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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 12 KB, 220x280, 220px-Stephen_King,_Comicon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3153461 No.3153461 [Reply] [Original]

Stephen King is the GOAT author and storyteller. I haven't read one story by him I didn't like. Dark Tower, IT, Salems Lot, The Shining, Dreamcatcher, Hearts of Atlantis.... All equally awesome. It's like... His style and stories are so far ahead of others its kind of scary. Makes me think he is possessed by some type of deity.

>> No.3153467

but he doesn't write about dinosaurs that much.

>> No.3153482

I'm sure he will at some point... Hopefully soon. Dude is like 65. Anyway favorite King novel or story? Either The Gunslinger or Dreamcatcher.

>> No.3153484

i wish he were possessed by an editor.

>> No.3153486
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>> No.3153487

or a dinosaur that would be cool.

>> No.3153488


>> No.3153491
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then he could change into

>> No.3153494

>Stephen King

>> No.3153495

yes please.

>> No.3153497

Best author I ever read anything from.

>> No.3153500
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what kind of other books do you tend to read

>> No.3153516

Asimov, Lovecraft, Sitchen, GRRM, Clarke. Stuff I like.

>> No.3153520

I'm not so elitist that I'll flat out refuse to read a King novel. However, he can't write characters or endings for shit and he should be ashamed of Under The Dome. Sometimes I'm halfway sure he wrote that for the sole purpose of padding his pockets a little more.

>Implying he hasn't been writing just to pad his pockets for years now.

>> No.3153523

>His style and stories are so far ahead of others its kind of scary.
>Makes me think he is possessed by some type of deity

The only thing worse than a troll is a bad troll. You tried too hard. 1/10.

>> No.3153525

/lit/ hates all the good stuff....

>> No.3153534

She was such a fucking awful and unrealistic character.

Everyone secretly loves GRRM here but it's not the case with Stephen King.

>> No.3153539

Detta? It was the cartoony racist side of Odetta dude. They even mention how hockey her style of speech is. Unless you are talking about Susannah... Then again this is a story about a group traveling through different dimensions trying to find the center of it all.

>> No.3153564

I've always enjoyed his stuff. I'd say my top 3 are The Dark Half, Dreamcatcher and Desperation.

>> No.3153572

i had weird dream with Stephen King and David Lynch having sex what a nightmare

>> No.3153577

don't lie... you jerked off when you woke up.

>> No.3153588

i hate to say I don't like Stephen King, because it sounds ostentatious to not like him. But really. I don't think he is a good writer. His prose makes me think I'm reading trash.

>> No.3153594

Well I think he's a great storyteller.

>> No.3153904

This. I spent the whole summer working at a post office while listening to Stephen King audiobooks. The prose is really trashy. I think On Writing is his best work. And Misery was surprisingly good for some reason, it didn't always have that King novel feel to it, which was strange. It was just too damn long. The Stand is a joke.

>> No.3153931
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His best, and my favorite work of his.

>> No.3154230

>thinking King is better than Asimov, Lovecraft, and Clarke
Your brain is broken. You need a doctor.

>> No.3154331

And I'm guessing you hate Big Bang Theory as well. You're just too cool for the rest of us.

>> No.3154466

King and Lovecraft are on the same level. Asimov is good but really overrated. Clarke is damn good also, better than Asimov.

They didn't write the Dark Tower series.

>> No.3154494

It's obvious he was an English teacher. He knows literature and has brought certain tropes to popular literature level. Take the concept of a city as a character for instance, which was a modernist thing, eg Manhattan Transfer, Ulysses, Berlin Alexanderplatz, The Hive, etc. King took that concept and wrote IT about Derry.

Does he deserve to be among the greats? Absolutely not. But he has his merits and without him we wouldn't have Stand By Me or The Shawshank Redemption or The Shining.

>> No.3154537

King is an entertaining author, but not a great one

>> No.3154548

WHAT THE FUCK! If you are not trolling, kill yourself.

if you are 10/10

>> No.3154549

He's one of my favorite authors. I haven't read all of his books, but I have most of them and liked the one's that I read, with the exception of Rose Madder, couldn't finish that crap.

>> No.3154552


stephen king and tom clancy will be villified by history as the greatest writers of our era.

wait and see.

>> No.3154569

Steven King is good though. Tom Clancy writes shitty CIA and military books.

>> No.3154570
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>> No.3154578

I read the whole Dark Tower series, but it was not that good, and went downhill after Waste Land with only a partial redemption with the final book. King didn't write Foundation, King didnt write Mountains of Madness and Dream Quest.

>> No.3154581

Foundation is overrated though. Seriously it's a snooze fest. Lovecraft is amazing though.

>> No.3154584

Foundation isn't mindblowing, but it's also incredibly easy to read. Lovecraft is overrated.

>> No.3154594

I've only ever read one Tom Clancy novel and that was Hunt For Red October which was actually really really good

>> No.3154608


>> No.3154647

I just finished The Green Mile and that was really damn good. I have only read a few of his books but I intend to read more because he hasn't disappointed yet.

>> No.3154717
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and King isnt? Why do all of my horror/sci-fi authors collected works hardbacks need an obligatory giant King quote on the back?

>> No.3154964

The first time I read this, I read the "what" as "with" and the nightmare became me thinking about what that would be, I want to wake up.

>> No.3154967

tasteless tooth cavity, well I guess that's a bonus to an already upsetting situation

>> No.3155015


I watched the movie.

Worst movie ever. Babysitting prison, stereotypical black man, boring.
Is the book any good?

>> No.3155057
File: 17 KB, 230x270, 230px-CliveBarker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitches please!

>> No.3155073

He's a bloody good writer, this I'm not denying in the slightest; but I'm in no way a fan of his. More of an occasional reader. I've not read The Dark Tower books because I wasn't really up for ready an ongoing saga of his when there are so many other things I'd rather be reading. This isn't to say I'll never give them a chance but to be honest I think he's pretty over-rated.

>> No.3155077
File: 41 KB, 353x500, Janeane Garofalo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Without the comma, it just sounds like you're requesting bitches - as if in a brothel with a waiter.

>> No.3155080

*Reading, sorry typing one handed in the dark while slouched over a laptop here.

>> No.3155084

As for the people who say they don't want to say x about King because of "disagreeable social adjecive", please see:

>I'm too eager to fit into a social niche to outright detest anything: I'm basically the equivalent of an 18C courtier, I have no opinions of my own, and I flock thither and hither everyday to meet with the majority.

>> No.3155087

I was requesting bitches, Franz. All of the bitches.

>> No.3155095

This would include all these shameful posters:


>> No.3155114

I like to think the troll is speaking in a Bristol farmer accent... "OOOHHHARRR!"

>> No.3155161

Easy to read? The books are short but really boring.

>> No.3155188

never read one of his books, not interested in reading one.

bottom line is, I don't really care.

>> No.3155217

Carrie was the first King book I read and it's still my favorite

>> No.3155246
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>His style and stories are so far ahead of others its kind of scary.
His stories are creative, but his style? Really? what the fuck, OP?

>> No.3155290

I am reading The Girl Who Loves Tom Gordon for my cont. lit. class and it is complete shit so far.

>> No.3155332

I don't have time to read him, I have priorities.

>> No.3155350

but you have time for 4chan.
time to get yr priorities straight.

>> No.3155352

You're contemporary literature class has you reading a Stephen King novel?

>> No.3155392

Ass weasels, magic retards, magic black people.

>> No.3155413

10/10 for him
You got served

>> No.3155483

>I haven't read one story by him I didn't like
O he must be brilliant then

>> No.3155496

Didn't Stephen King write some really random child gangbang scene in IT and lots of similarly weird and inappropriate bullshit elsewhere?

>> No.3155506

Yeah all the kids have sex in a sewer near the end. Right after killing a Cthulhu inspired monstrosity that eats children. It was pretty weird.

Sort of like the exaggerated gay sex scenes in Naked Lunch.

>> No.3155526

Furthermore, narration points out that the characters suspect Detta's faking being that cartoonish to begin with to justify her psychopathic hatred of everything and everyone.

>> No.3155527

Pure genius.

>> No.3155543

King actually seems to much better when he's writing something short (1408) or less supernatural in general.

He doesn't get credit for the film version of the Shining, which is one of the last horror films that doesn't rely on violence and jump scares to be frightening. It's vastly different from the novel even if the concept is basically the same.

King really seems to have a hard-on for places as characters. You pointed out Derry. There is, of course, 1408, and the Overlook Hotel. One might even stretch it and mention Christine.

>> No.3155554

It's pretty normal of King to include really bizarre sex scenes out of fucking nowhere in his novels. You get used to it. Sort of.

>> No.3155571

Tom Clancy hardly even writes. He's a brand.

>> No.3156231


Stephen King is the goat amont the authors and storytellers. I haven't read one story by him I'd like. It, Firestarter, Salems Lot, Shining, Dead zone... all equally awesome if you are 13 but meeh if you are of full legal age.

>> No.3156278

wait so you think he's the GOAT but you haven't read one story by him you like?

>> No.3156333


i don't accept the goat as the king of the animals, dooh

>> No.3156370

sad but true. not the person you responded to though. the Jack Ryan series is his writing though. Or at least was until the most recent books. The other series are just spin off ideas he had.

>> No.3156380

It's his best (arguably) work. If nothing else, the hunt for red october is what started his career. The largest problem I find with his books is the repetitiveness.

Take The Bear and the Dragon (one book) vs Debt of Honor and Executive Orders (last two are pretty much the same book in two volumes) are pretty much the same thing. Interchange Japan and China and you have the other book.

Don't get me wrong, the books are well written, but as you continue reading more of his work, it becomes less enjoyable.

>> No.3156393

God among men.

>> No.3156400

Can't think, can't write. No discernible talent. Cervantes is David Foster Wallace compared to King

>> No.3156456


>> No.3156503

Stephen king is famous
Therefore Stephen King is bad

>> No.3156505


Stephen King's work is uninspiring and bland. It's entertaining in the same sense that a film like Transformers is, but beyond that there's nothing there.

Do you disagree? If so, why?

>> No.3156573

He's really entertaining, but for some reason I'm always disappointed when I finish one of his books. Maybe it's the shitty endings.

Misery is the only book of his that I'd truly recommend.

>> No.3156589
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You non-comformist you.

>> No.3156593


>but beyond that there's nothing there.

In most of his books he isn't striving for something more. Merely entertainment.

Every author doesn't need to dedicate his work to some bleak meditation on the human condition you try hard.

>> No.3156599


You're right. Not all authors have to put out work with merit.

Would we be wrong to praise those that do, and be less excited about those that don't?

There's not much you can talk about with regard to aesthetic, critique or theory when pulp is involved.

Not to say pulp is bad, it has its place, and Stephen King's work is worth about as much excitement as George R.R. Martin, Bret Easton Ellis, or E.L. James.

>> No.3156602


>Not all authors have to put out work with merit.

I'm no King fan, but you really are an insufferable little prat of a child.

>> No.3156603


I can't really deny any of that.