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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 103 KB, 226x343, Jew_box_image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3189703 No.3189703 [Reply] [Original]


why do people hate jews? apart from that, that it is believed that they are in-control of everything?

why do we call them jews and not israelis (by their nationality)? it's not like they are an independent race like africans, japanese or caucasians, to have them classify as "jews", when they are all, probably, caucasians anyway.

why do some individuals think that every single, innocent newborn "jew" is a threat and ought to be abused and punished?


i'm generally very ignorant of israel's history and all that is happening there, so any coherent book recommendations would be appreciative

>> No.3189799
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Because they're Jews. Israel is just a home base for them, and not too long ago it was Palestine. Now Palestinians just consist of a few scattered areas and Gaza. I think people hate Zionists, but often don't note the difference between Zionist Jews and regular Jews.

Israel will probably be the reason for the next World War. Whether some other country is blamed or not.

>> No.3189801

Please delete this thread.

>> No.3189803


There's a report system you know.

>> No.3189804
File: 33 KB, 413x437, 1351624228691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People hate the player and not the game.

>> No.3189806

Yeah, I used it. But I also wanted to ask politely.

>> No.3189810

you're just speculating and frankly, don't sound very convincing to me.

hopefully this doesn't turn into a shitty jew hate thread and actually provide some literature i can read in the future

>> No.3189812

delete? why?

>> No.3189814

this thread is horribly off-topic

(if you're actually interested, I recommend Arendt's "Origins of Totalitarianism")

>> No.3189815

> hopefully this doesn't turn into a shitty jew hate thread and actually provide some literature i can read in the future
Nope, it won't.

Because even if this isn't a troll thread, it's off-topic, and will be indistinguishable from a troll thread when all is said and done.

>> No.3189817


They are hated in Europle mainly because they don't belong to any European nation nor are they christians. As a result, it's has been more or less impossible for jews to integrate in the rest of society unless they could work within a system which simply didn't give a shit if they were either of these things, i.e. meritocracies.

Basically, they were always outsiders. These days as the nation and religion has more or less become meaningless concepts to people, jews just sort of exist in society without anyone actually knowing that they are jewish. They are like white mexicans these days. They just sort of aren't like everyone else, but because they are white everyone assumes they aren't mexicans.

>> No.3189819

>(if you're actually interested, I recommend Arendt's "Origins of Totalitarianism")


>Because even if this isn't a troll thread, it's off-topic, and will be indistinguishable from a troll thread when all is said and done.

how is it off-topic? i'm asking for decent literature on the subject

>> No.3189828

Who cares what you think, faggot. Thread is going to be deleted within minutes anyway.

>> No.3189833

go to bed, Adolf.

>> No.3189842
File: 1.13 MB, 320x240, jewna.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were doing okay, until
> white mexicans
where, my fellow Amerifag, you sort of fell on your ass. Even compensating with what I assume you mean by "like mexicans", and controlling for unconscious racism, I have no fucking idea what you meant by your last two sentences.

It's off-topic because it will be off-topic once Stormfront arrives. But for the hell of it, an interesting read might be Finkelstein's The Holocaust Industry, wherein you'll get a sense of some of the institutionalized habits of Jewish society that only make things worse for Jews today.

(My background: I love Jews. I married a Jew, most of my friends are Jewish, and I have spent way more times performing Jewish religious rites than any atheist should. But the Zionist streak in many of my friends is disturbing to me.)

What the hell, the clock is ticking on this thread, might as well try to talk reasonably while we're here.

>> No.3189857

>Finkelstein's The Holocaust Industry


>> No.3189858

Antisemitism is getting popular because of the Palestinian fad and yanks getting upset over the US-Israeli lobby. 'course 4chan being 4chan there is also a genuine antisemitic minority being inflated by the golden trolling opportunities it offers. /pol/ has cemented this as "board culture" at this point, so then we also have newfriends shitting the place up because they want to fit in.

The problem with the Israel-palestinian question is that neither faction is really "guiltless" at this point. Both sides literally have plausible claims to the territory (>thinking anything other than military power equals territorial claims) , and both sides have relatively the same grievances. Israel went hardline because the Palestinians fucked around with Oslo. We're probably going to have to wait another decade until one of the sides actually tires enough to take another shot at peace.

inb4 edgy "BUT TEH TEH ISRAELIS!!11". Okay, so why don't you get so upset about the conquest of North America? The Israeli connection is a product of american cold war interests, and is still seen as a expression of yank power in the region

also: get out

>> No.3189866

I agree with what you said about Palestine & "fault". I'm not sure if you meant to imply this, or even agree, but the US-Israeli lobby is pretty fucking awful.

>> No.3189900
File: 463 KB, 800x670, the_jew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the Zionists are destroying Western civilization with race-mixing, communism, and atheism.

Also, just look at the way they abuse the Palestinian people. If they didn't have Jewish privilege, everyone would be calling for their heads.

>> No.3189903

aaaaaaaand there we go

actually i think this is probably satire but still, that doesn't make a lot of difference on the internet

>> No.3189934

It's curious how every society has it's share of persecuted people. France has the cagot, Spain has the vaqueiros de alzada, Japan has the Burakumin and so on...

It is as if prejudice was hard coded into our cultural genes.

>> No.3189944

Well, tribalism certainly is. I guess evolutionary psychologists would say that's because it has advantages for gene propagation or something. If tribalism is a given, aren't we very likely to have some "tribes" that are persecuted minorities?

>> No.3189959

Yes, and, they way I see it, jews serve that role for the entire western society.

Notice how anti-semitism became stronger in the Modern period, when nation-states began to appear. Jews were both easy targets and symbols of people without a defined nation.

>> No.3189968


The kind of tribalism that goes on with jews is mostly memetic, think nation state and religion.