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3274265 No.3274265 [Reply] [Original]

If you don't like him, you haven't read enough of his work.

>> No.3274269

Go away.

>> No.3274276


Why doesn't anyone want to talk about Tao Lin?

>> No.3274277

>Everyone who understands Tao Lin likes him.
Well, I've read all of his books, and I seem to understand most of it based on the conversations I've had and scholarship I read, but I don't really like him.

>> No.3274280


their usually also jealous of him bc of his success

>> No.3274285

if you don't like him
you've read everything he's ever done
spent a significant amount of time reading writing he's endorsed/following his social network presences
have him on your gchat friends list
and have concluded that he's mostly mediocre
if he's good at anything, he's good at getting the people who will like his writing the most to pay attention to him

>> No.3274297


are you going to read his upcoming novel?

it might change your perspective on him being 'mediocre'

>> No.3274305


Why are you associating him with his fan base? Maybe if you stop worrying about what other people think and just read him, you'll really like him.

>> No.3274316

i would love to be wrong about him
intending to win taipei in a book giveaway of some sort/acquire it from a library
idk tho there are only so many times you can thinly disguise an account of a past relationship before it gets boring and i'm going to bet this one's about his relationship w/megan

>> No.3274319

>Anyone who doesn't like Tao Lin is no true Scotsman

>> No.3274324

If you don't like Tao Lin, you're a well-adjusted person with taste.

>> No.3274489

Dear OP,

Take a Tao Lin book and shove it into your asshole widthwise. Then take your computer and smash it apart until you can get your hands on a sharp piece of it. Then take that piece of broken computer and slit your throat with it.

Get the fuck out of my /lit/ you fucking scrubby little bitch. You know nothing.

>> No.3274502

maybe if you suck my fucking cock you'll choke on my cum, you fucking idiot.

>> No.3274511

Look at this guy, he doesn't know Tao Lin IS Tao Lin's fanbase.

>> No.3274530

This Tao fella... he supposed to be the next Hank Moody or somethin'?

>> No.3274536
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If you don't like the taste of cum, you haven't sucked enough cock.

>> No.3274541

Go to bed Tao.

>> No.3274544

That's brutal.

>> No.3274550


> anger problems
> mad this isnt a fantasy / sci-fi thread
> jealous of Tao Lin's success
> takes it out by name-calling

you dont have to respond to this thread if you dont want to

just ignore it

>> No.3274566


> uses false analogy
> posts pictures of penises
> implying tao lin has gotten more pussy than any of you sci-fi neckbeards

go bakc to reading dragonlance

>> No.3274571


* hasn't

>> No.3274581

because the measure of a good author is how much poon he pulls
because if you don't like tao lin you must read fantasy
because fantasy is bad

because nobody just doesn't like tao lin

it is ironic that he titles his book richard yates as that is the opposite of him an author who remained obscure during his lifetime but had his genius eventually recognized and his work withstood the test of time. the opposite of what tao is trying to achieve

>> No.3274605
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>Doesn't understand a subtle call for you to suck dick.
>Corrects his own posts
>Is generally incoherent
Are you even trying? Put your back into it.

Com'on, be honest tho, those dicks got your mouth watering, didn't they?

>> No.3274611

tao when the fuck are you going to stop

>> No.3274622

>the opposite of what tao is trying to achieve

Yeah, but many authors did, in fact, achieve minor, twitter-based success, by spamming an anime image board; Hemingway, Chaucer, Tolstoy..., and their work didn't suffer as a result.

>> No.3274625
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typical tao lin fans

> 20s
> well-educated
> successful professionals with interesting careers
> living away from home
> emotionally receptive
> exceptional taste in literature
> dislike being 'wowed' by pretentious words and ideas
> social media savvy
> healthy respect for people with internet presence
> broad interest in the lives of their peers
> trim and fit, take care of their bodies
> arent afraid to fall in love
> loyal to people with kind souls, buy mostly fair trade coffee

>> No.3274637
File: 294 KB, 487x349, CHANSMIDDLEFINGER-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your jokes are bad and you should jump off a bridge.

>> No.3274646

>dislike being 'wowed' by pretentious words and ideas
>social media savvy
>healthy respect for people with internet presence
>buy mostly fair trade coffee

These are all negatives.

>> No.3274667

Actual Tao Lin fan here.

I am:
flunked out of community college and technical school
living with my parents
emotionally inert
read some classics and especially liked the beats
like being wowed by reverse pretentious simplicity
spend a lot of time on 4chan and facebook
don't really respect anyone
a bit of a voyeur i guess
trim and fit and take care of my body
fall in love with girls on the internet a lot
loyal to nobody but my own self interest
drink folgers coffee

>> No.3274668


the point is that theyre real people and not basement-dwelling neckbeards who argue about old and irrelevant authors like james joyce. if you dont like tao lin, just dont post in this thread. easy.

>> No.3274674


3/10 troll harder

>> No.3274679


Fuck you, insect.

I read Cormac McCarthy. I've read every goddamn thing he's written, probably all of it more than once. Tao Lin's writing makes me want to fucking yack. The man can't even put a fucking sentence together.

Why would anybody ever read this fucking shite over Faulkner, Melville, Hemingway? Fuck you son, fuck off and die. Reading is dead, real writing is dead, and you fucks are accountable. Fucking burn.

>> No.3274678


Normative scum aren't welcome here, cowboy.

>> No.3274677 [DELETED] 

This whole thread has nothing to do with the quality of Tao Lin's work, and everything to do with perceptions of who reads/likes him.

Really quite useless.

>> No.3274683

>If you disagree with something, just shut up.

>> No.3274684


>theyre real people

Why do you suddenly need to be a 'real person' to critique literature? That sounds like a misguided idea.

>> No.3274688
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>This whole thread has nothing to do with the quality of Tao Lin's work, and everything to do with perceptions of who reads/likes him.





>> No.3274692


I agree with you, but holy fuck, I spilled my coffee reading all that edgy pseudism

>> No.3274699

>irrelevant authors
>james joyce

walk on broken bottles, asshole

>> No.3274700
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>mfw I wish I was trolling
oh well. I can understand your skepticism

>> No.3274708


to pay the bills advocate tao lin is still really young. he has a lot of years ahead of him. melville probably wrote some bad things at first but then got better, same with faulkner and hemmingway and stuff

i think that argument doesnt work

>> No.3274718

i think it is safe to say that Lin's best literary work is already behind him. I look forward to watching his stunts become more complex and interesting tho. his real calling imo is performance art or living as a character

>> No.3274727


that might be true

i still hope he has another good book in him

i really liked e^3 bc it captures what it means to be alive in our generation

>> No.3274723

Tao Lin is about 6 years from hitting his artistic peak, and he has a lot of ground to cover in that time.

I don't think he'll make it.

>> No.3274734

And by that rationale, nothing is comparable because at any particular time in the history of two writers there may have been mistakes/ misjudgments/ immaturity. I feel Tao Lin's writing is objectively bad, plain and simple. So on the contrary, I think it is your argument that does not work.

>> No.3274737

i like richard yates because i can relate to dating minors on the internet

>> No.3274742

sounds like faulty logic OP

>> No.3274745


Thank God we have an Internet Expert here to tell us when Tao Lin's artistic peak will hit. What about the Isreali-Palestinian conflict? When is that going to reach its 'peak'? Idiot.

>> No.3274752

Name one artist who began his most famous work after the age of 35.
Pro tip: you can't.

>> No.3274755

That night Haley Joel Osment was alone in the apartment talking to Julia on Gmail chat. Julia was 28 and married and lived in Georgia. She was friends with an editor of a magazine that had published Haley Joel Osment’s poetry. Haley Joel Osment’s cell phone vibrated. It was Dakota Fanning. Haley Joel Osment moved his cell phone to his ear. Dakota Fanning said her mother found out about him by reading a blog post’s comments section where he had said things about his first visit to New Jersey including when they screamed bad words across the Delaware River. “I think she knows you’ve stayed here overnight and that you’re 22,” said Dakota Fanning. “She already googled you a lot I think.”

“What’s going to happen?” said Haley Joel Osment.

“I don’t know. I can’t leave here. She won’t let me leave.”

“Is she calling the police?” said Haley Joel Osment.

“No, I don’t think she will. I have to go. She’s here.”

“I don’t know what to say,” said Haley Joel Osment on Gmail chat to Julia. He said Dakota Fanning’s mother found out about him. He said Dakota Fanning was banned from the internet. “Oh no,” said Julia. “What is her mother saying, that Dakota is forbidden to contact you?”

>> No.3274758

According to a 2010 survey conducted by the Humber School for Writers, the average age for authors first published in book form is 42.

>> No.3274760
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>> No.3274763

>Name one artist who began his most famous work after the age of 35.

Just one? Nabokov was 56 when he wrote Lolita.

>> No.3274764
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> captures what it means to be alive in our generation

posts like this just make me want to kill everyone.




>> No.3274769
File: 21 KB, 436x410, 28ianv8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know who is trolling whom anymore.

Tao if you're here can you write a short story about the girl in my picture?

>> No.3274775

Ah, I see, so they began writing the book at age 42 as well? Must've been wonderful, especially when it has taken years for esteemed authors to write some of the most famous works today.

Besides, there are no truly prominent authors from Canada today anyway.

>> No.3274776

I have never heard of Tao Lin before this thread, but I seriously hop that except was from one his novels from teens if he has any.

I don't want to make an overall opinion on this guy before I read at least a few of his books. What does the seemingly small population who likes him recommend?

>> No.3274792


she seems 'normal'

>> No.3274805

Most prominent authors peak when they get to be middle-aged. This was the gist of the exercise I presented. It's not my opinion, it's Ezra Pound's, himself a prominent author.

>> No.3274806


I would start with Shoplifting from American Apparel, then move on from there. You can buy his hoodies and t-shirts, too, which might help you find other people who like his books.

>> No.3274813

Do you know where I can get this without paying for it? I like his work but do not have any money. I found eee and yates already but have come up with nothing for shoplifting

>> No.3274815


There was definitely room in there for a good joke. Ya blew it.

>> No.3274821

>but I seriously hop that except was from one his novels from teens if he has any.

Nope, that was his last adult novel called from Richard Yates, his 'magnum opus'.

>> No.3274823

Why would I salt an honest question with jokes?

>> No.3274822


Um, you should get money and buy it from Amazon. That helps Tao. So does buying his hoodies. If you buy his hoodies and t-shirts, that's almost as important as buying his books. People know you read Tao Lin. It got my friend a job.

>> No.3274826

>Shoplifting from American Apparel
With what's going on in this thread, I'm not sure if this is a joke or you're srs

I mean, I understand his attempt at clarity, but pronouns exist for a reason.

I'm not interested in meeting his fans.

>> No.3274827

And what of this?

Has anybody other than me read All the Pretty Horses?


>> No.3274828

Ok i will think about buying stuff. Does anyone else know where I can get it for free?

Also can I just silk screen my own tao shirts and support him that way or does he only like official merch?

>> No.3274831

I like Werner Herzog. Have you seen the grand?

>> No.3274835


Serious. Wearing a Tao Lin hoodie got my friend a job at a really cool coffee shop.

>> No.3274836


I think either way is fine, but official merch gives him money which is better.

>> No.3274837

I have social anxiety and working at a coffee shop would be hell for me.

>> No.3274838

>Seriously. Wearing a Tao Lin hoodie got my friend a job...
Where the hell would they hire someone for liking Tao?
>at a really cool coffee shop.
Oh. Pff.

>> No.3274840

Could that post be anymore intentionally hipster?

>> No.3274843

I buy Tao Lin merch ironically.

>> No.3274847

Seriously. Does anyone have a free copy of shoplifting?

>> No.3274850

Just shoplift it. Wouldn't that be meta?

>> No.3274852

Nope, never seen

>> No.3274855

You mean like stealing "steal this book"? I don't want to hurt local booksellers and wouldn't be caught dead in borders. Also I prefer to read on my kindle.

>> No.3274858

It is very funny. He is the german and he kills something every day. Spiders come easy. Sometimes it is a chicken.

>> No.3274866
File: 9 KB, 267x200, Dumping+entire+folder+_f54f20a59814c0c1e3fb0bec60746893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw start a tao lin troll thread
> mfw everything works out according to plan

all of you have been fooled into unnecessary frustration!!!

>> No.3274873

lel OP is probably tao lin

>> No.3274876 [DELETED] 

Here you go:


>> No.3274878

Thank you based Tao. I promise I will defend you from now on when people say you just want money and are a successful marketer.

>> No.3274883 [DELETED] 

I'm not Tao Lin and I think his books are horrible.

I just like to post free versions of them, because I think he's a huge hypocrite.