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/lit/ - Literature

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3291055 No.3291055 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a piece of literature as deep as Evangelion?

>> No.3291056

Is there a piece of literature that isn't as deep as Evangelion?

>> No.3291058

I asked first :p

>> No.3291059


Is there a piece of ass as deep as YO MOMMA?

Yeah, plenty, but none that involve robots and teh rei

>> No.3291062

Confirmed for poor reading comprehension.

>> No.3291065

No it's not idiot

>> No.3291071

Confirmed for poor reading comprehension.
>No it's not idiot
>it's not
This just keeps getting better and better!

>> No.3291074

What is Evangelion?

>> No.3291076


Try any of the philosophical texts Evangelion rips off.

>> No.3291079

Does /a/ still sing anime intros?
I remember that JIBUNNN WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO guy was pretty good.

Do you do these thread like bi-monthly or something? I wonder if it's like a set date on a calender or something.

It doesn't seem like anything can really be deeper than Hideki Anno's depression.

>> No.3291082


Oh and go read about Keirkegaarde's life. Replace "piloting" with "fucking chicks and getting drunk" and Soren is basically Shinji.

>> No.3291102

I dunno but Shinji's a cutie and makes great yaoi with Kaworu.

>> No.3291114

Is there an >>>/a/ as >>>/a/ as >>>/a/?

>> No.3291112
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Oh boy, I get to post this:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vanjlXLN5o

All bullshit aside, episode 25 and 26 - what philosophers was Hideaki Anno reading when that was written.

A lot of it seems existentialist - Shinji coming to terms with the idea that piloting is the only thing that gives him meaning. Some of it focuses on identity - Rei worrying about what she is when there are multiple copies of her. Some of it seems solipsistic - Shinji changes the world by changing his perspective on it. Some of it seems... Misato realizes that she wants to fuck her father, and seemingly every other man on the show. I don't know if there is a philosopher who deals with that, maybe Rand.

>> No.3291116

It's very Freudian

>> No.3291127

You're very Freudian

And by Freudian I mean homosexual. Go away.

>> No.3291133


Holy shit the dub of Eva is horrible.

>> No.3291144

Holy shit >>>/a/

>> No.3291983

I think of Evangelion as being to Ender's Game what Gankutsuou was to The Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.3292001
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superior post-modern anime


>> No.3292010
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some really amazing poetry;

Statue of the Reaper, its head spinning
A bell rings, as if to expand the subject
The rooster crows, the window opens
The Twelve Apostles are just like puppets
Continuing a grand procession without blinking

Ancient orrery (celestial clock)
My twelve constellations

From ancient times in my body
A hundred towers rise up
Internal scenery, ideal city
Church in a graveyard, a monastery

The Earth's eye, an example of movement
An intellectual statue, a constellation of effort
An incomplete embryo, the secret of death
A theater, a hospital, a museum

Man-made flesh, Grotta labyrinth, a grand history of illusory architecture
Man-made clock, countless balances, spinning round, an individual time

From the ancient city to me
Ending that day, one day's clock
Daytime is the sun, night is the moon
One day's natural clock

The mystery of the internal city and clock
Geometric law, a construct of ticking clocks
Unchanging eternity
Modern perpetuity
Universal truth
Lack of variety
Infinite variety

I become a human city
I become a divided clock

>> No.3292023

>"fucking chicks and getting drunk"

Where does this myth of Kierkegaard being a dandy and a loverboy come from? If anything Kierkegaard was a celibate.

>> No.3292029

>Is there a piece of literature as deep as Evangelion?

sure, op. try hunger games or harry potter. it's not hard.

>> No.3292028
File: 38 KB, 256x318, 256px-Planescape-torment-box[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a fantasy book as awesome as Planescape: Torment?

>> No.3292030

This fucking thread

Gets me everytime

>> No.3292037

that whole first bit about the stars and the darkness is straight from Asimov's Nightfall

>> No.3292069

Finnegans Wake

>> No.3292245
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A young timid boy with very poor self-esteem, a very good-looking girl who hide her crippling self-loathing and fear of rejection with extreme cockiness, and a weird silent girl are tasked to save the world from a race of space aliens.

Almost everybody has feelings for everybody, but they can't fucking admit it to each other, and perish in self-loathing, loneliness and existential anguish.

It all gets really dark when a) one character makes a move, then promptly die in horrible circumstances and b) another character gets mind-raped and completely loses the facade she built for herself.

The closest book I've found in that genre is L'Avalée des Avalées, by Réjean Ducharme, but it's in French.

>> No.3293904

Really? Do you have a quote?

>> No.3293919
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>video game
>better than any book

>> No.3294612

There are plenty of video games deeper than books.

>> No.3294647

Name fifty.

>> No.3294648


I dare you to name a video game deeper than all books.

>> No.3294698

Yume Nikki

>> No.3294706



>> No.3294710


>giving the most obvious answer
>actually thinking this

Try again. There's hardly any 'depth' to the thing

>> No.3294713


1. Majora's Mask
2. Ocarina of Time
3. Skyrim
4. Oblivion
5. Dark Souls
6. Shenmue
7. A Link to the Past
8. Grand Theft Auto (post-Vice City)
9. Mass Effect (any one of the three)
10. Halo
11. Assassin's Creed
12. Borderlands
13. The Walking Dead
14. Batman: Arkham City
15. Portal
17. Metal Gear Solid
18. Final Fantasy
19. Dead Space
20. Bioshock
21. Xenoblade Chronicles
22. Resident Evil
23. Fez
24. Journey
25. Castlevania
26. Diablo
27. ICO
28. Shadow of the Colossus
29. Katamari Damacy
30. Braid
31. Ōkami
32. Myst
33. Silent Hill
34. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
35. Oregon Trail
36. Mario
37. Prince of Persia
38. Grim Fandango
39. Psychonauts
40. Cave Story
41. Half-Life
42. God of War
43. Alone in the Dark ('92)
44. Brutal Legend
45. Doom
46. Quake
47. Metroid Prime
48. Chrono Trigger
49. Earthbound
50. Beyond Good and Evil

>> No.3294714


>those first four answers

I'd love to hear what books you find interesting.

Thanks for ruining my desk with coffeespit.

>> No.3294716

Some of those maybe but most are troll worthy.

>> No.3294723

He gave general directions, so I gave general answers. I do think there are books much deeper than anything on the list (which I typed up in the span of ten minutes), but really, I'm comparing these to the likes of Meyer and E.L. James.

Which ones, exactly? I think there are considerable depth to most, if not all, of these games.

>> No.3294732

>>giving the most obvious answer
I don't really know what this means, but I'd say an obvious answer is a likely answer.

Anyway, if we take "depth" to mean original and intellectual presentation of subject matter then YN explores fear, anxiety, imagination, and psychosis in an way inimitable to books, a David Lynch film of videogames.

>> No.3294730


Explain Skyrim's 'depth'

I seriously can't wait. I'm on the edge of my seat.

>> No.3294741

The ability to interact with a medium and change what it is you are doing with it puts video games on a different plane that literature. One is not better than the other, but trying to argue against them within the others context is stupid. Video games have their own artistic merit. Get over it.

>> No.3294750


I didn't say anything about literature. Nice evasion, though.

I'll wait for that answer.

>> No.3294757

>not making a coherent ending

most novels have deeper meanings , hell why do you think there are entire courses dedicated to the study of novels

>> No.3294761

Go find it yourself. Games and books have different styles of depth. Abstract words shouldn't have concrete definitions. And they typically don't.

>> No.3294769
File: 201 KB, 749x432, toglutic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a huge Evangelion fan and also a guy who reads books good-like, I can confirm that Gravity's Rainbow is, in fact, as deep as Evangelion. It is perhaps less easy to understand but also perhaps ultimately leads to a greater understanding of our reality if you do understand it since much of it comes from a (purposely) skewed view of actual 20th century European history.

Its really a cool book, give it try.
Pic related is some hentai I made using Katja and the Octopus Grigori (from GR).

>> No.3294770


Nice non-answer.

I tried. Gamers are just gonna stay juvenile, I guess.

>> No.3294773

i dont know why it quoted that youtube video

>> No.3294775

>implying the ending wasn't coherent
>implying the novel hasn't had centuries to mature as a medium
There are (horrid) papers on NGE, though.

>> No.3294789


>thinks the novel hasn't matured as a medium
>takes cartoons seriously as art


>> No.3294798

You do realize Skyrim is quite open-ended, right? I say "find it yourself" because I'm not going to explain in what way Skyrim has depth. Go play the game, start a questline and pay attention to the fucking story.

If you think I should sit here and explain something to you because you want me to, then you're an entitled little prick and mommy and daddy should've beaten you when you were a child.

>> No.3294800

do you even read?

>> No.3294817


You don't have to justify yourself. There are no rules here.

Just know your bullshit opinion isn't justified, buddy

>> No.3294825


>> No.3294834


How about you take the 30 seconds it would require to just explain to us the "depth" of a stupid fantasy game for children instead of me having to buy the shitty game (and the system, for that matter) and waste my money and my time playing it. That sounds like a better idea to me.

>> No.3294836

Not anon who is talking about Skyrim but if you don't like fantasy games why are you even asking? Skyrim has great graphics and cool shit, if you don't play open ended games then you won't like it. /end

>> No.3294838


Use words.

Opinions can lack justification.


He isn't capable.

>> No.3294843


Anon claimed Skyrim had 'depth'

I'm just asking why he thinks so. He isn't able to answer, which is fine. I just wish he'd own up to the fact that he was bullshitting.

>> No.3294849

Guize you are arguing about something that's making you both look bad. One guys says video games are deeper that CRAPPY books like Twilight and other guy is saying all books are better/deeper than video games. Do you both agree that Twilight level books are shit? Yes. Do you both agree that video games are worthy of respect? No. There. I settled it. Now go fuck yourselves.

>> No.3294852

not anon but i am curious: why do you care? youre talking to anonymous people about a very pointless and arbitrary subject. what are you trying to accomplish exactly? just trying to prove youre right?

>> No.3294853


Twilight was definitely enjoyable, the first two books at least.

I doubt you've read them.

>> No.3294856

He qualified the statement by saying he meant the games he listed are deeper than shit books. Comprende? Now he's probably bored with your pestering. Skyrim is an ok game. I like Bioshock better because I like to shoot up the blue stuff and feel powerful and then kill shit with guns. I do not read books when I feel like pretending to kill people who read 50 Shades of Gray.

>> No.3294859

>Something that doesn't have a coherent ending can't be deep.
>Evangelion did not have a coherent ending.

Looks like the Master Anno has done it again.

>> No.3294861

Ha, I have read them ALL. Doesn't mean they are good. I read fast. Ain't no thang.

>> No.3294863


I'm a very bored, very sick person right now.

>> No.3294886

Two things:
1. Why would someone bullshit about that? That makes no sense.
2. He answered and you weren't satisfied with it. That doesn't mean he didn't give an actual answer. He told you to find out for yourself, which is a good answer, if you think about it. It's a player-made experience that offers depth on the basis of what you do in the game.

>> No.3294922


My bro Soren partied hard as hell in his early life, it contributed to his existential crisis. He didn't feel fulfilled being around other people, adorning a false persona to sojourn into hollow hedony

As for this shitty shitposting argument in this shitposting thread concerning the depth of videogames, why don't you define your terms before you debate. What do you mean by "Depth"? Is that length, narrative, complexity, the amount of references?

I liked Knights of the Old Republic. I thought it had an engaging setting, an interesting premise, and nice pacing. I liked the optional sidequests and additional datapads lying around, which gave context to your environment. I'm not sure if that's "depth" but I thought it was more "substantial" than the first Dresden Files book.

Define your terms. Apply the criteria to the subject. You can't very well talk about depth of a silent film when by "depth" you mean "wordplay"

And I like the Dresden Files.

>> No.3294930
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I'm struggling to see the connection. I'm thinking something like Sartre the narrative in the last episodes. I'd love to hear your views though.

>> No.3294937

>no it's not
>no it is not
I sorta feel bad for you.

>> No.3294939

You are right about defining terms and applying criteria but who has the time?

>> No.3294942


Best post currently on /lit/

>> No.3294979

>35. Oregon Trail
>36. Mario

My sides entered another dimension.

>> No.3295115
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>maybe Rand
8/10 I laughed

>> No.3295327
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>> No.3295397

nigga, you've just become my bro

>> No.3295410

Go be bros on >>>/v/