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/lit/ - Literature

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3195785 No.3195785 [Reply] [Original]

Can YA just die already. Can I just stop seeing 13 year old neo-mallgoths and large groups of cackling 8th grade girls clogging the aisles when I go to the bookstore. Twilight was bad enough, then comes Hunger Games, 50 Shades of Grey, Later Harry Potter, John Green's shit, and now this Divergent shit is coming to light for me. Why is it mostly girls too? Just rename it Girl Lit, put it on the long and away side of the bookstore, and put it next to the Romance novels.

>> No.3195794

>smearing shit all over cool and useful words with mainstream tween book titles

>> No.3195792

>why is it mostly girls

Because males don't read anymore.

>> No.3195798

Fuck off, tripcunt. You should be happy that thirteen year olds are taking an interest in books at all, not being all cock-slapped and seething about them not enjoying your patrician-core scud.

>> No.3195803

On a sidenote, I think these books are going to start a new wave of feminists.

I hope that's not true. I don't want to live in a world of Twilight fan-fic.

>> No.3195806

A young adult reader has been sighted.

>> No.3195814

>being mad that publishers are exploiting a market
For my own part, I'm mad that I've started to see Hunger Games threads on /v/.

>> No.3195824

Well there's a movie, so there must be a video game.

>> No.3195836

Why does it matter to you. If anything you should be thankful that the genre exists so your bookstores dont go out of business. How much revenue do you think the type of literature we read generates compared to YA?

>> No.3195862

Because it's bothersome. I'm bothered by it. that's why it matters to me. It's ruined the bookstore for me, so I've decided to no longer go. They ripped out a poetry section from the store to make way for more YA, which was one of the main reasons I went to this bookstore. They had a nice selection of poetry, the best around. They moved the whole store around. Now YA is at the very front now so these girls are everywhere right as you walk through the door and they don't move for shit.

>> No.3195876

Im going to retract my statement. That sounds horrible.

>> No.3195893

Excellent. I have just finished the final draft of my YA novel, then come here and see this thread.

>> No.3195899
File: 135 KB, 738x654, 1353876852283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>50 shades

>why can't kids go back to playing vidya so I can bitch about how they don't read

>> No.3195901

I love the sound of tripfags in the morning, sounds like asspain.

>> No.3195909

Have you considered fucking them? Might be some consolation at least.

>> No.3195920

>>why can't kids go back to playing vidya so I can bitch about how they don't read

Can COD and Halo just die already. Can I just stop seeing 13 year old neo-mallgoths and large groups of cackling 8th grade boys clogging the aisles when I go to Gamestop. Halo was bad enough, then comes GTA, Later Borderlands 2 , EA's shit, and now this Counter-Strike shit is coming to light for me. Why is it mostly boys too? Just rename it boy game, put it on the long and away side of gamestop, and put it next to the Wii games.

>> No.3195947

>generic 4chan word replacement meme jokez from 2006

>> No.3195952

Can The Wedding Singer and The Bounty Hunter just die already. Can I just stop seeing 13 year old neo-mallgoths and large groups of cackling 8th grade girls clogging the aisles when I go to HMV. What Happens in Vegas was bad enough, then comes 10 Things I Hate About You, Sweet Home Alabama, Later Maid in Manhattan, and now this Sex and the City 2 is coming to light for me. Why is it mostly girls too? Just rename it girl film, put it on the long and away side of HMV, and put it next to the action films.

>> No.3195953

I see them. They open it, they are standing there reading it. They might not buy it for fear of mommy, but they still stand in the store (one of the problems) and just read.

I'm not looking for my lolita.

I'm mad. They ruined the bookstore I liked going to. I think I have some personal right to be mad.

I like what you did there.

>> No.3195956

>50 shades
Have you talked to kids these days?

>> No.3195962

only ones with parents

>> No.3195963


He's not allowed within 100 yards.

>> No.3195970


Hey now I enjoyed The Wedding Singer.

>> No.3195973

50 Shades of Grey is not young adult.

It's bordering on obese, middle-aged housewive

>> No.3195995

50 shades is twilight fanfic and targets the same audience: horny teenage girls and repressed soccer moms.

>> No.3196006

Get out.

>> No.3196222

50 shades is mommy porn