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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.07 MB, 1960x3736, 76i76i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3186824 No.3186824 [Reply] [Original]

Let's see how that hoard of yours is doing.

>> No.3186866

Is that Chewy? I had big set of those little Star Wars mirco-machines.

>> No.3186880

That's a nice personal library. I've never really been able to photograph mine properly.

>> No.3186877


Yes. Have you got a collection or have you read any of the books I've got? Found any of them interesting?

>> No.3186882

lol I had those too (not OP). I can also see the little mushroom-headed pilot guy chilling on a book

also OP is a pleb

>> No.3186899

Why do you have two copies of Anna Karenina?

>> No.3186908


Different translations. I've also got an extra copy of War and Peace and The Bros. K.

>> No.3186929

Hm. Is "The Last Days of Socrates" the same as "The Trial and Death of Socrates"?

>> No.3186947


I'd assume as much

>> No.3186966
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>physical books

>> No.3186968

>100 years of...

got excited there for a second

>> No.3186979


Christmas present, not a bad read/glance, though

>> No.3186989

decent collection OP, you are shit at taking care of your books though

>> No.3187004


Nearly all of them were bought in their present condition

>> No.3187011

My first thought when I see someone has a book collection is they're a poseur / trying to impress you. People who read a lot borrow/trade books and read ebooks, they don't hoard them as decor.

Also Goodreads is a superior substitute imo.

>> No.3187027
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I want to walk into the used bookstore near you that sells them in brand new condition.

>> No.3187031

All the books I own are ones that I've thoroughly enjoyed—none of them were purchased used

>> No.3187045

You have a nice collection. Is your Iliad abridged? If not, I wonder why yours is so much thinner than mine.

>> No.3187040


I wouldn't have posted this thread if I wasn't trying to get a favorable impression from you / /lit/ - what reflection that has on my reading habits or the reading habits of others in your eyes, couldn't say, but I do read. More than I do pretty much anything else.

All the e-readers I've tried hurt my eyes like all fuck, and I love fetishizing paper, binding, ink. It's all great stuff.


I want to show you the state of the place I get most of these books for pocket change. I guess you're right, though, the nice ones get a little thrashed and the thrashed get a bit more thrashed when I go through them. Paperbacks especially.

>> No.3187050

this is moronic on just about every level

>> No.3187098

Fuck you Benny is not a pleb.

>> No.3187113

You're shit at buying books in passable condition. Did you get them at Goodwill or something?

>> No.3187140


Yes, and similar places, most of them.


It's a 'retelling', hah. So yeah. I bought it back in high school, I think.

>> No.3187168
File: 1.56 MB, 2573x1930, grove press.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out my Grove Press collection. I have another few shelves worth but I couldn't get the angle right. Big file so you actually read some of the spines.

>> No.3187173

That's about a third of the Evergreen series, which was their main trade paperback imprint. The bottom one and a half shelves are all Black Cat, which was their pocketbook imprint.

>> No.3187187

How many have you read?

>> No.3187195

>Two "Tale of two cities" copies


>> No.3187196

Maybe like 100? I've perused almost all them. I think most of them are pretty cool and they cover an interesting cultural moment but I launched the collection and then my tastes sort of shifted to an earlier literary period. I still buy them occasionally but I've had other collecting focuses for the past two years or so.

>> No.3187198

not OP but I also have 2 copies of quite a few books in case someone wants to borrow one, or in case I want different translations (like Anna Karenina, which OP also has two different translations of)

>> No.3187210

>real book collection
>nobody gives a shit

>> No.3187225

I. Several "Complete works of - " volumes
II. Perfect balance between classics and moder works
III. Some philosophy books
IV. Apparently, differents translations of the same work

I. Disturbing lack of French writers (Where´s Moliere, Mauppasant, Balzac, Flaubert, Hugo, Stendhal, etc?)
II. No Borges
III. No essays
IV. No Cervantes
V. Not enough poetry
VI. No Persian Literature
VII. No Roman Literature
VIII. No Decameron
IX. No Divine Comedy

Overall: -III. OP, I disappoint

>> No.3187230
File: 467 KB, 1072x804, raunch books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out some of my raunchy books. I have a ton but this is a selection from the Hall of Shame.

>> No.3187232

what else have you collected? pics?

>> No.3187233

Includes most of my sci-fi sex and marijuana sex themed books.

>> No.3187239
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>> No.3187240

Decameron is a joke. Important, but archaic.
The only people that think it's worth owning are people who haven't read it.
He has Hugo on there.

>> No.3187243

Sleaze books above are also mine. I have a big vintage paperback and magazine collection (1940s-1960s), including lots of really good stuff. I have a handful of interesting antiquarian books but not enough to fill a bookcase. I have a big working library, mostly in decent editions, with quite a bit of unusual stuff.

>> No.3187249

damn sounds nice, good stuff anon

>> No.3187250

>Decameron is a joke
But I like it...

>> No.3187255

>Lesbian Enema Tricks
>Homos Don't Cry
>8001: A Sex Odyssey
Where do you buy this stuff?

>> No.3187272

Mostly eBay. I occasionally have a book store find but this stuff is way rare and most stores won't carry "porn."

>> No.3187524


>> No.3187805


What a stack, man. Truly killer.

>> No.3187816


Fuck yeah, man. Those are some gems. Enema Tricks is in no sense an unworthy topic.


It's an ongoing collection. All I've got is stuff I've found for very cheap, with a few exceptions. If it's any consolation on the Cervantes front, I'm most of the way through Quixote and loving it

>> No.3187833
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You should post some photos, man. I'd love to see what else you've got

Here's a shelf I noticed missing in the op

>> No.3187870

this is magical

>> No.3187880
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>> No.3187890

You guise still showing off your dick extensions? c'mon.

>> No.3187894

looks like the sort of people who purchase books by the foot

>> No.3187897

All those uncomfy sofas. Even the desk is shit grade. HF with back conditions by 30. All style no brain.

>> No.3187951
File: 2.60 MB, 4000x3000, AAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bookshelf thread
oh boy oh boy oh boy

>> No.3187954

It looks like you're missing a lot of great PKD

>> No.3187955


You need some better headphones.

>> No.3187969

I don't have a shelf, it's just a big pile. I don't have a camera either.

>> No.3187971


Most obvious promo photo ever. Anon is clearly to ashamed to post his actual bookshelves.

>> No.3188094

Hey there, Benito.
You got a job? Because the last time you had a pile on the floor.

>> No.3188797


My shelves and many of my books used to be in storage back then, but I've bought a fuckload of books since and gotten rid of as many

>> No.3188842
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Not ordered too well

>> No.3188847

i like you. we should hit up the local bookstore some afternoon.
right. yes. i see some fun ones hiding in there.
and i am eternally searching for a cup like that.

>> No.3188861
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iPad has a shit camera.

>> No.3188864
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>> No.3188871

Aaah, you took the Everyman's Library paper thingies off. Did you like Mann?

>> No.3188879

For some reason I only got about twenty pages into The Magic Mountain and then I didn't pick it back up. But yes, I really liked what I had read.
Hopefully I'll get back to it soon.

>> No.3188889

Why aren't those organized at all

>> No.3188899
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I mostly just go by aesthetic appeal of arrangement or how well it'll fit on my shelf.

>> No.3188911


Readers of garden variety fiction pat each other on the back.

>> No.3188963


It's also true. Books are meant for reading, not to as furnishings for your living room to display your superior taste in consumption. Remind me why your collections isn't entirely on a kindle now given that you can source an entire library for nothing.

>> No.3188971

>Books are meant for reading, not to as furnishings for your living room

why do you talk like the two are mutually exclusive?

you give off the impression that you think people who buy physical books never actually read them. I'm not sure where you get that idea from

>> No.3188976


From /lit/ mostly, but the point stands. Id' say ti's all vanity but then isn't everything?

>> No.3188978
File: 1.54 MB, 1836x3264, 2012-11-28_15-11-43_320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beat me to it

>> No.3189001

how does the point stand? you have no way to validate your claim that people more often than not buy books for vanity rather than to actually read them—it's so weak in fact that your support is that you get the idea 'from /lit/'

what does that even mean? you see people on /lit/ post pictures of their bookshelves and then assume that they haven't read the books? do they come out and tell you that? I still don't see from where you are getting this idea

>> No.3189005


Given that I never claimed that they were mutually exclusive I'm waiting for you to present a valid argument?

>> No.3189015


The only worthwhile shelf ITT so far

>> No.3189024

I'm not the one saying people buy books without intent to read them. The burden of proof is on you.

>> No.3189025


Neither am I. The burden of reading comprehension skills is on you.

>> No.3189045

>being satisfied with the scarce amount of digital books
>not buying physical copies of obscure must read novels

Good job on confirming your pleb station.

>> No.3189049

>People who read a lot borrow/trade books and read ebooks, they don't hoard them as decor.

This is explicitly stating that someone who purchases physical copies of books cannot be someone who also reads 'a lot' (because only people who 'borrow/trade books and read ebooks' read a lot) and that they instead do so to 'hoard them as decor'

You said this is 'true'.

>> No.3189054



Yes anon, your choice of consuming media in a lower-tech format makes you superior.

>> No.3189058

>not understanding a written text properly

>> No.3189060


>>3187011 isn't me.

>> No.3189070


>Implying the only real reason people don't like e-readers is that they can't get validation from showing off what books they read to people as easily.

Oh /lit/, you make me laugh. Keep on supporting the plutocrats that dominate the publishing industry though.

>> No.3189073

is >>3188963 you then?

>> No.3189076

>implying this has anything to do with literature


>> No.3189080

But I hate trees

>> No.3189085


Consume more soy produce then, accounts for a shit ton of deforestation in the Amazon.

>> No.3189086

Are you on drugs or something?
If you think your "digital library" is big enough, considering the small amount of books that have available ebook versions (pirated, public domain or paid), then I pity you.

>> No.3189090


>Small amount

No, it's not. You're lying deliberately.

>> No.3189095
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What if I told you that you can own physical books, e-books, and go to the library?

>> No.3189104


What if i told you you could own an mp3 player, cds, tapes, and pressed wax cylinders?

What if I told you it made you an annoying hipster more concerned with form than function?

>> No.3189106
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What if I told you back to Reddit?

>> No.3189116

To be fair, there are some books that aren't yet ebooks, or are just terribly formatted. I have to buy "real" books quite frequently because I can't find a genuinely good ebook edition of the books in question on the internet. Sometimes they are even cheaper.

>> No.3189129
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Nothin wrong with any of those.

I don't even go on le reddit xDDD

>> No.3189135

No argument here. In my mind there's a distinct and practical reason for all three.

>> No.3189159

No, I'm not.

The Library of the Congress alone has over 22 million books. That's only one library in one country that only indexes certain types of books.

How many ebooks do you think are there? I don't think anybody knows. But I know for sure it's a small % of that huge amount of the books ever printed.

To restrict oneself of obtaining more obscure works just because you believe in not paying for books is fucking retarded. But to gloat that you only read digital books? That's just sad.

What about obtaining different editions? What about OCR-free ebooks? What about properly formatted ebooks?

You must read commercial stuff or horribly formatted shit like this guy >>3188978 (ffs, reduce that fucking margin).

Enjoy your bowdlerized public domain novels.

>> No.3189164

Also, I have stated nowhere that owning an ereader and reading ebook is wrong.

All I'm saying is that being content with such small selection is sad and you shouldn't restrict yourself.

>> No.3189448

Let's swing this back to books and the posting of them

>> No.3189548

that's dum

>> No.3189567


Wait is that you Miles, and are those the books you took to San Francisco?

>> No.3189626

I bought a bunch of these sex books that were all weird like this at a local smoke shop awhile back and they were only 10cents a piece so I just bought a fuck ton as joke gifts for people.

I got all the ones with really funny titles, my favorite being 'Family Sex Safari' and a really creepy one with a blank cover simply labeled 'Child Bride'.

But there was one that really intrigued me, it was one of the few that had full nudity (bondage nudity at that) on the cover (most were just underwear shots, and not actual nudity) the book itself wasn't that weird, and it didn't even have a funny title, it was just something generic. But the catalog at the back of the book was horrifying!

Basically there was all the regular sex books, the BDSM stuff, then there was another section, which was a bunch of books labeled Commie War Torture Atrocities, Nazi Gas Chamber Torture, ect. with no description as to what they were. I have since lost this particular book, but I was wondering if someone here could point me in the direction of some of these weird torture description/snuff books? Which is what I assume they were!

I went back to the store after I lost that book, and tried to find another by the same publisher but there were none there. Anyone else ever heard of anything like that?

>> No.3189657

Have you still got "Child Bride"?

>> No.3189676

Trying to be minimalist, constantly downsizing my library.

To me, I love the classics but keep only a few that I truly love above all others, and use the library to read the rest.

>> No.3189678


With me I sell all the ones that I don't really like after reading them to half price books, and I give away all the ones I truly love to friends who don't ever read them.

>> No.3189706

one of the big reasons—and I haven't seen it mentioned here—that I purchase books that are dear to me is so one day if I have children I'll be able to share and eventually pass them on to them

>> No.3189713


You really think your kids will be into dad's old boring books? Bit of a stretch maybe, though I hope the best for you

>> No.3189724

this sounds like something an edgy teenager would say

>> No.3189728


I just have nothing in common with my parents, and know few people who do. My interest in books is foreign to them

>> No.3189741

maybe your parents were boring, I don't know. I don't expect that I'll be 'boring old dad' though

>> No.3189754


Reading books isn't all that makes someone interesting, and it often fails to do even that.

Seriously, though, I wish you well and good on ya. It would be awesome to inherit a kickass stack of books from family

>> No.3189767

>Reading books isn't all that makes someone interesting, and it often fails to do even that.

It's not as though books are the only central part of my character either, though.

>It would be awesome to inherit a kickass stack of books from family

This is the exact notion that makes me want to do this—I had to build my own collection; but I did inherit a vast collection of records from my father which helped to nurture a love of music and, simultaneously, a respect for his tastes and values

>> No.3189769
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Well crap. I looked at that picture and saw *some books that I have not read and do not own.* Unbelievable. Now I have to locate and read those books.

>> No.3189778

Our tastes differ a bit but I constantly make use of my dad's hodge-podge collection of books

>> No.3189853


>thinks kids don't evolve into edgy teens at level twelve

>> No.3189881

Just don't push your books on them, they'll hate you for that. Let them discover it on their own when they're ready.

>> No.3189914

I don't plan to. My idea is more to introduce them to the joy of reading when they're very young (reading things like Dr Seuss and other children's books)—and hopefully if that sparks their interest, they'll be drawn to the large bookshelf that's been there all along on their own and just pick out something that looks interesting to them. If they aren't, that's okay too; at least I'll have tried, and who knows, they may come around when they're older

>> No.3189930

I have this huge collection of children's classics (50 books I believe) plus all the narnias ready to pass onto some kid that likes reading

>> No.3190062


>not preferring the orgasmic smell of print on paper

>> No.3190056


Can I borrow your copy of The Illustrated Man?

>> No.3190084
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bookshelf thread? ok, but in español

>> No.3190154

>La Nacion
>mfw a mae was near me
>mfw I have no face

>> No.3190216
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Obvious pleb college kid though I may be, I love my hoard.

This is exactly how I was raised. So many good memories.

>> No.3190234

Oh god, I checked out that Greek mythology book like a dozen times to read and reread it in junior high. Keep thinking of buying it just for the nostalgia.

>> No.3190235
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My shitty uni room hoard, I should buy more books. And yes, I have two cooking books, though i've never opened them.

>> No.3190238

>Jamie and Delia
I'm not surprised you never open them.

>> No.3190242

Undesired presents from my loving aunt

>> No.3190261

Do it. I bought my copy for the nostalgia factor too. Totally worth it.

>> No.3190266

If you ever do want to cook nice food, yummly.com, The Guardian's how to cook the perfect... series, and pdfs of The World Cookbook for Students and the Flavour Bible will do you well for most things.

>> No.3190303
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>> No.3190306

Sums up what I want to do each time I see an infidel with those heretic black magic tablets.

>> No.3190313

I don't like reading in public

>> No.3190316

Why not? It's fine as long as you don't read while walking like a douche

>> No.3190317

This is what I do. Ebooks for those ones that I manage to find as ebooks, library for the expensive and out of print works (or those I'm unsure I'll like), physical books for favorites, those that I'm likely to take notes in and good stuff got cheaply.

>> No.3190321
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>settlers of catan

>> No.3190322

I don't like people to know what I'm doing or what I like. I don't know why.

>> No.3190324

My house has a room called "the library," which houses floor-to-ceiling bookcases on the majority of three walls. Each bookcase is filled with quality texts, neatly arranged. Although I couldn't imagine even making a significant dent in it, I know that every book in there (except perhaps the encyclopedia) has been read by my father, the crazy man. He is truly the consummate reader.

>> No.3190331

Pics or you're a lying fagget

>> No.3190392
File: 473 KB, 478x393, thelibrary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


just for you anon. took it a couple of minutes ago with my potato phone camera.

it also makes me / my family look rich. we're not. :'(

>> No.3190401

Classy, and you delivered.

>> No.3190427

Calvin and Hobbes....hmmmmm

>> No.3190439

>Calvin and Hobbes
I've seen people jerking off to it on a few different boards.
Is it just nostalgia or is it actually good?

>> No.3190451

Pretty much nostalgia. It is very good, but if you didn't read it as a kid, you probably won't get the same feels as those of us who did.

And if you're not american, don't even bother

>> No.3190474


OP, are you a /lit/ major in school or just really well read?

>> No.3190478

>well read?
Get out.

>> No.3190484

Yeah. My feelings are colored with nostalgia, but I suspect it'd be good even if they weren't.

> if you're not american, don't even bother
Why do you say that? A lot of my family are European immigrants, and C&H seems to be pretty popular with them.

>> No.3190507
File: 114 KB, 315x400, calvin_and_hobbes_on_ritalin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as someone who had to take add meds as a kid and strongly advocates against them today, this is one of the most poignant pieces of work I've seen. There's a lot of stuff in C&H that evokes similar feelings. It's really a great series.

>> No.3190510

Damn... so much feels.

>> No.3190533

That's a fanmade strip.

>> No.3190537


It's really not that great a read, even for Bradbury


How's that Norton anthology? And the Pushkin collection?


I wanna meet that dad. Shelf looks like a beaut, It'd be nice to see some solid pics


This. Seriously.


A while ago I figured It'd do well by me to save the time and money with a straight jump into post-grad drive-thru studies.

>> No.3190541

didn't know that, but it's still very powerful nonetheless.

>> No.3190542

One fanmade strip just beat the entire collection of the original author's work for me.

The things they said about the means of production are true.

>> No.3190548
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>> No.3190550

I think the fanmade strip is a little derivative and, I dunno, smaltzy I guess? The really great strips were subtle.

>> No.3190553
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>> No.3190554

The Norton Anthology is like the Bible for literary students. It contains pretty much every existing critical texts combined into one huge slab of a book. It's fantastic, but a pain in the ass to lug around campus.

The Pushkin collection is fine, although the tales are nowhere near the genius of The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.3190555

>The really great strips
>Calvin and Hobbes
Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehhueheuheuehuehuehueheu HAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAH

Oh dear.

>> No.3190556

aaaaaaaand derailed

>> No.3190561
File: 2.05 MB, 3264x1840, myshelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a second full shelf of the same type on the opposite wall. Do you like?

>> No.3190563

That makes me so mad man.

>> No.3190564

Brilliant deduction, Holmes!

>> No.3190565

I have no idea.

>> No.3190569

>dat Ovation
>those helmets, are you a /k/ommando by any chance?

>> No.3190570

It's mostly history and classic lit.

>> No.3190572


I can't see what you have aside from an SG, which, real or fake, is no Telecaster. Let us see your spines.


Post books.


I'm pretty sure I downloaded it a few months ago, but I can't stand reading on the computer. Might be worth picking up.

>> No.3190575

I see some Library of America and maybe some Franlkin Library editions? What are those red, blue, and white ones near the bottom?

>> No.3190576

That's still pretty vague. Just take a good pic.

>> No.3190587

What you got against SGs, bro? They're far superior to generic teles

>> No.3190592

Is this why you took a picture where you can see what everything is except for the books? Guitar threads on lit..

>> No.3190606
File: 1.57 MB, 3264x1840, myshelf2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are Edward Gibbon. I honestly just discovered this board. I had no idea people cared this much about what books people have. Sorry, I'll take more photos later, here's a closer look. I have seven other bookshelves in the house and I'm not going to make an evening of taking photos with my shitty phone.

>> No.3190610

That wasn't me.

>> No.3190619


>new to this board

Prepare your anus and your appreciation of Ayn Rand. /lit/ don't play nice

>> No.3190624

That's nice.

>> No.3190631


Start working on replying to posts with a pretense of satire in a sardonic, condescending tone. You'll learn soon enough.

>> No.3190633

Good sir, is that Democracy in America by Tocqueville, by any chance?

>> No.3190638

The very same, good sir.
If you don't already know, it's beyond my ability to explain it to you. I'm sorry.

>> No.3190639


>thinks I didn't already know
>assumes we're talking about the same thing

>> No.3190681

It's a pretty good series of stories that happen to shed light on early Renaissance Italy and provide a good contrast to TDC. Interesting, but not really essential.

>> No.3190692


Nice blurb. To what does it refer?

>> No.3190702
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The Decameron. Not used to 4chan since they did all the weird upgrades :/


Easton Press? Nice. I have a bunch of those. Did you actually order the whole series?

>> No.3190723
File: 916 KB, 3264x2448, 20121129_150326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Buy a kindle"

>> No.3190737


>> No.3190744

Think of the people in neckbraces.

>> No.3190863 [DELETED] 


How do you say 'pleb' in Chilean?

>> No.3190868

>Dostoievski por todos lados
>Mitología nórdica


>> No.3190902

I have both a Kindle and a decent sized personal library. And still use my university library. There are good reasons for using each method, be it availability, cost or convenience.

>> No.3190908

kindle = convenience and no cost, but low availability
library = no cost and almost complete availability, but low convenience for most people
own = full availability and convenience, but usually costs

>> No.3191294
File: 2.07 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_0464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>first post on /lit/
working on a bookshelf
only recently started working enough to afford decents - mid-right crate demonstrates order shitty taste (read: 12 years old)

>> No.3191300

Well, you sure do like Penguin Classics. It might look less miserable if you just piled the books on the floor, rather than using bright orange crates.

>> No.3191311

They're red, and believe me don't look as horrid as the picture.

Classics for uniformity, plus they're relatively cheap

>> No.3191313

What appreciate it if you listed your collection of Penguins

>> No.3191315


>Classics for autism, plus they're relatively cheap

>> No.3191319

>Classics for cheapness, plus they're relatively autistic

>> No.3191323

The Count of Monte Cristo
Les Miserables
Of Mice and Men
Cup of Gold (also Steinbeck)
The Purple Cloud
Paradise Lost
The Anger of Achilles: The Iliad (Robert Greaves translation)
The Koran
The House of the Dead
On War
The Travels
The Journals of Lewis and Clark
Angle of Repose
Two on a Tower
Democracy in America
The Three Musketeers/Twenty Years After
Walden/Civil Disobedience
On Architecture
The Rise of the Roman Empire
The Campaigns of Alexander
History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire: Abridged (Gibbon)
Epictetus' Discourses/Selected Writings
On Sparta
The Alexiad
Chronicles of the Crusades
War and Peace
The Cossacks
The death of Ivan Ilych
Anna Karenina
Crime and Punishment
Poor Folk
The Idiot

Few more banging around here and there

>> No.3191326

Which of those have you read?

>> No.3191329


And then, like, five contemporary novels? Why?

>> No.3191330

>The Purple Cloud
>Published November 27th 2012 by Penguin Classics

You're fast.

>> No.3191333


The Count of Monte Christo
The Purple Cloud
Paradise Lost

I don't follow any pattern.

>> No.3191334


Pretty weak ratio, my man

>> No.3191337

Also, thanks for posting the list. Found a couple books that interested me.

>> No.3191338


Thanks. It came over a month ago - at least.

>> No.3191339


Sorry, at least a month ago here in Australia

>> No.3191340

so u just have a bunch of em because...you just wanted to buy em?

captcha: methodical nlvfad

>> No.3191350


I read for pleasure, not to fulfill a list or aim. Note that I've had 90% of what is seen for the past 3 months, as mentioned, after I could begin to afford buying books.

Don't get me wrong, I didn't but them for their own sake.

>> No.3191356

Diversity, man. Try to acquire various editions instead of sticking to Penguin. Purchase second hand, you should stumble on interesting finds.

>> No.3191357


>Purchase second hand


>> No.3191358

But plenty of what he purchased is INTERESTING and DIVERSE.

Just happens to come from the same publisher.

>> No.3191362


I never understood this, the only thing I can really appreciate is the smell. What exactly is this bizzare attraction people have to having hardbound or second hand?

>> No.3191363

Which makes it dull. He did the typical mistake of buying in bulk as soon as he had the means; your hoard should also be aesthetically interesting, with books wildly ranging in age and looks

>> No.3191364

Old books also have a pleasant, distinct smell. Aren't you interested in the history of your books? Who owned them before you? When it was published? These factors add to the value of the book you purchase. It is also MUCH cheaper than buying new

>> No.3191366

What's IN the books is where the interest lies, I love finding a happy birthday message or annotations in a second hand but the aesthetics really aren't that important.

It seems like these factors that are part of the purchase purely exist for their own sake.

>> No.3191369


>What's IN the books is where the interest lies

Which is why you shouldn't waste money on new books

>> No.3191374


That's a good point, but I take solace in the fact that nobody had it before me.

>> No.3191391

Fuck that guy man, it's your choice.

I use a kindle so all this is kind of irrelevant to me, but I respect your decisions

>> No.3191548

Anyone a collector of something more specific, like a particular publisher's catalog or something?

>> No.3191551

Raven's got a sick collection of Japanese, Chinese, Korean and Eastern European literature

>> No.3191552

uhm, this guy >>3187168

>> No.3191553


Homeboy's Grove Press collection is pretty nice, upstream a bit from your post.

>> No.3191559


Yeah I saw and enjoyed it, I think that kind of thing is totally cool.

any pics of this?

>> No.3191561

That guy Rapture has a crazy collection

>> No.3191564

Not much Korean stuff actually! Or Chinese, since my library has a really good Chinese lit section. Japan's really my only part that's all that big.

I'll take some new pics in a few hours. I sorted all my purchases from the past few months into it yesterday so it's more organized now.

I have some vague desires to collect whole catalogs of a few publishers (Twisted Spoon Press, Peirene Press, Exact Change, Wakefield Press and Archipelago Books), but I've been using the library too much for that to get anywhere. The best I'm at now are TSP with a dozen and Dalkey Archive at seventeen.

>> No.3191567
File: 2.31 MB, 2592x1944, 1338466233011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy with these? I love this pile so much. I don't think he ever came back to /lit/ though.

>> No.3191584

I will wait for the pics in anticipation

>> No.3191598

fucking loled at the fountainhead and atlas shrugged at the bottom. tried to hide them bro?

>> No.3191602

Gotta ask, how was Aesthetical and Philosophical Essays by Schiller? What subjects does he speak of in there? Art and stuff?

>> No.3191609

dudes, it is 100% obvious from my post and the guy I was replying to that those are not my books, they belong to a guy named Rapture. He posted here about a year ago and had an enormous collection spanning several rooms and a hallway

>> No.3191650

What are you talking about? It's a collection of stories, almost the definition of 'book' for most people, and basically the same kind of deal as 1001 Nights, and only different from any modern collection of 'short stories' in its glaring lack of pretentiousness.

>> No.3191654
File: 88 KB, 720x523, books2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hoarding books
>not discarding everything but the bare essentials for future reference
>not stashing them humbly in a closed closet
>not living a life of austerity

>> No.3191661

So many people are ashamed of their literary tastes and still can't seem to get out of that Christian/Bhuddist frame of nullity that obnoxiously deems everything as 'vanity.'

God is not coming back. Your modesty is your bad taste, and it will not bring the big G back, for all your cringing and proclamations of vanity.

The only gods left are the dirty cunts which we fuck or dream about fucking or which we die from not fucking enough of.

>> No.3191667
File: 39 KB, 400x215, edward-scissorhands-eat-pea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, watch those sharp edges, bro.

>> No.3191719
File: 2.13 MB, 2454x1908, bookshelves 11-29-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here they are - Japanese lit starts on second big shelf of second bookcase and continues to the first shelf on the fourth bookcase, going chronologically.

Right now I have my modern USA lit and Latin American lit stuck in horizontally, but they're arranged in a way too.

>> No.3191721
File: 2.17 MB, 2368x1914, bookshelves 11-29-12 part two.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also those are library books in that bottom left picture, and two coffee table books

>> No.3192118

see some favorites in there. very nice

can't post my own bookshelf. the shelves are bare from my carrying them off to read in various alcoves and adding to the rapidly accumulating teeter-prone stacks visitors (if i had any) would carefully note from the doorway would necessitate a wade through before remembering prior appointments with dying aunts and yes.

>> No.3192122

Before I start my own thread, I thought I'd ask here.

I have one or 2 hardcovers that are worth some nice change right now. How do you preserve them? I've heard that standing them upright will ruin them, especially if they are in a shelf pressed between other books.

Any advice will help, thanks.

>> No.3192124

I think this is awesome.

>> No.3192126


>> No.3192160

2nd. Dat Foucault, dat Adorno, etc.

>> No.3192595
File: 446 KB, 1920x2560, ZZ8KT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have more in piles, but this is my main bookshelf

How pleb am I /lit/?

>> No.3192691

I mostly read on my nook but I just started a collection of stuff I like. I bought all the Doestovsky hardcovers from everymans library which are pretty nice.

>> No.3192699
File: 92 KB, 500x630, movies trilogy meter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pretty standard level o. . . .



>> No.3192727


>> No.3192732

la cucaracha pendejo!

>> No.3192736

the funny thing is, i actually speak spanish....

>> No.3192778


Yo ablo muy poquito porque mis papas son de Mexico. Pero me questa much trabajo mantener una conversation. Me eyudas? Que puedo hacer?

>> No.3192807

why is that funny, monsieur?

>> No.3192809

Do people actually think the first matrix is good, or are they just remembering how good they thought it was when they were 13?

>> No.3192847

eso siento cuando que yo no pueda hablar bien por tanto no puedo leer un libro de Espana o America Latina

>> No.3192863

He Benny, what is your favorite Shakespeare play?

>> No.3192925


olvidalo, no se consigue mas

>> No.3192947

No soy él, pero supongo que lo unico que se puede hacer es hablar con otras personas o leer y escribir en chat, por ejemplo

>> No.3192967


Puedes recommendar unos libros o textos que son facil para entender?

>> No.3192968

This sucks shit.

>having under 500 books

>> No.3192991

>Mad Max 2 rated above 3
As expected of a pic that rates X-Men 2 well.

>> No.3193046


Se les hubiera de caer la cara de verguenza que hablan/escriben tan mal el Espanol cuando los meximierdas en 4chan son maestros de escriber semejante babosada en ingles.

>> No.3193049


Are you saying that X-Men 2 is not the best film in the trilogy?

>> No.3193086


floor-to-ceiling, huh?

>> No.3193093

I'm saying it is not as good or better than any of the Mad Max films.

>> No.3193117

pero... yo soy argentino!

>> No.3193124

alguno de cuentos, Cortazar es bueno. Tiene cuentos accesibles y otros complicados.

Pero en definitiva, cuentos, eso es lo mejor para un principiante del idioma

>> No.3193155


Me equivoce boludo.
Le estaba hablando a este tipo >>3192778 .

>> No.3193165


Puedes recomendar un libro específico de Cortazar? O conseguir la primera que puedo encontrar?

>> No.3193172


No soy el argentino pero empieza con La Otra Orilla o Bestiario.

>> No.3193186


Muchas gracias. Solo sueno que un dia se habla la idioma con fluidez. Porque si te has dado cuenta, necesito la ayuda de un traductor para construir mis frases.

>> No.3193199


Si tienes la oportunidad por que no tomas una clase de Espanol en el colegio o prepa o donde sea?
Tambien te ayudara si de ahora en adelante nomas vez Univision y Telemundo, escuchas Piolin por la manana, y lees El Pais.

>> No.3193243


Es buena idea. Voy a empezar leyendo Carta a Una Seniorita en Paris.

Te puedo preguntarle te donde eres?

>> No.3193521

Hello anon from Argentina, I'm that guy with 62's first edition.

The Borges collection was out of print. Fucking La Nación, it broke my heart ;_;

>> No.3193583


>stores his books 'humbly' in a closed closet
>whips out the Kodak to prove it

>> No.3193588


Not nearly enough fiction

>> No.3193599


King Lear


Don't got a daddy with a fat wallet, sadly.


I love, love, love it. Truly jealous


Thank you?

>> No.3193735
File: 1.22 MB, 3110x2074, MuhBerks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I probably don't belong here.

>> No.3193744


I admire your set up. If such a thing exists I believe you are the perfect definition of a true patrician.

>> No.3193751


Some good choices, some less than interesting ones.


Please don't use that awful dichotomy.

>> No.3193753

Unless you've got a stack of shitty genre fiction behind that speaker, I'd say you're good

>> No.3193757

what's inside that glass jar? is it blue meth?

>> No.3193760

Where is your Shakespeare and Tao Lin?

>> No.3194504

nice speakers

>> No.3195156 [DELETED] 


nice krks, and i spot that fl studio bible haha! i recognize that disinformation logo n ooo..dao de jing..nice set.

>> No.3195162


nice krks, and i spot that fl studio bible haha! nice collection.

>> No.3196470
File: 31 KB, 300x298, 1338591305781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wasting money unnecessarily just so that your shelves are a bit more "aesthetically pleasing"

>> No.3196477

I used to have boxes of Pratchett and King and other such books but I gave them all away to charities/friends.

I just use my Kindle these days, can't be fucked with the space regular books tend to take up.

>inb4 muh freedum
>inb4 but muh smells and feels

Don't give a fuck, son.

>> No.3196479


>> No.3196485

How does not wanting to spend money unnecessarily make me a materialist?

>> No.3196492
File: 1.46 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Judge me.

>> No.3196507

Seriously late reply, but you were probably looking at books from the War Horrors series by Star Distributors. They're on Adults Only eBay all the time. Seriously depraved, tasteless stuff.

>> No.3196512
File: 21 KB, 454x346, 3124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>G.R.R. Martin

>> No.3196532
File: 1.25 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to think Gravity's Rainbow, The Iliad, and The Odyssey balances out GRRM.
I've only just started getting into good books about 6 months ago reading Hemingway, Pynchon, and McCarthy.
>Pic related, it's what I'm currently reading.

>> No.3196554

>good books

uh huh

>> No.3196574

Ignore them we all start somewhere. You should read "We" if you like BNW

>> No.3196595

Read Ape and Essence if you like BNW.

>> No.3196596


eve online

ma nigga, etc

>> No.3196619

>hating McCarthy, lumping him with those others

What the fuck happened to you /lit/.

>> No.3196630


>> No.3196643
File: 24 KB, 472x630, bookshelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3196679

You can get them in Chile right now

>> No.3196686


What the fuck am I looking at.


She died a while ago

>> No.3196687
File: 32 KB, 236x421, lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3196694


manga: >$1000
bookshelf: $30

>> No.3196704




>> No.3196711
File: 2.68 MB, 3008x2000, 1345414072001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, no one orders by color?

>> No.3196714


What a useless and vain way to arrange your books

>> No.3196715
File: 102 KB, 500x333, bookz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You need a few more books for that though.

>> No.3197118
File: 49 KB, 500x375, 1353369547583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hows does "aesthetically pleasing" make it necessary?

>> No.3197132

but it's beautiful

>> No.3197135

I wish l had the money to build a proper study with books upon books lining the walls with a gothic-style table and sofa in the middle. on the table would be a bottle of whiskey and cigars. but alas, I live in a small shithole and I'm forced to get all my books from library.

>> No.3197262

Smoking cigars in the book room? You don't deserve fancy books.

>> No.3197269


>caring so much about your books when you're going to die one day and your books will be damaged/destroyed anyway.


>> No.3197279

not that guy but I plan on leaving my library to my children and it'd be a shame if it was needlessly damaged before then

>> No.3197281


beter donate em to a library now

>> No.3197286


Why would you willingly force life upon a helpless human being? You're the worst kind of human.

>> No.3197317

>force life
>upon a human

so you're saying I should kill them?

>> No.3197343
File: 980 KB, 1488x1820, armpit slicks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised this thread still exists. A little more stuff from the Grove Press and sleaze guy above. These are men's adventure magazines from the fifties and sixties. My camera is a piece of shit (and/or I am clueless at using it) and the flash is blocking a cover where a man on a raft is stabbing a shark in the head with a tomahawk.

>> No.3197394


I aspire to your level, man.

All your shit is golden

>those tasty homo overtones

>> No.3197425
File: 264 KB, 859x605, some ace books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some Ace Books, including a first of PKD's first novel.

>> No.3199380

Whoa, who's the artist on the one with the guy fighting the eagle?

>> No.3200184

shit dawg you got some nice stuff