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/lit/ - Literature

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3269963 No.3269963 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of the contempory atheist authors like Hitchens and Dawkins? I can't help but feel a bit of distain for them. What have they actually accomplished?

>> No.3269976

I can't stand Dawkins, as a person I find him very hard to watch speak. He appears to have no confidence in himself, which doesn't bode well for the beliefs he projects. He clambers for this role of atheistic figure head because that's all he can do, so now he just walks around as 'the atheist' character, blowing hot air and discussing evolution and death as if it were so most harrowing and depressing thing to talk about intellectually.

>> No.3269974

>what do you think

I used to love them until I came to /lit/

>what have they accomplished

Angering a lot of people on both sides. Giving talking points to recent de-converts.

>> No.3269992

Dawkins's stupidity made me agnostic

>> No.3270005

They're working toward the establishment of a more reasonable society.

>> No.3270029


>> No.3270040


Hitchens was, I'll give you that. He was a stand up guy. Passionate, eloquent, truly intelligent and worked towards some good causes. Fought some good fights. But then he was equally an angry man and also an alcoholic.

And Dawkins does nothing but rewrite Darwin and stutter into mics.

>> No.3270056

i'd say they are a good starting point if you want to get into logical fallacies.

>> No.3270062

I want to like Dawkins. I find his work that actually focuses on evolution to be beautifully written.

But titling a book "the god delusion" just to stir up controversy (and thus, sales) is pretty scummy.

>> No.3270074


I've never found him all that eloquent or intelligent, to be honest

>> No.3270092


its time to stop posting

nothing new, dont forget harris and dennet as part of the four faggot horsemen of pop phil

>> No.3270142

>I want to like Dawkins. I find his work that actually focuses on evolution to be beautifully written.
get the fuck out of here

>> No.3270171

What's the problem?

>> No.3270176
File: 28 KB, 316x470, 5528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beautifully written
>wanting to like him in the first place

>> No.3270188

dennett doesn't get enough attention/hate around here

>> No.3270195

Long live the atheist!


>> No.3270200

>stand up guy
>Trotskyist cum Neo-con


Is /lit/ all about "removing kebab" now too?

>> No.3270205


Stop thinking single idiots have anything to do with this board full of idiots

>> No.3270220

Hitchens: Yes, I burned the candle at both ends, but It gave a lovely light.


>> No.3270232

Oh god. Hitchens, Sagan, Darwin, Dawkins, Tyson, Hawking, Kaku, Jillette and Nye? Who made that image? It's insane.

>> No.3270246

some teenager from reddit I'd guess

>> No.3270283

What's wrong?

>> No.3270300

What's beautiful?

>> No.3270302

What's wrong is that some idiot felt that worth their time

>> No.3270307

I thought the Selfish Gene was pretty cool. I never saw the point in any of those atheist books though.

>> No.3270315

To make a drawing? You're still implying there's sometimes wrong with the actual content.

>> No.3270329


>superheroes fighting the forces of evil
I can only hope it was a commission

>> No.3270337


>> No.3270344



shut up

>> No.3270352

Laughably idealized poses and facial/body features (Hawking's chin is about a tenth the size in real life than it is in that picture). It's porn for people who think they're rugged individualist for rejecting religion. It's Kinkade meets superheroes meets masturbation.

>> No.3270356

What a perfect argument for atheism.

The proof that god doesn't exist is that such an abominable picture is allowed to be made without a lightning bolt striking the artist.

>> No.3270394

God bless