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/lit/ - Literature

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3205928 No.3205928 [Reply] [Original]

Hello lit, what do you think of Argentine writer Roberto Arlt, in my opinion one of the best to come from my country. Is it even known outside of here?.

>> No.3205939


>> No.3205961

>not Borges

>> No.3205963

no? really? think hard

>> No.3205967

Borges said "the quran mentions no palmtrees, and by that we can be certain that it was written by arabs" . i AM from argentina, Borges is our most famous writer, mentioning him would be like a classic rock and roll fanatic to come screaming "you have got to see this guy from the 50s he was called elvis oh my god you have no idea how well he played"

>> No.3206173

OK, so that's a no, nobody outside argentina heard of him

>> No.3206175

I just finished reading los siete locos. Now i'm about to start los lanzallamas. What a coincidence you made this thread.
I'm Chilean, btw.

>> No.3206177

And by just finished reading it i mean JUST finished reading it

>> No.3206185

Actually that was Borges quoting Gibbon.

Or maybe it was a fake quote, you never know with that fucker.

>> No.3206186

Also it was camels.

>> No.3206205

Well, I've obviously heard from him, he is really important, but I am very familiar with argentinian literature. I'm Colombian.

>> No.3206215

Or am i Borges, or are you Borges, mindfuck much?

>> No.3206217

Those book permanently marked me. Ojala que los disfrutes, quedense con la cordillera amigos chilenos!, no peliemos entre sudamericanos!

>> No.3206220

I was testing you, haha

>> No.3206243

I'm going to start learning Spanish next year, and I'm just beginning to read Latin American lit. Currently starting with Neruda, planning to move onto Parra, Borges, Bolano et al soon. I'll ad this guy to my list. Gracias OP.

>> No.3206266

you won't regret it, some called him the Argentinean Dostoievsky

>> No.3206282

>Not Borges
>Not Cortázar
>Not Laiseca
>Not José Bianco
>Not Wilcock


>> No.3206284

Who said not those, you have no idea about literature, Laiseca is a recent writer. Arlt is a classic in Argentina.

>> No.3206287

>You have no idea about literature

Says the arlt fan, also, Laiseca recent author?, he's been writing since the 70's

>> No.3206289


Cool your fucking jets. I would have thought Latin American literature would be on thing nobody could sperg out over.

Not OP, btw.

>> No.3206293

You are seriously retarded. Please die.

>> No.3206295

u wut m8?

>> No.3206303

Arlt is way fucking far from being the best writer in here, only literature hipsters read him nowadays, " hurrrr los siete locos so cool, brah, he's the best, you don't like it?, you don't know about literature"

They're annoying as hell.

>> No.3206311

Arlt is praised in every argentine literary circle. No doubt about that.
But ok, come tell me from outside how you think it is, it's nice to see how far the ego of an ignorant can go

>> No.3206313


Dude, I haven't read Arlt, nor do I know anyone who had. I don't get what you're so mad about. OP was just sharing an author he likes.

>> No.3206319

You are so fucking retarded, seriously.
I'm studying literature on Columbia and there is this professor that loves Arlt, he talks about him all the time.
I don't get you.

>> No.3206323


Hey, not that guy, but appeals to authority are poor form dude.

>> No.3206335

>every literary circle
>tell me from outside

you really like to prejudge, don't you?. First of all, literary circles are full of pricks who just want an acceptance of their tastes and impose them to the rest, they like to state what's literature and what's not, even if the whole population is against. Second, i'm not from the "outside", and even if i were, it doesn't really matter if you really like literature, you don't need to belong to any literary circle in order to speak about literature.
You're just an egocentric cunt who wants to canonize an writer that is far from being considered the best, since there are no "best" writers.As Oscar Wilde said, there is no good literature or bad literature.

>> No.3206338

I didn't say it to prove Arlt is good.
''only literature hipsters read him nowadays'' he said.

>> No.3206341

What you said makes no fucking sense.
Can you into read?

>> No.3206347

>I'm studying literature on Columbia and there is this professor that loves Arlt, he talks about him all the time.
> and there is this professor that loves Arlt,

So fucking what?, that's just like his opinion. It doesn't have nothing to do with being the best. I'm studying literary studies and i don't give a damn about the tastes of the professors as truth. Learn to have your own tastes.

>> No.3206353


Pick one. You obviously don't know a fuck about literature

>> No.3206350


>> No.3206355
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>> No.3206359
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Is this guy serious?
I don't know this Arlt, but if this guy is so retardadly mad about it, i guess i should read it.

>> No.3206364

I'm not mad, i'm just pointing that everyone who claims that literature has to have sense, and that there are best writers, is either a retard or a complete ignorant. Enjoy being an structured and ignorant cunt.

>> No.3206365

Man i love this board. It always give me a laugh.

>> No.3206367

Didnt you say ''Arlt is way fucking far from being the best writer in here, only literature hipsters read him nowadays, " hurrrr los siete locos so cool, brah, he's the best, you don't like it?, you don't know about literature" ''
I'm sure you were, so please, fuck off.

>> No.3206382

which book should I start with?

My library has:

-el jorobadito
-siete locos
-lo lanzallamas

>> No.3206412

I've said it because he's not a very good writer compared with the others, of course there are some writers that are close to being the best due a lot of things, but there is no best really. You can be good, but not the best.
Also you fuck off.

>> No.3206413

Go with Siete locos, then los Lanzallamas and end with El jorobadito.

>> No.3206415

Wow you are dumb.

>> No.3206424


Okie dokie.

>> No.3206445

says who? The king of dumbfuckistan?

>> No.3206526
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>> No.3206596

Jeez, also another anon from Argentina.

OP said "one of the best", not THE best. Can't you even read?
>no Bioy Casares in that list

What the fuck is wrong with this board? Why are so many so aggressive? Is it teenage angst?

>> No.3206637

I only read "El Juguete Rabioso" by Arlt and it was pretty decent. DAT LUNFARDO, he must be one of the best when it comes to that.

My favorite kind of novel in any case. It reminded me a little of Céline when discussing the miseries of life but not too much since the language and modesty of the characters is better preserved.

I'll get "Los Siete Locos" whenever I can.

Also, must read. Borges destroying Arlt:

>Arlt only read by hipsters

Are you fucking serious? I could claim the same for Cortázar. All those fucking hipsters with little hopscotches tattooed? How convenient of you to forget them.

You seem to forget Arlt is required reading in Argentinian schools.

The public of any work of entertainment has NOTHING TO DO with how you appraise such work of entertaining. Only a moronic sad person would do such thing or bring something as stupid to a serious discussion. How old are you?

You are everything that is wrong with my country. I hope you die soon and in pain, leaving no progeny behind.

>> No.3206749

you are a pretty cool guy

>> No.3207428

porque no hablamos en castellano boludazos?

si, arlt esta bueno. que carajo nos importa si lo conocena afuera.

si, borge le rompe el orto a todos. y?

>> No.3207479
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>> No.3207544

Hey argentinos, por que nunca los veo hablando de Sabato? Es uno de mis autores favoritos, y su novela "Sobre Héroes y Tumbas" es una obra maestra, en mi opinión. ¿Por qué nunca lo veo mencionado cuando hablan de literatura argentina?

¿Alguien a leído algo de él? ¿Que opina?

Soy Colombiano.

Sabato > Borges

por lo menos sabato no es tan pretencioso como todos los otros escritores argentinos, especialmente borges y cortazar

>> No.3207558

fellow latino here, never heard of that dude

>> No.3207864

Los siete locos will mess your shit up, be ready

>> No.3207873

Arlt was seen in a condesending way because he had a relatively poor formation, he barely finished high school and just tried jobs(inventor being one of them) until he found out he was an incredible writer. Altough he read a lot in public libraries.
Most writers in his time came from aristocratic backgrounds and tend to shrug him off as "kinda ok for a poor person". But to this day, even the ones who don't like his writing respect him as a major author of argentine literature.

Another good read of him is "aguafuertes porteñas" a recopilation of articles he wrote in a diary. SOLID GOLD

>> No.3207882


como les vas a dar la cordillera a esa raza asquerosa

>> No.3207888

no nos peliemos hermano latinoamericano, entre los pueblos no hay lucha, la lucha es con los de arriba que nos sacan lo nuestro

>> No.3207892


sabato es una basura. el tunel es la peor novela que lei en mi vida. viejo puto falto de belleza, quiso ser el camus argentino sin guerra que prefigure el vacio metafisico. patetico

aparte sos colombiano, jaja por favor, con razón te gusta arlt y pensas que el resto de los autores argentinos son 'pretenciosos'


>> No.3207896


jaja tenes razón. hubiese esperado otra reacción pero a palabras honestas palabras honestas, no?

btw, no sabía que había tantos argentinos pululando por acá

>> No.3207941


They're contaminating this board with their brown skin and their smelly che guevara t-shirts.

>> No.3207976


argentineans don't give a fuck about che, dipshit

>> No.3208024

Maybe Borges is you.

>> No.3208209

De Sábato tendría que leer más, pero no me llama demasiado.
"Sobre Héroes y Tumbas" y "Abaddón El Exterminador" podrían llegar a interesarme pero "El Túnel" fue pasable y ya.

A priori sé que no me va a gustar porque
>"La resistencia"
>Teoría de los dos demonios

Sobre la pretenciocidad de los escritores argentinos, cómo Borges no sonaría pretencioso siendo el artesano de la lengua que era?
Su obra es magnífica y como individuo era lisa y llanamente adorable.

>> No.3210069

Los entiendo, el túnel es una mierda. Soy el mismo que copio que era de mis autores favoritos. Pero esa cochinada no se compara con lo que es "Sobre Héroes y Tumbas". Los ensayos de Sabato son meh (aunque hay muchas cosas para salvar), y abbadón es nonsense surrealista. Pero héroes y tumbas no tiene comparación, la mejor novela que me he leído en español.