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/lit/ - Literature

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3292089 No.3292089 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3292105

pretentious, self-proclaimed intellectual bourgeois who is unaware of his Dunning-Kruger effect

>> No.3292120
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>> No.3292130

>using all those words
OP didn't say describe yourself

>> No.3292129

Teenager who thinks he has it all figured out. Shows little grace or humility. Though this is mostly due to the safety of anonymity.

Average. I see some nice posters too.

>> No.3292133

Is lit a beautiful young boy?

>> No.3292138

people should at least wait until their 30s before acting like they have it all figured out.

>> No.3292140

even the shirts the same color.

>> No.3292144
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>is a cat

>> No.3292145


>> No.3292160

more like 40/50

>> No.3292163

I'd say there are two halves.

1: Pretentious faggots who hold their taste above everyone else's and would rather belittle another person's interests than actually read (I.E. The general 4chan user)

2. A person who actually wants to discuss philosophy and literature.

>> No.3292170
File: 62 KB, 631x612, ignatiusjreillyx13j2xe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also works for /v/

>> No.3292171


you must go to reddit

>> No.3292173

Or the Underground Man

>> No.3292178


ha. good call.

>> No.3292196

>Actually being insulted by that.
>Proudly being a part of /lit/
Wow, you guys are fucking pitiful.

>> No.3292215

No one was insulted by it, you're just retarded.

>> No.3292243

>Getting rustled enough to reply
>Implying you weren't offended.
Fuck off, you retarded faggot.

>> No.3292251

People who've read the same ten books or so and discuss them over and over. They are interested in reading because they either study English or/and want to be writers themselves. Not the worst board on 4chan and relatively open-minded but also very repetitive and arrogant. Try really hard to sound smart. I feel like I'm describing myself rather than /lit/ and I know this is a trap. You're trying to make me look like a fool, aren't you ;_;

>> No.3292256

Wow, you did it perfectly. Self-important and self-righteous but also so insecure that you can't get a sentence out without qualifying yourself. Good job!

>> No.3292257

This is more accurate than Ignatius. Ignatius is a caricature of most /lit/ users.

>> No.3292269
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>> No.3292285

I'd add a third category to that: those who like to chat with others who have similar interests. I'm certainly nowhere near as well-read as most folks here claim to be, but I do like to hear what they have to say.

>> No.3292293


Let's make it a thing.

>> No.3292303


>> No.3292358


>in denial

>> No.3292369

Everyone in this thread who thinks /lit/ is a hive need to lurk for more than a day

>> No.3292386

Lately, I would say the average /lit/ browser is an underage pseudo-intellectual who mimics popular critical tradition, has no opinion of his own, and hasn't even begun to draw close to becoming well-read. He has nothing interesting or intelligent to say, and can only rehash the most base analysis or criticism and always sides with whatever consensus he thinks will make him look the most astute and clever.

>> No.3292455
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Shit, that sounds like me.
I'll work on it.

>> No.3292461

ITT: we put ourselves on a pedestal

>> No.3292494

You're just feeling caught.
Stop messing with crazies or I'll kill you.

>> No.3292503


jesus christ, stop using buzzword that you don't know the meaning of.

nobody on 4chan is bourgeois.

jesus fucking christ.

>> No.3292529

we are all petite bourgeois. WE FUCKING READ BOOKS FOR LEISURE.

>> No.3292547

yeah, garbage men read books for leisure too. unless you were born into extreme wealth and social power, you are not bourgeois.

>> No.3292545

i go to an ivy league school, and will never take out a loan in my life.

sure as hell aint part of the labor class..

>> No.3292576
File: 70 KB, 248x252, 1346790769706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh look everbody, a 14 year old that has no fucking idea he's babbling about.

newsflash - it can be used perfectly fine in various forms of phrasing, as long as it is comprehensible in the context.

>> No.3292579


sorry, there aren't enough buzzwords in your post for me to take you seriously.

>> No.3292583

All of or nearly all of the west are bourgeois, the proletariat have been outsourced to third world countries.

>> No.3292586

>has no opinion of his own
there is no such thing as "your own" opinion, dumbass. read more; especially epistemology.

>> No.3292590

>extreme wealth

Definition of BOURGEOIS
: of, relating to, or characteristic of the social middle class

Do you even use the dictionary? The social middle class is not extremely wealthy, this is not what bourgeois means at all.

>> No.3292601

Depends really in what context you use it in

>> No.3292614


It's just an expression you stupid faggot. What an asinine thing to point out.

>> No.3292620

in the most distorted and socially detached context of course

>> No.3292623

oh look my caption says "you retardg"

>> No.3292628


>> No.3292635

look at these idiots, you're not living in a proust novel, you fucking turds. grow the fuck up and come back here when you have hit puberty. i feel sorry for anyone that comes into close contact with you, for not just the odorous secretions that inhabit your flabby bodies but for the severe lack of intellect that you hold in your insecure and ignorant little minds.

>> No.3292640

>you're not living in a proust novel, you fucking turds

>> No.3292646

nice retort, kiddo.

>> No.3292649

Pretty cool guy.

Better than your average 4chan browser by far.

We're all in this shit together

>> No.3292661

Hey, don't blame me that you don't verbosely lament having insomnia like the cool /lit/izens.

>> No.3292667

like so

>> No.3292677

what are you talking about

>> No.3292682

I know, right? A lot of self-hating here.

>> No.3292687

>thinks he is smarter than average

just like the rest of 4chan

>> No.3292691

The best personality on 4chan, but not the best board on 4chan.

>> No.3292692


Very few of the posters on /b/ or /v/ are over 18.

Nice try, though

>> No.3292693

Why are you posting on here?

>> No.3292921


>The best personality

I don't even lurk there and even I know /sp/ has us beat on that one. It isn't even close.

In fact our collective personalities are pretty loathsome and arrogant. Just plain shitty, really.

>> No.3292925

>/sp/, /tg/, and /k/ are the best boards

>> No.3293907

Marxists, feminists, leftists who have never worked a day in their life or ever left the house and think they've got it all figured out.

Shit taste in books, too.

>> No.3293911

/sp/ is by far the best board in terms of the quality and inventiveness of the shitpost

>> No.3293946
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>You're just a naive X years old young man. Wait until you get Z years old...like me!

>> No.3294020

>White male, but more females than other boards
>In college or otherwise non-gainfully employed
>Has read or partially read one or two books of famous philosophers, and believes that their thoughts are applicable to most domains
>likely to have some mental illness, as the bipolar thread indicated or just garden variety depression brought on by no gf etc
>Wants to get back into reading but doesn't know how
>Is interested in speed reading
>Wants to know which book you'd recommend them
>Wants you to prove them wrong

>> No.3294069

Thsi right here:


>> No.3294076

can you tell me please, dear monsieur, what is there to figure out once i'll start working?