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3279613 No.3279613[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone recommend some good books on psychologically manipulating people, ala psychologically dominating someone.

>> No.3279619

The Hamlet
Sons and Lovers

>> No.3279631

>Sons and Lovers
DH Lawrence?

>> No.3279636

Whip it out, stick it between the chronicles of narnia, and slam.

>> No.3279637


No, the other one.

>> No.3279640

Maybe The Magus by John Fowles

>> No.3279649

I'm talking about more like the non-fiction books

>> No.3279652


Moby-Dick has several non-fiction chapters, and they almost all describe exactly what you're looking for, OP.

>> No.3279655


If you need a book to make you understand how humans function, you'll never be able to manipulate them

>> No.3279659

this. moby-dick is all about psychological manipulation. (protip: that's why its considered the great american novel.)

>> No.3279663

I dont need to know how they function, I need to know how they can be controlled.

>> No.3279665

Beloved by Toni Morrison.

>> No.3279669


The one follows the other.

You're clearly in over your head

>> No.3279671

> 2013
> not including pg wodehouse in a list of books about psychological domination

your best bet is "right ho, jeeves"

"leave it to psmith" is pretty good, too

>> No.3279674

I'd vote for Walt Whitman's "Leaves of Grass," but make sure you get the earliest version you can. He edited them later, and took out all the verses about how to dominate people into crippling submission.

>> No.3279682

>The one follows the other.
Who wrote that?

>> No.3279689



>> No.3279687

He's the one that introduced a character named Threepwood

>> No.3279691
File: 21 KB, 230x284, 230px-Henry_David_Thoreau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> anon asks for books on how to dominate others
> /lit/ chimes in with beta-tier authors
> no one mentions greatest alpha domination expert in history of american belles lettres

fuck all this fiction, OP, if you want a truly severe (ie borderline disturbing) how-to on domination, read thoreau.

anything is good, but walden pond is the best.

good luck, bro.

>> No.3279692

Thanks man have a merry one.

>> No.3279695


God, that one scene where Thoreau breaks Emerson down to tears is fucking haunting. Still get chills thinking about it.

>> No.3279697


>not an autistic neckbeard virgin

Or were you joking?

>> No.3279704
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2/10 try harder

>> No.3279706


I don't know who's trolling who

>> No.3279710

50 Shades of Gray

>> No.3279716
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>> No.3279731

who wrote the book with svengali

>> No.3280267

how to win friends and influence people, Rockefeller. or...Carnegie.

>> No.3280485


This is 100% what you want. If you don't look into this you are a fool.

>> No.3280494

Fox in Socks

Learn from his mistakes

>> No.3280586

The most practical (and simple) one would have to be a book by Allan Pease "Body Language".

Yes, you won't be able to hypnotize someone with just a snap of the fingers (hurrdurr), but this is as much mindreading as it gets. The rest is to constantly practice noticing this stuff on people.
sometimes even if you notice it, a certain sign can mean different things for people. As I teach my students, different situations mean different interpretations. So just because someone scratched their nose, doesn't always mean that they're lying.

>> No.3280675

Tales of the Ubermensch anyone?

>> No.3280681

Trilby by George Du Maurier. Great book.