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/lit/ - Literature

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3170979 No.3170979 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, what if you made a story where every character was based on a philosopher's philosophy? As in they had already came to the same conclusion and internalized the philosophy, or we got to seem them do this or abandon the philosophy.

Which philosophies would be the most interesting to watch/read? Nietzsche: N-no Schopenhauer! Its the will to power, not the will to nothingness! B-b-baka!

>> No.3171012

Freud and Nietzsche would be fun characters

Also I would throw in Thoreau cuz who doesn't want a hermit character

also (from left field) Lao Tzu he would win

>> No.3171014
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Nigga this aint going to some war novel. Im talking slice of life in highschool . Unless you mean win, as in win the shipping homolust wars that will come from this fine novel.

>> No.3171019

I am indeed referring to the homolust wars that will come from this fine novel

Which philosophers would you include?

Maybe throw in Judith Butler to be teased about her appearance

>> No.3171020
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>Tao Lin

>> No.3171022

Heidegger because he is an asshole. Hed be the character that told everyone off and everyone one hated, but deep down he has daddy problems or something.

Sartre would his little bitch that would follow him around everywhere.

Nietzsche, Schopenhauer and Kierkegaard for DARK AND EDGY. Freud so they could hate on him.

Plato can be the teacher, Aristotle will be the teachers pet.

Kant will be someones asshole dad.

Ayn Rand will make an appearance, once, and be immediately shut out and ignored by everyone

>> No.3171024
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>> No.3171051

Diogenes of Sinope, motherfuckers.

>> No.3171056

Not a philosopher per se, but Darwin would be interesting. Gotta have Nietzsche and the rest ripping on him.

Also Diogenes, for shits and giggles. Class clown sort of? I feel like he'd be a stoner, but I have no real intellectual reason to support this.

Gotta have the Buddha going through all the stages of his enlightenment. A jock who parties and bangs chicks in his first stage, and so on.

>> No.3171057


Wittgenstein would be the 7 year old kid that's in 9th grade due to being a genius and skipped ahead.

David Hume and Camus would be the cool guys that get tonnes of bitches.

>> No.3171060


>> No.3171063


I can see Diogenes being the guy that pulls pranks on the teacher (Plato).

>> No.3171064


high five if you're thatguy

>> No.3171069
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Working on an outline as we speak.

Whats the scenario? I like my highschool slice of life schtick, anything we could add to it, or a better idea overall?

Also women philosophers we should have in here? Or better yet taking a male philosophers philosophy, and have a girl personify it . So then, who should be so lucky?

>> No.3171070
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The Frankfurt School.

>> No.3171074


A South Park-type scenario would be pretty sick.

If you're going to have a male philosophy personified as a woman, I'd go with Oscar Wilde's aestheticism.

>> No.3171075

Make the Nietzschean a woman. Shit would be hilarious.

>> No.3171076

This kind of sounds like a literary version of the "How universal is this text, Frenchfag?," "an eagle called Reason" etc copypasta

>> No.3171080
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You mean an episodic comedy high school slice of life?
Was just thinking that. Has to have hipster cred. MC as well? Constantly trying to get dick, constantly failing

>> No.3171082

Thoreau skips class and smokes weed in the forest all day

>> No.3171083

Descartes dicks bitches and drinks wine

>> No.3171089
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>Nietzsche and Kierkegaard shipping

>> No.3171093
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His buddy would be Max Stirner (pic related).

>> No.3171099
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Marx is class president, always telling Thoreau and Stirner that they need to stay in class in order to understand why the should rise up and overthrow the class so they can be outside of class. is a girl, has a crush on Stirner

>> No.3171100

you guys do realize that a moe philosophy girls manga actually exists, right

>> No.3171101


Yeah, but in our one the characters are going to do something other than just stand there.

>> No.3171107

And you didnt immediately link to it, why?

Dont tell me its the one about Jesus and Buddha. Do they add in other philosophers later if it is?

>> No.3171109

Is it a doujinshi? I can't really imagine it's a big enough idea that someone would get signed on to do a manga from it. Practically non-existant fanbase there

>> No.3171111

That sounds like what Hetalia tried to do. Fuck you.
If you can't enjoy philosophy in its true form then don't indulge it.
We don't need it dumbed down and reduced to a fucking character.

>> No.3171112

>No fun allowed

>> No.3171114

I hate you philistines.

>> No.3171117
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>Mad they didnt think of it first

>> No.3171119


And Ludwig Wittgenstein hates your boring, bloated ass.

>> No.3171122

Wittgenstein was an anti-intellectual cockmonger with a flawed epistemology.

>> No.3171123

And I fucked your mum

>> No.3171125

Im going to use conversations like these as source material

>> No.3171129

Whoever will be free must make himself free. Freedom is no fairy gift to fall into a man's lap. What is freedom? To have the will to be responsible for one's self, 'cause you can't respect somebody who kisses your ass. It just doesn't work.

>> No.3171131
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>forgot pic

>> No.3171134
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"How can I possibly be expected to handle school on a day like this?"

- Ferris Stirner

>> No.3171140

everyone chill and watch this


>> No.3171143
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"I do have a test today, that wasn't bullshit. It's on European Communism. I mean, really, what's the point? I'm not a Communist. I don't plan on being a Communist. So who gives a crap if they're Communist? They could be Moroccan quietists, it still doesn't change the fact that I don't own a car."

- Ferris Stirner

>> No.3171152
File: 186 KB, 1600x900, ferris-bueller-s-day-off-ferris-bueller-2541502-1600-900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Man with the great M moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

>> No.3171153
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Please dont stop

>> No.3171161
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"Hey batta batta batta hey batta batta batta SUH-WING batta!"

- Cameron Nietzsche

>> No.3171170

>Hegel is arguing that the reality is merely an a priori adjunct of non-naturalistic ethics
>Kant via the categorical imperative is holding that ontologically it exists only in the imagination
>Marx is claiming it was offside


>> No.3171193

I never noticed that the German team included the noted philosopher Beckenbauer ("a bit of a surprise there") . That's funny.