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/lit/ - Literature

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3253362 No.3253362 [Reply] [Original]

Currently reading Critique of Pure Reason and I'm somehow afflicted by the thought that Kant might be just like any other mortal. I've had this idea for so long that he was this kind of super brain with awesome ideas, and the more I read into it the more I realize that most of the book is just convoluted semantics and plays on words to get nowhere and no really defined ideas to bring across.

What does /lit think? Am I just a faggot who needs to learn how to read him properly?

>> No.3253365

You're just a faggot who needs to learn how to read him properly.

>> No.3253369

>most of the book is just convoluted semantics and plays on words to get nowhere
Welcome to every philosophy book ever.

>> No.3253382

Kant was a genius.

>> No.3253395

Have you even read the book or are you just spouting?

>> No.3253411

Well, I"m spouting. I'm always spouting. But I think Kant make a good argument, for the synthetic a priori, or whatever it is.

>> No.3253432

das a good one

>> No.3253449

Once upon a time Kant was studied here and there. No accident.

>> No.3253480

Cool, you're actually on the road to thinking for yourself. You should aspire to become equally disillusioned of all the other philosophers too.

>> No.3253566

absolute oath.
plato is particularly appalling for that as well

>> No.3253596
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To quote Mark Twain, "A classic is something that everybody wants to have read and nobody wants to read."

Read it again. But that is philosophy for you brother. Try starting with Plato.

>> No.3253602
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This. It's why I'm trying to quit my philosophy habit and only read fiction. It's less pretentious and more useful.

>> No.3253611

why do I have a feeling you couldn't even comprehend Kant in the first place?

go back to reading Lord of the Rengs, Hobets and Narnia

>> No.3253623

I did, I was a philosophy major until the vain uselessness of it hit me right in the nihilism and turned me insane.

>> No.3253632
File: 60 KB, 521x600, las men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the same thing is happening to me as I read Foucault's The Order of Things, though i never really held him in that high esteem to begin with.
Seems like he just took Kuhn's paradigm shift, re-named it the 'episteme', and applied it to the humanities, which is a far more obvious and thus underwhelming approach.
I'll keep reading out sheer artistic curiosity though; his writing style is highly engaging.

>> No.3253637

>not practicing zen to attain a balanced way of life and the uselessness of western philosophy

>> No.3253640



when will you fucking idiots ever learn the meaning of this word?

>> No.3253656

calm down, stan

>> No.3253665


so bredentious

>> No.3253671

Philosophy is pretentious in the sense that it pretends to be useful beyond being a bunch of words and often to speak "truth" or relate to "reality". Fiction is quite honest about being a bunch of words, mostly.

>> No.3253692


>implying the categorical imperative hasn't affected everything that has ever happened to western civilization for the past 300 years

>> No.3253710

By tricking people into thinking there is truth in it, yes, not by being true. Philosophy is merely a very abstract and high brow form of mythology.

>> No.3253726


I'm reading the same thing. His analysis of Las Menidas is on point though.

>> No.3253734

>just convoluted semantics and plays on words to get nowhere and no really defined ideas to bring across.

Applies to all philosophy

>implying the categorical imperative was kant's own original idea

it's just his own twist on the golden rule

>> No.3253747

I like you

>> No.3253757


>Still saying this shit
Bitch don't you understand that logical axioms are the reason you're on a computer right now?

>> No.3253764

>implying philosophy consists wholly of logical axioms
>implying logical axioms can lead to a system of ethics
>implying there's something as a logically sound "ought" without ridiculously sloppy assumptions

>> No.3253779

Mythology is not false. One thing is to deny the material aspect of religious things, but when you treat something as mythology, whether you are talking about Jesus, Batman, Cinderella or yourself, you are asserting that there is some truth in it. It's a common misconception that the true-false dichotomy works for mythology, but that's just not right. Mythology is the very word you'll use for that which is real despite the farfetched physicality with which the fantasy was dressed up.

I won't get into philosophy because what you said is so silly other anons will tell you to fuck off.

>> No.3253789


No, bitch. You didn't say metaphysics, you said philosophy. That includes, among other things: political theory, ethics, axiomatic truth, and yes metaphysics.

But no, you wanted to be DURR HURRR edgyfag and diss a field of study that has been and forever will be essential to the intellectual development of humanity because you're too much of a STEMFAG to step outside of perception for five seconds.

>> No.3253820

Don't feed, bro.