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/lit/ - Literature

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3210999 No.3210999 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of this book?

An atheist friend lent it to me (I'm "agnostic" I suppose, or "don't give a shit about religion or atheism", basically). I find the writing style juvenile and putrid, and the entire premise is beating a dead horse and equates to mental masturbation. I'm not sure if I'm going to bother finishing it.

>> No.3211000 [DELETED] 



>> No.3211007

Never read anything from the "new atheist" movement, but you've got to understand, all these books are not really intellectual achievements. They're basically attempts to change popular opinion and public perception of religion/atheism. Maybe the guys who wrote them are smart and maybe they aren't, but the books barely philosophical endeavors.

>> No.3211017

don't bother with it; it's shit.

>> No.3211027

>I find the writing style juvenile and putrid, and the entire premise is beating a dead horse and equates to mental masturbation.

Yeah, that sounds about right.

>> No.3211032
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>> No.3211053

>We agree that to be a true Christian is to believe that all other faiths are mistaken

The most knowledgeable person on Christianity/Christian doctrine I know is an avowed Christian perennialist. Also

>true Christian


>> No.3211059

I tried to be agnostic for a while,
but apparently it's just as stupid as Christianity.

>> No.3211064 [DELETED] 


lmfao, practicing for a debate. shouldve considred being more considerate if his intent was to actually sway n not at attempting to conquer

>> No.3211086


>> No.3211135
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>> No.3211137

>harris, dawkins, hitchens
>edgy teen tier

>> No.3211138
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>> No.3211145

Dawkins is an accomplished biologist and Hitchens was one of the finest minds of our time. Harris is mostly garbage, though.

>> No.3211166

>only those who accept the divinity of Jesus Christ after will obtain salvation after death
>Catholics are implicated in this argument

The Roman Catholic Church does not believe that. What a retard.

>> No.3211179

>Dawkins is an accomplished biologist

how does that not make him edgy teen tier? i doubt many redditards are reading the selfish gene or whatever his pop-sci bs is

>> No.3211185
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>Hitchens was one of the finest minds of our time.

>> No.3211201

OK, this seems like a good place to ask this question I have.

So in American churches, the priest/minister or whoever collects donations from all of the attendees, correct? I've been led to believe that this occurs on occasion anyhow.

Now, if an extremely poor man was sat listening to the sermon and if he were to go to the priest after he had collected all of the donations and ask him to give every penny to him because he needs, surely by the priest cannot deny him any without being a monstrous hypocrite.

I'm even afraid that these churches wouldn't let a poor man inside.

>> No.3211205


>Hitchens was one of the finest minds of our time.

Welp, that's depressing.

>> No.3211211

catholic churches also do this

churches often run homeless helping things as well

i don't think churches wouldn't let a poor man inside

>> No.3211216

>As a Christian

there's that phrase again.
"As a Christian" is an un-Christian phrase because a Christian isn't supposed to be proudly aware of himself in that fashion.

>> No.3211220

If u are going to read an atheist book, you might as well try Bertrand Russel's "Why I am not a Christian" Tbh, this explosion of "New Atheist" literature is simply pseudo-intellctual, butthurt atheist circlejerk material.

>> No.3211226

lol, I thought he was funny, but he was a pretty opportunistic, all over the place guy. His "work" on Atheism is negligible and his political views were extremely inconsistent.

>> No.3211228

he must be in it for the cash because if I seen people on /b/ with a greater commitment to understanding ideas.

>> No.3211231




>> No.3211247
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>Taking Harris even 1% seriously

>> No.3211266

okay, so all these


guys. what to read instead? I hate it when people on /lit/ just disregard shit without ever bothering to explain anything or give any alternative or whatever.

goddammit. I hate you fuckers. If only you wouldnt give useful recommendations every now and then..

>> No.3211277

>I hate it when people on /lit/ just disregard shit without ever bothering to explain anything

>give any alternative

>If only you wouldnt give useful recommendations every now and then..

lit gives plenty of good recommendations

>> No.3211278

>guys. what to read instead? I hate it when people on /lit/ just disregard shit without ever bothering to explain anything or give any alternative or whatever.
>Pseudo-intellectual Faggot
>Butthurt scientist Faggot
>Why-is-this-guy-famous for (cooler than the rest)
>Boring philosopher Faggot

>> No.3211908

>and equates to mental masturbation
Well then, /lit/ should love it.

>> No.3212576
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OP book looks dull. (Letter to a Christian Nation. To be left largely unread) I recommend this history book instead.

>Never read anything from the "new atheist" movement,
And you never will


And yet they often are. Conversationally, I never go around saying "as an atheist." Its an aspect of me, but its not a faith. "As an Epicurean..." too a certain extent, but also not something I'd say.

>> No.3212585

shut up heathen

>> No.3212598
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Hitler youth instructor.

>> No.3212614
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As a fascist, I'd say we need less debate and more action.

>> No.3212619

i bet you'd rather kids went without any education. you're a terrible person.

>> No.3212621

If you need real history, read A people's history of the united states.

It's a real eye-opener

>> No.3212631

Christ, you people just seem so disconnected from the reality of what a large part of Christianity is. I'm sure your Christian friends are all hip and all in your educated white people college or whatever, but stop acting like the masses of speaking in tongue JESUS RODE DINOSAURS Christians aren't there. Edgy atheism is often a result of exposure to these ilk; in fact you find it a lot of the time in ex-fundies.

>> No.3212638

I meant to quote


>> No.3212647
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I doubt it's anything new.

>> No.3213008

>masses of speaking in tongue JESUS RODE DINOSAURS Christians aren't there.

They aren't. Just because you live in a shitty country (the USA) full of people who follow retarded religions doesn't mean the rest of the world has to care.

(BTW, this isn't about Christianity per se; _all_ religions that make it to America become perverted caricatures. Following insane religious cults is just your thing, your national tick.)

>> No.3213034

I found that book rather masterbatory myself. Just me.

>> No.3214102
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Did someone say my name?

Also, although you guys might say otherwise, he did succeed in what he tried to do in the Moral Landscape.

He didn't set out to prove the existence of objective morality through science. He said that morality exists as a concept to benefit human flourishing, and we can determine certain methods to assist in this though the scientific method.

>> No.3214456
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nobody said my name?