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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 547 KB, 2800x2100, new.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3315919 No.3315919 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /book/, look what I did*.

*not implying that I made the whole thing

>> No.3315921

Are you implying you made any of it? Because I either seen that identical or at least extremely similar image posted here fairly often.

>> No.3315927

Did you add what I think is Zizek in the bottom right?

>> No.3315931

Lol, I love it.

Who is the last one? Zizek?

>> No.3315928

I added one.

>> No.3315929


>> No.3315933

>Wanting any credit for anything

this is why we can't have nice things

>> No.3315935

Haha I love what you did with the nose.

>> No.3315938

Where's Dawkins? And Hitchens? And Carl Sagan?

>> No.3315940

That Zizek is horrible, it doesn't remind him at all.

>> No.3315944

fuck off cocksucker.

also, what the fuck is Darwin doing there? he ain't no philosopher.

>> No.3315952

That's deep.

>> No.3315954

I hardly see Zizek's picture and barely know what he looks like but I knew that it was him at first glance.

Also I love the rabbit/duck behind Witgy

>> No.3315956
File: 11 KB, 200x219, 1332217372935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can argue whether Cicero and Jesus is as well, depends on the definition or use of the word.

But yeah, Darwin was merely one of guys credited with the already existing theorization of evolution, his science wasn't that good. He's equivalent to a celeb.

>pic related, one of the newest philosophers

>> No.3315960

>dem popped collars on kierkegaard

>> No.3315974

>pic related, one of the newest philosophers

on behalf of all the philosophers and /lit/, i dare to say - seriously, kid, kill yourself

>> No.3315984

lolling at poor sad schopy

>> No.3315989
File: 71 KB, 448x473, 1339660193561[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jumps from Augustine to Aquinas

>Ibn Sina after Aquinas even though he was one of his major influences and born 3 centuries before him

I realize that it isn't serious or anything, but this chart has always been kinda shit.

>> No.3316000

Jesus christ, you fags. It's just a little funny picture, it's not about importance or anything like that, more about recognizing those guys and having a laugh.

aspie fucks

>> No.3316005

I lol'd at the invisible hand

>> No.3316029

Kill yourself

>> No.3316040
File: 833 KB, 200x150, 1353085848392.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Sam Harris

>> No.3316043

Could you draw the flames of hell around that faggot please?

>> No.3316045

Stop pushing agenda into a simple joke.

>> No.3316051

You're dumb as fuck.

>> No.3316103
File: 39 KB, 137x150, 1332217586169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>/lit/ in charge of not getting sarcasm

>> No.3318995

Zizek <333

>> No.3318997

Why does Sam Harris' face make me angry?

He always looks so damn sure of himself.

>> No.3319000

I am disappointed that Bacon was not literally a strip of bacon.

>> No.3319003

This shit is physically painful to watch.


>> No.3319005

i know people that knew marcuse and they say he had this reputation for always wearing unbuttoned shirts and sporting that chest hair

>> No.3319008

>no female philosophers
>no persons of color philosophers
>all cisgendered

Must be nice to look at culture through privileged eyes.

>> No.3319012
File: 42 KB, 328x328, 1324502019305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is a thing

>> No.3319026

Why is it painful? Someone explain to me what's wrong with Sam Harris, I genuinely want to understand.

>> No.3319031


Reductive as fuck

Can't into philosophy at all

>> No.3319032
File: 64 KB, 500x631, backinthedays.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3319037

Oh, well, he's a neuroscientist, not a philosopher. Unlike a theoretical thinker, he has actual evidence for his claims.
I can see why that might bother some people.

>> No.3319040

Oh, ok. That does sound bad.
Still, from what I've seen, he fulfills his purpose. For example, I've never seen him lose an argument with a religious person. And yes, I know that's no special feat, I'm just saying.

>> No.3319055


It only bothers me when neuroscientists think they have any claim as to what defines 'well-being' or how to go about finding the best way to arrive at this.


That is in no way a special feat, and not something that should be praised

>> No.3320322

>many cultures think X
>therefore we should think X