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3156580 No.3156580[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there any point in reading this?

I mean, is the tone preachy?

>> No.3156585

It's quite good, to be perfectly honest. I'd give it a shot if the topic interests you.

>> No.3156588

I have little interests in the blacks, and to be honest I have quite some racist inclinations...

>> No.3156594


Then why would you want to read this in the first place? If you've got an open mind you might find it interesting.

>> No.3156595


>and to be honest I have quite some racist inclinations

Everyone does on some level.

>> No.3156612


>little interest in blacks
>has opinions about blacks

>> No.3156614


Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe was a big surprise for me. I recommend.

>> No.3156615

To be honest, because it's a shorter classic I haven't read.

>> No.3156616


Go to bed, caps, and stop denying yourself great work for bullshit reasons.

>> No.3156619

It's obsessive. I can't help it.

>> No.3156710

but you can be aware that it is societies programming within you which makes you feel this way.
it's not 'natural'. it shouldn't be used as an excuse to be 'ok' with 'racist inclinations'.

>> No.3156725


read it, it might open your mind and stop you being a racist piece of shit

then go read some franz fanon or some shit

>> No.3156727

You're telling me that it's all just my imagination that blacks have consistently proven to be less intelligent and more violent?


>> No.3156744
File: 487 KB, 500x333, 1350557622259.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3156746


What do the actions of the masses have to do with the quality of artists of particular race?

>> No.3156747

they haven't been 'consistently proven'. its nothing inherit with them being black which causes it, its because of the low socio-economic background that most come from, which was caused by slavery etcetc/white oppression.
you're really dumb
400 or whatever years ago all the wars were between 'white people'

>> No.3156754

Go to /pol/ and they'll bombard you with studies of blacks brought up with higher socio-economic backgrounds.

Blacks weren't the only slaves as well.

>> No.3156757

i dont even know how to respond to this.
if you don't understand that our 'reality' is based on a symbolic world of human meaning programmed into us through childhood by society you're misinformed/ignorant. go read a book or something

>> No.3156759


You're unironically touting the veracity of studies posted on /pol/?

On /pol/????

>> No.3156765

>Go to /pol/

I don't think so, Tim. You seem to be new, but we don't take too kindly to your kind around here.

>> No.3156766


ahh /pol/, now if i want to go to a place with factual, unbiased information, then by god /pol/ is my first inclination

>> No.3156768


oh jesus christ i won't even bother. /pol/ is all white male 15 yr olds. i hope in a few years you begin to understand how disconnected from reality you are.

>Blacks weren't the only slaves as well.
what does this even prove. the industry based on the suffering of black slaves does not compare with anything else within the past 300 yrs

>> No.3156769

p.s. fuck off you racist piece of shit

>> No.3156781

So how does /pol/ manipulate all these studies may I ask?

>> No.3156784


Studies can be brought up on the internet in defense of ANYTHING

>> No.3156788

do you understand the concept of cognitive bias

>> No.3156791


can't you get this anywhere there are knowledgeable people though? why go to pol for it?

>> No.3156786

Show me studies of blacks performing above other races.

>> No.3156794

Why are whites the only to blame for black slavery?
Why does nobody talk about the black themselves?
The white folks bought blacks slaves. They didn't steal them. They bought them from the tribe leaders.
The fact that the leaders themselves were willingly trading their own race for goods and possessions leads me to believe we're just as responsible as they were.

>> No.3156796



>> No.3156798

ITT : les nègres négrultent.

>> No.3156806

Because the topic isn't of that much importance for me.

It was from browsing that I saw them.

>> No.3156807

You honestly believe they were thinking about race?
Did the Romans think about race?

>> No.3156809


Then how come black people in Africa are so violent? they can't seem to have democracy without ruining it either.

>> No.3156810

" Additionally, classes admitted to Davidson are admitted by?racial quotas?(45%African American, 45%?Caucasian, and 10% other" mentions nothing of black out preforming anybody

>> No.3156819

Do a simple google search on Nigerian immigrants

>> No.3156821

Look at Central Europe between the World Wars. You can't just go "here, have democracy" to a people who've been used to a completely different system of living and expect it to stick.

>> No.3156822

>if you don't understand that our 'reality' is based on a symbolic world of human meaning programmed into us through childhood by society you're misinformed/ignorant.

I understand this, but black people never will.

>> No.3156823


You need to read up on the achievement gap, pal.

>> No.3156826

are you really arguing that 'blacks' were equally responsible for the destruction of their culture/kidnapping vast numbers of their people, as the people who actually instigated the entire process were?

>> No.3156829

>Studies can be brought up on the internet in defense of ANYTHING

Show me a study that proves that.

>> No.3156834

so you have no studies showing blacks out preforming other races?

>> No.3156838


That's a wikipedia article about a school. It's NOT a scientific study.

>> No.3156842

why do you view 'black people' as a collective. you don't think about 'white people' as a collective, its a group of thousands of different societies and people.
im 90% sure youre a troll but the stupidity in this thread has been real.

>> No.3156843


>can't into exaggeration for effect

>> No.3156846

>Did the Romans think about race?

Quite a lot, yes.

>> No.3156847

Is /lit/, /pol/'s non-racist little brother?

>> No.3156849

no one outside of /pol/ cares about /pol/

/pol/ is like the retarded son locked in the shed that no one likes to talk about

>> No.3156852

The moment they decided to kidnap and sell other 'blacks' to the white man with the big ships they became as responsible(if not more) than them.

Or would you argue that the buyer is the only one to blame about drug violence?

>> No.3156856

ITT: /pol/ raids llit

>> No.3156857


Answer the question.

>> No.3156858

>400 or whatever years ago all the wars were between 'white people'
Don't know if troll or just stupid.

>> No.3156859

lets not forget the first slave owner in america was black


>> No.3156860

Only some africans were to blame for the slave trade just as only some whites were to blame for making it profitable

>> No.3156861

If you'll look at the timing you'll see that I posted the thread once I got the ball rolling here. My work was done at that time.

>> No.3156863

A raid of discussion perhaps

>> No.3156866

John Punch
>mfw /pol/ is this illiterate

>> No.3156868
File: 112 KB, 201x312, 567556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any point in reading this?

I mean, is the tone preachy?

>> No.3156871


Instigators like the Portuguese and Arabs? And didn't 100s of thousands of White Americans die freeing them?

>> No.3156875



>> No.3156876

you realize the first slaves in america were irish?

>> No.3156878

yeah its preachy.

>> No.3156885

>white oppression.
You do realize that blacks were slave owners too, while whole nations like Slovaks or Latvians had nothing to do with colonialism?

>> No.3156886

>the industry based on the suffering of black slaves does not compare with anything else within the past 300 yrs

I am certain people in Auschwitz would prefer to work on plantations in South USA than go to gas chambers.

>> No.3156888

>implying more people died in the holocaust than the slave trade
And this is before they even made it to America.

>> No.3156889

More people die in history of mankind due to cold and flue than in Holocaust probably.
Your point?
Doesn't change the fact that conditions of Holocaust and Nazi treatment of Poles or Jews was worse than anything blacks experienced.

>> No.3156890
File: 35 KB, 911x623, incomesats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you explain the fact that Black students from families with incomes of $80,000 to $100,000 score considerably lower on the SAT than White students from families with $20,000 to $30,000 incomes? How do you explain why social class factors, all taken together, only cut the Black-White achievement gap by a third? Culture-only theory cannot predict these facts; often its predictions are opposite to the empirical results.

>> No.3156891

Thanks for this, capsguy. You're a real gift to the board, clearly.

>> No.3156892

If you are going by numbers, the suffering of the slave trade pales in comparison to the suffering of the russian people during the 20th century

>> No.3156895

>Simplifying generations of suffering and torture into a shallow, point-based game. If one side has more points, they have more moral rights to be upset about something than another.

You are the worst kind of human being.

>> No.3156893

Of the whole Atlantic Slave trade, America took 5% of the slaves. In America slaves were treated so well that they had families, unlike in Brasil where they actually were worked to death.

American blacks are the luckiest blacks in the world

>> No.3156898

I agree 100%, so society should stop acting as it's the white man's burden to carry all the blame

>> No.3156899

A marxist post-structuralist continental Ecole Normale Supérieure professor and feminist activist was teaching a class on Martin Heidegger, known hermeneuticist.

”Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Nietzsche and accept that his genealogical method was the most highly-evolved theory the continent has ever known, even greater than Hegel's dialectics!”

At this moment, a brave, rational, positivist analytic philosopher who had read more than 15000 pages of Popper and Wittgenstein and understood the raison d'être of empiricism and fully supported all modern hard sciences stood up and held up the constitution.

”How universal is this text, frenchfag?"

The arrogant professor smirked quite Jewishly and smugly replied “It's not universal at all, fucking positivist, its 'truth' is rooted in our shared understandings about culture, the subject and the nexus of power and knowledge”

”Wrong. It’s been 225 years since human reason created it. If it was not universal, and post-modern relativism, as you say, is real… then it should be regarded as a myth now”

The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of On Grammatology. He stormed out of the room crying those ironic post-modern crocodile tears. There is no doubt that at this point our professor, Michel Foucault, wished he had pulled himself up by his bootstraps and become more than an AIDS ridden sado-masochist interested in fisting. He wished so much that he had some kind of truth to hold on to, but he himself had written to disprove it!

>> No.3156900

the holocaust doesn't real.

the slave trade made America the strong economy it is.

the jews did 9/11

>> No.3156902


The students applauded and all rolled into American universities that day and accepted Wittgenstein as the end of philosophy. An eagle named “Formal logic” flew into the room and perched atop the copy of "Principa Mathematica" and shed a tear on the hardcover. The last sentence of "Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus" was read several times, and Karl Popper himself showed up and demonstrated how dialectics is nothing but a means of justifying contradictions.

The professor lost his tenure and was fired the next day. He died of the gay plague AIDS and his "books" were disregarded for all eternity.

>> No.3156906

You're welcome.

>> No.3156912

I don't think so, especially when you consider the sheer amount of black people living in Brazil in the early 19th century. There were more slaves than white\caboclos

>> No.3156909

Because dying in a day in a gas chamber was sooo much better than dying of disease, starvation, asphyxiation, and dehydration chained to the floor of a slave ship in a pool of your own shit and sewage.


>> No.3156911

It is perfectly natural to view people who are not from your tribe as enemies. Because they inevitably are.

>> No.3156916

marxist plz go

Not everything is reducible to economic factors. Being dumb and violent is just what it is 'to be a black'.

>> No.3156917

that's the definition of social programming. its not something inherit in you when you are born.

>> No.3156920

Black folks have souls?

>> No.3156922

>inb4 /pol/ invasion!

>> No.3156923
File: 1.47 MB, 2775x3375, The-Boy-Who-harnessed-the-Wind-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't those stupid /pol/ racists know that Black people invented windmills?

They are stupid and uninformed. Not at all like us here on /lit/. We know all about black people inventing windmills thanks to our book reading.

Read a book, stupid nazi racists!

>> No.3156924

>Go to /pol/ and they'll bombard you with studies of blacks brought up with higher socio-economic backgrounds.

Come to /pol/ and get trolled. You know you want to.

>> No.3156925

You think the Jewish captives didn't suffer at the hands of the Nazis?

Again, you're trivializing (and thereby justifying) torture against a racial group to support your own degenerate ideas of racial egalitarianism and fairness.


You're an idiot, but likely don't think so. You've never thought about your positions or your arguments. In all likelihood you received your opinions from someone else and haven't bothered to really examine them.

>> No.3156926

muh sides

>> No.3156927


Too late bwoy. We is already here.

>> No.3156931

Race is something you are born with, determined by biology. It's what you are, and what others are not.

It's not something determined by society, but something prior, essentialist, primal. It is because of this there is and always will be struggle between groups. Even if there is no all out war, the other is still the enemy, even on a subconscious level; the negro lusts after the white woman, he knows not why. But it is the manifestation of the desire to overcome the enemy 'other' race by taking its women for himself.

>> No.3156933

>making racial assumptions
>looking down on one racial group
>appeal for poster to join your enlightened non-racism
lol ok.

>> No.3156934

Oh wow, /pol/ thinking that /lit/'s aversion to statistics has anything to do with "what society dictates".

And they're claiming it's cultural marxism - it's like they don't understand they're bourgeois scum still stuck in a structural apparatus.

>> No.3156935

Hey, /pol/ browsers.

Out of curiosity, give me five favorite works of fiction.

>> No.3156937

Niggler please. You are just trying to stir up a war between the giant trolls of /pol/ and the effete intellectual pygmies of /lit/

>> No.3156940

>Doesn't change the fact that conditions of Holocaust and Nazi treatment of Poles or Jews was worse than anything blacks experienced.
I'm pretty sure this was in response to your "trivializing/justifying statement" or did you forget already? Nice ad hominem btw.

>> No.3156941

Storm of steel

>> No.3156942


It is all in your head..... it's an interesting new angle to keep the pipe dream alive, somewhat desperate though.

This thread encapsulates every typical limp wristed defence that society comes up with to explain why violence, theft and iq levels are noticeably different in one demographic. Chances are we were all liberals as teenagers, chances are we will all be different by our mid years.

Come and live in chicago, come and enjoy the cultural interactions.

>> No.3156943

>determined by biology

It's like racists can't into the very evolution they seem to espouse lellel
>Atlas Shrugged
>Mein Kampf XD
>Pillars of Creation
>Random Bullshit Book with Cognitive Bias

>> No.3156945


In /pol/ we only read Sven Hassel books.

>> No.3156947

The hobbit
The godfather
Jurassic park
Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy
The adventures of Tom Sawyer

>> No.3156948


Ayn Rand is trash as a writer, regardless of what you think of her ideas.

Mein Kampf is hack-tier lit as well.

Do you even read?

>> No.3156949

6/10 stop trollin plz

>> No.3156951
File: 62 KB, 620x389, boywhoharnessedthewind_zunon7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True story. New york times best seller.

>"Tonga!" he shouted, "I have made electric wind!"

Imagine how backwards our world would be without the miraculous gifts given to us by the Negro race, like the "electric wind" we use to power our computers.

People of color are so much better than those rotten whites who only steal and destroy.

>> No.3156952

im being serious

>> No.3156953

I knew /pol/ was full of morons, but seeing them display it so viciously here is very amusing.

>that taste

>> No.3156954

nope i wont accept you confirming any prejudice I might have about you

>> No.3156955

>Statistics show that a minority of a population commits the majority of a countries crimes

>Oh it's the white devils fault

Funny how these 'anti-racists' explain their pet monkeys shortcomings by blame shifting.

>> No.3156956

those are good books

>> No.3156957

>retard in charge of reading comprehension

I guess not.

>> No.3156961


How do you mean, exactly? You disagree with me as to the merit of the works mentioned? Why not explain why?

>> No.3156962

/Lit/ is filled with condescending douche bags? why am I not surprised?

>> No.3156965


Have you seen your board?

>> No.3156966

Poor ad hominem. I seem to have missed all those studies that proved marxist/liberal ideas about race to be true.

>> No.3156972


>thinks studies aren't culturally influenced

>> No.3156973

Non-white /polster here, you guys have done a better character assassination of /pol/ than I ever could, you've convinced me to not bother with it. I'm archiving this awesome thread.

>> No.3156974

Atleast they can reasonablely debate most of the time.

>> No.3156969


>can't into irony



>> No.3156975

I suppose the one thing that /lit/ has over us /pol/ trolls is that /pol/ is the fifth circle of hell, whilst /lit/ is the eighth.

>> No.3156976 [DELETED] 

Was the pre- or post-colonialism?

>> No.3156978

Dem magical negros

>> No.3156979

The minnesota transracial adoption study found that adopted white babies raised by white upper-middle class, high iq families had a mean IQ that was a whole standard deviation above that of negroid babies adopted by white, upper-middle class , high iq families. the means were 106 to 89 respectively.
sample size of about 200.

Those of you who aren't ignorant children and have some knowledge of statistics should know that the central limit theorem means that if you take two samples of size ~ 100 from the same underlying population, the chance that those samples will have means that differ by more than a standard deviation is highly unlikely. Infact it's astronomically unlikely. It's equivalent in unlikelihood as an event happening 10 or more standard deviations away from the mean in a normal distribution. The likelihood of an event happening 7 or more standard deviations away from the mean is 1 in 390,682,215,445.
This is strong evidence that negroes and white europeans do not share the same underlying distribution of intelligence, and that the intelligence distribution for negroes is significantly lower than for white europeans.

Furthermore, non-racial adoption studies have shown that the correlation in intelligence between biological parents and their adopted babies adopted babies is much higher than for the adoptee parents and adopted babies. Infact there's no correlation between the IQ of an adopted baby and its adopted parents at all.

>> No.3156980


I've never seen a real debate on /pol/. They don't seem to be very deeply concerned with thought - and are exceptionally reliant on outside sources for the points they're making. The talk almost always resorts to worse bickering than the kind you'll see in an average /lit/ thread.

>> No.3156981

You mean, it hurt your little feelings and you're going to ignore us. Fine with me. Carry on and let the big boys talk.

>> No.3156982

>nobody from /lit/ responds to this.

>in charge of arguing with evidence rather than unfounded emotional appeals

>> No.3156983

> and are exceptionally reliant on outside sources

you mean statistics and studies?

>> No.3156984


Behold a pale horse
Mein Kampf
Communist manifesto
Nigella christmas

>> No.3156986

Hey, I'm from /lit/ and have been asking from the beginning for studies that show evidence of blacks showing greater intelligence or lesser crime.

It's been a long wait...

>> No.3156989


For one. Nobody on /pol/ seems to understand the limitations of studies in general, not to mention the number of biases that leak into any given study, especially when not carried out properly. Even peer-review isn't exact, or even close to it.

>> No.3156990


Coming to america

A fine bod of work, it also lists the accomplishments of zamunda, africas greatest country.

>> No.3156992

No, it's full of mentally and emotionally immature 15-year-olds, and I've realized it's time to move on. If it hurt my feelings I would hardly have stayed as long as I have. If anything, it's desensitized and toughened me up.

>> No.3156993


Is anybody arguing that point aside from you? Cultural impetus has nothing to do with genetic disposition or any number of other psychosocial factors involved.

>> No.3156995

Thats been discussed pretty often actually I don't you understand how critically sources are often examined.

>> No.3156996


S you will poo poo everything in order to protect upstanding members of the community.

>> No.3156999

I dont think you understand how*

>> No.3157002


Examined in what fashion? Scientifically? Mathematically? Even these models fall apart under scrutiny, especially with regard to social theory and the cogito.


I'm simply trying to illustrate a point.

>> No.3157003

/sci/ has told the /pol/tards this multiple times that their studies aren't very accurate, need bigger control groups, etc.
Its a waste of time to even acknowledge them, as such, they have been banned from such discussion on /sci/.

>> No.3157001

>are exceptionally reliant on outside sources for the points they're making.

This just in from /lit/: empirical evidence is not required in order to find out the state of the world or the universe

>> No.3157004

Don't worry, you are forgiven son. Blacks can't put up race cards and nobody who defends most of them can be taken seriously anymore since even Asians, Latinos, Jews and even Muslims have taken to having a disdain for blacks.
Very few blacks break from that inherent retardation of the black man and these are so few that it is not logical to put down your guard for the sake of a few and open yourself to the risks and danger of a vast majority.

>> No.3157006


Roadside Picnic by Boris and Arkady Strugatsky
Murphy by Samuel Beckett
Soul Mountain by Gao Xingjian
Trainspotting by Irvine Welsh
The Sorrows of Young Werther by Goethe

Don't really want to place much though. I tend to read mostly non-fiction, and in the case of fiction it tends to be one type of literature at a time. Eg. All Russian Literature, or Irish etc. Finding Gaelic poetry is becoming a big one lately but that hardly counts.

>> No.3157007


That is exactly right.

>> No.3157010
File: 119 KB, 1056x756, elf_crucifixion_by_zamboniman-d59cqr1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, deal with it nerd and be careful to not fog up your glasses on your way out.

>> No.3157011

>I'm simply trying to illustrate a point.

No, you undercut everything.

>> No.3157012
File: 441 KB, 500x539, 1322586333367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just gotta use your feelings bro, you know? Bro.

It just feels right that everyone is equal. Equality is totally groovy, bro.

Just gotta feel it.

>> No.3157014
File: 73 KB, 640x646, 374637643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Racist detected.

>> No.3157016


How far down the rabbit hole are you willing to go? It's my idea that /pol/ is chock full of lazy thinkers who aren't willing to put their notions of 'reality' to an unrelenting skepticism.


Consensus isn't truth. It simply is exactly that. Consensus

>> No.3157018


Actually no, /sci/ does not allow any race based discussion. It has not for a long, long time.

>> No.3157019

Biological race differences don't exist, that's why we ban studies that suggest it to begin with. REASON, fucking stormfags.

Any way, soon you faggot white devils will be gone and her majesty Gaia will blossom into a veritable paradise without oppression or inequality. It's our world now.

>> No.3157020


Is that image supposed to be offensive in some way?

>> No.3157021

>missed the point

There are no such studies. Your theories about race have more basis in the post war european urge towards holocaust guilt self flagellation than any thing concrete.

>> No.3157023

>You just gotta use your feelings bro, you know? Bro.
Empirical data by itself actually don't mean a shit. They're simply empirical data. '

You still need to infer from the data conclusions, and /pol/ is generally too intellectually inept to do anything but stupid correlation fallacies.

This is the same fucking mistake you guys keep doing with evolutionary theories and genetics. CORRELATION =!!! CAUSATION You need reason together with empirical data to reach conclusions, and you lack the former.

>> No.3157024

Is this how you people argue? Making vague references to things that people on an imageboard supposedly said?

For one thing that isn't even true. There's far from a consensus on studies for racial differences.
Transracial adoption studies that control for environment like >>3156979 quite clearly show that people of sub-saharan african stock and people of white-european stock do not have the same distribution of intelligence.

And there are absolutely no studies that provide good evidence that indicates the contrary.

>> No.3157025

>Biological race differences don't exist

Yet DNA can tell us the race of the person the sample was taken from

>> No.3157027

You missed his irony.

>> No.3157028

>Biological race differences don't exist, that's why we ban studies that suggest it to begin with. REASON, fucking stormfags.

Um. You appear to be experiencing a thinking deficit.

There is no such ban. It would be evidence rather than reason that makes the difference. That Frenchy chap Descartes lost rather convincingly to the dashing and superior English chap named Issac Newton if you did not know.

>> No.3157029

Don't talk as if you actually browse /sci/. Threads specifically about racial differences come up at least every couple of weeks despite the fact they eventually get deleted, and threads about IQ inheritability of intelligence come up multiple times a week, in which race frequently becomes a topic of discussion.

>> No.3157031

I meant differences in behavioral, athletic or intellectual traits and you know it. Once you look past noses and skin color everyone is the fucking same. Don't we all bleed red? Owned, ignorant stormfag.

>> No.3157033
File: 1.91 MB, 2560x1600, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reality has no bearing on political policy though.

Policy is made according to consensus, not according to truth.

Everyone AGREED that there were WMDs in Iraq, therefore Iraq was invaded, resources were acquired, enemies were neutralised. The truth of the matter turned out to be irrelevant. All that matters is seeing your will imposed on the world through the methods of power-politics. Right and wrong are distractions, truth and falsehood are conceptual traps for the philosophers. It is much more efficient to instead focus your energies on bending the state of affairs in the world to FIT truth as it exists in your mind's eye, rather than trying to convince everyone that your vision is the truth of the world.

>> No.3157034


Because your notion of race is retarded. DNA could tell you if you will end up being bald as well, does that constitute as race?

Is /pol/ only capable of attacking horrible straw men?

>> No.3157035

>I meant differences in behavioral, athletic or intellectual traits and you know it.

Actually no, I am not psychic. There are huge difference sin all 3 of your examples btw.

>> No.3157036

and yet you can the race of a person by their skull remains.

> Don't we all bleed red
Don't animals bleed red as well?

>> No.3157038

can tell the race of a person*

>> No.3157039

>DNA could tell you if you will end up being bald as well, does that constitute as race?

DNA markers can shed light on the race of the person the sample was taken from. But keep trying to muddy the waters by bringing baldness intot he conversation.

>> No.3157040

Pigs bleed red.

>> No.3157042

>Empirical data by itself actually don't mean a shit. They're simply empirical data. '
Do you understand what the "empirical" means?
You're saying "They're simply empirical data" as though that sentence actually means something.

This is wrong. Correlation does not imply causation. There is a very big difference.
When correlation does not imply causation, either you have the causal relationship the wrong way round, or there are one or more factors associated with both that are actually responsible.
Experiments are designed to be controlled for possible associated factors so you can test whether it is the thing you are measuring that must be the cause.
This is exactly what happens in transracial adoption studies.

Please just stick to writing essays about stories. You aren't cut out for rigorous reasoning and science.

>> No.3157044

There isn't even a hint of evidence that "all races are equal".

Biological racial egalitarianism is the leftist equivalent of creationism.

>> No.3157045

I think we all need to approach this with a gentle regard for facts.

Studies have proven blacks have difficulties with thinking, as I'm sure anecdotes prove as well.

Anyone have anything to the contrary?

>> No.3157049


I met a black guy and he is probably more intelligent than you!

Argument won.

>> No.3157050

It's not creationism or anything of the sort. It's just fact and if you're ignorant of it you need more education and empathy.

>> No.3157051

Race is an informal term used roughly mean ethnicity.

Ethnicity is where people originate from genetically back when human beings migrated far less than they do now.
We are able to determine ethnicity due to observable differences in allele frequency between different ethnic groups.

>> No.3157054

>truth and falsehood are conceptual traps for the philosophers

That is ignorant relativist drivel. Truth is very much a real and practical empirical thing. Spend some time reading up on third world poverty and the preventable ills that accompany it. Then come back without the relativist bullshit.

>> No.3157053

(anti-scientific, dogmatic, leftists persistently ignore evidence that challenges their world-view that all ethnicities of people have the same mean IQ)

>> No.3157055

Ok one thing i remember from when this was posted on /sci/.
>Transracial adoption studies that control for environment.
Protip: its hard for anyone to control the environment of a person.
The parents cannot go to school with the child
That being said, who were the childs peers?
Did the school demographics of these children change adversely? Was he still enrolled in a slummy school? Did he hang around children who were ethnically similar i.e. the black crowd or did they assimilate with another group? Were his/her associates, while out of parental supervision occured, of identical good character as those of the other children? Did the white kids who were adopted turn into wiggers or did they hang out with an ethnic peer group?

>> No.3157056

While I'm not racist, I accept that black people aren't as evolved as white people (which has been proven by science)

>> No.3157057


>It's not creationism or anything of the sort.

Evolution does not stop at the neck. Keep repeating your mantras but don't expect us to get proselytized by them in front of the hard facts.

>> No.3157059


What the hell does pattern-recognition have to do with intelligence?

>> No.3157062
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Panic stations.

>> No.3157064

When does evolution stop ("as proven by science")?

>> No.3157065
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People have gone on /pol/ before insisting that /sci/ could prove them wrong. Subsequently /pol/ created a thread in /sci/, completely obliterated all the whiny egalitarians there, and then /sci/ became censored to protect the anuses of the limp wristed liberals whose dogmatic ideology cannot withstand criticism.

>> No.3157070 [DELETED] 

huh? I was just angry because he used the wrong form of 'society's' and because the word 'programming' should have been weeded out of him by tenth grade.

>> No.3157071

>doesn't understand that /lit/ questions the merits of empirical science itself and often collides with /sci/ about this matter

>are surprised a thread where /pol/ posts statistics based on this very empirical science about questions such as intelligence is bombarded with trolling and retarded remarks

>stay inept stormfags lellelellelel the sun won't necessarily rise tomorrow, and fug u popper

>> No.3157073


It stopped the second the human race split, obviously.

>> No.3157074

Oh, so /pol/ shitposted them to death just like the /new/ days?
Boy, you sure showed them!

>> No.3157075
File: 23 KB, 750x600, 1353137654121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Science major here, just thought I'd chip in with some established truths about human "races".
-It is consistently verified by non-biased IQ-tests (shapes, patterns, numbers, etc) that there is a clear difference in IQ between the diverse human races, sub-sharan Africans ranking almost at the bottom, just above Australian aboriginals.
"East-Asians", Vietnamese, Chinese, Burmese, etc, score slightly above Caucasians, on average.
Interestingly, Polynesians score pretty much the same as Caucasians, and Native Americans just below.

>Not Stormfag
>Not Americunt

u mad, libruls?

>> No.3157076

lol I reamber that.

>> No.3157077

Okay, you're perfectly entitled to spend your life seeking this elusive and ill-defined truth, which most people will end up ignoring anyway because I will present propaganda asserting the opposite. In fact I highly recommend your take that career path, because it ultimately means fewer people with conflicting world views in the political arena.

The cultural Marxists in the Frankfurt school learned this almost a century ago. Better to disregard the integrity of your profession and seek to convert the world to your viewpoint then try to prove everyone that your views are correct.

(P.S. you just fell into the trap)

>> No.3157078
File: 300 KB, 500x500, pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

itt: /pol/ holocausts the lesser race of /lit/

/pol/ = ubermensch
/lit/ = untermensch

>> No.3157079

evolution doesn't stop you idiot, it is an ongoing process

>> No.3157080

This is /pol/'s problem, if you disagree with the notion their studies have been carried out you are brainwashed by cultural marxist propaganda.

But if you call them out on being biased it's "LEL HARD FACTS NIGGER".

>> No.3157081

Blacks instigated the process. Blacks lived in chaos for thousands upon thousands of years before ever meeting the white man, locked in never ending tribal warfare. Too primitive to evolve beyond even our archaic barely modern human ancestors from 200,000 years ago. Blacks are their own worst enemy.

>> No.3157082


>"East-Asians", Vietnamese, Chinese, Burmese, etc, score slightly above Caucasians, on average.

Yeah it's funny that accepting this makes you a stormfag, apparently.

>> No.3157083
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The heritability of intelligence is now well established from numerous adoption, twin, and family studies. Particularly noteworthy are the genetic contributions of around 80% found in adult twins reared apart. And most transracial adoption studies provide evidence for the heritability of racial differences in IQ. For instance, Korean and Vietnamese children adopted into white American and white Belgian homes were examined in studies by E.A. Clark and J. Hanisee, by M. Frydman and R. Lynn, and by M. Winick et al. Many had been hospitalized for malnutrition. But they went on to develop IQs ten or more points higher than their adoptive national norms. By contrast, the famous Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study marked black/white differences emerged by age 17 even though the black children had been reared in white middle-class families (Weinberg, Scarr & Waldman, 1992).

>> No.3157084
File: 1.18 MB, 558x800, 1351700381051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Auf der Heide blüht ein kleines Blümelein und das heißt Erika.
Heiß von hunderttausend kleinen Bienelein wird umschwärmt Erika
denn ihr Herz ist voller Süßigkeit,
zarter Duft entströmt dem Blütenkleid.
Auf der Heide blüht ein kleines Blümelein und das heißt: Erika.

>> No.3157085

>need empathy
yeah dude, MUH FEELINGS > facts

>> No.3157086


Whatever makes you feel better about it all.

>> No.3157087

How do you feel about Israel, /lit/?

>> No.3157091
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>> No.3157092

I wish threads had no bump limit so they lasted potentially forever.

I'm going to vote to archive this

>> No.3157094
File: 340 KB, 1454x993, 1337198739500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Biological race differences don't exist

lulz do you have anymoar gems like that bro?

i know you dont see it on the electric jew show csi miami but given the dna sample of a criminal, forensics can tell PRECISELY which race it belongs to

> pic related: /lit/'s knowledge sauce

>> No.3157098


All threads are archived.

How is this a good thread?

>> No.3157100

each adopted baby was raised by white, upper-middle class parents with a mean IQ of 115 in minnesota who wanted to adopt them.

There is not reason to assume that these white, upper-middle class parents would have collectively sent the black children to "ghetto" schools and the white children to good schools.

The questions you raise are not valid concerns because they would not have been trends.
Yes, not every child would have had the exact same child down to the last stimuli. That's obvious. But the relevant potential differences, e.g. some children in the study having a slightly better diet or some children in the study having more intelligent adoptive parents, would have been randomly distributed between the white and black adoptees.
There is absolutely no reason for example to assume that only the least intelligent participating parents decided to adopt the black children.

What you're doing is raising irrelevant, invalid concerns to look for any excuse to ignore the strong evidence the study provides and thus maintain your unfounded world view that genetically different ethnic groups must have equal mean IQs.

>> No.3157102

4chan /lit/ >>3156580 1/4 less than a minute ago


>> No.3157103
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yeah dude, no differences, just skin color...

>> No.3157106

Awesome then

>> No.3157107

Dullard. Whilst Dr Johnson would refute your argument to his own pain, I would refute it to yours.

>> No.3157108
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>> No.3157110

/sci/fag here. just want to chip in why this thread is retarded.

Intelligence as employed in this thread=! IQ

IQ does have some variations from demographic to demographic.

But however you manage to equal IQ to some kind of social adept behavior (I.e. not being violent or so on) is retarded. IQ is pattern recognition and does make a difference when it comes to that, anything else is correlation fallacies.

When /pol/ has come up with a standardized test that tests social adept behavior without bias then we can start talking.

>> No.3157112
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That image doesn't make any sense, even as satire. Brainwashing in universities takes place because teachers and students create an environment where holding certain beliefs constitutes the failure of a course or bad marks, because the student hasn't seen the 'reality' (i.e. the Frankfurt school approved way) of things.

There's no kind of equivalent pressure on an online imageboard, what pressure is there on anybody to conform? If they don't like what's being said, if they don't agree or hold different beliefs then what is stopping them from just leaving? Nothing. Brainwashing requires some kind of social compulsion where they can to impart beliefs without proving their validity.

>> No.3157114

> Don't worry, you are forgiven son. Blacks can't put up race cards and nobody who defends most of them can be taken seriously anymore since even Asians, Latinos, Jews and even Muslims have taken to having a disdain for blacks.
> Very few blacks break from that inherent retardation of the black man and these are so few that it is not logical to put down your guard for the sake of a few and open yourself t

Little do you know there is more difference between negros and the rest of humanity than there is between bonobos and chimpanzees, or subspecies of wolves, and many other examples for that matter. The fact is that if not for political correctness, negros should be classified as an entirely different species. They are not in any way shape or form equal.

>> No.3157115

But the thing is the "calling out of the studies being biased" simply consists of invalid objections like >>3157055
that are easily debunked>>3157100
because at no point is any valid concern raised about how the experiment was biased.

>> No.3157117

>But however you manage to equal IQ to some kind of social adept behavior (I.e. not being violent or so on) is retarded

oh those are not based on iq they have different stats corelating blacks with moar violence in any country they are present in

>> No.3157122


>what pressure is there on anybody to conform?

ALL KINDS of psychosocial pressure, even while anonymous

>> No.3157123

>bawww why don't places of learning and intelligence accept my veiws?
>must be a joosh cultural marxist consparacy!

>> No.3157124

So you're admitting that negroes are naturally less intelligent than white europeans, but don't think that there's good evidence taht they're ntaurally more violent, indolent and uncivilised.

That's fine.

>> No.3157125


> /lit/ in charge of logically consistent analogies


>> No.3157126

I can't believe this has 200+ replies... What the fuck, guys? You should be able to detect /pol/ crap and ignore it

>> No.3157127

>too primitive to evolve

I don't think you understand evolution. What in the environment of blacks have prevented them from evolving? The warmth and the bananas, perhaps?

>> No.3157131

>So you're admitting that negroes are naturally less intelligent than white europeans, but don't think that there's good evidence taht they're ntaurally more violent, indolent and uncivilised.

obviously he's admitting that

/sci/fags are usually more ok with uncomfortable facts than the libtard arts muh feelings /lit/fags

>> No.3157133

But Capsguy's from /lit/.

>> No.3157134

It isn't exclusively Jewish, but denying it exists is to deny reality.


>> No.3157135

>/lit/ mad that /pol/ is more factual


>> No.3157136

People are naturally drawn to conspiracy theories and feel special if they think they know some "great truth".

>> No.3157138
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This graph is taken from a new study of more than 11,000 people. You can see that, while increasing SES lowers the risk of incarceration only a little bit, increasing IQ lowers the risk sharply.

So much for the liberal claim that social class is everything.



>> No.3157141

>There is absolutely no reason for example to assume that only the least intelligent participating parents decided to adopt the black children.
This is not the argument.
Please read /pol/.
Who were the child's peers?
Who did he associate with at school?
Who did he eat lunch with?

>There is not reason to assume that these white, upper-middle class parents would have collectively sent the black children to "ghetto" schools and the white children to good schools.

There is no reason to assume he would hang out with different ethnic groups. There is no reason to assume the children didn't hang out with children who were similar in appearance, while gaining the traits of whatever class or culture their peers associated with? A child spends much of his day at school whereas the parenthood wouldn't be a factor, moreso, the cliques and peer groups he associated with would become more of a factor.

>> No.3157146
File: 18 KB, 720x405, pickthepill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your choice /lit/, your choice

>> No.3157148

Shit a youtube video with 16,000 views!
Better change my opinion!

>> No.3157154
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>It is genuinely true that, if you measure the total variation in the human species and then partition it into a between-race component and a within-race component, the between-race component is a very small fraction of the total. Most of the variation among humans can be found within races as well as between them. Only a small admixture of extra variation distinguishes races from each other. That is all correct. What is not correct is the inference that race is therefore a meaningless concept. This point has been clearly made by the distinguished Cambridge geneticist A.W.F. Edwards in a recent paper Human genetic diversity: Lewontins fallacy, R.C. Lewontin is an equally distinguished Cambridge (Mass.) geneticist, known for the strength of his political convictions and his weakness for dragging them into science at every possibile opportunity. Lewontin’s view of race has become near-universal orthodoxy in scientific circles

>> No.3157155

Still... It derailed in a very predictable way

>> No.3157156

Just so you know, the stormfags are here because redditards recently invaded /pol/ and have been shutting down the stormfags better than 4chan ever could. It's amazing, really

>> No.3157157
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Which is how cultural Marxism as a fringe movement got started in the 1960s. Now counter-culture has become mainstream theory enforced in some countries by law, what's your point?

/lit/ gets a lot of rep as an intelligent board who weighs the content of arguments. I don't know why.

>> No.3157158


Check this paper. There is concrete proof that blacks are far enough removed genetically to be classified as a different species. Either blacks have to be reclassified, or lots of distinct animal species have to be lumped together to clear up the discrepancy according to this paper.

>> No.3157163

Gun Germs and Steel
Shindler's list
The Diary of Anne Frank
The 9/11 Commission Reports
Anything else on the holohoax


>> No.3157161


the only idiot whites who adopt niglets are white libtards who live in lilly white neighborhoods

so in all probability, the niglet went to a lilly white school maybe even private school, he interacted with white kids more than fellow niglets, etc

>> No.3157164

oh the irony in this post.....

>> No.3157165

>leftard delusions

>> No.3157166

>Who were the child's peers?
>Who did he associate with at school?
>Who did he eat lunch with?

So my choice of lunch partners has a direct impact on my IQ. This is interesting stuff /lit/ keep it coming!

>> No.3157170

lol guess whos behind that...
back to lurking..

>> No.3157171

>this thread....

Richard Wright is better than W.E.B. Du Bois

>> No.3157172
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We are missionaries of the new Gospel. Have you heard the Good News brother?

>> No.3157173


Do you only read best sellers?

>> No.3157175

/pol/ would be a pretty decent board is some good 50% of all the posters weren't sandniggers spamming the entire board over how bad israel is

>hurrr jidf detected
neither a jew nor a fan of the international jewry, just wish people posted more about other shit instead of this shit all the time

>> No.3157176

Peers are some of the greatest influences on a child.
Stop being silly.

>> No.3157177

You're the one not understanding evolution. Evolution can mean stagnancy or even reduction in IQ, because it's simply the process of a population of animals adapting to its environment. Nothing more and nothing less.

Please don't tell me you're into the hippie belief that evolution = eventually we'll turn into eternal energy beings of goodness.

>> No.3157179


Israel is bad, sand niggers are worse. The threads seem to assume that a side must be chosen.

>> No.3157180


I was there before he invasion, and the way you stormfag morons have crawled back to your hole is delicious.

I hated reddit before that, now I fully welcome those idiots shutting down your pathetic circlejerk.

>> No.3157181

I'm pretty sure that JIDF was a joke sperglords too to seriously.

>> No.3157184


>> No.3157186

jidf pls go

>> No.3157187
File: 31 KB, 516x257, JIDF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>JIDF was a joke

>> No.3157188

Given that all the children were raised in upper-middle class neighbourhoods in minnesota in the 1970s and 1980s, and given that the racial make up of minnesota nowadays is only 4% negroid, and given that this proportion would have probably been even smaller 30-40 years ago, and given that a disproportionately large part of this minority would have been from lower class backgrounds, It is likely that there would have been very few members belonging to black culture for them to interact with, and certainly its not very likely at all that there would have been enough for them to be surrounded in black culture.

Secondly, these children were tested for IQ, not academic achievement. Culturally related things like work ethic have a far higher effect on the former than the latter.

>> No.3157189


Are you saying that IQ is linked to external factors such as friends and lunchtime partners? Or are you confusing academic motivation with IQ. You can be highly intelligent and do little with it or have a lower IQ and achieve far more.

But IQ has fuck all to do with peers and lunchtime.

>> No.3157191

>im not a redditard guys i swear!!!

>> No.3157192


> peers are influence on iq
> genetics? nope, not a bit

lol intelligence is one of the most inheritable trait

>> No.3157194


>IQ is linked to external factors

How can you even deny this?

>> No.3157195

>Muh feelings
>ur delusional stormfag

None of that counts as "owning" anyone.

>> No.3157196

Blacks lived in chaos for thousands upon thousands of years before ever meeting the white man, locked in never ending tribal warfare.
>can't into yuroop or asia's clans for that matter
>Too primitive to evolve beyond even our archaic barely modern human ancestors from 200,000 years ago.
What kind of fucked up history book have you been reading

>> No.3157197

You do know that the JIDF is a real thing.

>> No.3157198


Oh please, just because the redditors are creating threads does not mean their arguments have suddenly become logical. Infact quite a few seemed rather perturbed that their usual mantras were still being ripped apart and mocked the day after Obamas win.

>> No.3157199
File: 54 KB, 264x373, Bawwwww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Your troll is weak old man. /pol/ has crushed /lit/ today. Exposed your frailties and humiliated you for the pseudo-intellectual frauds that you are. You deserve your place in the eighth circle of hell.

>> No.3157203


I have never heard of any environment where being less intelligent makes you more successful or attractive as a mate.

>> No.3157204
File: 561 KB, 1920x1080, traitor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I hope you are happy.

>> No.3157205


Do lichen consider intelligence when mating?

>> No.3157207
File: 150 KB, 826x1108, tumblr_m90lg1qOtm1rc29i6o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pro-jewish internet orgnisations like GIYUS adn the JIDF really do exist and really have targeted 4chan.

>> No.3157208

it's one of the indications of intelligence

>> No.3157210


Seems to work that way for blacks in the US.

>> No.3157211

Nice claiming victory there bro.

>> No.3157209

People were posting it as a joke, then people started believing it.

>> No.3157213
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>> No.3157216


According to what rubric?

>> No.3157217


I will admit that diet in the formative years has an impact, so yes I am wrong in denying all external factors. But I continue to skoff at the idea that lunchtime friends have an impact on my IQ level. Peers can push you to achieve, but they cannot push you to be more intelligent. Knowledgeable? Most definately. But all too often people cannot see the difference.

>> No.3157220

>because Minneapolis and most non-rural areas with suburbes (i.e.cities such as minneapolis) would never ever have blacks, nor one of the highest crime rates ever, an environment wherein a child's peer group could be completely controlled, or a criminal caste. Speaking of control groups, what was the control group again? 100 kids from a localized area or something similar?

>> No.3157221


Comparing blacks and lichen. I do hope you guys archive this.

>> No.3157224


>missed the point

>> No.3157226

Unneeded brain power is actually a detriment to your probability of shitting out a shit ton of spawn, because you will require significantly more energy.

Please stop accepting what feels good or cool as undiluted truth, the world is a little more complex than you give it credit for.

>> No.3157228

I hope this is the start of a long and beautiful relationship netween /pol/ and /lit/

>> No.3157233


Shut the fuck up and kill yourself.

>> No.3157234

He shouldn't have insulted lichen by comparing them to negroes.

>> No.3157235

I love you too :3

>> No.3157238

You mad bro?

>> No.3157246

I'm admitting that there is a prevalence of higher IQ in different demographics. The implications of that is not quite to your pleasing, as recent studies ( http://www.apa.org/monitor/apr04/herit.aspx ) have shown that the correlation between SES and IQ is a mutual correlation. That implies that socioeconomic status affects IQ as well as IQ affecting SES. Thus are unfavored demographics forced into a vicious cycle whereas there socioeconomic status would seem to be the catalyst.

If IQ is what you consider an academically accepted definition of intelligence then I am very sorry for you, but won't discuss it any further.

It's ironic how /pol/ disregard major points of empirical science (I.e. cognitive bias being real, and using different definitions of terms such as intelligence to show a finding in statistics) while still using it as their tool to further argue their point.

>> No.3157248
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The point he made was that a lowering of IQ is also an evolutionary process, I pointed out that I ahve never heard of a situation whereby having a lower iq meant you were more likely to survive and/or mate, so the point about lichen and their IQ was fucking retarded at best, and inspringly devoid of logic at worst. Unless there are actually lichen IQ studies, in which case I will eat my hat.

>> No.3157249
File: 101 KB, 400x400, 24477666[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think pol vs lit might be kind of a mismatch.

>Viewpoint supported by objective facts and empirical evidence

>But what is science, and what is a fact? Does objectivity truly exist? Is empiricism the proper manner in which to blah blah blah? Consider the lilies, stormfag.

>> No.3157250


>> No.3157251

I.Q. doesn't make you smart /pol/

>> No.3157252


My point was intelligence has nothing, NECESSARILY, to do with evolution, only in certain situations

>> No.3157254


If you un-ironically think we have access to the objective, you need to do quite a bit of reading before you come back to the board.

>> No.3157257

I wasn't lichen guy. I replied to you here:

>> No.3157258

any discussion with libtards about race alawys ends up going in circles untill they decide to leave.

>> No.3157259

This is evident from our disputes with /sci/ but at least they don't share the tendency to draw big fucking fallacious conclusions from their claims (except that materialism is reality).

>> No.3157262




>> No.3157263

Q.E.D /pol/ now plz leave.

Any good literature about ignorant people endorsing science to prove their agenda?

>> No.3157265


Fuck. Are the Americans awake already?

>> No.3157266


So our IQ and brain mass increases have nothign to do with evolution. You live and learn.

>> No.3157267


Karl Marx - Das Kapital

>> No.3157268




>> No.3157270
File: 52 KB, 790x404, stormfag tears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just leave this here. Stop responding to the idiots.

>> No.3157271


They absolutely do, but in no sense is intelligence a universal driving factor in evolution, and it certainly isn't inherently on a continual upswing.

>> No.3157273


Obvious shoop is obvious.

>> No.3157275

>Comparing blacks to lichen
Seriously, that is an insult to lichen everywhere.

>> No.3157277

My fellow il/it/erates, why are you playing this game on their turf? Why aren't you questioning their empirical data on the basis of Gödel's Incompleteness Theory and the Problem of Induction?

Question their premises, not their arguments.

Why are you not questioning /pol/ on the basis of transcendent identities which themselves imply the fragility of the notion of materialism, intelligence and genetics?

Why are you playing their game, and not our game like how we play with /sci/?

>> No.3157278


Marxist thinking is divorced from science except with regard to praxis in certain areas

>> No.3157279

Oh I get it now, so the stormfags are the equivalent of the JOOZ in Nazi Germany.
How ironic.

>> No.3157280


You're right, I'm gonna look real silly when you find the higgs-boson with bullshit sophistry. I take it the "you have to read more" is some kind of insult in the culture of this board? By the way thanks for playing directly into the caricature of you that I made.

>> No.3157282


Nobody who knows what they're talking about gives a shit about the angry white kids and the fresh-enough-to-the-board-to-reply posters. Boring thread on a number of levels.

>> No.3157283


Actually, going to have to cut it short there, I have to leave the house.

/lit/ peace out lit. Stop being so faggy.

>> No.3157284


>> No.3157288


What does intersubjective consensus have to do with the true state of reality?

Have you never read a single brain-in-a-vat argument before? You honestly think you know what the true nature of reality is? You've never questioned the limitations of empiricism and the scientific method? In twenty twelve?

>> No.3157289

c/lit/s still call people 'stormfags' who accept that East Asians and Ashkenazim have a higher IQ on average than whites.


>> No.3157292



>> No.3157298

I know that alawys pisses me off. How am I a white supremacist when im willing to admit some asians are smarter then whites?

>> No.3157302

nobody gives a fuck about objective reality. We discuss things in the context of intersubjective consensus. To do otherwise is to limit our understanding of things with the bindings of pure logic.

>> No.3157310


>Get high
>Watch The Matrix
>Rape the English language

This is the best board ever

>> No.3157312
File: 178 KB, 1112x708, 1352884499069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you pick, /lit/?

>> No.3157316

false dichotomy, fuck you nigger honky

>> No.3157319


Pure logic can't into ethics/social theory/cultural structure, etc.


Go ahead and reply to the content of the post, if you're able.

>> No.3157324


>> No.3157330


>Go ahead and reply to the content of the post, if you're able.

I'd love to, trouble is your post doesn't have any content. If you want to have the "What is real?" debate, I suggest you find a 14 year old who just learned about the concept of subjective reality, or a first year philosophy student. The rest of us have been down this little road a hundred times before and realized that it doesn't lead anywhere, hence the criticism. If you want to have a discussion about race, please come down from Mount Olympus and have it in the real world with the rest of us mortals.

>> No.3157336


And that's why you posted. Yeah. You look a chump right now.

>> No.3157356

Repetition. Already been knocked down. Scroll back up to the Dr Johnson post and then punch yourself in the face. Repeatedly. Until you wake from your delusion.

>> No.3157357

all dat told

>> No.3157362

>Reading a book about niggers

Just go to any ghetto and you can see the true souls of black folk.

>> No.3157367
File: 18 KB, 413x395, 1353105998507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sides.

Do you mean the society which will automatically ostracize you for saying the word nigger? Or the society who will call you a racist for pointing out cultural differences amongst blacks and other races? You're high.

>> No.3157380

> The day /pol/ came to /lit/

>> No.3157523

Society's programing? No.
Learning from observation, experience and turning those into simple formulas that find the most common ground and traits to be engraved into the definitions of entities observed? Yes.

Humanity may be the same in the prospect of what it's made of, bone and flesh, skin, organs, brain and senses. But that's where the "unity" and "equality" ends.

The mentality and the natural inclinations, the affiliation and the capabilities, the physical and mental prowess, the further traits of color and the unique differentiations, all find themselves depending on many complex influences both from time/history and from space/geography.
These are natural and they are nature, manufactured and directly influenced by the complex entity that is nature while tinkered a little by humanities hands in the process without humanity even realizing it.

Racism is a word that has lost its meaning and a word that is misused. A definition that has been distorted through time.
While at the core it is a word that describes the inevitable and NATURAL differences between various human collectives and populations whether for bad or for good,
it has today become a word used by a group of idealists who are blind to differentiation and to the fact of nature. Idealists who have found their own weapon of trying to force their own rule and regime upon the world in many ways akin to the most extreme racist of Nazism.

A group that would like to destroy what makes humans human: Individuality.
And a group that fights the simple fact of nature that ideologies must conflict when so many are born from humanity and that through this conflict competition and advancement arises, new strength is born.

>> No.3157771
File: 128 KB, 350x609, 350px-Chicago_weighted_crime_map_05-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP i've definitely heard of this author....and as many bad experiences I've had as a whiteman in america at the hands of negroids, the title of this book makes me want to read it.
Sometimes I think they are humans with souls. Sometimes I think they aren't human.
Sometimes I think well maybe even dogs and sparrows have souls.