epitaph of a Small Winner

ps: Pynchon isn't funny

>> No.3345833

actually i'll delete vonnegut from that list

>> No.3345835

> People suggesting Don Quixote

I can't be the only one that found Don Quixote's ending terribly depressing.

>> No.3345945

has anyone read Scott Adam's(the dilbert comic strip artist) books. are they any good?

>> No.3345958



>> No.3345983

what are you trying to say?

>> No.3345997
File: 31 KB, 329x500, 416PV419GTL[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heller's Good as Gold

>> No.3346019

When Will Jesus Bring the Porkchops, by George Carlin

>> No.3346079

A. Lee Martinez is funny in a light-hearted, "lel so quarky xD" way.
>Snow Crash
Aside from Neal Stephenson's painful attempt at rapping and the Reason scenes, it wasn't notably funny.
>Breakfast of Champions
Slaughterhouse-Five is funnier, if you're humor is based around laughing at beta.

>> No.3346683

I really enjoy A Dirty Job, its pretty funny.

>> No.3346754

This guy knows what you mean OP. I think some people here have misread your request. I mean Don Quixote? Really? Laugh our loud hilarious? How sad is your life?