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3238564 No.3238564 [Reply] [Original]

Dear /lit/,

any opinions on this book?
Anyone making a case for why I should not read it?
Is the theme developed in an interesting manner or is it just an edgy background for a decent thriller?

>> No.3240855

>said metairec

>> No.3241039

>inb4 edgy, edginess

Seriously want to read this now simply because i'd like to see from a historical standpoint how the author would have done things. Is there a set flashpoint or something when history parts ways?

>> No.3241071

I have also been wondering if he is any good. Please inform me kind sewers.

>> No.3241092
File: 45 KB, 500x290, 1940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a great author, his characters and plot are great; the only bad thing is he implies the Holocaust was real.
I'm not implying that people weren't abused and divested of their rights, but I don't think a Nazi Germany that was winning the war would bother wasting the resources to kill millions of people, not to mention the labor that would destroy.
They would just be relocated and forced to work.
But the main character finds a buried death camp, which implies that hundreds of thousands died there.
Utter nonsense.

>> No.3241141
File: 71 KB, 500x700, shameseries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

victors write the books chum

>> No.3241152

Well, exactly.

>> No.3241158
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>I don't think a Nazi Germany that was winning the war would bother wasting the resources to kill millions of people

>> No.3241178

i don't see the logic either way, winning or losing. But I'd love to have seen the backlash if the author DIDN'T mention the holocaust.


>> No.3241206
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I meant: *to kill millions of people that could harm it in no way once they're in camps/deported.*
Of course it would kill millions that had barrels of guns, turrets, and tanks aimed against it.

Of course.
We have Jamie Foxx saying "I get to kill all the white people in [Django Unchained]. How great is that?"
Now imagine if a white actor said, "I get to kill all the Jews in [insert Holocaust movie]. How great is that?" Demonized, blacklisted, fucked, can't find a job shoveling shit, let alone acting in movies.
Fucking double standards.

>> No.3241220

Because Jews have totally oppressed white people throughout history (and if you actually think that, go back to /pol/, stormfag)

I'm not saying all racism is OK if it's coming from a marginalized group, but there is some recognizable difference.

>> No.3241228
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Things just got edgy in here.

>> No.3241233

You might want to look up the role of antisemitism in nazism, because you clearly got some things wrong there.

>> No.3241234

ITT people who know nothing about history correcting people who know nothing about anything.

>> No.3241244
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uhhh, which category are you?

>> No.3241251


>> No.3241299

Where did I write anything about Jews oppressing white people, or the oppression of Jews in Nazism being "all right"?
All I stated was it's ludicrous to think so many bullets and resources would be spent killing people who the regime could easily kick out.
This guy >>3241228 is right, you're one edgy faggot who thinks that all sensible people are somehow Nazis.

And what would that be?

>> No.3241358

I'm not saying you did, and I'm not talking about your comment about the resources, I'm talking about how butthurt and *BAWWW REVERSE RACISM* you seemed to be getting over that guy in Django Unchained.

>> No.3241393

Genocide is no joke.
How many times were we taught that in school, scolded for making jokes about Anne Frank and the Holocaust, a teacher physically shook me because I dallied in the Holocaust Museum on our trip to D.C. in 8th grade.
And yet a black guy makes a joke about genocide, and people LAUGH.
It's discrimination, really. Something one person is prevented from doing that another person is not, that their skills and intellect have no effect on. All you need to be able to do is string a few words together: "I get to kill all the [x race]. Isn't that great?" One group can say those words, another can't.

>> No.3241432

Yes yes, not publicly mocking and killing Jews is an infringement upon the people's freedom.

>> No.3241445

You were taught that making jokes about the Holocaust was terrible because the Holocaust is a thing that actually happened.

I'm not saying that it's fine for a black guy to make jokes about killing white people. I'm just saying that it's historically blind to say they're the same thing.

>> No.3241449


Oh wow, this guy sure has been culturally enriched.
Making jokes about the holocaust are now equivalent to MuRdER

As for >mocking
How is that any different from mocking people based on anything else?
"Wow Jan, you're so fat and ugly."
"Yure infrngign on miiy freeedoms!!1"

What's wrong with you?

>> No.3241460
File: 133 KB, 436x600, hilarius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, we were taught that making jokes about the Holocaust was terrible because when you can't question a thing, it becomes set in stone.
That's why making fun of the Bible in the 12th century could get you a good case of the Inquisition.

>> No.3242189

> No, we were taught that making jokes about the Holocaust was terrible because when you can't question a thing, it becomes set in stone.

You sad, sad person.

>> No.3242217

Anyhow, about the book...

>> No.3242286

It's a good book and worth the read. The film is also worthy, though abridges the book a lot.

>> No.3242358

Hve you enjoyed other books by Harris?

>> No.3242374

I've read Enigma too, and the film is also regularly on TV here in England.

He's a decent writer.

>> No.3242525

thanks old chap. I hope I said that right.