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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 23 KB, 300x450, slenderbone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3250396 No.3250396 [Reply] [Original]

is this literature

>> No.3250399

Haha what is that? And yes OP. Yes it is literature.

>> No.3250401

For one college student, the stories of an inhumanly tall supernatural being couldn't be farther from reality. But, as the school year transcribes, Jamie is hearing all sorts of strange tales about a paranormal entity that takes the virginity of young women. That's all spook stories to scare girls into having sex, or is it? The truth of a tall, slender man may be more real than she's ready for.

Length: 9,100 words

This work of fiction contains adult material and explicit scenes of sex, including lesbian lovers, and a paranormal encounter in a park that is about to change a woman's life forever. For mature audiences only. All characters over 18 years old.

>> No.3250404

Define "literature"

>> No.3250408

you're the literature board, you define it

>> No.3250415

someone should post the definition of literature and have it stickied.

>> No.3250422 [DELETED] 

It's like, a book, right? But not a regular book, like a book smart people, such as myself, and so do weird people who write about books for a living instead of getting a real job.

>> No.3250427

>lower case l

>> No.3250430

It's like, a book, right? But not a regular book, like a book smart people, such as myself, like, and so do weird people who write about books for a living instead of getting a real job.

>> No.3250429

...Is that Slenderman erotica?

>> No.3250436
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>as the school year transcribes

>> No.3250457

Literature (from Latin litterae (plural); letter) is the art of written work and can, in some circumstances, refer exclusively to published sources. The word literature literally means "things made from letters".

>> No.3250678

Skinny penis erotica.

>> No.3250707

As anyone who's ever read a book knows, the word "literature" has the connotation of referring to high art--that is, particularly well-written works of cultural, or historical merit.

It'd do you some good to stop pretending this connotation is nonexistent.

>> No.3250913

> As anyone who's ever read a book knows, the word "literature" has the connotation of referring to high art--that is, particularly well-written works of cultural, or historical merit.

No. The word has no such connotation, never had, and never will.

I get the distinct vibe that you're a mouthbreathing high-school child from this conversation.

>> No.3250929
File: 47 KB, 650x391, opisafaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I don't read books, I read literature" lol

>> No.3250940


Agreed, except people who don't even read books have the same connotation. Ask them what literature is and they'll say, "Moby Dick or some book smart people read." They'll never say Twilight, Hunger Games, etc. are literature.

>> No.3250946

>The word has no such connotation, never had, and never will.

Written works, esp. those considered of superior or lasting artistic merit: "a great work of literature".

What's it feel like to be wrong as fuck?