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/lit/ - Literature

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3257708 No.3257708 [Reply] [Original]

Recently, I've had this desire to read. Never before have I wanted to read out of curiosity or as a hobby, but now is the time.

I'd like to know however, why do you guys read?
What is your motivation behind reading?

>> No.3257712

For the white women.

>> No.3257717

Cause it makes me feel superior.

>> No.3257729

Why do you need a reason to read? If an activity has an apparent practicality to it, I'm inclined to reject it on principle.

>> No.3257761
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When I was a child I read for enjoyment, when I was an adolescent I read because I experienced life (or at least a great part of it) as problematic and wanted to find some kind of wisdom or solution to deal with that. Now in my twenties I still have that habit but don't really believe in finding such a thing anymore, and now I'm returning to reading for the sake of reading and the love of literature rather than trying to "get" something out if it, changing my focus back from reading almost entirely non-fiction back to including fiction. Even though I still get moments where I think "this philosophy is the best perspective on life and I will dedicate myself to it's practice and theory for the rest of my life," only to become disillusioned not much later.

>> No.3257765
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Not the OP, but does reading anything really make you smarter?

I burn most of my neurons on the internet daily.

>> No.3257772

Why do you need a motivation behind reading?

This is the kind of shit that rustles my jimmie. Fags are so used to having to defend themselves they see everything through the utilitarian lenses "bawww my vidya is actually instructive and blablabla" "reading will make you intelligent durp durr" or even "i read because it's fun!!!!!!! just because it's fun! it's supposed to be fun! fun!".

Fuck that shit, just read if you want to or don't read and why the fuck should I care either way. But these excuses suck balls.

To want to do it is enough motivation, you don't have to attach anything to it.

>> No.3257783

To learn shit about myself and the world. What else is there?

>> No.3257806

ty for this comment

>> No.3257895

Sheer unadulterated joy.