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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 58 KB, 633x758, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3266279 No.3266279 [Reply] [Original]

>come home
>parents gone through your books
>mother's crying
>dad's pissed
>dad: "you fill your head with garbage boy sooner or later garbage'll come out"
>mom: "i just want you to be a good person and have a happy life... and i want to make sure our family is safe in this house"
>dad tells me to just leave
>be like lolwtfnowhatthefuckisallofthisshit
>tell them this is cliché and dumb
>mother keeps crying
>dad tells me to go in my room
>realize les chants de maldoror, my collection of lame translated baudelaire, and everything by thomas bernhard is missing
>they threw them away
be glad you guys aren't living at home

>> No.3266283

Pleb Parents are the worst. Sorry about your loss, OP.

>> No.3266287

>realize les chants de maldoror, my collection of lame translated baudelaire, and everything by thomas bernhard is missing
>realize les chants de maldoror

Hurt them OP.

>> No.3266288

jesus that's bad, sorry op.


>> No.3266293

Who the fuck? Matilda?
No way that's real.

>> No.3266294

>les chants de maldoror, my collection of lame translated baudelaire, and everything by thomas bernhard is missing
>"you fill your head with garbage boy sooner or later garbage'll come out"

Sounds like your father was right. Hopefully this intervention will cause you to re-evaluate your taste in literature.

>> No.3266297

good job.

>> No.3266298

But that didn't happen

>> No.3266300
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hahaha what a loser!!

Consolation song


>> No.3266301



>> No.3266303

upps meant


>> No.3266308

What is wrong with you? Are you mixing medications?

>> No.3266313
File: 45 KB, 586x192, pat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw pleasantly discussing marquis de sade at the dinner table

>> No.3266315

I don't understand, what prompted the crying?

>> No.3266316

My mom found my library's copy of Last Exit to Brooklyn and threw it away

>> No.3266319

What the fuck is this shit? Go back to fucking /r9k/ or whatever 4chan shithole you came from.

>> No.3266324

she told me she was "deeply disturbed" by them
i have no fucking idea why she got so emotional about it
i think she thinks i'm gonna be a serial killer or something

she's kind of freaky liberal, sometimes she tells me about how all she wants is for me to contribute positively to society

>> No.3266330

would somebody explain OP's post to a pleb like me?

>> No.3266332
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You know what you have to do. Beat his high score.

>> No.3266336

>let mom borrow David Adams Richards' Blood Ties
>reads it
>"well they was dysfunctional"
>herpity derp

>> No.3266338

She's disturbed that you enjoy poetry?

>> No.3266339


Tell her the voices want you to be productive as well

>> No.3266346

god damn
i had a really strict religious upbringing and i'm still not allowed to curse and i still have to go to church on sundays but my parents let me read whatever i want and this makes me realize what a lucky little shit i was

>> No.3266350
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>and i still have to go to church on sundays

>> No.3266353

>living with your parents
>still a teenager

>not being an edgy teenager and telling them to fuck off on sunday
>still a kid

You have so much ahead of you.

>> No.3266354
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>she's kind of freaky liberal, sometimes she tells me about how all she wants is for me to contribute positively to society

Liberalism, not even once.

>> No.3266365

yeah, she's into stuff like that. one time she got really mad at my father for going on reddit because it "promotes misogyny"

>> No.3266369

What she's doing sounds pretty unliberal though

>> No.3266371
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>having a dad that goes on reddit

>> No.3266372

What the fuck is going on in here? Are you all 15? For fuck's sake.

>> No.3266375

Liberals are tolerant until you read or believe something perceived to be intolerant.

>> No.3266382

This. Tell your dad to stop doing things I don't like.

>> No.3266386
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It's a legitimate problem.

>> No.3266400

What I find terrible about American "liberals" is that they somehow managed to take an idea that's inherently good (Art is pretty cool, People shouldn't be mean to other people for stupid reasons, etc) and turned it into a movement fronted by psychopaths and hysteria.

>> No.3266402
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>not voting Libertarian

>> No.3266403


>having a child's worldview

>> No.3266408
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>your free to do whatever you want as long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of others

>> No.3266409

Which one is that, Obama or Romney?

>> No.3266411

Not him, but that is indeed very childish. Works for a teacher trying to contain the children.

>> No.3266412

lol i no rite the shiniest of two turds xDDDDDDDD

song related


>> No.3266413



>> No.3266414
File: 131 KB, 808x539, 1348551582332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How exactly is freedom childish?

>being this new

That's the joke.

>> No.3266417


>lololo i was wrong on porpoise y r u so new XD

>> No.3266418
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>> No.3266427
File: 2.05 MB, 500x391, really.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

>> No.3266429

>Living in a country with a two party system
Don't try to drag me down to your level.

>> No.3266438

it's not really "unbelievable", especially if you've ever read les chants de maldoror
pic related

>> No.3266439
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>> No.3266442
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hey, I'm not OP, but I got some real problems and I'd just like to thank you for the consoling tune

>> No.3266448
File: 12 KB, 205x246, t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>come home
>parents gone through your books
>mother's crying
>dad's pissed
>dad: "you fill your head with garbage boy sooner or later garbage'll come out"
>mom: "i just want you to be an intellectual person and have a fulfilling inner philosophical life... and i want to make sure there is no plebeian shit in the house"
>dad tells me to just leave
>be like lolwtfnowhatthefuckisallofthisshit
>tell them this is cliché and dumb
>mother keeps crying
>dad tells me to go in my room
>realize game of thrones, harry potter, twilight is missing
>they threw them away

>> No.3266450
File: 471 KB, 300x192, X.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your free to do whatever you want as long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of others

>mfw people use this fucking line as an excuse to publicly humiliate and degrade anyone as soon as they do something they personally don't like; and feel justified doing it.

I was in this situation. I wanted to die, and then afterwards I went up to her and said "please don't yell out next time, so the whole room hears, it really makes me uncomfortable." And her answer was basically "No, I'm going to keep doing it because I'm allowed.", spat out that quote and then refused to listen to another word. I wanted to stab her in her fat fucking face, but I just had a meltdown instead.

>> No.3266454

call the cops

alternately trash their shit

threaten them with a knife

go live on the railroad

learn to play harmonica and roam with musical tramps

teach homeless people philosophy

fuck your mother and think of your father

>> No.3266455
File: 619 KB, 1800x2619, 1351040550330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the government should ban words I don't like

>> No.3266459

>glee gif

Post invalid.

>> No.3266467

Why would they throw those books out? If they're plebs it's not like they know anything about books.

>tfw you have pleb parents that like their kids to learn about weird and controversial things

If you're story is actually real I do feel sorry.

>> No.3266469

How the fuck did you get that out of my post?

>> No.3266474

>recognizing characters from Glee

There was nothing to invalidate, by the way.

>> No.3266475

>call the cops
This. Call the police and make your parents dig your stuff out of the garbage or, better yet, make them replace it.

>> No.3266478

how the fuck did you know it was from glee?

not the guy, but I use a bunch of reaction images I don't know where they are from.

>> No.3266484
File: 63 KB, 400x300, absolutely disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I use a bunch of reaction images I don't know where they are from

>> No.3266486

There was obviously some sort of lack of filial trust that wasn't there, if it was then this may not have happened. On the other hand, "liberals"(the taking away of books is one example of being not-so-liberal in a classical sense) are genuinely brainwashed scum and I an not surprised by this situation. I wish your dad had stuck up for you or something, but I know for a fact that my dad would just cave in because my mother is a dominating bitch. If for whatever reason I camehome for the holdiays and had a book that they didn't approve of, I'd assume that my parents would just be glad that i'm reading, as they always are. Anyways, if this actually happened OP, I feel that it is misfortunate and that there is no real repair because your parents obviously don't trust you at all and feel that you're going to possibly murder small children. Anyways, good luck.

>> No.3266490

That was a pretty good song, why are you posting it ironically?

>> No.3266500


op reads harsh surrealism, his parents think he is mentally ill and/or abuses drugs like mid 20th century absinth, like all those frenchfags, which works op used to read

>> No.3266501

Put on a trip so we can laugh at you in other threads too

>> No.3266512

Suits you right OP.
You should be reading Twilight, 50 Shades of Grey and why not some Ayn Rand.

>> No.3266570

Give them each a copy of Fahrenheit 451

>> No.3266578

Liberal-minded people censoring literature they don't agree with is some that I will never understand. It is hypocritical as shit. I feel like OP's parents are more "liberal-minded" than actually liberal in any real sense.

>> No.3266627
File: 12 KB, 645x773, that-what-the-fucking-feel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn this makes me think of how much I love my parents. They just wanted me to read a wide variety of literature and form my own ideas and opinions about the world. They never forced their own ideas/beliefs/opinions on me because they respected my intellectual integrity, but, at the same time, they were always open to discussions.

Sorry about your books, OP, and I wish you the best of luck in moving the fuck out of that place.

>> No.3266630

> voting in the interest of the rich
fuck off, ron

>> No.3266637

>Liberals censoring
>is hypocritical as shit
Wait, what? Liberalism strongly objects to virtually all non-positive thoughts toward minorities or protected groups. So any ideas about wealth that are pro-Capitalist or Meritocratic are bad and must be attacked and censored. Any ideas about race and culture that implies one is superior/better must be attacked and censored. et cetera

Try holding up Ayn Rand to the average liberal and see whether they object to it's philosophy or poor writing.

>> No.3266639
File: 59 KB, 496x637, 1350285480602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the government and the rich
>not fucking BFFs4lyfe

The free market is the enemy of the rich, as they actually have to provide a superior service to everyone else to stay on top, instead of just hiring the best lobbyists to game the system.

>> No.3266641

What happened to raising children, instead of brainwashing them? This is the kind of shit that goes down in North Korea.

>> No.3266646

>The free market is the enemy of the rich
Haha. Not really. The more money you have the more you can invest. You can buy up smaller businesses, provide "better" services. Never mind that 70% of this shit is psychological, so once you have a target demographic and an established name (at which point you're probably rich), it's pretty much smooth sailing as long as you don't get involved in any scandals. Smaller businesses, which may provide better services are often simply swamped out of an over-saturated market. Your only real hope in a free market, if you aren't rich enough to basically buy your way to fame is to find a whole in the market and exploit it.

>> No.3266651

The "free market" does nothing but make the rich even more rich-

>> No.3266675

If this is true, your parents are retarded.

>> No.3266681

My mom doesn't even know who Herman Melville is. After reading this thread, I'm not sure whether to feel lucky or unlucky.

>> No.3266687

>My mother is utterly uncultured
>This could be good or bad

>> No.3266692

>>This is the kind of shit that goes down in North Korea.

Like you've been there right? And if you get your information from journalists, and at least part of what they say is true (that journalists are shown only the party line or whatever), then we actually have very little reliable information about what happens there.

Unless you're like a CIA agent or something.

Stop talking out your ass man; it makes you look bad.

>> No.3266695

>Not voting your local Pirate Party
>Still living in a two-party-system

>> No.3266701


>> No.3266706

Well I'd rather have her be retarded than suppress my taste in art and lit or something.

>> No.3266715
File: 152 KB, 640x360, north_korea_is_for_lovers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was referring to the blatant "Ooh, everything thing is happy! Your king doesn't poop!" Propaganda that applies to all dictatorships.

Do you even know what a simile is?

Get the fuck out of here.

>> No.3266716
File: 512 KB, 600x800, fff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this would've never happened with an e-reader

>> No.3266717

>come home
>secret police gone through your books
>mother's crying
>kim jong un's pissed
>kim jong un: "you fill your head with garbage boy sooner or later garbage'll come out"
>mom: "i just want you to be a good person and have a happy life... and i want to make sure our family is safe in this house"
>kim jong un tells me to just leave
>be like lolwtfnowhatthefuckisallofthisshit
>tell them this is cliché and dumb
>mother keeps crying
>kim jong-un tells me to go to a labor camp
>realize les chants de maldoror, my collection of lame translated baudelaire, and everything by thomas bernhard is missing
>kim threw them away
be glad you guys aren't living in north korea

>> No.3266745


>> No.3266759

Oh. Ok. I thought you were op for some reason. Yeah, it's alright. I understand that.

>> No.3266760

tao lin pls go

>> No.3266778


>> No.3266792

but i like words. that's why i write. i'm asian.

>> No.3266812

My mom is a children's pastor and my dad believes the earth is 6000 years old. You dun nazi parents goofed.

>> No.3266813
File: 54 KB, 565x583, images-33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now we know yr trollin

>> No.3266818

I mean they let me read/do whatever I want outside of anything illegal.

>> No.3266824

one would think

>> No.3266948

>Still having parents that won't let you do something illegal
>Not having done something illegal
>Not having killed them, cut of their sex organs, eaten them and burried the corpses in order to show them you do something illegal whenever you please

Wait, where was I going with this again?

>> No.3267029

Was it too real for the goddamned whore?

>> No.3267034

I hope you made her pay for it. What a fuck head. Show her this post, by the way. I want her to know that strangers hate her.

>> No.3267040


If I caught my son reading Baudelaire in translation, I'd kick his fucking head in. Then again, I'd educate my children, so it wouldn't happen.

>> No.3267049
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>I've read Lolita, American Psycho, and Delta of Venus right in front of my parents without them batting an eye.
>Whenever I watch It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia when they're around, they call it "filth."

>> No.3267063

>people shouldn't be mean
>the government should make people not be mean
I know this might blow your mind, but... the first doesn't necessarily imply the second.

>> No.3267065

Nothing like an abusive elitist dad to make your kids grow strong and healthy.

Thank God they didn't found The End of Alice.
>Getting mad at Les Chants de Maldoror.
>Not getting its moral message.
They did it WRONG. i would be ashamed of such pleb parents.

>> No.3267066

stupid fucking americans

>> No.3267085

Hey, OP?

Which one of these kids is you?


>> No.3267092

>Dad walks into living room
>I'm reading Miller's Opus Pistorum
>He remarks that it's a great book
>Recommends me some books from his bookcase
>Read Cocteau's Le Livre Blanc, Tournier's Les Météores etc.
>Gayest fucking books I've ever read
>Find out our house is full of literature with homosexual undertones
>"How's your marriage, dad?"

>> No.3267107

>Nothing like an abusive elitist dad to make your kids grow strong and healthy.

Didn't do me any harm. And at least I can read French now.

>> No.3267117

>learning to read dead languages

>> No.3267120

Oh god, I'm laughing.

>> No.3267132

lel made my day

>> No.3267142

Monoligualism is nothing to be proud of, you ignorant twat. In fact, anyone who doesn't speak at least three languages well should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves.

>> No.3267201
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>> No.3267234

I'm a trilingual nigger and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone, it's hard to maintain this shit. I'm would forget my native language if it wasn't for the fact that I live where people speak it every day.

>> No.3267242


See, fucking I'm I'm I I .fuck

>> No.3267251

I don't think you understand the word "liberal". You sound like you're about 14 and are in your "shocking my parents" phase. Get off my /lit/.

>> No.3267253

I feel you man. I have a hard enough time with two languages. Sometimes I can't tell what language someone is speaking. One I can speak, or otherwise.

>> No.3267255
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jokes on you, kid. this is MY /lit/

>> No.3267291

I'm sorry to hear that OP, I really am.
It can be so painful, especially this time of year when the Christmas spirit puts emphasis on family which can make it feel really lonely in your case(?). I hope you have other people around you can call family

>> No.3267300
File: 153 KB, 311x268, 1343004131023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP life is Ham on rye

>> No.3267327

Are you parents christians?

>> No.3267337

go back to /mu/

>> No.3267338

So edgy.

have some fucking respect for those who pay for your living and love you unconditionally!

>> No.3267349

>love you unconditionally!
How optimistic.

>> No.3267367

Ask to have it back. If they refuse, just explain how knowledge is the most valuable thing in the world, and mention a few people they've heard of and probably admire that read many books.

>> No.3267386

It's a loyal opposition.
They "somehow managed" because the whole point is to blow some steam out when too much pressure builds up and to turn any potential threat to Capital into a cluster fuck of feel-good solutions and disordered personalities.

>> No.3267433

My mom was aware of me reading Mein Kampf at 14-15. She even bought me a few books on Hitler and a pretty good nazi encyclopedia. She saw me reading some marquis de Sade, erotic stories by Apollinaire and Bataille, etc. She also mentioned the incredible amount of "weird" pornographic websites in the internet history. but she never said anything bad about all of this.
>tfw your mom understands your unusal literary and historical interests, and respects your teenage urges and your crave for virtual sexual discoveries

>> No.3267452
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>The government shouldn't be too powerful
>government say so is the beginning and end of all moral and aesthetic judgements

Muh ressentiment

>> No.3267486

>Your king doesn't poop

Glad I don't live in one of those countries


>> No.3267498

Did you fuck her?

>> No.3267597

No. We didn't even have a good relation but she wasn't an idiot.

>> No.3267618

that's pretty gross, bruh

>> No.3267664


Why? My mum found my stash of hardcore magazines (yes, we did have porn before the internet, thank you very much) and she pretty much ignored them - gave me a moderate telling off because back then hardcore stuff wsa illegal in my country.

She later told me that she hated the fact that I had them, but didn't want to give me weird ideas about sex being dirty or whatevs.

Parents freaking out at young men with porn is pretty much the exception.

>> No.3267688
File: 28 KB, 490x327, terrorist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I bet if I went into Obongo's house with a spiderman mask on I'd get a different response. In fact, I suspect that someone would shoot me in the brain.

>> No.3267761


Hahaha, my parents found my stash of hardcore japanese s&m tapes and aligned them on my bed as a christian cross.
They were pissing themselves with laughter as I walked down the stairs to confront them.

>> No.3267777

When my parents found porn in my search history they warned me about viruses (computer viruses, that is) and taught me how to clear my browser history. When I tried to deny it they pointed out that I had literally typed "www.porn.com" in the address bar and took the piss out of me for weeks. Glad I was still into vanilla stuff back then, if they caught sight of the shit I fap to these days I'd never live it down.

>> No.3267783
File: 45 KB, 630x524, aca[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3267786


Astute observation. It appears that today you've learned that nothing on the internet actually happened. This is fascinating to witness. It's like you're spontaneously going through internet puberty.

>> No.3267796


>I'm would forget my native language if it wasn't for the fact that I live where people speak it every day.


>> No.3269278

My father knows I upload some of my adult works on "those awful Hentai" sites (don't ask), and stopped actually giving that much of a fuck over the years. Still, if he saw some of my nastier shota r34 or basically anything I've ever posted on /d/ he'd shoot me with a double-barrel. Mad world.

>> No.3269291

Not contributing to the general 15 year old vibe ITT (my parents had way worse issues that how I feed my cultural interests), but I've read De Sade while commuting and had random strangers (older women on both occasions) spark a conversation about it, trying to convince me not to read it further. Then again, that happened with the Catcher in the Rye too, although it was a grad student my age who was concerned about me shooting up things.


>> No.3269292


Damn you, cheap wine.