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3328419 No.3328419 [Reply] [Original]

>tl;dr: How do I write lyrics for songs?

At first I wanted to ask this on /mu/ but well, maybe you guys could help me more.

So I'm producing electronic music for years now, and I have a lot of songs which needs vocals. But I can't write lyrics. Nope. I read some books and articles on writing songs and lyrics but those didn't help at all. I don't want to write the best, deepest, most meaningful song ever, just some - not so dumb - catchy lyrics.

What do?

>> No.3328429

Grimes is shit.

I already know your music is awful.

You won't be able to write half-decent lyrics if you haven't been trying and failing for a long fucking time, kid.

Go back to your board and never look back, for the sake of all of us. Please.

>> No.3328440

>I read some books and articles on writing songs and lyrics but those didn't help at all

But you think a board on 4chan that has nothing to do with music can help?

Why the fuck do I still come here...

>> No.3328450

The only quality that routinely characterises bad lyricism is sense. If the meaning is overt, you're probably doing it wrong. Otherwise, just think of a theme and 'stream-of-consciousness' it. Bonus points for interesting vocabulary. If you know you can't fail, you can't (as circular and platitudinous as that sounds), it's really easy!

>> No.3328459

Whatever you do do not do what you really want to do.

>> No.3328466

-Keep a poetry journal, and jot down ideas.
-Don't worry about meter and structure too much, it sounds just as okay to put a 3 syllable word over a single beat as a 2.
-When writing ideas, keep a basic 4/4 with chords (I use Am,F,C,G) playing as a metronome. Having a basic pattern helps to structure your poems to music, then you can take these later and tailor them to different songs.
-Don't get to hung up on trying to be as intellectual as possible. Keep your verbosity down as this will come across as gimmicky; aim for metaphors and similes instead.

>> No.3328475
File: 33 KB, 598x448, Stop posting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3328482
File: 60 KB, 344x344, Beck123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>aim for metaphors and similes instead

>The sales climb high through the garbage pail sky
>Like a giant dildo crushing the sun

Greatest simile in music. Thanks, Beck.

>> No.3328485


You are the single worst poster on this board.

How does that feel when you look around you?

>> No.3328490

ooooohhhhh looky looky.

That there girl's got nippy nipps showing. Lets rub against legs and purrrr.

>> No.3328500

here are some lyrics OP I' ma professional lyricist for real musicians I've worked with lots of rappers and shiet you might've heard of some of them through the grapevine ;) wink wink, anyway here

and I know you tried to be
the thing that you always tried to see
when the world is at your door
I can't feel it anymore
so go~
(here's where the chorus usually go)
no need to hold onto the earth baby
where were goin we don't need that love on the dirth now baby
here inside the heart of things yeah (the heart of things aww)
don't ever let go~ oh

so yeah you can use that

>> No.3328516
File: 30 KB, 500x268, mg4wl86Mop1rpiitvo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a. grimes is alright but she's mostly bad

b. electronic music with vocals is shit unless you're grimes, in which case it will still be shit

>> No.3328529

meant to sage

>> No.3328609

electronic music is not known for deep vocals unless you get into hip hop.

Usually you get the vocalist you are going to record to come up with their own lyrics.

If not just copy the smiths


>> No.3328627


>electronic music with vocals is shit unless you're grimes, in which case it will still be shit

I bet you think electronic music = dubstep.

No son, fuck no. Electronic music has hundreds of different genres. Educate yourself a bit before saying bullshit.

>> No.3328631

>electronic music with vocals is shit

>> No.3328651

bro i love dubstep
i saw bassnectar in nashville nye2k13 it was insane

yeah but i don't even know what i was talking about i mean i love animal collective and everything i must have forgotten

>> No.3328659

I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.
See how they run like pigs from a gun, see how they fly.
I'm crying.
Sitting on a cornflake, waiting for the van to come.
Corporation tee-shirt, stupid bloody tuesday.
Man, you been a naughty boy, you let your face grow long.
Mister city policeman sitting
Pretty little policemen in a row.
See how they fly like Lucy in the Sky, see how they run.
I'm crying, I'm crying.
I'm crying, I'm crying.
Yellow mother custard, dripping from a dead dog's eye.
Crabalocker fishwife, pornographic priestess,
Boy, you been a naughty girl you let your knickers down.
I am the eggman, they are the eggmen.
I am the walrus, goo goo g'joob.

>> No.3328665

nice waifu you got there

>> No.3328718

if you could learn from starting a thread on 4chan . . . jesus

find a lyricist or singer/lyricist

>> No.3328846 [DELETED] 

Why the grimes hate? so far everyone just says "shit" w/o any reason. is this what /mu/ is like (I've never been)?

>> No.3328856


>Why the grimes hate?

Blowback from saturation.

She's OK but this bitch gets posted everywhere by teens on this site.

>> No.3328861



>> No.3328865


>> No.3328874
File: 59 KB, 513x586, 1357414392919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3328875

Her album is nice.
The problem is that last year was kinda of bad so she did get more attention then she deserved because of it.

Especially if you weren't into rnb, or the darker side of electronic music, 2012 was pitch black hell: grimes and dirty projectors. That's it.

>> No.3328886

she is a monstrous fraud with no sense of melody. her synth "solos" sound like me when I am just fucking around on a keyboard (i dont know how to play). her aesthetic barely qualifies as a parody of something that was annoying 5 years ago.

but yeah, this is what all oldfags say when the new shit drops. ever since the first time someone said "rock n roll is dead." so goes the evolution of alt music It's just sad that I feel this way at age 22.

>> No.3328895

>I love you too andy-kun always

She's not even tsundere, obviously. What's this guy's problem.

>> No.3328907

Think of something you want to say or talk about.
Think about phrases and words that sound nice
Try to build sentences and phrases around your chosen meter that you feel would best fit the song.
Don't worry about them too much. They will likely be ignored or filtered somehow, so just make sure it doesn't sound cacophonous. Justin Vernon (not the biggest Bon Iver fan, but I think this is interesting) just sort of improvises his lyrics, moving his mouth around what he feels would sound best at the moment. I think Jeff Mangum and the guy from Destroyer do this, too. Those artists I've mentioned usually have some idea of what their going to sing about first (I guess that will help words move along in the same direction).

>> No.3328908

Chromatics - Kill for Love is AOTY btw

>> No.3328909
File: 12 KB, 300x300, No skill-ex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is a monstrous fraud with no sense of melody.
>synth "solos" sound like me when I am just fucking around on a keyboard (i dont know how to play).
>barely qualifies as a parody of something that was annoying 5 years ago.

>> No.3328913

Become an amatuer lynguist and learn to symbolize sounds.
Writing sound/lyrics because cake.

>> No.3328915

As a 27 year old and a professional music journalist I can tell you that:

Not all moments have something for everyone. The important thing is that you don't lose your curiosity or your being open minded and keep listening. Oldfags become oldfags because the first time they meet a trend they don't like they trench themselves in what they liked in their golden years and refuse to acknowledge that anything good is happening.

For example I strongly dislike when a couple of years ago everyone was into shitgaze and garage rock.
But music went on and I had a lot of fun following the return of deep house in electronic music and the darker R&B singers (how to dress well, autre ne veut, the weeknd) or the stuff on Olde english spelling bee.

Stuff goes on, just hold tight till netx year and try to explore around. You listen to rock? Start listening to electronica, or jazz, or hip hop. and sooner or later you will find something amazing.

Ps. Grimes is basically the animal collective "don't give a shit" attitude with goth and southern rap.

>> No.3328919

That was nice but really did not do it for me.

Andy Stott, Vatican Shadow, Raime, Killer Mike and Kendrick Lamar are what did it for me this year.

>> No.3328921

This is good advice, people often have trouble writing a second verse because they're trying to find words that match the rhythm and cadence of the words in the first verse.

>> No.3328932

Killer Mike, Portico Quartet, Kendrick, and Actress all released things I liked. There was also that re-orchestration of The Four Seasons on Grammophon, that is probably worth checking out (I liked it). Not to mention, there was some cool stuff happening this year if you lurked bandcamp occasionally. (pile and Everything is Going to be Okay were some standouts).

>> No.3328937

replied to the wrong person. and I meant to sage. sorry