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/lit/ - Literature

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3247806 No.3247806 [Reply] [Original]

>like talking about literature
>like talking about authors
>like reading about literature

>can't read actual literature, it's much too boring

>> No.3247822

You're the ultimate pseudo-intellectual, who deep at hart is a nothing but yokel. Quit fucking yourself and go watch The Avengers. Goodbye.

>> No.3247832

>Implying there's anything wrong with enjoying The Avengers.

>> No.3247843

You must be a yokel too. If you read my post closely, you will find I am implying it's actually preferable for him to watch and enjoy The Avengers, to waisting his time on stuff he doesn't like.
>P.S.:I will call everyone who contradicts me a yokel.

>> No.3247853

>You're the ultimate pseudo-intellectual

Why? It's like enjoying the biography and life of a painter more than his paintings.

It's like enjoying reading about Einstein and his accomplishments rather than studying his actual physics and derivations

>> No.3247867


Yeah, that's being a pseudo-intellectual. Now you know.

>> No.3247872

Most literature IS boring. See >>3247651

>> No.3247885

Not only that, but OP says he does not only like to talk about the authors, he likes to talk about literature too. Which he does, apparently, without having read it. That's a pseudo-intellectual pur sang.

>> No.3247927

>Yeah, that's being a pseudo-intellectual. Now you know.

I don't talk as if I read it, I talk as if I read critiques of it. This is honest and intellectual.

I don't have to be a soldier in WW2 to know WW2. I can simply read "about" it.

>> No.3247931

The comparisons you are drawing are total garbage. It would be more accurate to say that you've read about WWII and you're now attending parties for WWII vets.

>> No.3247932

You don't have to be the narrator of a book to know about a book. You can simply read about it.

You're fucking stupid. You will never have original insight without reading a work.

>> No.3247933
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>> No.3247940

>It would be more accurate to say that you've read about WWII and you're now attending parties for WWII vets.

I'm sure they value historians at some level. Even if historians weren't there.

Think about it.

>> No.3247941
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>> No.3247944

I browse /fit/ and dont lift,
I liked reading watching video game reviews and shows despite only playing halo and warcraft.

Its fine, do what you enjoy

>> No.3247952

At any rate, that comparison is several levels beyond stupid. Anyone can just read up on a book and talk about it, but they're just saying what other people have said about the book.

I mean, feel free to go ahead and talk about novels you've not read if you want, but you won't be contributing to the discussion. You'll be like a machine that just spews out references, citations and quotations, not adding anything approaching your own opinion. It's an essentially worthless endeavor, especially considering that everyone here has access to Google and Wikipedia.

>> No.3247960

Do whatever you want, I guess.

The question is, why feel guilty about it either way?

For instance, you would not expect anyone to take what you say very seriously when you haven't read the authors yourself. But otherwise, read about them, it's cool. I know quite a lot about authors and books I've never read as I've grown surrounded by books and people talking about them. Some of those books I read, some I didn't but intend to, some I just know I'll never have the interest to read.

If you are not pretending to have read them, it's fine.

>> No.3247965


If the book has a clear idea then the correct interpretation will be more or less approximated already.

If the book has a vague idea that isn't coherent, then you can make anything you want up. It won't matter because there is no correct interpretation.

>> No.3247970

So your argument for your own total lack of necessity as a non-reader of literature in any given literature discussion is that "these people have already done it for me, and when they haven't, it means it was impossible"?

>> No.3248004


Sure. And also I don't care about forwarding some opinion about a book.

Just like I don't care about forwarding an opinion about a painting. Making opinions about shit is useless.

>> No.3248009

So, why do you enjoy partaking in discussions about literature when the discussion is inherently useless and inane?

>> No.3248026


Discussion is more than propagating your opinion about something.