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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 24 KB, 640x480, 121104-220820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3165852 No.3165852 [Reply] [Original]

I collect 18 and 18th century medical journals. Am I /lit/ enough yet?
>1918 first edition English print L'avenir des Sciences Psychiques by Émile Boirac.
I haven't been lurking you guys, wanna make sure I'm not walking into another travesty that was my attempt in /fa/

>> No.3165854

18 and 19th century* Fucking wow.

>> No.3165856

You also collect 20th century medical journals, apparently.
Are you a man or a woman?

>> No.3165866
File: 22 KB, 640x480, 121121-101457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't think to mention it because the latest into 20th century I have is this one, a 1923. I have maybe ten or so books printed in the early 20th.
>Obviously I have newer novels, they're just not the kind of stuff I like to collect.

>> No.3165871

Dear God, is that actually you? Do you collect cauldrons and broomsticks too?

>> No.3165872

Are you a trans or does your face naturally look like a banana?

>> No.3165876
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saved from somebody posting on this board

>> No.3165880

Do you also collect manjaws in your face? Sage for attention whoring.

>> No.3165883
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>> No.3165884

You're too /lit/
/lit/ is for ASOIAF faggots

>> No.3165885

Try /sci/ if this doesn't go well.

What are some interesting case reports?

>> No.3165886
File: 331 KB, 680x684, 1340978960842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm disgusted.

>> No.3165887


>> No.3165892
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Picture for you guys, so I don't make you out to be liars in this particular case.
Thank y'sir. Glad to see I get hate on this board for not looking like a stereotypical bibliophile, just like /fa/ hates me for not wearing doc martens. I'll go back to /soc/ where I'm loved now.

>> No.3165897

Sci is more stuck up than /fa/ is, to be honest. That was my first attempt to branch away from /soc/
>"What the fuck do you mean breeding between two people of the same gender is entirely possible in theory and practice? Get the fuck out."

>> No.3165898 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3165902
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>> No.3165904
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No one wants to see photos of your stupid face, get out you dumb bitch

>> No.3165906

You got so butthurted with /fa/. Yesterday you made me want to go away from tinychat with all your continous butthurt about the doc martens. Chill already, attention whore.

>> No.3165908

>Posts photo of self with one of the first books published about research into the occurrence deja vu instead of simply saying he has it.
>Instantly attention whore.

>> No.3165910

meh. Give me a few beers and i'd still tap it.

>> No.3165912

show us your books, and then your tits

>> No.3165915

>show us your books, and then your tits
Son, on this board they like feet.

>> No.3165918

What reaction were you expecting?

>> No.3165923
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But Doc Martens are pretty awful, especially for men. There's been an original (i.e. made in UK) pair in nearly mind condition AND in floral print on my local Craigslist for ages now, but it's (obviously) in a woman's size.

/fa/ isn't about fashion, it's about uniforms.

>> No.3165924

I'd usually be mad over this, but OP is a girl, and not the prettiest of them. We shouldn't be this mean.

>> No.3165925
File: 19 KB, 640x480, 121121-104354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real talk. For once, can I go to a board or thread, post on topic, and not have a discussion erupt about my looks whether people like or hate them? I'm not fishing for fucking compliments, I'm genuinely asking if you lot are actually into books or if the majority of you are faggoty fucking new age Marxist literary application bullshitters. I posted a photo of me WITH the book because it shows I actually have the shit, rather than just trying to seem cool and alt by simply saying I do as an anon.

No, I'm not a woman. No, I'm not a tranny. No, I'm not a trap. No, I'm not trying to look like a woman. Can we get back to the point of the thread yet?
>Books and if I'll fit in here so I can escape the poison of /soc/

>> No.3165928

She doesn't have a vagina if that's what you mean...
She has a dick!

>> No.3165930

>pls respond

>> No.3165931

We accept you one of us...

Just kidding, way too esoteric for me. There are all kind of niche lit cliques here but I never heard of this niche of yours before. You seem destined for forever alone status.

And stop posting pics of yourself you are only asking for trouble.

>> No.3165935

I'll do my best to keep in mind the number of jealous fatty people around the other boards. I can laugh that shit off on /soc/, but trying to branch out into shit I actually enjoy and getting shit on for looking different is getting old.
>Successfully trolled by 4chan as a whole, failing at life.
Link me to an actual thread, faghazzard. God damn.

>> No.3165936

Too /lit/ and too pretty.

>> No.3165937

>> No.3165938

Go back to /soc/.

>> No.3165941

Man it seems.

>> No.3165942

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.3165943

You're an arrogant bitch, that's your main problem, and you don't seem to get it... Being more humble would do good to you.

>> No.3165947

No room to be humble when a bunch of people instantly hate on me for no reason beyond my face being in the same photo as a first edition.
>No room to be arrogant, either.

>> No.3165948

You're cool, OP. Don't know what the rest of these people's problem is. Thanks for sharing.

>> No.3165956

Where did you get the books, by the way. I can't imagine you find them lying around secondhand bookstores.

>> No.3165955

get the fuck out and never come back, you fucking cockroach. stop bumping your own thread. fuck you, you piece of shit. Get a fucking haircut

>> No.3165957

>I'm so beautiful and smart and everyone else is a faggot fat troll lol y do u h8 me :((

>> No.3165961

I don't think he's arrogant. I think he is lonely, needy and neurotic.
He wants to socialize but doesn't quite know how. It's like watching a little kid walking into a group of kid that are already playing a game and demanding they play what he wants to play and then walking away crying when they don't want to. You feel bad for him but then you watch him keep doing it and not learning from his mistakes. Then it gets exasperating.

>> No.3165963

Leaving aside for the moment the attention whore, the rest of you really are a bunch of insecure faggots.

>> No.3165970

Do you live in a train tunnel? your room is fucking terrifying also why complain about looks when you post your face in pictures of books?

>> No.3165975

That they are.

>> No.3165976


Have you forgot that you're posting at 4chan?
Hate is our modus operandi.

>> No.3165979

Books shown? Got the Emile from an auction for $40, also happened to get a 2nd edition Gray's Anatomy for $600. (The reason I went.) The bacteriology and Chandler first edition I got at a used book store for a total $19. They don't have many older books there, but what they do have are gems.

>> No.3165981
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So is it a man?
If it's not a man I'd let it suck my penis

>> No.3165983

>Demanding you play the same game as me.
I'm more asking if we play similar games, but alright.
Which is why I said you've all successfully trolled me and I'm clearly failing at life, haha.
>Saged because I literally JUST posted

>> No.3165989

We play similar games. You can stay after this thread is done and no one will know when it's you posting. Welcome.

I asked because I've been meaning to get my parents a present and I just don't know what. Seeing as it's both their 40th year practicing medicine, I figured that would be kind of nice. Or not. I don't know if doctors actually appreciate presents like these.

>> No.3165993

>> No.3166000
File: 155 KB, 440x626, 1344120485812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah. I didn't know /lit/ allowed for this. Image unrelated, it's for OP.

>> No.3166004

Damn. 40 years? A book is interesting and all, but depending on if they work in that area, I would suggest an exploded skull. (If you have the cash dollars)

>> No.3166005

OP is an attention whore and hopefully gets banned

>> No.3166006

Calling me a pleb, or am I the one calling them plebs? I'm confused.

>> No.3166007

Are you enjoying the results of your way of doing things?
Is there a possibility that your way of doing things is not working out well for you?

>> No.3166020

Oh, no, I'm just caricaturing /fa/.

>> No.3166021

I enjoy my way of doing things on /fa/ because they'll agree with me while anon then 180 when I reveal. That's hilarious. I honestly thought /lit/ wouldn't be filled with the same breed of Troglodyte.

>> No.3166023

You did it gracefully and I love you.

>> No.3166026

Here we go again.

>> No.3166028

Their exploded skulls? I kind of like them, though. Any other suggestions?

>> No.3166029

/lit/ is anonymous,

therfore u fail

>> No.3166032

Could get some animal remains or something. I have frog hearts in little glass vials from my anatomy classes. What area of medicine do they work in?

>> No.3166034

>I honestly thought /lit/ wouldn't be filled with the same breed of Troglodyte.
Come on man, browse more
/lit/ is quite different from any other board

>> No.3166037

Dad's a surgeon and psychiatrist, and mom's a general practitioner. Hm.

>> No.3166047

Really depends on their individual tastes. Mine are a bit macabre, but there are all kinds of anatomical models and mounts out there. Organ slides, bones, etc. Few know your parents as well as you, so just look around. :)

>> No.3166046

Oh well. Maybe someday the world will change to be more accomadating to your behavior. Best of luck.

>> No.3166067

>/fa/ isn't about fashion, it's about uniforms.
Spot on. I avoid it like the plague. Worst board on here, next to /d/.

>> No.3166072

>I posted a photo of me WITH the book because it shows I actually have the shit, rather than just trying to seem cool and alt by simply saying I do as an anon.
You're an attention whore. From the OP:
>I collect 18 and 18th century medical journals. Am I /lit/ enough yet?
This thread is about you. It could have been about people who collect rare books, but you instead made it about you. Go back to /soc/.

>> No.3166079

Never said it wasn't about me. It is about me. About if my taste in literature has a place here. If you don't want to open a discussion about collecting old books, and instead just be an ass? Well then that's your deal, not mine. Thread had a question, details were given, /lit/ acted like the highbrow shit snacks they've been painted to be.
Thank you for that, anon. Excellent reading.

>> No.3166084


Please let your thread die

>> No.3166088

Case in point.

>> No.3166105

>Implying you're not

>> No.3166164

Why, yes, I am.

>> No.3166244
File: 151 KB, 689x599, 1343027558870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kind of like older medical texts for how imaginative they are (e.g. a "visible spirit" that exists in the eye, explaining why a person wakes up when a light is shined on them while they're sleeping), but all such texts are pretty neat. Do any of the 18th/19th century books talk about sexuality at all, in the way that people were afraid that masturbating would sap your life away?