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File: 34 KB, 460x276, The-Hobbit-book-cover-006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3229011 No.3229011 [Reply] [Original]

I'm reading The Hobbit while high and absolutely loving it.

What other fantasy series are similar in feel to The Hobbit? The first chapter, 'An Unexpected Party', is a great piece of writing (at least while I'm high), it sucks me into the world of wizards and dwarves incredibly well.

I assume Lord of the Rings and the other Tolkien books have a similar feel, but is there anything else?

>> No.3229017

we don't judge by 'feels' here. we only discuss objectively good books.

>> No.3229082

Wouldn't hurt you to mellow out a little bit, bro.

>> No.3229098

I'm glad you're getting a good 'vibe' from J.R Tolkein but seriously, take this sort of conversation somewhere else

>> No.3229105

babbys first book

>> No.3229108

Fuck you. This belongs here more than half the shit we get.

>> No.3229109

Try The Book of the New Sun by Gene Wolfe, I can't see how you wouldn't enjoy it

>> No.3229110

The Odyssey should please you, if you haven't read it yet.

>> No.3229112

No it really doesn't.

>> No.3229123


>> No.3229132

>reading the book now

Why bother, the movie is out in like a week.

>> No.3229142

You might enjoy some of Lewis Carroll. He was bros with Tolkien. Just don't expect anything deep and meaningful.

>> No.3229152

>Lewis Carrol
>died 1890-something
I think you mean CS Lewis, my dear.

>> No.3229164

Assuming you mean CS Lewis, his work is a giant Christian allegory, so it's deeper than Tolkien, even if not exactly mind-bogglingly deep.

>> No.3229174

It's actually funny how many parallels there are between Tolkien's and Lewis's works. Compare Gandalf to Aslan, amirite?

>> No.3229187

Even though you are mistaken, Carroll was deep as fuck.

>yfw zen masters who came to the west used his work to illustrate their teachings

>> No.3229213

Gandalf is Jesus because he died and came back.
so deep.

>> No.3229298


Gandalf wasn't Jesus, Gandalf was a christlike character. Pretty much every culture has a christlike character, e.g. Prometheus.

But the Christian Christ was much more than just a christlike figure -- for example, Jesus was also obviously an embodiment of a trickster god.

>> No.3229306

>Jesus was also obviously an embodiment of a trickster god

What do you mean by this? I don't really know what you mean by trickster god.

>> No.3229316


Something dumb, I'm sure. /lit/ can't into theology for shit.

>> No.3229319

Aslan was a Christlike character, IE Jesus.

Do you even aggressively pedestrian literary criticism?

>> No.3229323

He's not really. Not on the same level as Jesus was supposed to be.
Jesus was a suicide, Gandalf went out fighting a demon on his own level of strength.
And Gandalf the White is his fourth incarnation.

And did you know Sauron wasn't even the head Satan of the Tolkien universe. HE was more the Jesus level spawn of Melkor/Morgoth

>> No.3229331

OP, though by Tolkien, The Silmarillion is awesome and written amazingly well. It is like a minimalist writing approach to a maximum descriptive outcome. Admittedly I haven't read it entirely, but not because I don't want to or because it sucks. It's got an olde style feel to it, but as far as sucking you into elves and wizardry, I've found nothing else that does it better.

>> No.3229336

Who wouldn't know that about Sauron. I mean, in earlier times he wasn't even evil, right?

>> No.3229337

How they hell are they going to spin an entire trilogy out of the Hobbit?

>> No.3229344


I would think considering even the extended versions of the normal lotr versions still leaves out alot they could make it happen.

>> No.3229360

Trilogy? I thought it was just two parts.
I donno. Shoehorning Bombadil back in?

I didn't read that in my Silmarillion, only that he was able to trick him before he was vanquished one last time. Maybe you read it in a Christopher Tolkien piece

>> No.3229365
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>my dear
passive-aggressiveness is not a good quality.

>> No.3229390
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>> No.3229413

Yeah dude, go for The Odyssey. The first bit is kind if dry if you don't have much background, but it gets pretty epic pretty fast.

>> No.3229445
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>objectively good

>> No.3229457

I heard Dune is good high, and that's how it gained its early popularity. I'd imagine Terry Pratchett would be incredible high, but I've never tried it I don't smoke that often

>> No.3229474

I was pretty stoned while reading 'The Diamond Age'. It was good. Good times were had. But I found myself thinking a lot about Stephenson's use of young teenage girls' sexual awakenings as plot points.

The Drummer segments were cool.

Dune while blazed would be better for your second read-through, or at least have Wikipedia handy. The families, guilds, power structures, etc aren't that complicated but it is important if you want a fuller picture of the events. And you do.

>> No.3229703

I wasn't implying that the information was to be found in The Silmarillion. I was just saying it was obvious. Gandalf and Sauron were not always enemies, right? and Gandalf watched Sauron turn to the dark side with dismay.

>> No.3229712

You're thinking of saruman, dawg

>> No.3229732
File: 47 KB, 450x337, wtf[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl+f "earthsea"
>"0 results"

sorry to resort to memes

>> No.3229916

you're not sorry at all

>> No.3229925

ITT: Books that are good high.


>> No.3229933


Books that are good will be better high.

>> No.3229944


But what would you rather read high?

To Kill a Mockingbird
The Odyssey.

Both are great books, but I feel like epics and such like The Odyssey would be ace while high.

>> No.3229950


I read both of them high. The experience with either could certainly be called 'ace'

>> No.3230008

Things Fall Apart High was one of the best experiences of my life. Interestingly enough, Heart of Darkness high was also really enjoyable.

>> No.3230032

yall alls be known dat heart o darkness would wig yall DA FUCK OUT when blaZZNN SOOOOONNnnnNN.
u kno it 2 be troof

>> No.3230034


I love how parody of marijuana culture always comes off as more juvenile than its subject

>> No.3230036

Odyssey would be better IMO

>> No.3230341
File: 22 KB, 200x292, 200px-KoolAid_1stUSEd_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test
Moby Dick(The first third of quarter is so much fun to read high)
Alice In Wonderland
V for Vendetta
Wild: An Elemental Journey
V. / Inherent Vice / Gravity's Rainbow etc
The Martian Chronicles
The Dancing Girl of Izu by Kawabata
Lots more
This is not true and it's interesting you chose To Kill a Mockingbird because I was going to use it as an example. When I got about half way through Mockingbird, I was fucking loving it, and decided to get high. When I was high I read abut half a page and it was too different. I stopped reading because I didn't want to ruin it, the reading voice had changed and I just felt like I was enjoying reading it so much sober that I didn't want to risk changing it because things can be easily changed for the worse when high e.g watch a movie high and realize how bad the makeup jobs are, bad camera work, awkward acting etc that you never noticed sober. In saying this, usually if you like something then you will like it more stoned, it's just sometimes it makes it less good.

>> No.3230347

I loved reading Naked Lunch high. I wish I smoked more often actually because I always like the effect it has on reading. I remember reading Dante's Inferno high and not understanding a single word but fucking loving every second of it. I wonder how being high would effect a dark book like Satantango anyone do this?

>> No.3230353

I was going to read Satantango stoned but my work recently brought in drug testing. I ended up giving up on the book.

Reading high and drunk is so much fun.

>> No.3230414

Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test is only cool if you have some experience with drugs. The way they describe the highs are fantastic.

>> No.3230416


Well, I smoke all day every day, so I don't really have that difference of referential frames

>> No.3230424

Did you try reading it before you did "drugs"?

I wouldn't agree it's only good on drugs but it does make you appreciate it more, especially if you have done acid and realise the crazy shit the pranksters get up to(I can't imagine being at a Beatles concert with screaming girls and you're tripping ballz, I can barely be in crowds sober, like a congested pub)

The way Wolfe describes them are amazing, those random tangents he went on were so nice to read.

>> No.3230436


>> No.3230439



>> No.3230530

it was in all caps. what what? corrosion, wears your spirit thin. Eat enough. you'll end up prescribed to 5 different meds and abusing a sixth just to get by.

>> No.3230555


"Life lived in the absence of the LSD experience that primordial shamanism is based on is life trivialized, life denied, life enslaved to the ego."

>> No.3230581

I'd say it's the other one around. I don't know if you feel the same way about magic mushrooms, if you do, I feel small doses of magic mushrooms revitalize my "soul".

Like anything too much is a bad thing, too much food fucks you up too.

>> No.3231386

OP here. I left this thread sometime last night and have only just come back to it.

Thanks for the suggestions guys, I am hopefully smoking a gram blunt of weed tonight with a buddy so when I'm home I'll pull out my books and feed my mind.

>> No.3231387

>while high
You sad waste of human sperm.

>> No.3231390

Enjoy living a boring, sober life.

>> No.3231423

>sober equates boring
Guess you don't have much else besides getting high and reading shitty fantasy books then?

>> No.3231426

Grow up.

>> No.3231428

Oh no, my life is great. I just really enjoy getting high or taking other drugs and experiencing the results.

If you want to live your life sober, that's your choice. Just don't have a go at me for how I choose to live mine.

>> No.3231429

>life is fun u guys come on sxe 4 lyfe!!


>> No.3231434

xx straightedge amirite

Personally, I don't really like reading while high. I find myself getting lost in the words and having to constantly retrace my steps.

>> No.3231439

>i've never tried a drug before, but when have my complete assumptions failed me before?
>therefore i am a better person and can speak condescendingly

>implying sober life is boring and your perception while high is not just another side of the same coin of reality

>> No.3231462

>You sad waste of human sperm.
You, small-minded sir, seem to lack a crisis of two things: of consciousness and conditioning. Fortunately, these are the two things that the psychedelics attack. We have the technological power, the engineering skills to save our planet, to cure disease, to feed the hungry, to end war; But people like you lack the intellectual vision, the ability to change your minds. So it falls to the psychedelic community alone to decondition people like you from 10,000 years of bad behavior. And, it's not easy.

>> No.3231498

Im looking for either LSD or shrooms, can anyone hit me up?

>> No.3231534

Lel, I'm a drunk. But not an ignorant enough drunk to claim that others can't have interesting lives without drinking.

>> No.3231560

Alcohol doesn't give you an interesting life, it just makes it shit.

Psychedelics on the other hand...

>> No.3231571
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Hey OP,

I feel The Hobbit is Tolkien's best.
Read Lord of the Rings, and although it was epic, it never quite went full hardcore fantasy as Hobbit did. After reading it, you'll probably be disappointed by the crappy movies though. Fuck Peter Jack-off

>> No.3231717

I honestly think that in the majority of cases, people who have never been drunk are dull as fuck.

>> No.3231726

>interesting life

nice oxymoron bro

>> No.3232011

I feel that magic mushrooms are FAR safer than LSD. LSD can be benign, even beneficial, HOWEVER, if you start using it all the time chasing after an elusive Timothy Leary course to some magical outcome, you will end up in the state previously mentioned. No, mushrooms are pretty safe all around but, they can show you things that may make you... strange. Or stranger, depending. My point, is that psychedelics of the stronger nature such as pscilocybin, LSD, all the RC's, should be respected and not regarded as vitamins for the soul, or brain, whatever.

>> No.3232015
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>Alcohol doesn't give you an interesting life, it just makes it shit.
Wrong. Falling down a long black well in to the fiery depths of hell is very fun.

>> No.3232017


>> No.3232020

Lewis Carroll really isn't very good.