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File: 26 KB, 274x300, no ghost gonna scare me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3184335 No.3184335 [Reply] [Original]

It turns out your house is haunted and a spirit keeps throwing small flimsy things at you, switching the lights off or on, and making growling noises. You come up with the idea of expressing to the spirit of how meaningless its actions are and how pathetic and weak it is in one quote. What quote do you use?

>> No.3184348

"Hold me"

>> No.3184418

Are you sure you're not misinterpreting the 'haunting'. It may be that the spirit can take in more than just you and you're feeling other people's spirits/emotions as well.

>> No.3184437


>> No.3184498

That's not a ghost, it's a poltergeist

>> No.3184549

"Do you even lift?

>> No.3184551
File: 67 KB, 600x620, stirner12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain to him how spooks are mere illusions.

>> No.3184572

I am the punishment of god. If you had not committed great sins, god would have not sent a punishment like me upon you.

>> No.3184741


>> No.3184814

"All truly great thoughts are conceived by walking."
That'd show that legless bastard.

>> No.3184891

Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.

>> No.3185563

That's pretty egotistical, ma'am.

>> No.3185894

>tfw atheist and therefore without sin

Brick incoming, nigga

>> No.3185897

"Holy shit, a fucking poltergeist."

Hegel, "The Phenomenology of Spirit"

>> No.3185904


>> No.3186632


My friend, namely the satire of your friend,
Behold Zarathustra! In the animal it is huge.
"As for human, him himself is to inspection 1:
The Verily, as for me there are no merciful ones like those:

happiness is sympathy."

Therefore spake Zarathustra.

(trans. from the original Japanese by the Amanojaku)

>> No.3186661

We cannot live human lives without energy and attention, nor without making choices which show that we take some things more seriously than others. Yet we have always available a point of view outside the particular form of our lives, from which the seriousness appears gratuitous. These two inescapable viewpoints collide in us, and that is what makes life absurd. It is absurd because we ignore the doubts that we know cannot be settled, continuing to live with nearly undiminished seriousness in spite of them.