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File: 44 KB, 540x405, cthulhuFB1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3304994 No.3304994 [Reply] [Original]

Does it absolutely fucking infuriate anyone else when they see people with Cthulhu shirts/dolls/accessories, who constantly spout shit like "Cthulhu Phtagn!" etc. and they haven't actually read ANY Lovecraft?

It drives me crazy. And not seeing-trans-dimensional-beings-in-my-sleep crazy. More like punch-a-kitten-in-the-face crazy.

Also: Lovecraft appreciation thread. Anyone ever read "Sweet Ermengarde"? It's the only humorous story of his I've read, and it's fucking hilarious.

>> No.3305001

> reading lovecraft and being older than 14


>> No.3305009
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>being on 4chan and being older than 14
We're not so different, you and I.

>> No.3305018

well fuck, u have pwnd me sir.

>> No.3305035

>it's so terrible I can't describe it
>lol jk I'll just use a bunch of words no one uses

>> No.3305042
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Think nothing of it, my good man. We all have our opinions, and it will be a cold day in hell before I hold it against another man/woman to express theirs. This is AMERICA DAMN IT. (at least where I am, for all I know you are, in fact, trapped in some freedom-hating cesspool like Canada. In which case you will soon be liberated, I am sending word to you via a telegram concealed within a chess piece concealed within a nesting doll concealed within a loaf of french baguette, which has been hidden among a package of fake baguettes. The password is "Cellar Door". You'll know when to use it)

>> No.3305052
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>words no one uses
>except most of his contemporaries, and everyone else at the time.

>> No.3305065

>at the time
if that time was ~50 years before his birth, then sure

>> No.3305077

Would you give me some examples?

>> No.3305108

he uses archaisms and considered himself a child of a previous age

I cannot tell you how many words I had heard from lovecraft first

>> No.3305113

this is like if a frat boy got into the fraternity without having to take part in the humiliating initiation ceremony. All the other frat boys are pissed off because, "Well I had to go through it, why didn't HE! It's not fair that he gets to stand amongst us without suffering the way I did."

It pisses you off to see somebody reaping the benefits of associating themselves with a group without actually going through the painful process of joining the hard & honorable way.

I think it must be down to people's conception of "justice". People experience pain in acquiring a reward, and they think it only just that others experience pain in acquiring the same reward. If somebody can get something without having to go through any of the hard stuff it is an arrogant display, it's like he's saying he's better than the rest. That's why groups always have the initiation ceremonies I bet, it's so that "everybody is equal, nobody is above the group, everybody in the group had to debase themselves to join and become equal."

>> No.3305118

actually they're just following trends, nice try though

>> No.3305120

>considered himself a child of a previous age

a classic symptom of a misanthrope

>> No.3305126

No he's still right and your point is entirely contained within his point - you're angry that they're "just following trends" because they haven't EARNED it. They're not REALLY one of you. They're poseurs.

>> No.3305132

>They're poseurs
pretty much

though he said it as a kind of "initiation ritual" to like lovecraft, I fail to see it like that

I see it more as people following something popular, and take great pride in remaining ignorant about it, no initiation required. I fail to see how that's an initiation of sorts.

>> No.3305147

the initiation is reading it

the painful part of reading Lovecraft is that awareness of likely being called a "nerd" if you were found to be reading it.
That's the only reason why I can see you'd be so pissed off by it, that they get away with telling people they like Lovecraft without having to go through the isolating experience of reading.

>> No.3305155

you're angry because they haven't gone through the effort and sacrifice and time and commitment that you consider it necessary to be considered "legitimate" / "authentic" (that's what he means by 'initiation') and you have done that but they still make claims to being authentic. so they're posers and it's essentially a question of legitimacy. it's exactly what he said.

>> No.3305158

I merely feel sorry for those people.

They think they like Lovecraft but yet haven't read it? They're missing out, plain and simple!

>> No.3305183


there's no reason it should make you mad