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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 258 KB, 976x1000, Faulkner-Sound-and-Fury-1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3296872 No.3296872 [Reply] [Original]

You have 10 seconds to explain why pic related isn't the greatest novel of all time

>> No.3296877

You have 10 seconds to explain why it is

>> No.3296882

It's not as good as The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.3296903

Ce n'est pas un livre.

>> No.3297380

Because Moby Dick, or Brothers Karamazov.

That was easy. Though OP is a strong contender

>> No.3297394

How can it be a strong contender if there are easy examples of greater novels?

>> No.3297401

>bros karamazov
i'm reading this now.
how should i approach the novel to appreciate it best? i know nothing about Dostoevsky at all

>> No.3297406

hue hue

>> No.3297416

>how should i approach the novel to appreciate it best?

Reading each page sequentially until I reached the end of the book worked pretty well for me

>> No.3297419

Because he also wrote Absalom, Absalom

>> No.3297429

do you suggest reading all the words sequentially from left to right from the top down, as well?

>> No.3297440
File: 68 KB, 508x600, 1355706774182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally, I enjoyed how nearly every character has a counterpart and how Dostoesvky approaches these dichotomies and gives logical arguments for both sides. In this way, he manages to capture all of 19th century Russia into one book. And then there's sweet Aloysha, who is left to essentially witness everything.

I also love his narration style. He knows how to make something feel less like a novel and more like him sitting you down and telling you a story in person.

>> No.3297441

Er.. and the OP in the name was an accident.

>> No.3297444


>And all the lives we ever lived

>And all the lives to be,

>Are full of trees and changing leaves,

>she murmured, sticking her needles into the stocking. And she opened the book and began reading here and there at random, and as she did so she felt that she was climbing backwards, upwards, shoving her way up under petals that curved over her, so that she only knew this is white, or this is red. She did not know at first what the words meant at all.

--Virginia Woolf

This is clearly the most patrician way of consuming literature and art in general

>> No.3297446

That was obvious and unnecessary. Please give us some credit.

>> No.3297452

Because it's not Gravity's Rainbow ya doofus

>> No.3297453
File: 58 KB, 475x484, 1334344596173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which makes your post unnecessary by extension.

Chill out, dude.

>> No.3297458


stop posting photoshopped girls you virg

>> No.3297461

how does it feel having to go through life only ever scoring filthy disgusting hambeasts?

>> No.3297463

It made that post unnecessary by extension as well.

>> No.3297467


yobs gone d4ft m8

>> No.3297479

About halfway through myself. I like to take notes after each chapter, but I do that for every book. If I was starting again, I'd keep a chart of the characters and how each is related.

>> No.3297482


>can't even see how poorly that body is shopped

lol nice work you basement king

>> No.3297550


your a fucking retard.