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/lit/ - Literature

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3207155 No.3207155 [Reply] [Original]

Hey tards, i need your help

I have a homework due tomorrow but i also have a research to finish in less than 6 hours, all i need is for you guy to fix the thesis statement in these 2 paragraphs

The theses in each paragraph start at "The purpose" so fix everything afterwards and leave whatever is beforehand

>Pic related

>> No.3207160

do your own fucking homework

>> No.3207165


I'm guessing some idiot will answer you, so I'm going to watch so I can laugh at them.

>> No.3207166

I would but like i said i have a research due in 6 hours and i seriously need your help. Thanx anyway

>> No.3207176

You're asking someone to create an opinion for you. Other than it being kind of a rudimentary structure (not all theses need to begin with "the purpose" or "my thesis is"), it doesn't actually say anything; you're examining these three aspects--what do you have to say about them?
Same goes for the second one--the purpose should be to argue something and show your readers something as a result of looking at those 3-4 aspects, which needs to be included in your thesis.
Hope that helps get the ball rolling. I don't think anyone should give you a thesis from that because it is largely up to you--you just haven't properly developed an argument

>> No.3207180

sage next time

>> No.3207186

The thing i don't need to write an essay later

The whole purpose of this homework is to know how to write a thesis statement and the bitch didn't tell us how yet and i am really overloaded with work to google and stuff

>> No.3207199

>how to write a thesis statemen
I pretty much just told you in >>3207176
; half of the work is done for you in the text--it lays out "how" your "paper" will develop--it just doesn't say "what" it will say.

>> No.3207204
File: 110 KB, 500x333, flo_welch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


See - I told you some utter cunt would engage with this. And now I'm laughing at you, ha ha.

>> No.3207210
File: 129 KB, 800x800, 1353366318790111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's about as far as I'm going to go into it. I actually don't mind helping out a bit, but not doing the work itself. It seems all is lost on OP.

>> No.3207211

Alright then, thank you!

Go shove a glass tube in your penis then smash it with a hammer

>inb4 I mad

>> No.3207216
File: 78 KB, 342x456, babby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>inb4 I mad

pic related