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/lit/ - Literature

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3257695 No.3257695 [Reply] [Original]

My class is going to have a Secret Santa two days from now, and we all agreed to give books as presents. The thing is, most of them are really plebeians - we are all engineering students, so none of them have any interest in literature at all; Harry Potter, Dan Brown and 50 shades of gray are the most they've ever read.

So I'm kinda unsure of what book to buy. I don't want to give one of these generic titles such as Hunger Games, Percy Jackson or whatever. This is a chance to present one of them with truly great literature; but it can't be too heavy literature, because they wouldn't like it. So my question is:

What are some great entry level masterpieces? I'm talking about pleb-friendly books anyone would like, but that have some depth and quality to it. I was thinking of something in the line of 1984 or Catcher in the Rye, maybe. What would you suggest, /lit/?

>> No.3257725


>> No.3257723

Something Vonnegut -- Player Piano would be appropriate since you're engineers.

>> No.3257728

>Catcher in the Rye
you trying to tell them you're gay?

>> No.3257735

Finnegans Wake would be perfect.

>> No.3257780


Vonnegut seems like a good idea, thanks! I'll definitely look into this.

>> No.3257804

One final bump!

>> No.3257808

Naked Lunch
yeah no, maybe Fahrenheit 451?

>> No.3257813


NOT Player Piano, that's easily Vonnegut's worst book.

I started with Slaughterhouse 5 and loved it.

Honestly, any of these:

>The Stars My Destination

>> No.3257816

If you're gonna give them Vonnegut give them Cat's Cradle

>> No.3257826

SH5 is a failure.

>> No.3257838

[Citation needed]

>> No.3257848

My God finally someone got it, every time I say that people go full rage at me.

>> No.3257852

>On this day...
>1969 - Kurt Vonnegut hangs himself after releasing his critical failure Slaughterhouse-Five, or The Children's Crusade: A Duty-Dance with Death.

>> No.3257869

1984 is an amazing pick, go with it.

>> No.3257899


>> No.3257906

Buy a Linkin Park biography or a Transformers book.

All engineers love Linkin Park and Transformers.

>> No.3257923


I'm ashamed to admit this, but they really do like Transformers.

>> No.3257929


Isn't it strange. My boyfriend studied in Britain and its the same there.

>> No.3257932

I second this. Vonnegut all the way.

>> No.3257938

Murakami, Mishima, Banana or Lin

Love those japs

>> No.3257952
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>Love those japs

>> No.3258046



Who the fuck is this?

>> No.3258053

Banana Yoshimoto
She wrote a cookbook or something

>> No.3258068


>> No.3258167


Good idea.

>> No.3258176

Eeeee Eee Eeee

>> No.3258193
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>> No.3258198

>, Steve thought, which made him feel empathy


>> No.3258209

I know. That actual concise description. It's great.

>> No.3258229


omg so good

>> No.3258267

This is supposed to be shit, right?

>> No.3258269

No. It's only shit to "smart" teenagers who think literature need to be old, wordy and obscurantist to be good.

>> No.3258295

Please be sarcasm.

>> No.3258296



>> No.3258297



>> No.3258302
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8/10. Guaranteed replies.

>> No.3258307

Oh jesus... I feel so sorry for you/

>> No.3258314

so it's shit?

>> No.3258340


1984 if you are serious.
Story of O, if you want to have some fun.

>> No.3258347

catcher in the rye is actually good...

>> No.3258393

Get The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand

>> No.3258397

The Master and Margarita

>> No.3258404

>Thanks for the book Anon, but I don't drink.

>> No.3258406

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho would be good.

>> No.3258430


He said he didn't want to give out generic trash.

>> No.3258446

shit book

>> No.3258506

you can lead a horse to water but you cant make him drink

>> No.3258522


so deep man

>> No.3258536

A farewell to arms - Hemingway

>> No.3258566
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Notes from Underground or Poor People by Dostoevsky

>> No.3258844

Buther Boy by Patrick McCabe.

It's fucking great.

>> No.3258859

Bridge of Birds
Doooooo iiit

that's like my go to for plebs. They probably never heard of it so I can get my hipster jollies off, and its simple enough for them to understand and enjoy.

>> No.3258885
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Down And Out In Paris and London > 1984

Pic related, obviously.

>> No.3258934

Try a relatively modern classic, the older the work is the harder it would be to entice someone. I recommend Slaughterhouse-Five, 1984, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, or The Bell Jar (especially if you're giving to a female). Maybe The Alchemist?

>> No.3259023
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Brave New World
The Hobbit
The Great Gatsby
I, Robot
Infinite Jets

>> No.3259035

>Infinite Jets

Voom! Look, ma, I'm going to Alpha Centauri!

>> No.3259099

I am a pleb and an engineering major. I personally loved 1984 and The Dharma Bums.

>> No.3259102

Catch-22 is also cool

>> No.3259128
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>engineering major
>sniggering uncontrollably