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/lit/ - Literature

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3154595 No.3154595 [Reply] [Original]

Does this board have a rivalry or something similar with /sci/? Why?

>> No.3154598


>> No.3154597

This is a discussion board for discussing literature
This is not a discussion board for discussing discussion boards

Fuck off

>> No.3154600

Because both liberal and science students in America are insecure about the subject they study.

>> No.3154601

No. A decent amount of posters here are STEM majors that would rather not talk shop 24/7

>> No.3154605

Because /sci/ is constantly invading us.

>> No.3154613

/lit/ likes science, but doesn't like scientificism.

/sci/ is just a bunch of idiots who think in numbers, but don't know shit about how their own ideology plays with them. They need to read more, that's all.

>> No.3154616

/Sci/ is a raging, pedantic asshole that seethes autism. I was there once.
The problem is that /lit/ is, despite all it's failings, still a literature board and we take our language as a language. /sci/ uses language only as means to communicate. So, go ahead and start a thread. Watch as the entire thing explodes into a clusterfuck because you used the word heaven instead of sky. Yeah.
So that's probably why.

>> No.3154625

someone's got to have the apollonian/dyonisian rivalry

might as well be us two

>> No.3154629

>Watch as the entire thing explodes into a clusterfuck because you used the word heaven instead of sky.

Nice. Are you saying that an innocent thread about Climbing Mount improbable by The Prophet Dawkins, doesn't instantly end in the philosophy undergrads getting sand in their nihilist vaginas, denouncing the whole of human knowledge as being based on unknowable empirical data, screaming about the literary merit of the bible, flying into a rage about reddit, then somehow managing to moan about misogyny and the oppressive patriarchy?

>> No.3154635

>nihilist vaginas
>tumblr feminists

you're conflating two separate groups of haters into a single one

>> No.3154638

What's wrong with Heaven?

>> No.3154651

'Sand in their vaginas' is just an expression that denotes someone being pissed off, I didn't mean the female connotation it carried. Nihilism was just added because it's the most prominent topic of the philosophy threads.

Either way, this board is overrun with feminists and barstool philosophers.

>> No.3154678
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They actually consider Richard Dawkins to be respectable, and that rustles our jimmies. They also think neuroscience and biology makes Philosophy and psychology worthless. The smug STEM major attitude they have really gets to all the lib arts students that post here. In short, they are fags.

>> No.3154679
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>> No.3154686

Pope Benedict XVI: 1
Richard Dawkins: 0

>> No.3154687

>tfw STEM major
>tfw read literature as well
Why can't we all be friends?(Except for feminists, fuck feminism)

>> No.3154688

>The smug STEM major attitude they have really gets to all the lib arts students that post here.

But that's what's so fucking funny

>> No.3154694

Because trolls from both boards know exactly how easy it is to play STEM majors and liberal arts majors against one another.

>> No.3154695

STEM here too. It's just the vocal minority that rages against us, the others are fairly intelligent.

>> No.3154696

We should announce on /q/ that we are challenging them to a game of chess. The rest of 4chan would find it amusing to watch and a victory would be glorious.

>> No.3154699

I frequent both boards, and I can tell you that /lit/ is superior in my experience.

>> No.3154705
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>> No.3154709

>a raging, pedantic asshole that seethes autism

You do realize most of this board are grammar prescriptivists right?

>> No.3154711

It's mainly the T and E parts of the equation that are aggressive philistines and often libertarian misanthropes.

>> No.3154716
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>tfw T

>> No.3154718

We should just take this whole thread to /q/ and leave these people here to discuss books.
Come on guys, lets go

>> No.3154722

Read the comments at any major tech blog. If you're not, you're not.

>> No.3154723

>Thinks /lit/ discusses books.

>> No.3154728

Well I'm a libertarian, just not an misanthropic or an aggressive philistine.

My field is cybernetics and AI, so I manage to sneak over to science a little through biology and neurology. Perhaps that renders me immune?