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/lit/ - Literature

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3175841 No.3175841 [Reply] [Original]

Sup, /lit/. Computer Science fag here. I've recently started reading a lot of literature as an escape from the mathematical death march that is my degree and I'm looking for some recommendations. I've lurked the recommendations sticky and there wasn't a whole lot that appealed to me.

Anyway, I've really enjoyed the following:

Factotum - Bukowski
Ham on Rye - Bukowski
Post Office - Bukowski
Down and Out in Paris and London - Orwell
1984 / Animal Farm - Orwell
Walden - Therou
The End of Faith - Sam Harris
The God Delusion - Dawkins
God is Not Great - Hitchens
Letters To a Young Contrarian - Hitchens
The Republic - Plato
Stoner - John Williams

What else should I be reating, /lit/?

>> No.3175887

Some HST; Fear and Loathing, or The Gonzo Papers if you don't like the drugs. The simple prose style is similar to Bukowski
Burmese Days by Orwell, it's his best work IMO.
One flew over the Cuckoos Nest - Ken Kesey
Cosmic Banditos - A. C. Weisbecker
Lolita - Nabokov (Not really related to your list, but everyone needs to read it)
Maybe some Dennet? You have the other three atheists + Plato.

>> No.3175927
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>> No.3175932

I concur, but why is Dawkins off the hook?
The God Delusion is a steaming pile of shit too.

>> No.3175934
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>> No.3175939
File: 95 KB, 326x450, reinventing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is also written by an Atheist scientist and yet somehow it's not tendentious arrogant crap.
OP should read it.

>> No.3175965

Interesting. I'm heading to Dymocks today so I'll definitely see whether they have this in stock.

>> No.3175968

Thanks for the recommendations. I'll definitely be checking them out.

>> No.3175972
File: 198 KB, 640x480, Spongebob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Computer Science
>mathematical death march

>> No.3175983

Guy you're responding to, you are correct in pointing out my oversight.

>> No.3175989

Try Chris Hedges.

>> No.3175990

The Cyberiad - Stanislaw Lem
You'll like it OP. Trust me on this one.

>> No.3175996

Second this one. I read it last summer and it's absolutely fucking brilliant.

>> No.3176201

His stuff looks very interesting. Thanks for the recommendation!