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3240653 No.3240653[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, im depressed

wat do

>> No.3240656

Go outside, talk to your friends

>> No.3240657

Go for a run. Seriously 30 minutes of intense running. Go outside or find a treadmill. vigorous exercise does wonders for balancing the chemicals in your head.

>> No.3240658

I don't have any friends.

>> No.3240659

Then do as >>3240657 says.
Running's fucking awesome

>> No.3240668

Yeah, intense exercise (doesn't have to be running) is very refreshing...

>> No.3240672

>Running's fucking awesome

Then how come I hate running? Taking long walks is my thing, but running? Plus, the guy's probably unexercised.

>> No.3240675

Because you're unfit and not used to it. After developing a routine, it's satisfying as hell

>> No.3240678


Yeah you hate running because you're a blob who's out of shape. But you have to push yourself and get past that hurdle. Trust me, even your third committed run feels many times better than your first time out.

>> No.3240681

Analogous to masturbation?

Okay, I'll give it a try.

>> No.3240691


If you have access to a treadmill, I'd try that to start out. Running on a treadmill is generally easier than just on the ground. The belt propels your legs a little bit, so you can go longer usually and there's less shock on your knees.

You have to give it an honest commitment though. I'd say a good start would be like 30 minutes on a treadmill at like 5 speed. Souldn't be too hard but also vigorous enough to give you a real sweat and a little bit of a high.

>> No.3240694

Give us much more details. Do you have a rough idea why or no idea?

>> No.3240701

Put some good music on so doesn't get boring, Jimi Hendrix or whatever.

>> No.3240702

I think 2013 is the year I die. Everything just seems to be heading in that direction.

>> No.3240706

but then you won't get to see star wars episode 7 anon ;_;

>> No.3240708

Stop it. You're just some spoiled kid who takes everything for granted and doesn't realize the luck he has. Take advantage of your position, be proactive.

>> No.3240712

OP here; I'm this guy >>3240658

From what I've gathered, there are essentially two types of people claiming they're depressed here on /lit/: those who are experiencing their babby's first existential crisis, and those who are fucked in the head (clinical depression). I belong to the second type. I'm on medication. However, things aren't working out for me so far. Every day I grow more and more depressed. I don't even know why I'm asking for advice here on this very board, perhaps because it has inspired me like no other board on 4chan has. That aside, I have no idea of the etiology of my illness. I suspect it might be a chemical imbalance due to deep and complex psychological problems. I don't know.

>> No.3240715

Ugh, /lit/ is depressing now. I'm fucking off, need to do some real shit like handing in my assignment and getting ready for the Christmas dinner. OP, don't despair. Shit will get sorted eventually

>> No.3240718

Good luck on that. And thanks for your words. God I am such a whiny bitch.

>> No.3240720

You could start by going here
or here

>> No.3240724

Fuck man. My best friend went onto medication and he said it made him feel numb and so much worse.

I guess pretty much everyone has had depressive feelings at one point in their lives, some more than others and some more profound than others.

I personally feel there are many contributors to depression, our terrible diets(not to get into things like fluoride water etc which who knows what effect those kinds of chemicals have on our minds), lack of exercise, lack of sleep/regular sleeping patterns(I can feel real shit if I fuck my sleeping pattern up), bottling shit up, school, the list goes on.

At my depressive points I could have easily gone to a doctor whatever and they would have said I have clinical depression and jack me up on pills. Not to say you don't have something you can't change but I mean I changed it and mostly it was through introspection.

>> No.3240726

Getting ready for the Christmas dinner, it's the 13th?

>> No.3240738

(>>3240702 here)

How long have you been on the meds? They are the reason I feel so shitty all the time now, too. When I'm not on them I experience horrible mood swings, which is what landed me in psychotherapy in the first place, but when I'm on them I just feel catatonic. I've never had that much to live for, but the little joys in life, like reading a good book, kept me going. Now I don't even have that. I've made up my mind to wean myself off antidepressants this year, but I've been on them for a long time now and I know the withdrawal symptoms are gonna be hell. That's why I said I think I'm going to die---because if I get myself clean and find that I'm irrevocably broken, I just don't think there's any other alternative.

>> No.3240742

>fluoride water

Son, I have news for you

>> No.3240744

See a counsler. Sometimes just talking to people makes everything feel a little better. Support groups are really good too. I know support groups sound lame, but they're actually great and provide an anonymous "judge-free" atmosphere where you can go and talk about whatever. If you do all of that and still feel depressed, you should probably start taking medication.

>> No.3240749

That pic fucking cracked me up, because I've followed the silly frog from the beginning to where we are our now.

>> No.3240752



>> No.3240759

I think you have some options man and because if you think you will be irrevocably broken and kill yourself, you might as well try them right? because you probably only have this one chance of existence and it would be fucking dumb to just go out way before your time when there is so much out there to explore.

The first option would be psychedelic usage, which has been used to cure depression for centuries. Take a dose of Ayahuasca or something like Magic Mushrooms(which I personally have done and felt like a new man the next day).

The second option would be going completely clean after weaving yourself off, drinking a shit load of water and eating nothing but fruit and vegetables and a lot of. The equivalent of 30 or more banana's a day. This shit is great for your body, it's what you're meant to be eating. You have to eat a lot though. Just like those pills are drugs effecting your brain, so is the fruit and veg.

There are more options. Practice deep meditation and introspection. You really have to think this is your one shot and you hold the power. Throwing it away without fighting is really really weak and that could be part of your problem, you don't fight this shit, you just went and took pills.

>> No.3240761


Unless you drink concentrated fluoride water, there's no chance of you getting that.

>> No.3240763

Son, nowhere did I say it's bad. I said "not to get into things like fluoride water etc which who knows what effect those kinds of chemicals have on our minds"

It's a chemical waste, who knows what effect it has on us is what I said.

>> No.3240766

Two years. I don't mean to sound melodramatic, but do you have any idea of the hell that is taking that shit for two whole years? It's like I'm never going to cure. Yes, they make you feel numb, almost gloomy. Although my psychiatrist says it's only a matter of time until we find the right med. But it's getting annoying, and I don't think I have much more patience. Something has to happen.

Yes, I've been studying the possibility of going to those so called ''support groups''. In fact, I've been recommended to get into them. They sound lame indeed. But whatever.

>> No.3240768

sage this is /lit/ not /fit/

>> No.3240776

Cure? Isn't it just a masker? people actually think all their problems go away with pills? You have to change yourself.

>> No.3240783

I'll be your friend. Where do you live, OP?

>> No.3240791


Drugs fuck with your head and deplete your neurotransmitter levels. Also, drug dependence.

Psychotherapy is a waste of time. It's not going to motivate you.


Counselors don't help, otherwise people would be cured instantly. Instead you have to go to the counselor over and over again, meaning they can't cure you. Which makes it a waste of time.

Support groups are worse. Being in a room full of people with problems will make you think that having problems is normal. They still have the same problems you have, and haven't solved it. They don't have the answers you want.


Psychedelics will permanently fuck up your brain and give you nightmare flashbacks which will never go away. Do not do psychedelics.


Yeah, and the sky might fall down. Better commission the FDA to do another review of water fluoridation.

>> No.3240794


Well said

>> No.3240797

Have sex with middle-aged men. It always, always helps boost your self-esteem, whoever you are, OP.

>> No.3240798

I also have depression OP, and anxiety, which caused me to have to interrupt my studies for a year and move back in with my parents (I was in my first year of uni). I'm on citalopram and it's not that great - sort of emotionally flattening rather than un-depressing and it gives me this intense derealisation sometimes and occasionally it makes me break out into a sweat and start throwing up. I've been on it for two months, since I didn't seek treatment for my depression until I left for university.

It's quite nice to be back in a relaxed environment rather than a student hall with people cheering over FIFA and throwing loud parties and what not.

My plan for this year is to get onto a course of cognitive behavioural therapy, start exercising (doing 100 5kg lifts a day atm on each arm plus 50 situps - is that decent? I'm really underweight and trying not to be), get back into art like pallet knife oil painting, read of course (PKD at the moment for the insight into mental illness and more poetry, my main interest), and perhaps take some light college course in something like life drawing to expose me a bit to the classroom environment (my worst anxiety provoker - seriously, just sitting in a lecture at uni felt like a hot coal in the brain). Also, I'm trying to sort out my appearance a bit because I just stopped caring - like, not getting my haircut for a whole year and stuff.

so basically, my regimen to become not depressed is to pursue things: your cultural interests be that poetry, prose, painting, drawing, all of those, whatever; exercise/personal health/presentation.

/lit/ /ic/ /fit/ /fa/

>> No.3240806

>5kg lifts a day atm on each arm plus 50 situps

lol mate, what gender are you and how much do you weigh?

Unless you're a 5 year old girl, 5kg dumbbell curls aren't going to do jack, regardless of how many times you do it.

You need to be doing at least 15kg to see any effect on your arm strength.

Sit ups damage your spine and don't build your core, they're a harmful and useless exercise. Don't do sit ups.

Don't do curls either. Do heavy deadlifts and squats (deadlift at least 100% of your body weight, squat at least 75%). You'll get noticeably stronger in a matter of months.

>> No.3240810

Get a therapist, get medicated. Seriously, it's the best decision I've ever made. Don't treat it as if you are a failure and more as if it's a disease, which it is (chronic lack of dopamine, not normal, potentially hereditary) Also start exercising. Even if it's just walking 20 minutes a day and a 5 minute jog when you are about to finish. It helps. Make sure to eat 3 times a day and drink water often. When you feel more motivated try to improve your diet too.

>> No.3240811

Oh right haha, you can tell I've not been to /fit/ yet. I'm male and 50kg - always been seriously underweight. Thanks for the advice.

>> No.3240812

If my use of psychedelics has taught me anything it's that you're full of shit. That said I never touch anything that has a history of being dangerous; LSD, Marijuana, and Psilocybin have all been shown to be safe.

>> No.3240814

Don't listen to this guy, counselors definitely help if you put effort into it. Also you need to find a counselor that you like. Shop around for one, everyone does it. You don't heal a broken leg in a day, why should mental illness be any different?

>> No.3240816

Some people have hereditary depression. Also, if you are so unmotivated that you can't get out of bed or are considering suicide, pills are a better option.

>> No.3240818


You're welcome. Stick to the compound exercises (squats and deadlifts), press and chinup if you want upper body strength.


Okay sure tough guy, don't let the flashbacks hit your ass on the way out.


>> No.3240823

Those drugs can exacerbate latent mental illnesses that had not affected you before. Taking drugs is like rolling dice. Some people turn up fine after doing lsd, some don't.

>> No.3240825

>Flashbacks have proven difficult to study and are no longer officially recognized as a psychiatric syndrome.
> A recent review suggests that HPPD (as defined in the DSM-IV) is rare and affects only a distinctly vulnerable subpopulation of users.

Ya ok pal.

>> No.3240828

>You don't heal a broken leg in a day, why should mental illness be any different?

>mental illness


There are no such things as mental illnesses.

Psychiatry is to neuroscience as astrology is to astronomy. Psychology is not a science, it's a pseudoscience. None of its theories are falsifiable, no amount of evidence can falsify it.

Until 1973, such "mental illnesses" such as homosexuality were still listed in the DSM. Nowdays we have all the controversy over whether Aspergers and Autism are genuine mental illnesses or not, given the diagnostic criteria being so vague.

>> No.3240832

ITT: people replying sincerely

ever talk about books, faggots?

>> No.3240838

>replying sincerely is a bad thing

The Importance Of Being Earnest

>> No.3240840

Fine, whatever the fuck you want to call it, some people have unnaturally low amounts of dopamine in their brains. This is proven to be hereditary and could be cause by traumatic experiences. It impedes productivity, happiness, and could potentially cause you to take your own life.

Shit like that is not healed in a day.

>> No.3240845

>qualia is meaningless
lol, my qualia begs to differ

>> No.3240847

"all bad replies are sincere" - oscar wilde,

>> No.3240850

>Don't do curls either. Do heavy deadlifts and squats (deadlift at least 100% of your body weight, squat at least 75%)

A general misconception and stupidity I often hear from /fit/. I can almost smell your freshness talking through your ass-crack. You most definitely SHOULD do curls; if not for arm size, then for the health of your elbows. Plus, no matter how many chin-ups you'll do your arms will NOT grow as much as from doing curls; been there, done that.

Also, I strongly believe deadlifts are overrated as hell; First of all, they are unnecessary; Second, rather strongly inferior to squats; Third, heavy and taxing on your nervous system. Let me put it this way; whenever your squat goes up - so will your deadlift, which doesn't happen vice verse; you can most certainly take care of your glutes, hammies and lower-back by doing GHRs, hyperextensions and whatnot. Situps are fine; just make sure your thoracic spine doesn't leave the floor/ground; that's where the damaging part kicks in.

>> No.3240853

OP here; again

My psychiatrist also says that, in her experience, people who have clinical depression are not able to change themselves. Therefore the usual man the fuck up advice is just inoperative. Something that has sounded like bullshit to me, once you acknowledge that an individual is always changing, independently of his will.

I'm afraid I live too far away from you. Besides, once you got to know me you'd realise I'm not worth the effort. To be honest, I'm an undesirable piece of shit. I have no other explanation to why I've remained friendless all throughout these years.

>> No.3240856


Right, and how does talking to a counselor increase your dopamine receptor sensitivity?

A psychotherapist is no better than a sympathetic listener.

>> No.3240864
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Write a groundbreaking modernist work towards the end of your life.

You'll never cure yourself of your depression, but at least your aesthetic achievement will give you some sense of redemption against time.

Vanity of vanities.

>> No.3240872

"A witty saying proves nothing" - Voltaire
>You most definitely SHOULD do curls; if not for arm size, then for the health of your elbows.

Chinups and press has the same effect.

>Plus, no matter how many chin-ups you'll do your arms will NOT grow as much as from doing curls; been there, done that.

Chinups are a compound exercise therefore promotes more overall growth. If your goal is to ONLY get bigger biceps, then do curls. If you want greater overall strength then do compound.

>Also, I strongly believe deadlifts are overrated as hell; First of all, they are unnecessary;

Wrong. Deadlifts are a core exercise for your back. If you don't want to injure your back lifting something heavy, then do deadlifts.

>Second, rather strongly inferior to squats;

Wrong. Squats and deadlifts target different muscle groups. Deadlifts primarily the back, squats the legs.

>Third, heavy and taxing on your nervous system.

That's a good thing. Your nervous system needs to adapt to greater loads.

>Let me put it this way; whenever your squat goes up - so will your deadlift, which doesn't happen vice verse;

Wrong. Without deadlifts you will have a weaker lower back, and therefore you will not be able to deadlift more just by squatting.

>you can most certainly take care of your glutes, hammies and lower-back by doing GHRs, hyperextensions and whatnot.

Compound exercises are superior to isolation exercises, this has already been established.

>Situps are fine; just make sure your thoracic spine doesn't leave the floor/ground; that's where the damaging part kicks in.

No they're not. Your spine is not designed to lift heavy load, it's designed to maintain posture. That's why you never bend your back when squatting or deadlifting.

>> No.3240873

>denying the self and self-apparent phenomena

>> No.3240881

Funnily enough, that was a dream of mine a long time ago. I had many dreams before depression.

I don't know at which point everything started to go wrong. In that way, the image I posted illustrates beautifully my inner doubts. You're right; I'll never overcome depression. Thanks for giving me the inspiration I'm seeking though.

By the way, I don't think time really exists.

>> No.3240883

>by definition untestable, unverifiable and unfalsifiable



>> No.3240886

When you are depressed it is nice to have someone you can tell almost anything to that wont have any effect on your personal life. Also, they are trained to give good advice and at least appear to care. For someone like me without friends or family a psychotherapist was the best decision I've ever made. Sure it's a cheap substitute for a real friend but my social anxiety and paranoia prevent me from creating meaningful relationships...

>> No.3240887

>By the way, I don't think time really exists.

Time is a measure of how much something has happened.

Saying "time doesn't exist" is like saying "length doesn't exist" or "temperature doesn't exist".

>> No.3240891

>my social anxiety and paranoia prevent me from creating meaningful relationships...

Maybe you should work on that then.

>> No.3240903

Oh god. Typical armchair theorizing summerfag. I wonder, how many posts will this take until you start linking me to pubmed links.

"Hey I just find out compound exercises are superior to isolations, ergo, everything is compound now!!11"

Still talking through your blotchy ass-crack. Don't worry; it goes away with experience in the gym.

>Chinups and press has the same effect.

1. There are no words. Facepalm.exe

>Chinups are a compound exercise therefore promotes more overall growth. If your goal is to ONLY get bigger biceps, then do curls. If you want greater overall strength then do compound.

2. You said explicitly to avoid curls; you most certainly shouldn't. This is what happens, when you read Rippletits Starting Strength and think you know it all.

>Wrong. Deadlifts are a core exercise for your back. If you don't want to injure your back lifting something heavy, then do deadlifts.

3. Haha. Summerfagism shows.

>Wrong. Squats and deadlifts target different muscle groups. Deadlifts primarily the back, squats the legs.
>primarily the back

4. Read point 3. Your deadlift form has to be flat out horrifying.

>That's a good thing. Your nervous system needs to adapt to greater loads.

5. Read point 3.

>No they're not. Your spine is not designed to lift heavy load, it's designed to maintain posture.

6. Read point 1. and 3.

Tl;dr stop shitposting and giving shit advice.

>> No.3240908
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Perhaps it is not-being that is the true state, and all our dream of life is inexistent; but, if so, we feel that these phrases of music, these conceptions which exist in relation to our dream, must be nothing either. We shall perish, but we have as hostages these divine captives who will follow and share our fate. And death in their company is somehow less bitter, less inglorious, perhaps even less probable.

>> No.3240910


Lol what? I agree though, curls are ok, but if you're doing chins / pulls weighted + rows of some kind you shouldn't have to do them more than once a week or so. Of course if you like big bis then blast away.

But then the DLs,
>First of all, they are unnecessary

Depends what you are doing, for bb maybe, even for general fitness you might ignore them, but for strength you should most definitely do them. Not any of the exercises you mentioned work your low back as hard an efficiently as the dl, because you can move more weight with it. Also your forearms, abs and PC take a grand hit from a heavy deadlift. You can of course train all of those separately, but if you have one movement with which you can train all them hard why bother?

>Second, rather strongly inferior to squats

Wo man, what the hell? Comparing squats and dls? Sure they work similar muscles, but squats are more a whole body exercise due to quad activation, your body is under a very different kind of load due to the bar being on your back and your low back is not in as big of a part as in dl. Below parallel squat is different to dl in pretty much every way possible.

>Third, heavy and taxing on your nervous system

And again, what the hell? This is exactly what you want and why you should do dls. No other lift hits your CNS as hard as the deadlift resulting in greater CNS adaptation and better athletic performance. This has a carryover to your squat as well, believe it or not, since you learn better to keep you low back muscles tight under a huge load than by just squatting.

>> No.3240918


You literally said nothing in that post other than make completely unfounded ad hominems and insults.

Come back when you have something of substance to say.

>> No.3240919

so what? just because it can't be tested doesn't mean it doesn't exist
it's self-apparent
i don't know why you think you need to use the scientific method to verify the existence of something that is self-apparent and self-evident

>> No.3240921




>> No.3240922


>> No.3240935

Yet another un-experienced summerfag. God...

I didn't mean to compare squats to deadlifts; just saying that you are better off without deadlifts. Try this; drop deadlifting and get your squat up; then try to deadlift again and see what happens. You can deadlift once a month just for the lols, but when you're squatting, deadlifting, benching and overhead pressing all in 1 week it's too heavy on your nervous system. This is the biggest fucking misconception ever; but I forgive you, neither was I able to detect the copious amount of bullshit surrounding this exercise at the beginning.

>> No.3240936

>something that is self-apparent and self-evident

Just like God and Jesus? Your logic can be extended to every supernatural phenomena ever. Which is precisely why it's bullshit.

>> No.3240942

2 pencil-neck warriors who have lifted for 6 months tops.

i'm out.

>> No.3240944


And you obviously know better than Rippetoe. Why don't you have a debate with him? You're clearly more experienced than he is.

>> No.3240950

/fit/'s response would be something like
>fucking curl bros
>doing cardio >muh gains
>do you even lift?
Which is presumably why they have their dongs out here because they're less likely to get called out on bullshit.

>> No.3240957


Oldfag? Please share your wisdom.

>> No.3240961

>Sit ups damage your spine and don't build your core, they're a harmful and useless exercise. Don't do sit ups.

Is this true?
What other exercises can I do at home to work the stomach area?

>> No.3240963

you are strawmanning; self-apparent does not apply to Jesus and God, because those are revelatory and their function relies on a mechanism separate from the self
the extend your argument, you would have to conclude that the self was revealing itself to something other than itself

>> No.3240970


How is the "self" self-revelatory unless you define it as such?

You don't prove something exists by defining that it exists.

>> No.3240984

True for him. Universally true? Lel no. Do push-crunches instead if you have to. But I would strongly advise against any ab work; you might have postural imbalances to begin with; do stomach vacuums instead. Just drop your body fat if you want abs.

Drop your tripcode; Head back to >>>/reddit/ and >>>/sci/; Never come back.

/fit/ is filled with 60% fatty mcfatties who don't even lift; 35% skinnyfags who don't even eat and only 5% who actually lift. It turned into a shit-hole a year ago.

>> No.3240985

No. If anything, you want a strong core to help prevent back injury and that's the thing situps are good for. What they don't do is give you abs.

>> No.3240994

Thanks. I'll continue doing them. I do so much (necessary) cardio that I don't really need much bulk anyway.

>> No.3240999

I have barely visited /fit/ in something like 2 or 3 years. Shame, because they used to be a good fitness advice group in a weird way.

>> No.3241002
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>stomach vacuums

>> No.3241006


Don't listen to him. Deadlifts and squats work your core, situps only work your abs, which are a tiny part of your core and won't prevent injury. Deadlifts will prevent injury.

>> No.3241013
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>being this ignorant in almost 2013

>> No.3241017

I only own one dumbbell and a floor, unfortunately. Not really into fitness enough to pay for a gym membership. Is there any way for me to achieve a better core with only these? Crunches maybe? (Evidently I know fuck-all about exercise.)

polite sage

>> No.3241024

>>3241023 cont

There was never any trouble about tackling the issue with medication and any good psychologist is more than capable of knowing when they are necessary, indicating a psychiatrist or neurologist who would help with the treatment. There is no reason for the hate on the contrary situation and only a really unprofessional neurologist would go on medicating without either doing the talking or taking the patient to some who can do it. There are charlatans and money grabbers on both sides though.

Anyway, I'd put it this way: the therapist does not deny the way the motor of your car works, but before picking up the screwdriver he will make sure you have your keys, otherwise it's pointless.

>> No.3241023

>dismissing therapy
I really feel like living in the 19th century sometimes...

Are you sad because your chemicals are messed up or are your chemicals messed up because you're sad? There is no reason to tackle the issue just from one perspective, in fact, it can be dangerous to think that's enough, just like it's harming when a patient blames himself for not changing when there is a physical imbalance that stops him from doing it so.

Change of mind and attitude can lead to a happier life, this is no obscure knowledge or anything like that. You can't get any more simple than that, much like if you were going to the doctor with pain on your knee, better as well say which one is it before he starts treating. What's the problem? What's bothering you? What's the issue? What do you want? And from there complicated life situations will arise. The therapist is no longer the guy who will diagnose you to make you fit the description of a disease and he is not like a councelor, he is not there to tell you what you must do. But he will untie the knots that are making things complicated, exactly by treating the problem as a problem of language.

Inner trouble is often just about wanting two things at once, when you can't have them together or perhaps not being able to deal with loss or fear, feelings of guilt, etc. The way you speak about your own problem will show the solution of it, because you'll be able to spot the points of contradiction, the knots in the guy's logic, etc.


>> No.3241029

/lit/ is the new /fit/.
Just go ahead and delete this damn board already moot.

>> No.3241040


You need to buy a barbell and some weights. There are weight sets out there that are rather cheap (<$100). If you're not going to buy a barbell and a set of weight plates then you're not serious about wanting to get strong. So you can stay weak.


Sadness IS the chemical imbalance in your brain, idiot. Don't go off about subjective experiences again. Sadness is a biochemical imbalance, a pattern of neural activity. That's all it is.


Therapists are no better than a sympathetic listener, this has already been established in several studies.

>> No.3241042
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>Sadness IS the chemical imbalance in your brain, idiot. Don't go off about subjective experiences again. Sadness is a biochemical imbalance, a pattern of neural activity. That's all it is.

>> No.3241045


He's right though. Once you realize this sadness may affect you less.

Instead of explaining it as "oh god the world is terrible and full of suffering"

You can think of it as "shit my brain is trying to make me sad again, stupid faggot, its not gonna work, leave me alone"

>> No.3241046
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>Therapists are no better than a sympathetic listener, this has already been established in several studies.
>this has already been established in several studies.

You're on a hell of a row today, bud.

>> No.3241059

>no counterarguments
>better spam image macros
>I sure told him, told that fucker!

>> No.3241093

Crunches are most definitely an abs exercise, at least compared to sit ups. As are deadlifts, incidentally. You can just do normal bodyweight exercises on incline if you want to develop some strength without weights. Breathing exercises can also help your core a lot. I don't know about the vacuum whatever they were, but they look they'd work similarly to some yoga exercises I used to do that were surprisingly effective.

Don't listen to the tripfag, you'll just end up buying a load of expensive gym equipment you don't really want/need.

>> No.3241099

>Don't listen to the tripfag, you'll just end up buying a load of expensive gym equipment you don't really want/need.

You're an idiot. Buying free weights is far cheaper than getting a gym membership.

>> No.3241106

Do you have any reason to be sad? Try to make the situation better. Do you not have a reason to be sad? Don't give in to emotions that mean nothing.

>> No.3241109

>Sadness IS the chemical imbalance in your brain, idiot.
Except that is exactly my point, how did you understood it to be otherwise? Sadness is the chemical imbalance itself, so there is no reason to give priority to one side or the other. Or to put it in a different way, you can just flip it around: biochemical imbalance and neural patterns are our emotions and thoughts and that's all they are. They are each other, you cannot dismiss either one.

>Don't go off about subjective experiences again.
Why not? It started as such. Going "off" would be to ignore it as such. Someone was feeling bad about something and we need to find out what's the cause, rather than just putting our finger in the hole at the dam.

If you are having pain on your knees, the doctor will examine you and will figure what is happening to your muscles, bones and tendons there. But then, he may give you some medication and he will also tell you to put ice or to avoid heavy exercise or even go through physiotheraphy. The change of attitude goes is part of treatment. That's not paranormal, there is no reason to think it is not like that with other therapies and treatments.

The difference is that your knee problem is related to how much stress it physically, how you exercise your body and the mental issue is how you are exercising your mind and what is stressing it, which is human relationships, expectations, ways of thinking, etc.

>> No.3241110


>> No.3241113

And not buying unnecessary weights is cheaper still. Even if the guy did buy them, they're a pain to move around if you need to move house and they're not that great for building core strength.

>> No.3241119

You're fucking retarded.
Free weights is the BEST way to get stronger. Which part of that sentence do you not understand? Do you seriously think body weight exercises will make you stronger than doing weights? Have you ever heard of progressive resistance?

Get educated. If you're so poor that you can't afford weights, then you can't get strong (unless you work in the construction industry or something). That's all.

>> No.3241126

There is no need to go to the gym if you can't perform at least 20 solid, close grip, elbows-to-the-side push-ups.

>> No.3241136


Every 5-year-old-girl and her grandma can do at least 45 solid, close grip push-ups, dumbass.

How old are you?

>> No.3241159

>Every 5-year-old-girl and her grandma can do at least 45 solid, close grip push-ups, dumbass.

Strawmanning again? Shows your lack of competence and experience on the matter. Try stepping out of your basement once in a while. The average potato vegetable won't be able to perform 20, properly executed push-ups.

>How old are you?

I bench 285lbs.

>> No.3241165

/lit/ - Depression & Fitness

>> No.3241172

>Free weights is the BEST way to get stronger.
But they're not by the best way to build core strength. It also depends a lot on how you use them.
>Have you ever heard of progressive resistance?
You can get that from bodyweight exercises by using inclines. The higher your legs are to your hands when doing pushups increases the amount of bodyweight on the arms for example. I'm surprised you know what progressive resistance is tbh.

>Every 5-year-old-girl and her grandma can do at least 45 solid, close grip push-ups, dumbass.
Does saying only girls do it make you feel better about being unable to do a push up?

>> No.3241184

>The average potato vegetable won't be able to perform 20, properly executed push-ups.

You're a fucking moron. 90% of people in my high school could do over 40 push ups in 1 minute. And yes, they were properly executed.

Probably 95% of all men of military age are capable of doing at least 55 properly executed push ups.


Doing upside-down pushups is dangerous as hell. There's only so far you can take bodyweight exercises before you run into serious problems like that.

>> No.3241193

>And yes, they were properly executed.
I can imagine

>Doing upside-down pushups is dangerous as hell.
Most of the stuff you think is dangerous is only true if you have really shitty muscle/joint strength.

>> No.3241197

>And yes, they were properly executed.

Having your arms at a 90 degree angle and the inability to stabilize your hips properly isn't a properly executed push-up.

>Probably 95% of all men of military age are capable of doing at least 55 properly executed push ups.

No words. Please go.

>> No.3241214

my life has been pretty good but i still contemplate suicide it's not as if i am going boo hoo my life is so bad but I am just tired its not as if I matter so why not just do it.
but I am too much of a coward to live and I am to scared to kill myself so i sit here browsing 4chan ghosting through life

>> No.3241222

>upside down pushups are perfectly safe and carry no risk of you slipping and breaking your neck!
>most men of military age can't even do proper push ups!

Cool now fuck off back to /fit/

>> No.3241255


Sounds like you just need to be motivated. Do you want to be rich or loved?

>> No.3241271

>Sounds like you just need to be motivated.
no wonder you don't take psychology serious, you must think that's what is all about

>> No.3241282

the frog became self aware..

>> No.3241291

self-awareness does not entail sadness except for self-defeating sad fucks who deserve to be miserable

>> No.3241298

>How is the "self" self-revelatory unless you define it as such?
lol. lrn2 differentiate between linguistic definition and ontological status

>You don't prove something exists by defining that it exists.
no. this backs up my claim. for something that is self-apparent, there is no definition necessary

u seem confused about your position

>> No.3241304

But then your entire sense of being is controlled purely by something you have no control over. I can't think of anything more depressing than that.

>> No.3241320


Except nobody gave the "self" any ontological statuses other than you, idiot.

>> No.3241370

Why? Are you autistic?

>> No.3241419

I am depressed also. To fight my depression I am reading War and Peace

>> No.3241456

look at all those plebs willing to give up truth for comfort

>> No.3241465

Yeah I guess it's all about imediatism and functionalism. People are more willing to comfort themselves with a medicine than to talk about it and perhaps face some truth.

Anyway, what a horrible thread.

>> No.3241471


Then fucking talking about it. Motivate yourself. Read about how people motivate themselves.

>> No.3241477

What? I don't follow what this has to do with motivation?

>> No.3241526


>> No.3241540


Depression is the lack of motivation.

>> No.3241911

you are so deluded

>> No.3241924

Not even the side you are defending believes that.

>> No.3241943

it's the chemicals

theee chemicals

inside yer heaaad

the chemicals

ahh yeaaaa
the chemicals

>> No.3241950

bro just sit like this
come at me death
wash over me

captcha: papeco worship

>> No.3241953
File: 119 KB, 158x350, zazen_waves.sm_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sit like a dead person

>> No.3241956

10/10 post

"come at me death / wash over me" is the new meditation chant for the 2010's

>> No.3241980

What does depression feel like? I have felt sadness and anxiety before, in the form of fear, guilt, shame or grief, but they did not feel suicidal, nor was it chronic. In fact, grief, like from rejection, sort of feels... energizing. Innervating. As does fear, which, although it has led to my procrastination, also inspires action, and is replaced by relief after completing a responsibility.

But I don't know if I have experienced depression before. What is it like?

>> No.3241987

feels like ass man

>> No.3241999

Depression is not just a temporary feeling, it's a condition.

What the other guy said I don't agree because it just separates people between legitimate feelings or not based on what you are reading online about anonymous people. There is not a particularly dividing line between being "too sad" and being depressive, however, that doesn't mean in any way that they are the same thing. First there is a difference between having a depressive episode and being depressed. A depressive episode can be overcome by people who are balanced enough, it also may be accompanied with maniac episodes in people with bipolar disorder and so on. So if it's more than an episode, if it is a well-defined overall chronic depressive mood, that is depression. And the reason a person gets depressed is that there is a chemical imbalance in their brains and the neurons cannot make the connections right. In other words, your head is not strong enough to just "get over it", the good feeling doesn't come, but the bad feeling comes easily. Medication is advised, but also therapy. There is usually certain conditions that trigger depression, recurrent problems with family, stress, anxiety, some kind of lack, traumas, etc.

Some people never experience a depressive episode, though I'd say most people do at least one day. You may not be suicidal, but you sort of "give up" things. The next day you may go "what was I thinking?" because you are already balanced.

The depressive guy does not feel that.

>> No.3242003

Like you're sitting at the world's sunniest and most relaxing picnic, surrounded by friends and fun, and the only thing you notice are the ants in the food.

>> No.3242014
File: 77 KB, 700x956, achewood.comic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3242102

I too am depressed OP. However I am not looking for a way out because I've realised there is none. Instead I've been tunneling deeper and deeper down this hole of existential despair to see where it leads me.

>> No.3242106

I'm only a teenager. Feel worthless. My parents, I love them. Such great people. Who have always built me up to be great since I was a kid, since I was a toddler. I did have a prodigious writing talent as a child but I realize now that an erudite essay is the summit of my so-called mountainous intellect and that independent thought or an interesting, hooking idea eludes me. I'm bland, to be frank.

I have a mantra. That whoever is dull, compensates for it with humour. That whoever is bland, compensates for it with intelligence. And whoever is neither, compensates for it with loyalty. I have none of these attributes. All my life I've been built up to have the second and the crushing weight of the happiness I thought was waiting for me disappearing has left me very suicidal.

I don't know what to do. I've failed them. All I ever thought was it would all be better when I realized my non-existent talents. That that would compensate for the pretty awful person I am. And it's not going to, it's not going to come.

>> No.3242114


Shit on the floor like a number 3000.

>> No.3242121


Why not try just being nice?

>> No.3242128

Dunno what you mean buddy.

I do try. It's one of the few things I hold true to, I never poke fun at anyone callously. Joke with them maybe but you can tell where the subtle lines are drawn. I don't feel anything when I do it, any satisfaction in myself. I need to feel some sense of self worth and parroting pleasant nothings to people everyday doesn't do it for me as a person. Plus people have a predisposition to think I'm a strange and weird person to be laughed at. Which is quite accurate.

>> No.3242133



turn it sideways

it looks like massive bob bobs

>> No.3242139

I still don't understand bud.

>> No.3242142


Good, you sound like most people won't dislike you. You can probably remain employed, attract a mate. That is life, for most people.

>> No.3242145


take a massive dump from a standing position

the sections wide

onto the floor of your room or a room of someone close

>> No.3242148

Most people do like me, yeah. That is true. All others who aren't closely linked to the people who do like me, i.e. strangers, are the epitome of doom for me though. I don't know what I'll fucking do when I go to college.

Maybe that is life for them. I want something more and being the kid I am I almost feel entitled to it irrationally after so many years of thinking it would be there for me. Just wouldn't be happy in it, have never actually been happy since I realised this a few years back though.

>> No.3242163


Ah, well if you aren't in college yet, don't worry - nobody your age has really original ideas. Just don't blow your chances because you feel low now, that will change.

>> No.3242176

Stop relying on other people for your happiness.

>> No.3242191

9/11 changed everything.

>> No.3242221

i agree w/you mostly except for the "chemical imbalance in the brain" part

this is a pseudo-scientific cover-up for an area we don't actually know much about. there is actually quite a lot we don't understand about the brain and "brain drugs" like anti-depressants, anti-psychotics, painkillers, sedatives, etc. pick up the latest issue of science news, it's only this month that someone's published an article suggesting the mechanism by which anesthetics put people to sleep on the operating table/dentist's chair. same goes for stuff like acetaminophen. we've been using this stuff, or stuff like it for hundreds of years without know how or why it "works".

my problem with "chemical imbalance" generally is the presumption that all brains have some inherent state of equilibrium which, when disturbed or "not level" somehow, produces mental illness. it is similar to the "nature in balance" idea. there is more going on, i am not satisfied with wellbutrin advertisement explanations.

example: i did a little research on schizophrenia and the review articles suggested that environmental factors, rather than abnormal brain chemistry, provided more compelling and strongly correlated explanations.

>> No.3242291
File: 14 KB, 400x400, Depression.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like the term "chemical imbalance" but there are clear observable differences in brain structure between clinically depressed and non-depressed people.

>> No.3242297

Stop being a pussy, take the fucking advice and do it, man.

>> No.3242328 [DELETED] 

it's ontological status is self-apparent

>> No.3242335

I guess though does it go in depth on what the cause of the left picture is? I mean could there not be loads of reasons why that brain got like that, drugs, food, sleep, traumatic experiences, allowing your mind to consistently think bad things etc or that's something that can't be altered?

I think the big thing is maybe less with people that feel they're born with depression, maybe just guys out there that feel a bit down. Thinking can be your worst enemy. You know those random thoughts that appear like "life is meaningless" and you wonder where the fuck did that come from? and then you start thinking more and feeling down. You really have to fight against these thoughts and so no fuck off that's a pessimistic dumb way of looking at life.

Think the least amount of time unless it's constructive introspection. Just fight those thoughts. Actual feelings are harder to get away but I guess thoughts play a big part in how you can feel.

>> No.3242338

its ontological status is self-apparent

>> No.3242339
File: 493 KB, 939x1508, psychtales-int.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What does depression feel like?

It's different from simply feeling down or sad and it isn't grief either. Those are all natural emotional responses to traumatic events. It's a variety of different symptoms that affect so many parts of your life. It's more than just feeling down all the time though that is part of it.

The entire world just feel so overwhelming to you. Simple tasks that most normal people can complete with ease become extremely difficult for a depressed person. You can't make decisions, you can't study or concentrate on one thing for too long. You don't enjoy doing things that you used to enjoy. You have almost zero self-esteem. You feel down all the time but you're not even sure why and when you try to pull yourself out of it, it just makes you feel worse. You feel different to everyone around you and wonder why they're all so happy and seemingly don't have any anxiety. Everything is irritable to you as well. You may also have suicidal feelings... you might not want to kill yourself or have plans to but you can't seem to stop thinking about your own death and that you feel like you should be dead. You feel constantly guilty, ashamed, and in a pit of self-loathing but you're not even sure why. You keep thinking about negative things that have happened to you but you forget the positives.

There's lots more to it than that but that's just off the top of my head. You must remember that it's a transient illness and not a fundamental part of someone's personality (unlike psychopathy or autism) and it often goes away with treatment (therapy and anti-depressants). Also, you may be wondering why some people never get depressed even though they have shit lives, whilst others who seemingly have great lives and no emotional trauma suffer from depression? It's all to do with something psychologists call 'resilience.' Read more here:


>> No.3242342


>>3241999 here

I agree with you, chemical imbalance is a horrible term. I think I lowered down to that to match what the other guys were talking. But I really take your stance on it.

Problem would be, if depression is seen as the difference in the brain, then the diference in the brain is not evidence of depression because that is circular. And then you'd have to look on symptoms other than chemical (how the patient is feeling) and then we'd pose the question on why would one have to be like the other. Anyway, I think it's just safe to go keep it on the patient's level. You're feeling bad? And how would you like to feel? And why? And what's stopping? And how do you deal with it?

>> No.3242350

I was watching this the other day:


I found it to be quite nice, but then again I'm not in the field.

>> No.3242351

Just interested, have you done psychedelics. You're kind going against your fluoride argument.

Sure bad things can happen with doing psychedelics, so can eating spaghetti, going for a walk outside, driving your car.

Psychedelics have been done for humans for thousands and thousands of years. Small doses of magic mushroom are very unlikely going to do anything to you.

You sound like me and everyone else I know where we were 12 saying weed was the devils drug and you will instantly become brain dead.

Life to me is about experience and doing psychedelics is one of the most profound experiences in existence. Don't do them but don't try and tell others not to, if you're going to do that tell them also to not eat that chocolate cake and drive that care and drink that alcohol.

>> No.3242357

This is such a good description.

>> No.3242359

The picture shows differences in brain activity due to depression.

>Depressed people may have far fewer of the receptors for some of the brain’s “feel good” stress-response chemicals than non-depressed people, new University of Michigan Depression Center research shows.

>And even among depressed people, the numbers of these receptors can vary greatly. What’s more, the number of receptors a depressed person has appears to be linked with the severity of their symptoms — and the chances that they’ll feel better after taking a medication.

Read more here:

>> No.3242371

Interesting. I just wish it were more well known that there are healthy options than taking pills

>> No.3242372

Excuse my mistakes, I just woke up.

>> No.3242373

Thank you.

Source: I've suffered from depression for most of my adult life. I'm 23 now but I had to drop out of uni in my final year because I had a severe depressive episode. At the time I didn't even know I had depression and I didn't know what was wrong with me, but I stopped attending uni and just shut myself in my room and my symptoms got worse and worse. I honestly believe that had I been better educated about mental health issues then I wouldn't have dropped out of uni and I would have got treatment years sooner but I let my symptoms go on and on because I kept thinking "I'm not 'depressed'... that only happens to crazy people."
It was my stigma against mental illness that made my depression worse!

Btw, my severe episode started in winter of 2010/2011 and I came out of it in summer of 2011. That whole half year was the darkest time of my life. I still suffer from depression but it's not so severe and I'm much more aware of my symptoms and know when I'm about to have a severe episode and when I need help. I treat it like any other illness and go to the doctor when I feel like it's becoming an issue.

>> No.3242376

Different things work for different people. My mother has been on prozac for over 10 years and she's so much better for it. Before she was on it she could barely leave the house and she just used to stay in her bed all day when I was a kid. Now she can hold down a job in the city and she's always in a good mood.

>> No.3242377

Just read the invisible man, then the communist manifesto. You'll see that everything is stacked against you, history confirms this and there's no reason to achieve shit. You're just a commodity, expendable, and your personal worth is valued at zero. Once accepted take this notion and run. Don't let anything get the better of you. Lay your boot beneath the scum, and press your self against it without remorse. Let nothing exist unless you allow it. This will bring you happiness.

>> No.3242378

I've been through it. I can't tell exactly how I got out, because it was slow as fuck and a roller coaster ride. But I can say a few things:

>Thinking can be your worst enemy.
This is true. This and the rest of what you said about thought. I'm not sure you "fight" them, because clashing ("don't think!") can be just as harming. But otherwise I agree.

>wonder why they're all so happy and seemingly don't have any anxiety
This "wonder" is the thought the other anon said. One of the things I realized was that I was too extreme about everything and that things were either perfect or they were not worth it. Because of that, seeing other people happy or not worried made me "wonder" and think too much, creating an image that they had perfect lives or were fine the entire time and I was the one losing composture over the problems. So because of that, this happened:
>when you try to pull yourself out of it, it just makes you feel worse

I'd say my depression started 6 years ago and it took me two years to search for help, when I couldn't take it anymore. I had to swallow my pride. I went through therapy (Lacanian) with a great doctor. It took me 2-3 years to overcome and take action and now I feel alright for the most part and don't see me coming back, though I continue with the therapy. I never took any pills other than ordinary headache pills for my migraine.

>> No.3242381


>Let nothing exist unless you allow it.

Well, this certainly seems like the cruelest possible way of proving to yourself that willpower doesn't mean shit.

>> No.3242415

One thing is sure, no one has ever overcome depression by overthinking. Zapffe has some good advice, look him up

>> No.3242467

Depression is a common side effect of sanity.

>> No.3242511

I used to be happy. Nothing around me has changed. I haven't changed, but I am now suicidal. What has happened?

>> No.3242546

>implying anybody who isn't psychic can tell the difference between sanity and insanity
Most people are crazy/illogical anyway.

>> No.3242549

Stop worrying about feeling bad

>> No.3242550

Lolled. I actually did a double take to see if I clicked the right board.

>> No.3242556

I'd say they all are, as is the rest of life. That's why trying to be sane and rational leads to cognitive dissonance. Just roll with the crazy.

>> No.3242582

"sanity" is not a real thing

>> No.3242597

Neither is "cold". Still a useful concept though.

>> No.3242600

useful in primate power games and oppression of dissent?


>> No.3242611

u wot m8

>> No.3242616

>subjective phenomena is not real
why do autists believe this? just because it isn't objective does not mean it doesn't exist; read your Galileo

>> No.3242620

This /fit/ fad of telling depressed individuals to do exercise always baffles me.
Do you really think getting high on endorphins or cutting your masturbatory habits will cure such condition?

Of course it'd be more expensive and dangerous in the long run, but doing actual drugs could be more fun and equally effective (since both are short-term solutions)...

>> No.3242659

"cold", like "sanity", is a word that relates to a certain concept and therefore only exists as such. It is not an actual object. That's all I meant by it. It was to validate the existence of the concept of sanity.

If there's something wrong with you, obviously people tell you to start living a healthy life and after that you can investigate further. Just like when someone has a bad cough he should quit smoking first of all. If someone doesn't get proper exercise and nutrition it is very sensible to address these easily adjusted factors first.

Proper exercise and nutrition are long term habits (and sleep and sex life and such) are an important part of any treatment of mental problems.

>> No.3242664
File: 18 KB, 255x350, dubsdownlow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"cold", like "sanity", is a word that relates to a certain concept and therefore only exists as such. It is not an actual object
pls stop

>> No.3242675

yeah I've been exercising a lot more recently, and i'm also starting to kind of fall back into a depressive mood

i mean, exercise because it's good for you, but i don't believe that it cures depression, just another example of the cultish ways of thinking of /fit/ and people like them

like this, which has some truth to it, but also a lto of dumbness

>> No.3242683

What's so dumb about it? You have to make sure your body runs properly before you can diagnose it. Just like you need to put the right gas in your car for it to function properly.

>> No.3242692

>having been born

pick one

>> No.3242708

Oh WOW thanks for that great ADVICE BRO! Who would have guessed that I could solve all my insanely depressing and hopeless life problems by running 30 minutes a DAY! The crippling opiate addiction, inability to talk to people, and still living with my parents at 27 are all due to an unbalance of chemicals in my head because I don't run enough! You really are a fucking genius.

>> No.3242715

>getting this mad at a bit of friendly advice

No wonder you're a fuck up.

>> No.3242734

fuck off man

>> No.3242761
File: 27 KB, 640x384, dinner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a way, it's always a relationship. Either a relationship between concepts or things you can experience through your flawed senses. It's a continuous process of connecting dots, experiences, knowledges, ideas. I just don't agree with saying "sanity" or "cold" are not a real thing, simply because the real thing are the relationships themselves, not objects, not the temperature, but what the temperature mean to us. But even with anything else that appears to be more "objective", it is merely objectivized, made by solid, by the fact that we agree to see that way or because we see in that way for just too long. It's no different, it's still a relationship.

Of course these concepts are always valid (what isn't?), you say it's a cold day today and everyone understands, or better to say it appears that they understand as everyone nods to it, but point being is that there is no shocking conclict there. And with sanity, the same thing, we all seem to know what it means and we talk about it in autopilot, but there is nothing really there to speak back to you "hey, I'm sanity, this is what and how I am".

So in the end of the day, I guess all of this just adds to the initial comment, which, from my perspective, means more or less what this guy said: >>3242556 . That is, the damage comes by believing in the image of sanity, or perhaps in the image of "normal". You try to be coherent and sane, and because of that you own something to yourself that you can't ever pay.

>> No.3242772
File: 33 KB, 300x377, pan-hdr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no u angrypants

>> No.3242778

i'm so uplifted and non-depressed that i'm going to post about it itt

hope this helps

>> No.3243320

Want to be pen pals dude?

>> No.3243334

This quarter's been pretty bad as far as girls go.

>I'm a junior, met a freshman girl
>hit it off
>I get physical too fast, she gets scared and runs away

>finally get with girl I was trying to get since last year, as soon as I come I have no desire to see her ever again
>later hit her up for a booty call but she stands me up

>try to get a different freshman, go on a date
>think we're hitting it off
>she is apparently not into me, see her make out with my friend at a party, get mad and punch a wall

>just want my girlfriend from last year back, but I don't know how she feels
>originally broke up because she was gonna be gone all summer, when she came back I wanted to get back together but she wanted space
>saw her at a party, talked all night
>really want to ask her out again but she seems indifferent

fuck these goddamn feels, I just want to get drunk but I can't even do that tonight because I can't buy booze

>> No.3243352

From what I can see, majority of this board haven't even had a girlfriend or dated in a while (I am included in this) so at least it isn't too unfortunate

>> No.3243353

This is all pretty recent, last year the only girl who I ever even talked to for more than 5 minutes was my girlfriend, and before that, I was a virgin for 19 years. Don't lose hope anons, your time will come.

>> No.3243363

You are living a more "full" life than I have. My first and only girlfriend dumped me because I didn't finger her in a movie theater and since that I have been having problems communicating with people and majority of the time I spend all my time in my dorm room thinking of ways to hurt my roommate (I won't do it though), doing my homework, listening to music and going on 4chan to write about my seemingly dull and self-conscious life.

>> No.3243366

>because I don't run enough

You can kick alcoholism with running, so it might even help your junkie shit. Also, you didn't tell them you were a junkie, you only said you were depressed.

>> No.3243382

Well coincidentally that's what I'm doing tonight, almost exactly, except for the homework. The only thing that keeps me going is knowing that I'll have hot bitches in my classes next year that I can try again with.

>> No.3243392

I think the most interesting thing about depression is that it's typically found in individuals of otherwise well off backgrounds.

You don't see people ho are ACTUALLY getting fucked by the unrighteous dick of life trying to commit suicide. They are too busy trying to man the fuck up and make life better or emigrate out of their shit country or start a revolution or something along those lines.

Depression strikes me as a bitch disease for middle class Caucasian amerians. "oh boo hoo i'm afraid to talk to people and no on likes me". Oh yea? Try not know where your next meal is coming from or if you'll find shelter for tonight.

>> No.3243393

>Sweating out your toxins as you detox

Oh my god the fucking smell would be unbelievable

>> No.3243410

Do you happen to be Caucasian or middle class?

>> No.3243424


Nigga if you're doing it right then it never gets easier, you just go faster.

>> No.3243433

black, middle class.

As an addendum to my original statement, I may be experiencing obsevation bias because "cascausian middle class" are probably the most likely to be on the internet forums like /lit/ to express their depression.

>> No.3243436


The cascausian middle class is just more whiny.

>> No.3243438

That is only in America. Richer countries have more depression. http://www.biomedcentral.com/1741-7015/9/90/abstract

>> No.3243446

I think if you're constantly focused on getting more money and getting by like in poorer countries you won't be able to also be depressed.

Or maybe it's something to do with more people in the USA actually going to shrinks?

>> No.3243461

Why would anyone need friends?

Friends are fucking evil. I could have tons of friends, I got people calling me almost every day to go out with them "get drunk, have fun, smoke some weed" and all that shit, but why would I do any of that? I don't even have friends at college. Why would I have any? And it's easy to have them. All you gotta do is listen to them and laugh at their boring jokes and mundane, everyday, shallow conversations. I don't want to do that. I don't want to waste my time on someone who's way below me. My tongue forgot the language of small chatter a long time ago.

>> No.3243467

Are you me? HOLY SHIT. Sounds so much like my situation. The only difference is that I get lonely and reach out through the internet to anonymous people to discussing things that I actually care about.

>> No.3243471

>tfw you feel like this
It's all shallow people out there, there's nothing you could learn from those people, even if you get out with them, you later regret it.

Yet, sometimes I feel like I would want to be out there and have fun like they do. What the fuck? The grass is always greener on the other side?

>> No.3243508

Everybody is depressed.
Any good books that make you feel better?
come on guys.
When I read Steppenwolf and Sidartha from Hesse it made me feel better. that was few years ago, anybody know something similar ??

>> No.3243532


Artificial endorphins.

That's only a fleeting high. It can never undo the pain of a life wasted.

>> No.3243552
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>dumped me because I didn't finger her in a movie theater

>> No.3243560

Shitloads of people are depressed, but especially in developed countries. There's a heavy correlation there. Since whites pretty much invented developed countries (not trying to stormfront, but the current hip form of society is pretty much created by whites) they are also more associated with depression. Depression is also a problem in East Asia and the like though. What also may be important is that whites are more open about depression since they're less likely to be confronted with "depression is for bitches" sort of ignorance as you displayed. There's less shame in it than with most other cultures.

>> No.3243574
File: 57 KB, 685x475, pan &amp; bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you used to feel like this
>tfw you now realise you don't need rocket scientists to frolick around with
>tfw you realise that once you get to really intellectual discussion and conversation after a while you realise the futility of conversation at all, since small talk always stay safely on the surface whereas deep talk leads to semantic dead ends and the destruction of meaningful conversation, absurdity and severe scepticism and nihilism or a cold pragmaticism that offers none of the answers you are looking for and none of the mental stimulation, but jaded emptiness
>tfw deep talk isn't really deep, since that would imply a bottom, and all there remains is an infinite abyss, with you never being able to get to the bottom of everything
>tfw you realise rationality and intellectualism are useful tools when used carefully, for simple things like taking the right bus, but do nothing to satisfy any great questions
>tfw you flee beyond rationality
>tfw you stop reading philosophy
>tfw you stop trying to be deep
>tfw you build an altar to the god of frolicking
>tfw you go out with what you thought were plebs
>tfw they are just people knowing just as little as you and having a good time like people have always had a good time: getting tipsy, making music, playing around and chasing each other around and fucking
>tfw you had to go all the way round to sort of appreciate that frivolousness
>tfw you appreciate it more than ever and more than most
>tfw no longer camel or lion but the child
>tfw playing flute

>> No.3243575


take responsibilities.

>> No.3243590

this thread really brings out the worst of you edgy faggots who cannot come to terms with the fact that they are social rejects
sage, reported, hidden

>> No.3243605

To be honest I reckon depression and mental illness in general is probably worse in less developed countries, it's just not diagnosed as much due to lack of access to mental health care and a heavier focus on physical needs.

>> No.3243615


Have you tried meditation, hypnosis and lucid dreaming? Meditation can be a massive relief on the mind.

Go to /x/ and see what they'd recommend for depression, and don't turn your nose up on it either, some stuff on /x/ is bullshit hyperbole and conspiracy, other stuff, especially around mental and spiritual health, are well-known (like meditation).

>> No.3243616

Haha, you're such an angsty nihilist. I knew you must have been reading Nietzsche and when ">tfw no longer camel or lion but the child" I knew.
All those /ph/aggots reading Also Sprach Zarathustra, thinking it is an appeal to nihilism, when it is actually the exact opposite. This is exactly what happens when /lit/ goes /phil/.
>tfw you stop trying to be deep
>still writes the moest god-awful, pretentious post in the thread
Just grow up, kid. Everyone will be a nihilst for half a year when they're sixteen. It means you have just become smart enough to ask the questions but are not yet not smart enough to answer them.

>> No.3243624

>tfw you realise that once you get to really intellectual discussion and conversation after a while you realise the futility of conversation at all, since small talk always stay safely on the surface whereas deep talk leads to semantic dead ends and the destruction of meaningful conversation, absurdity and severe scepticism and nihilism or a cold pragmaticism that offers none of the answers you are looking for and none of the mental stimulation, but jaded emptiness

Human face to face conversation is incapable of transfer of complex ideas. Not only words spoken per minute can't even be compared to efficiency of neural networks activating in your head at a whim and flooding you within a second with landscapes of meaning and knowledge worth years of learning. The structure of those connections - memes (=your brain's internal language), connotations, associations - differ with each person. So there is not only a quantitative difference (level of knowledge) but also qualitative.

Then you have to take into account that contemporary social pressures force you to have a conversation in a certain way (else risk antagonisation), avoid this and that, express that and this. Muddy the water with body language and facial expressions, unintentionally threaten with physical posture, distract with hormones and smells. And you are left with conclusion that conversation isn't and never has been a way to transfer knowledge but merely a tool in primate hierarchical power games of signaling.

>> No.3243632

please stop posting
you are not fooling anyone

>> No.3243640

Yeah, so you made a full circle. The thing with circle is it has neither beginning nor end. You took the comfort pill, is all.

>> No.3243644

Electro-shock therapy has a 70% success rate for curing depression.

Try that OP. Only three times out of ten will you be depressed afterwards.

>> No.3243646

You didn't really get my point. My point was that nihilism is a side effect of an overly consistent, rational and intellectual approach to life and how I'm not a nihilist anymore.

>> No.3243648

>lobotomy has a 100% rate of curing depression
>beheading has a 100% rate of curing depression

>> No.3243656


You need to find friends with interests. You may not have to share them but there's really no point in being friends with a bunch of shallow people. It's boring.

>> No.3243663
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It's mostly that I've stopped trying to flee in otherworldliness (including systematic thought). It's not necessarily comfort. At least it doesn't feel like that. More like a jolly sort of madness. It's more that I've stopped running around in circles and sat down in the middle with a drink. A sort of mischievous amor fati.

>> No.3243668

Can be good but you've really got to be careful with that - it often causes some temporary memory loss, but if the course of treatment is too intense you may end up with years and years of life wiped away forever.

>> No.3243672

You just described yourself taking a comfort pill. But I can see how deluding yourself even here is part of the deal.

>> No.3243674

I'm not trolling son, look at the stats. It's shrugged off the stigma it received during its early years as a treatment and is now one of the best methods of managing clinical depression.

>> No.3243682

Describing me as taking a comfort pill is your comfort pill to justify your struggle and strife. It's the only way to rationalise ones toil in the face of another's lack of toil.

>> No.3243707

I don't reject either of the two contrasting modes: comfort and discomfort. I am willing to embrace whatever arises as a result of my daily journey of being fully consious (or 'struggle' in your words). You preemptively discarded half of the cognitive spectrum with all of its consequences. One can comparable this to a bastardized form of the scientific method - choosing facts to fit the already selected conclusion.

>> No.3243735

>bashing psychotherapy
>bashing drugs

Seriously shut the fuck up, you really have no clue.

>> No.3243738

I'm a ragging hard determinist, so tuna.

>> No.3243741

>My psychiatrist also says that, in her experience, people who have clinical depression are not able to change themselves. Therefore the usual man the fuck up advice is just inoperative. Something that has sounded like bullshit to me, once you acknowledge that an individual is always changing, independently of his will.

Your Psychiatrist is completely wrong, but drugs can take the edge off. The "man up" routine is counter-productive but drugs will never help you do what you need to do. Hell, the NHS in the UK is beginning to prescribe exercise for depression.

>> No.3243747

>life has meaning XD
>we are more than simply biological entities made up of tissue
hurr so edgy

>> No.3243749

So you read Steppenwolf?

>> No.3243752

>is depressed
>has no friends
>"but how do I stop depression?"

>> No.3243753
File: 99 KB, 613x790, goat squats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not any less concious for not deliberately getting stuck in cobwebs anymore. I would say there's less noise, that's all. All stern and thorough thought leads to scepticism and after a while you may just as well toss it out and live irrationally, seeing as seeking for knowledge and truth and the like will never lead to any concrete answers. The right way to go easy is to forget the right way, and forget that the going is easy. There's not a philosophical problem that you haven't made up yourself, of have read about by some other guy who liked spinning cobwebs and got tangled up in the act. While you see someone not engaging in this as less concious, I would say someone who does is merely creating artificial problems. They then often proceed to call this somehow a lofty calling, while it's merely a self-imposed form of torture and restraint without any other benefit without feeling like a great intellectual and the (for some people perhaps comforting illusion) that they will one day discover something worthwhile with all this spinning.

>> No.3243755

How could anyone come away from that book thinking its an endorsement of nihilism? HOW?

>> No.3243762

There's a distinct difference between whiny first world ennui and the type of depression that wants to make you put a bullet in your head. For as empirically shaky and shill-laden psychiatry is, people have figured out that much.

>> No.3243765

thanks for stopping by but we are full

>> No.3243767

Man that's a really bloated and pretentious way of saying drugs are bad.

>> No.3243772

The outcomes for people who end up diagnosed with schizophrenia are better in the 3rd world. Make of that what you will.

>> No.3243778

Not true. It's no better than antidepressants.

>> No.3243780


Very interested in this. Do you have a citation for me?

>> No.3243783

>it's just not diagnosed as much due to lack of access to mental health care and a heavier focus on physical needs
It's been heavily researched by professionals, the levels of happiness and depression are actually rather accurate.

Low intelligence (due to both racial inferiority and lack of intelligence), along with ignorance, causes the elimination of depression. We in the western world have many needs to fulfill, but a nigger in Africa would feel happiness just by finding a banana on a tree

>> No.3243785

>lack of intelligence
meant lack of education

>> No.3243795


Turns out I might be wrong. The picture is more nuanced. Although I don't totally buy some of the stuff they say in this.

>> No.3243799

Seriously shut the fuck up and take it back to /pol/

>> No.3243805

If third world shitskins were smart they would have killed themselves a long time ago, the fact that they are taking effort to start a revolution instead of ending their worthless lives means they are fucking retarded.

>> No.3243806

back to cess/pol/

>> No.3243811

just because no one has pointed it out, you try too hard and write like a fag

>> No.3243813

Your spiteful petulant race baiting isn't welcome here, child.

>> No.3243816
