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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 79 KB, 331x500, 12-fight-club-book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3308629 No.3308629 [Reply] [Original]

Why does /lit/ hate this book?

>> No.3308636

Hate is such a hard word, I would say that /lit/ avoids to talk about it.

>> No.3308635

I wouldn't say I hate it, but I don't think it deserves the praise it receives from teenage males who read it and believe it to be literary gospel.

>> No.3308643

It's not as funny as befits something written by a man with that name.
In reality it's because it's brought up way too often. We've all read or seen the movie. You're a troll, too, so fuck off.

>> No.3308640

Of course, them being teenage males, they will grow up. If Fight Club is their entryway to more significant and better-written literature, that's not an entirely bad thing.

>> No.3308648

The people who are eager to talk about are ignorant and stupid.
That said it's an OK book, though not one for the ages.

>> No.3308669

The movie was better.

>> No.3308682

Hell I even liked Survivor and Snuff, but I really don't get all the hype about this book, it's Palaniuk's shittiest book besides the one that's a bunch of interviews or whatever. The movie was gay too, it had a bunch of 3edgy5me actors and "clever" narration, 1/5 didn't finish

>> No.3308724

Period Piece.

>> No.3308763

Because it's one of the rare occurences where the original book is a way worse than the film made of it.

>> No.3308770

Because Palahniuk is a fucking awful, edgy 3deep6me shit author who writes the same book over and over again.

>> No.3308778

lucky them

My introduction was Atlas Shrugged

>> No.3308781

>edgy 3deep6me shit
so I take it you're a fucking retard?

>> No.3308787

Ive read this and tried to read Choke and I can tell you the latter was worse.

From what I remember it was an entertaining read with a cliche message underlying but then again so many books are.

>> No.3308790

He's right though.

>> No.3308834

No, I'm just not a tasteless teenager impressed by how much OMGSOGROSS shit packed into his books. I don't need to read something so *mature and adult* to validate how grown-up I am. He uses vulgarity to mask his shortcomings as a writer. He's the worst kind of exploitative, commercial garbage, masked by a decidedly pseudo-intellectual pretension.

>> No.3308837

It's the r/atheism of literature

>> No.3308902

No they're both absolute shit

I'd actually say the movie was even worse because it didn't even portray the original work accurately which leads to white hicks everywhere lauding it as epic inspo for anarcho primitivism

>> No.3308939

ironically, I knew more people who are right-wing (see: >>3308778 ... Hey, we were all young once) who loved that movie, for the same reason Paul Ryan loves Rage Against the Machine: They just don't pay attention to the message and just dig the style.

>> No.3308971

Wow. So much hate. I liked the movie, didn't finish the novel though. There's something about his writing style that's really grating. Also I already knew the twist, since I watched the movie first.

>> No.3308984

I don't like it because even though it is good it is also popular and I can't enjoy anything popular because then I get thrown in with everyone else and I'm not unique anymore. Man I love Infinite Jest!

>> No.3308993

Interesting, I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

>> No.3309003

Naw, he's just right. Paluniuk does identify a general malaise among young males who have no outlet for their energy and need for violence, and a problem with a female dominated culture, but his books def pander to the common denominator for no real purpose.

>> No.3309010

It's a shame that Palahniuk is utter shit, or this would be a clever little joke post.

>> No.3309021

ITT: People who haven't read the book

>> No.3309039

Maybe not literary genius but he isn't complete shit.

>> No.3309054

>ITB: People who haven't read the book

>> No.3309065

No, he definitely is. His books are the most vacuous, prentious, valueless, vapid, aggressively offensively terrible wastes I've ever had the misfortune to encounter.

>> No.3309066


This is true.

When I first started browsing I thought /lit/ knew their shit. Then I started actually reading for myself. So many people here know nothing that's not in a Wikipedia article, about literature or philosophy.

Fight Club's okay for Palahniuk, typical shock-shlock but damn fun and easily readable in a sitting

>> No.3309130

Ive read the book about 18 times, in highschool. That was '98, '99. Now im 30 and I can recognize it as juvenile lit that strongly appeals to young men.

>ITT, people who have read fight club, are over the age of 17, and see it for what it is.

OP if you want "literature" that is dedicated to violent young men, I recommend Battle Royale

>> No.3309133

Well that just uh just like your uh opinion man.

>> No.3309137

People wouldn't just lie on the internet...

>> No.3309147

This may be true, but assuming a lie about reading fight club on a lit forum that is predominantly young men interested in books born between 1980 and 1994 is pretty silly.

>> No.3309160

Its the fucking Hunger Games for young nihilistic men. Everybody has read it. Do you think you are a special flower because you have?

>> No.3309167

lol nice tie in with the book about special snowflake flower things.

Honestly though, this book introduced me to nihilism and I wish I would have never read only because it softened the blow in The Stranger.

>> No.3309177

You've clearly never had to deal with a rabid Palahniuk fan. That's where the vitriol stems from.

>> No.3309173

Is there any reason other than "lol teenagers"?

Sure it's not a literary classic, but it's still okay. There are much worse books out there to direct one's hate towards.

>> No.3309188


>> No.3309184

I've never read it but your hatred towards it is just as pathetic as it's existence.

>> No.3309183

>Paluniuk does identify a general malaise among young males who have no outlet for their energy and need for violence, and a problem with a female dominated culture
is there any books that deal with this that aren't shit?

>> No.3309191

>this book introduced me to nihilism

Holy shit

I wonder how people can enjoy something and yet COMPLETELY missing the poin

>> No.3309196

It's almost like art is subjective.

>> No.3309202


>> No.3309203
File: 10 KB, 256x256, 1346538372012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get a load of this guy

>> No.3309206

wweeeiiirrrd huh? I'm not even the guy you were talking to.

>> No.3309210

why does it matter?

>> No.3309211

>It's almost like art is subjective

It's almost like you're a white hick with no cultural capital who deflects his complete inability to take input at but the shallowest level as 'b-b-b-but subjective!'

Having different appreciation =\= being completely unable to discern a piece's intent (which is surprising, consider how shallow CP's work already is)

Seriously, I don't know what's worse
Fight Club or the people it panders to

>> No.3309216

So the problem is less with the book or any literary merit it might contain and more to do with a bone-headed fanbase that blows its worth way out of proportion?

I feel that way about most literature in general. Especially when you start discussing the classics. Nothing is more annoying than a snobby Shakespeare fanatic.

And bronies. Fucking bronies. The show itself isn't half bad (in the sense that you could watch it with your kid daughter without wanting to kill yourself) but fucking bronies...

>> No.3309217

Why doesn't it matter?

See, I can shit out 9th grade level rhetoric shitposts too.

>> No.3309218

I've never read fight club. Just making fun of those who hate it vehemently. get a life.

>> No.3309224


>I'm spending my evening arguing about things I'm completely unfamiliar with

>Literary criticism? G-G-G-G-Get a life...!!!


>> No.3309231

no one cares, you're gay

>> No.3309233

Yes, let the jimmies rustle through you.

>> No.3309238

such an epic meme bro xD

u just pwn3d him xDDDDDDDDD

>> No.3309248
File: 97 KB, 640x480, winechan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you dont have to pretend like a different person you lil' samefag you! You're being naughty...

>> No.3309252

Prove me wrong, fags

>> No.3309254

I'm not sure where you're from, but as someone who spent more time in the American South than I'd care to admit, a hick is generally somebody whose sole sources of entertainment are rodeos, right-wing AM talk radio, and country music, and who thinks that books are for sissies.

Just keeping things in perspective

>> No.3309259

Other books exist.

>> No.3309281


Not me, but keep shitposting some more and maybe you'll convince anyone of how aloof you are, hicklet


Hick = anyone with low cultural capital

>> No.3309294

Your ID is "I'm Gay". You just called me a "hicklet". The irony in all of this...come on man. Your maturity level is non existent.

>> No.3309299

you = fag

>> No.3309319

>The irony

You really need to brush up on basic semantics.

>> No.3309322

Nah, you need to take a look in the mirror.

>> No.3309327
File: 50 KB, 564x356, U_spurdo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fugggg bro he mad total nihilism here xD

>> No.3309330

Why samefag? Why?

>> No.3309341

fug bro u mad now? come on bro xD

>> No.3309350

over it



>> No.3309354

Right, but the difference is that hicks don't even try. You'd sooner catch one an hero himself with a chainsaw before you catch one debating literature online with all of us "dorks". At worst you get tryhards who push novels like Catcher in the Rye, Atlas Shrugged, or Fight Club like they were the first human being to discover literature (sorry guys, I really liked Fight Club too, but I certainly wouldn't put it in the God-tier of world literature)

I don't think you're appreciating just how low intellectual standards are in the shit south.

>> No.3309506


Spoken like a man with refined taste.