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File: 37 KB, 500x500, fall apart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3327159 No.3327159 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people hate this book so much?

>> No.3327165

Who are these people? Why aren't you asking them?

>> No.3327164

Because it's high school reading.
Personally, I had to read in it 10th grade and I liked it.

>> No.3327385


Didn't know people hated this book. I love it.

>> No.3327389

It's Marxist garbage

>> No.3327390

Surprise: people are pretentious.

>> No.3327407

Most post-colonialism is garbage.

>> No.3327438

Can we please start ignoring these shitty troll threads started by the same guy or guys who haven't read a good book in their lives, and whose entire repertoire is contained within "why do these hypothetical people hate this book I haven't read"?

>> No.3327442

Most people who read it are forced to do so in school. This is not conducive to liking a book, especially for a book that can easily seem stupid to a high school student (yams yams yams seashells yams kill a kid).

>> No.3327460

I've never known anyone to hate the book, most people who take issue do it with his conrad issue

>> No.3327465

On 4chan? Because niggers.
In real life? Because people were forced to read it in high school and didn't get it.

>> No.3327470

Somebody out there hates a book you like.
I, for one, loved things fall apart. And i think Achebe is as good an economist as Hemingway. GASP! Shut up.

>> No.3327489
File: 50 KB, 1024x768, laughingyams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when post-colonialism is taken seriously

>> No.3327504

I'm sorry what? Achebe wrote this book for the white man. And last time I checked Africa was still a fucking mess. Apartheid in SA too, Jesus man. You're just one arrogant little bitch aren't you?

>> No.3327551

that book made me want sweet potatoes and to make some palm wine
shit was boring
id say the same about the poisonwood bible and the other one that was in johannesburg

>> No.3327648

Achebe's books are fun! Especially things like Chike and the River

>> No.3328229
File: 212 KB, 1058x902, T00239_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“I’ve never understood the categorization of postcolonial writing. I’ve been sent papers where I’m talked about as a postcolonial novelist, but I’m never sure about the definition. Does ‘postcolonial’ mean writing that came out in the postcolonial era? Or does it have to come from a country that used to be part of an empire, and which, after the colonies started to devolve, changed into an independent state? Or does it mean writing by people who don’t have white skin? I often suspect the latter is the accurate definition.”
— Kazuo Ishiguro

>> No.3328281

"Also, I really hate all of this politically correct, cultural studies bullshit. If you mention the phrase “postcolonialism,” I say, “Fuck it!” Postcolonialism is the invention of some rich guys from India who saw that they could make a good career in top Western universities by playing on the guilt of white liberals."

- Slavoj Žižek

>> No.3328287
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>> No.3328289

wow this quote is actually a great one