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File: 13 KB, 220x293, 220px-Slavoj_Zizek_Fot_M_Kubik_May15_2009_09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3232881 No.3232881 [Reply] [Original]

You're in the club and this guy slaps your girlfriends ass
What do you do?

>> No.3232908

Murder everyone.

>> No.3232907
File: 30 KB, 450x300, Zizek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"It is not precisely a slap. You see, this is what capitalism does - causing one's hand to strike a buttocks and so on."

>> No.3232912

insult him with a lisp, pinch his shirt then cum in his beard

>> No.3232923

Shout "Take this, gorilla man!" and then impale him on an American flag.

>> No.3232924

That is my fetish. I'd really love to see him doing that. I would even go further and say I'd love to have passionate sex with her with him sitting in an armchair next to the bed giving away commentary on our desires, telling political jokes and so on.

You know, it appears that I'm joking, but I swear I'm being sincere with this fetish. I would actually want this happen. Of course dissapointment would come later on, as he would predict himself, but still, holding this fetish in mind helps me deal with my libido. I sometimes imagine what Zizek would say at certain given situations and I can hear him in his own voice inside my head. I often think about that doing sex, about what these small idiossincrasies in her face mean, on how the act works in a symbolic level, at the fetishistic object that ties my fantasies with hers and so on.

>> No.3232925

I tell him psychoanalysis is originally a way of paying someone else to your wife's whining.

>> No.3232929
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>> No.3232930

Discuss a Marxist approach to misogyny for a better, gayer Slovenia

>> No.3232932

slink out defeated from the club

there's nothing i can do

>> No.3232934

I'm not sure if you are trying to insult him or amuse him. That's a funny way to put it.

>> No.3232935



>> No.3232936
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>> No.3232940


i ruined it

>> No.3232956

Watch the start of this video, even if you don't pay attention to what he says. The bad quality of the film makes it seem he is wiping his face out and changing colors as he touches his forehead. It's hilarious and creepy:



>> No.3232963
File: 161 KB, 521x1327, Zizek on Eternal Sunshine Mask of Unfortuante Nature Calls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3232961
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multiplicity of ones/multiplicity of ones

>> No.3232965

I make her slap him and then they both slap each other, just like Hegel would

>> No.3233083

>"Sorry we ran out of cream. We only have milk. So, can we give you—can I serve you with coffee without milk?" Philosophers have no good news

My sides and so on.

>> No.3233088


I'm bummed he doesn't write these, they're great

>> No.3233113

He actually said or wrote them at some point, not the tweets but the fake tweeter took everything from actual things.

>> No.3233118


That's heartening

>> No.3233117

"Listen Judy, my god, I admire Kung Fu Panda."

>> No.3233119

"Listen, Judie, my god. I'm Stalin. I'm Stalin. I give a speech and you appplaud. You know? That's life. OK?"

>> No.3233120
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>> No.3233139

Ask him to slap my ass

>> No.3233140

Currently watching:


(loling the hell of that ridiculous guy in 24:30 tv program)

>> No.3233152

Slap her ass right afterward.
See what happens.

>> No.3233153

>son watching tv
"He is narcisistically amused"

Hahaha, damn Zizek. Brb, going back to the start.

>> No.3233181

Why is this guy so popular? what has he actually done?

>> No.3233196


He has some interesting commentary on cultural phenomena through a post-Marxist/Lacanian lens. Some of his stuff is actually pretty good.

>> No.3233197


the spiderman meme
the communist manifesto


>> No.3233200


recommendations, friendo?

>> No.3233205


Whatever you can pick up that you find interesting. Why not look at his stuff and see?

>> No.3233207


>> No.3233252

- most importantly he has a funny accent and has idiosyncratic mannerisms. this is at least half of his success
- critiques the left (from the left)
- wants return to cartesian subject
- finds value in christianity
- tells jokes to explain his philosophy
- analyzes movies

so far starters he's really edgy.

his most valued contribution to philosophy and knowledge though is a means to analyze ideology. in 'sublime object' he analyzes, nazism and communism mostly, but he has also brought a critical view to multiculturalism, judaism and social democracy. i've been able to take the mechanisms/process of the theory and apply it to evaluate anarchism, classical liberalism, and other kinds of identity with success.

>> No.3233410
File: 36 KB, 268x265, 1290238229295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my English prof's said he got to have dinner with Zizek. I said that must have been awkward. He laughed and said "Yeah, it's hard to eat when he's this close to your face."

Just felt like sharing.

>> No.3233863


>> No.3233869

Apologise for my Buddhist girlfriend getting her ass in the way of his waving hand.

Considering his normal gesticulation, this is likely what happened anyway.

>> No.3234108
File: 6 KB, 390x470, Oh-You-Make-Me-Cry-Laughing-Meme-Rage-Face-[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3234135

Yesh but you shee zhe metaphizzschickal schlapping of ze ass had already happened and I jusht bring zhe logical concloozhun to a full and complete fruizion. Zhe entire shing musht unfold in a kind of tedioush inevitabeelity zat, musht, yesh, rushtle your jimmiesh.

>> No.3234136

>rushtle your jimmiesh
If he finished on that, I think my brain would explode.

>> No.3234138

Snort and convulsively touch different parts of my head and face as I philosophized at him about the latest blockbusters in a thick, lisp-laden Slovenian accent.

>> No.3234143

Amuse him, would be pretty fun to meet Zizek.

>> No.3234681

Ask him an philosophic explanation from marxism and lacanian psychoanalisis, and so on and so on.

>> No.3234698


Ask him if we can trade women. He usually has some top-notch blart with him, and my old lady's overdue her 10,000 mile service. She could definitely use a re-tread, frankly.

>> No.3234740
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>> No.3234904
File: 1.12 MB, 330x248, thisgonbegood.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threads like this is why I love you guys.

Never change /lit/.

>> No.3235211

Can anyone confirm if he gets drunk with Judith Butler?

I feel like he runs his mouth off with some slightly misogynist Lacanian shit and she gets pissed at him and he has to apologize.

>> No.3235237

"Damn it, woman, why'd you buttslap this fine gentleman's hand like that?"

>> No.3235524


Posts like these are why I keep coming back to /lit/.

>> No.3235585

well one of his lectures he mentions something like this, and while it is not stated that he's drunk it could easily be infered from him being Zizek and all

>> No.3235761
File: 368 KB, 665x597, anne frank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Jeff Mangum's wife directed this

>> No.3235818

At least we know Anne Frank is getting along well in the future (to her) timeline.

>> No.3235848


Shit, I'd forgotten about all that

>> No.3235934
File: 31 KB, 383x409, 1348514948444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
