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3288810 No.3288810[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

atheist here.

I've been watching shit goin on all day on that fucking babel tower thread. Why can't we just agree that some people have a certain need to connection with something greater even if it's just a social construct rooted on his/her mind?

picture unrelated

>> No.3288817

why didn't you post in that thread

>> No.3288840

To be fair, if you're going to be a part of a religion, it's probably best NOT to be part of Christianity.

>> No.3288849

>why can't we just agree that some people have a certain need to connect with something greater
That's not what prompted the shitstorm
>even if it's just a social construct
Kierkegaard would be slapping you in the face right about now.

>> No.3288866

The definitions of "God" and "divinity" are not reductible to their employs by judaism, christianism, and islam. If I define "God" as "the epistemological and metaphysical first principle of a philosophical system", then atheism doesn't exist.

>Schopenhauer's God is Will. Nietzsche's God is Will to power. Marx's God is Mankind. Einstein's God is Cosmos. Wittgenstein's God is Mystery. Hegel's God is Reason. Heidegger's God is Being. Etc, etc, etc...

This definition renders obsolete the classification of philosophies between theism, atheism, and even pantheism, because pantheism can be defined only into an objectivist paradigm where 1. other subjectivies do exist and 2. a common world exists to link them between themselves. A solipsist, for example, wouldn't understand what you call "pantheism".

Good day.

>> No.3288874

OP here, let me rephrase

I'm an American teen and I can't understand why people aren't atheists. They must be dumb.

>> No.3288880

Atheism would not exist if not for the existence of Theism.

Why must you bite the hand that feeds you?

>> No.3288885


You are very ignorant and solipsistic. Read more books.

Don't you know that everyone has a time in their life when they seriously question the existence of a higher being?

>> No.3288892

There's a place for that

>> No.3288894

> You are very ignorant and solipsistic.

lol you're a teenager, right?

>> No.3288902


A place for what? I don't follow.

I bet you just watched the zeitgeist movie and think you have the world figured out.

>> No.3288905


lol you're a teenager, right?

>> No.3288918

... this isn't even literature anymore

What's the board for relgion vs. atheism arguements? Is it /x/ ?

>> No.3288925

because that OP was a fucking dense troll, jimmies slighty rustled for falling into that trap

>> No.3288932

Atheists who argue that believers are unintelligent do it because they find value in Religion. If they did not see the value in Religion then they would only have a feeling of mild amusement that someone would, according to them, be so stupid as to believe something so absurd.

No. Angsty teens are legitimately angry that someone does not subscribe to the same beliefs as them because that is their response to everything else in the world: anger at flaws.

Atheism removes flaws because it removes all meaning, allowing them to live within their own safe bubble where nothing ever happens outside of their own understanding of the world.

Atheism for teens is just as much of a coping mechanism as Christianity is for Christians.

>> No.3288938


why would kierkegaard do such a thing?


I'm OP, fuck you


so, you rather extend god's concept. I'm ok with that

>> No.3288942

no, /x/ is for shitty creepypastes and spiritual bullshit that don't go anywhere

this is fault of fucking Milton

>> No.3288949

Anon, thank you.
I had been thinking of a similar philosophy myself and this is what I think I believe.

>> No.3288983


When they're not connecting through politics or gelignite I really couldn't give less of a shit. When they do it's time to crack down.

>> No.3288988


Solipsism is a serious pathological condition.It's also fucking retarded.

>> No.3289001

atheists: 1
christians: 0

i proved them wrong in this thread


>> No.3289560

I watched the Truman show too many times.

>> No.3289586
File: 30 KB, 500x375, Shallow and pedantic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why can't we just agree that some people have a certain need to connection with something greater even if it's just a social construct rooted on his/her mind?

And why can't they get over the fact some have outgrown Santa Clause?

>[A]theist here


>> No.3289595

thread about a thread. OP you are a winner.