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3216532 No.3216532 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, /lit/, I need some assistance.
I've taken a shine lately to Norse mythos and stories, and I was wondering if anybody knew of any books in that style?
I've already looked at the Norse recommended reading list (picture related) and plan to take a look at some of those, but I was looking for more of stories instead of histories/mythologies.
Any help would be appreciated.

>> No.3216537

Listen to metal.

>> No.3216546

Metal isn't books though.
And November is over now anyways.

>> No.3216547

The long ships

>> No.3216554


Crichton's book was okay. They called it The 13th Warrior when the movie came out. I've forgotten what it's original title was.

>> No.3216565

More myth than history, but read Kalevipoeg anyway

>> No.3216665

Cool thanks guys

>> No.3216703

The fuck, Kalevala isn't Norse at all. Steer clear of that shit.

>> No.3216705

Still fucking interesting.

Finnish mythology is from the close geographic region as the Norse pantheon (Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Denmark) yet is distinctly different. Where the Norse mythology influences are Germanic and Indo-European, the Finnish mythology stems from eastern Finno-Ugric languages. Interestingly, the Finnish legends go back so far they don't even mention Swedes, Germans or Russians which is one of the reasons the poems are thought to be at least 3,000 years old. They may have originated during the time before the Finnish people separated from the Hungarians.

>> No.3216714

Any of these deal with warfare?

>> No.3216723

Still seems interesting. Will add to the list.

I'll add in my own recommendation, "The Vikings: a History" by Roger(Robert?) Ferguson was pretty alright. Clearly, though, just a history.