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/lit/ - Literature

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3275811 No.3275811 [Reply] [Original]

So i'm trying to find a few books (maybe ten-ish) for a christmas present for my 15 year old niece. Basically she reads a lot of those cheesy Hunger Games and Twilight type novels. My aim is to expose her to some authors who maybe challenge her intellectually a bit more, or at least get her thinking about more than just some lame commercialized pop version of what teenage love is like; naw mean?

So far i've come up with -
Vonneguts Cats Cradle
Hellers Catch 22
Orwells 1984
Huxleys Brand New World
Pahliniuks Fight Club
Burgess' A Clockwork Orange
Bradburys Farenheit 451
Camus' The Stranger

Have any other suggestions?

>> No.3275834

Great Gatsby and Looking for Alaska are pretty typical teen-core.

Also No Longer Human is edgy and depressing as hell, which is perfect for teenager girls. Maybe get her On the Road if she's into drugs and jazz and shit.

>> No.3275850

I've never read On The Road, but from what ive read about it, its sounded like its more about young guys animalistic instincts. Maybe not?

>> No.3275868

>"Brand New World"
>hasn't read On the Road

jesus christ, op

>> No.3275886

Ive never been a fan of the immediate circlejerking that occurs everytime Kerrouacs name comes up so ive always avoided it.

You think Brand New World is a bad choice?

>> No.3275938

Infinite jest
Gravity's rainbow

>> No.3275943

Fahrenheit 451 would be the best for a teenage girl. Bitches love Ray Bradbury

>> No.3275964

Brand New World is an excellent choice.
...is this what /lit/ has come to?

>> No.3275970

/lit/ hates Jack Kerouac. There's never been any circlejerking about that guy. ps why don't you get her books she likes you pedant.

>> No.3276007

There are other lit communities outside of /lit/. Kerouac is generally circlejerked outside of the internet.

I dont judge, im just trying to expose her to more types of lit than just Harry Potter/Twilight/Hunger Games. Maybe she will like it or maybe she will go trade them in for the 50 Shades series. Either way, books are being read and its good stuff.

>> No.3276043

animal farm Orwell
Huckleberry Finn Twain

>> No.3276051
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>Brand New World

>> No.3276059


it's called Brave New World, you fucking idiot.

>> No.3276070
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>> No.3276171
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>> No.3276179
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>> No.3276189

yeah get her this

do it

>> No.3276194


>Gift ideas
>Christmas Eve

Yeah, fuck off mate.

>> No.3276195

That is a shitty list for a 15 year old, I've never seen something so obviously designed by a neckbeard.

Life of Pi
The Red Tent
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Catcher in The Rye
Some Murakami short stories
Ghost World
Black Hole
Never Ending Summer

>> No.3276197

>The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Yeah teenage girls will cream themselves over this.

>> No.3276201

Finnegan's Wake, obvs

>> No.3276208


This is a pretty god list, OP. I can particularly vouch for Black Hole, Ghost World and Catcher. Though for Black Hole, depends how used she is to depictions of sex, as in whether or not she might be all like "omg ew, boobs/dick" and etc.

>> No.3276214


>> No.3276215

Her birthday is in a month. But good job assuming.

>> No.3276217
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Ah, just trying to get your shopping done in advance, aye? No biggie, two days is plenty of time. Come back in a month and we'll help you with picking a book for her real birthday, too.

>> No.3276220

>So i'm trying to find a few books (maybe ten-ish) for a christmas present for my 15 year old niece.

>christmas present

Like I said, fuck off mate.