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3146773 No.3146773[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is it just me, or are all languages really fucking ugly when compared to Spanish?

>> No.3146783
File: 10 KB, 303x276, george clooney laughs at you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hispanophones actually believe their bastard Latin is superior to glorious English.

>> No.3146787

Nope, just you.


>> No.3146792


>george clooney

All of my what.

But seriously, if anything English is the bastard of every other bastard language. It's a fucking mutt.

>> No.3146798


OP here. I'm an Anglophone.

>> No.3146805

French is the way bastardized Latin should be spoken. Spanish is the language of construction workers, maids, and cafeteria servers (excuse me if my Texas is showing).

>> No.3146812

south american spanish sounds pretty nice but european spanish sounds like an institutional speech impediment.

>spanish in charge of not lisping

>> No.3146813


>he doesn't know about drug dealers

>> No.3146815

It's just you.

>> No.3146820

What are your thoughts on Provencal

>> No.3146827


He talks like a fag and his shit's all retarded.

>> No.3146829

better than redneck giberish

>> No.3146838

Your communist is showing, liberal.. Just kidding, I like Spanish and English.

>> No.3146844

umm guys. Threads been closed, guys. Look guys, threads closed.

>> No.3146846

I don't get why it's such a controversy. It's like trying to teach English with a Southern accent, it's simply asinine.

>> No.3146868

Perhaps it's because I have grown up around Mexicans and Mexican Spanish is terrible, but I don't like Spanish all that much.

>> No.3146882

While I don't agree with OP, I've always noticed that Hispanic children always sound more intelligent and less bratty than American children. I don't know what it is, or if that made no sense, but yeah.

>> No.3146889


French is supperior. French litterature is master race litterature.

>> No.3146892

It's the beatings.

"Spare the rod" and all that.

>> No.3146897

frogs pls go

>> No.3146898

Latin is the most superior of languages. As my Latin teacher once said "It's not dead, it's perfect."

But yes, Spanish poetry sounds wonderful, probably a tie with French.

>> No.3146899

>confirmed for never having been out of the suburbs

>> No.3146902

psh, please. Here in my suburbs there are some bratty ass, dumb Hispanic children. If it weren't for the screaming in Spanish, you'd never be able to tell them apart from the shitty American brats.
Brats everywhere.

>> No.3146907

It faces the same syntax limitation that any other language with no proper declension and doesn't have the robust vocabulary that English enjoys. Everyday French sounds like an assortment of grunts and moans.

>> No.3146917
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You sure got him

>> No.3146923

Spanish is okay. Mid-tier at best. French is clearly better.

Any romance is better than english though.

>> No.3146950

quenya is the most beautiful language that exists

prove me wrong

>> No.3146956

>French master race checking in

Spanish is hideous to my ears

>> No.3146961

Native Spanish speaker here.

Spanish spoken in latin american countries is pigdisgusting.

>> No.3146966


>> No.3146981

Texan-accented English spoken by a hot girl. dat brevity.

>> No.3146999


>> No.3147002

Germanic > Italic

That said Classical Latin is still a beautiful language with loads of elegance and style.

>> No.3147006

trips of truth.
German is incredible to listen to someone read.
Not to mention that it has some of the best non-English works of writing, second IMO only to French (which sounds like ass to me).

>> No.3147013

Spanish sucks ass
its basically just dirty version of Italian
the cheap farmer version

>> No.3147024

Fuck German. Sounds guttural and raw.
Fuck French. Extremely feminine.
Fuck Spanish. Childishly simple.

English: Good enough for Joyce, Melville, Shakespeare, Jesus, and Thomas Pynchon. Good enough for me.

>> No.3147083

for poetry and literature spanish and english are quite togerther in quality.

for songs... english all the way.

spanish native speaker here

>> No.3147694
File: 89 KB, 442x623, Thermodor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of all the Latin languages, Spanish sounds the worst. Italian and French sound so cool and suave
Hell, even within Spain, Catalonian sounds better than Spanish, and it goes without saying Euskara is the superior sounding.

English, a complex mutt language, I cannot judge, but I love it just fine.

>> No.3149054

That's funny, op, because I consider Spanish one of the ugliest European languages

>> No.3149075

I, for one, actually hate Italian. With Portuguese, I think they are the worst sounding languages of the entire world.

>> No.3149107

You must not have heard a lot of dutch then

>> No.3149110
File: 60 KB, 630x396, cryingkoreans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to dislike Spanish, probably for the same reason >>3146868 mentioned, but I eventually got to appreciate on its own terms. In retrospect, there was really no reason to hate on the language, even if it is imperfect, and I can't think of any languages I can hate.

>> No.3149141

If I had to guess I'd say you don't speak french, as portuguese is one of the most beautiful languages in the world. The effect is lost on english speakers though, since we do not recognize as many words which makes it sound like intended gibberish.


>> No.3149167

Italian is the GOAT Romance language.
French is ugly and nasal, Spanish is just a tad too homosexual,
and why the hell would anyone want to speak Portuguese or Romanian?

>> No.3149170

My native tongue is Spanish.

>> No.3149174

Italian sounds retarded.

>> No.3149187

>south american spanish sounds pretty nice

>> No.3149201

out of the 5 I speak , russian is the richest and most beautiful, and I'm not a native speaker.

>> No.3149204

All the languages ITT are shit tier compared to Arabic. Step it up faggots.

>> No.3149220

>not speaking C++
I look at you people and laugh.

>> No.3149221

My wife is Russian, so I speak a bit and hear it all the time. There's no way it's the most beautiful language compared to any 4 random other languages. Even if I pick the worst sounding languages I can think of:


Russian at least comes out behind Italian.

>> No.3149227

This thread is now a "say specifically what sounds so bad about the languages you hate" thread. I'll start.

> Portuguese
> sh shs hs hs hshsshhshhshshss

>> No.3149236

>dess mass dess mass dess mass dess ka mass ka ne ne ne ne ne so dess mass ne ka ne ne ne ne dess dess dess dess

>> No.3149239

Una lingua sola,
Piu' bella di tutte e'
La lingua di Dante
E Leonardo da Vinci
Siete ignoranti e poveri di vocaboli.

>> No.3149240


I'm Brazilian and I have no idea what you mean.

Sure, there are some regional accents that pronounce the S's like that (I'm looking at you, Rio de Janeiro) but otherwise the "sh" factor is well under control.

>> No.3149244

Hey, maybe you're right. But does anyone care about parts of Brazil other than Rio?

>> No.3149248

Funny, it seems like all the Japanese I hear is
> iku iku ikuuuuuu

>> No.3149254

This. Plus the "j", "nh" and "eão" sounds.

I fucking hate Portuguese.

>> No.3149259

Why on earth would I hate a language? All languages are beautiful and interesting.

>> No.3149261

kimochi ii ne

>> No.3149263

Spanish: Good enough for Borges, Cervantes, Gabriel Garcia Marques, Neruda and Ruben Dario. Good enough for me

>> No.3149264


Hahaha, well, I was going to get mad at you but the fact that you see things that way is our own fault, really.

>> No.3149268


Hey dude, it's ok if you can't pronounce the awesome sounds our superior Brazilian mouths have developed, it's just not for everyone.

>> No.3149272

Spanish is kind of annoying sounding... I don't appreciate it.

Then again, I love hearing Mandarin Chinese, and everyone else bitches about it.

>> No.3149277

You know, it's funny because today I finished reading "Los detectives salvajes" (in spanish) and for a moment thought something like what you said in OP.
Spanish is a beautiful language.

>> No.3149285

> awesome sounds our superior Brazilian mouths have developed
I suppose you develop such 'superior mouths' by sucking lots of dicks. So, no, thanks.

>> No.3149286

I think Spanish is hideous.
I don't care much for French either but I like it more than Spanish.
I love the way German and Russian sound though.

>> No.3149288


Oh, bro, you so mad.

But seriously, I realize Portuguese is pretty hard to learn if you're a foreigner. I know of no other language that has a sound like our "ão". If you look past how hard it is to learn, though, you'll see it's quite beautiful.

>> No.3149293

Come one, man. Some sounds just suck. Like the Russian ы. That shit just shouldn't exist.

>> No.3149311

Why would I be mad? I don't like the sound of the language, that's all. Like Italian, I particularly hate how it sounds when spoken by women.
Sure, I can take it from some Gilberto Gil song, but not from everyday use.

And that ão sound? I don't think it's really that hard. German and Russian have more difficult sounds. I suppose Dutch does too.
Chinese would drive you mad if ã is considered challenging.

>> No.3149314

German...U SRS?

>> No.3149329

kill everyone in this thread

it seems like 4chan has become overrun with 15 year olds

>> No.3149355

/lit/ has been a lot faster recently, but the post quality has gone down substantially.

>> No.3149995

You are now aware that most of the people that hates Spanish in this thread don't even speak it

>> No.3150005

well if you grew up speaking spanish you clearly don't realise how vulgar and common it sounds. All those open vowels... yuck

>> No.3150020

Latin is the uneducated man's Greek. Maybe if your teacher had gone to proper schools he wouldn't be passing lies to those who themselves can't afford to go to proper schools.

>> No.3150032

>Fuck French. Extremely feminine.
So you never heard a big black guy with his cigary voice speak French did you?

>> No.3150038

I'm glad we all agree Dutch is the ugliest language in the world.

>> No.3150042

You're really fucking stupid and have no understanding of language.

>> No.3150047

Spanish is probably the best language. It has a rich vocabulary, borrowing a lot of words from arabic. And you can read Cervantes in his glorious native tongue.

>> No.3150061

The most beautiful language is Quechua. Don't even try to argue with me on this

>> No.3150062

Sexiest accents for women (IMO) are Southern, French, Italian, and Lebanese.


This. Italian is a gorgeous sounding language.

>> No.3150120
File: 346 KB, 444x447, A Kind of Magic (cropped).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But the burden of proof is on you.

>> No.3150129

>mfw nobody EVER mentions arabic, simply because they have ZERO understanding of it.

It's almost certainly the most beautiful in terms of expression, and up there in terms of linguistic aesthetics

>> No.3150143


Have you ever lived in an Arab country? Fus'ha can be pretty, some of the female pop singers manage to sound cute, but the Arabic you hear on the street isn't particularly wonderful sounding.

>> No.3150159
File: 114 KB, 391x491, Julia Fischer in 2006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm quite fond of Arabic, Sanskrit, and Japanese, though I'm not fluent in any of them.

>> No.3150191

Italian > French = Russian > English >>>>>> Spanish

>> No.3150207


Russian isn't pretty. Interesting, but not pretty.

>> No.3150226
File: 19 KB, 197x256, AkbtuFICQAArLZw.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw all the contact you have had with spanish comes fro being around sudacas

>> No.3150308

Good rebuttal.

>> No.3150363

Listen to someone speak Quechua, dude

>> No.3150377

read Lolita and tell me that English is not the most beautiful language

Nabokov knew Russian, French and English, and he liked English best

>> No.3150954

Spanish is an amazing language. Specially for poetry.

>> No.3150966

english is ugly because you take it for granted.

spanish is beautiful because you understand the workings of it well enough to notice its beauty

other languages are ugly because you know nothing about them

you decided to post this to appear cultured

>> No.3150995

Like others have said, it's difficult to appreciate languages when you only truly understand one.

But we have to try, I guess.

I would say english is bad, but Nabokov, Shakespeare, they really show what one can do.

Not many take the language as far as it might go.

We know what it is, but not what it may be.

>> No.3151012

English > French > German > Spanish >>> Italian

>> No.3151036

mfw 99.99999999999% of the world prefers English over any other language and this guy tries to say Spanish is better than them all.

>> No.3151041

>Childishly simple

I have never seen a native english speaker mastering Spanish.

I have seen tons of native spanish speakers mastering English.

captcha: encountered cumeho

>> No.3151043
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>> No.3151045
File: 57 KB, 523x727, dead people.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Esperanto estas la plej bona lingvo
Kial ni ne ĉiuj parolas Esperanton?

>> No.3151178

Pinche cant hack it when put up next to Fuck, and it's that simple

>> No.3151191

Spanish for speaking, French for poetry, English for literature.
Prove me wrong

>> No.3151205

Norwegian for speaking, poetry and literature.

>> No.3151222

>tfw you translate something into spanish in your head and it sounds better

>infinite jest
>la broma infinita

>> No.3151227

I live in California aka an extension of Mexico, so I've come to hate the language.

>> No.3151248

Meiican here.
Most of what you hear is a horrible hybrid between english and spanish, they took the most horrible aspects of the languages and merged them together. Disgusting. Or maybe you hear the redneck equivalent of Mexican Spanish "Norteño". The spanish spoken in the central area of mexico can be beautiful.
Plz dont bully

>> No.3151256

I meant more along the lines of I don't like illegal immigrants taking over my country, and have come to associate those thoughts with the language.

>> No.3151266

this subject is clearly subjective

>> No.3151279
File: 451 KB, 778x746, 1322108382302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really doubt they are taking over. And it is not your country, nor theirs.
No shit.

>> No.3151285
File: 201 KB, 541x458, 1305660696949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And it is not your country, nor theirs.
>not your country

>> No.3151294

ITT: People judging languages by how they "sound".

>> No.3151305
File: 333 KB, 524x358, 1328592339440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you jew?
If you are then I am a so very sorry your highness. May I suck your dick?

>> No.3151341

why 'la'?

>> No.3151364

What I am about to tell you is a fact. Japanese is the Lord of all languages, with English a distant runner up. What I just told you is a fact.

>> No.3151376

>Japanese is the Lord of all languages

Sorry weeaboo, a language that is half mangled Chinese and half mangled English isn't even in the running for "best."

>> No.3151418

I was going to say Chinese, but then I realized I didn't know the difference between Mandarin and Cantonese, so I said the other one.

>> No.3151513

Portuguese is obviously the best language.

>> No.3151536

The best language is the language of love.

>> No.3151576

Grammatically it's pretty sweet. And it's only that way because of influence from both nations. It may not be the most "beautiful," but it's incredibly efficient.

>> No.3151639


Italian is for autistics. It's hell of a cornyass language.

>> No.3151644

>Persian/Farsi not mentioned
Fucking beautiful and poetic language.

>> No.3151669

never left the republic of texas, eh, cowboy?

>> No.3151670

>These languages are ugly/gay/autistic/for losers
I see this has turned out to be a good discussion and not just playground insults.

>> No.3151742

>implying Spanish isn't gay
It even has a lisp

>> No.3151791

Go back to /b/.

>> No.3151797

yeah, all hail the literature of coffee-shop philosophy \ :D /

>> No.3151849

Look around you
Harry Potter, Lilith Saintcrow, Wheel of Time, Game of Thrones, FBI library conspiracy, "Women are weird and stupid and icky", "Tell me what university to go to", "Make all of my decisions for me", "Do my homework"

You're not in Kansas anymore fuckhead

>> No.3151853

It's you, isn't it, poisoning the well.

/lit/ isn't /b/.

>> No.3151918

Mad. But seriously, Greek at least has a culture behind it that isn't about killing people and projecting their own barbarism onto those people they killed.

>> No.3151927

Arabic, Finnish, and Korean are gorgeous when sung/recited.

>> No.3151938

I wish I could speak Finnish. :C

>> No.3151946

I went to Iceland for a couple of weeks recently, and I don't know, I found I really liked the sound of it. It's cool as shit grammatically and historically, too, and for Anglophones there are tons of useful cognates.

Plus when all those ridiculously attractive Icelandic women spoke it, I needed to hide my viking boner from my wife. Of course, that was true when they spoke English, too.

>> No.3151951

"it" = Icelandic, obviously. I'm stupid as shit.

>> No.3151947

Romance languages >Germanic languages.

>> No.3151956

Romance languages are the most overrated family.

>> No.3152032

Spanish sounds so beautiful. Along with french they are the most "artistic" in my opinion.

>> No.3152336

It's just you. Of the Romance languages, I think Romanian sounds the best, and French the worst. I think Finnish might be the most beautiful language I've heard.

>> No.3152338


Really? I have a Romanian roommate and it's an interesting language and everything, but I don't find it to be very beautiful.

>> No.3152340

I like Greek and French the most.

>> No.3152347

I speak American

>> No.3152350

All those trashy party songs and tacky ballads have completely ruined any sense of refinement the language might have projected in the past. In fact, I feel it's the least "artistic" Euro Mediterranean language.


>> No.3152357


Don't group us all together. I hate Spanish. English all day err day.

>> No.3152367

i am from Chile and i prefer english before spanish

>> No.3152370

Yeah and everyone disagrees and says it's the worst.

Predictable, /lit/, predictable.

Why do this when, in fact, we all know what the worst language is?


>> No.3152374

That I can agree with.

>> No.3152419

Can we get some people reading in the various languages?
Here are some pretty girls speaking in their native languages

I'll go die now. yes I fag

>> No.3152427


>> No.3152445

I really like Romanian out of those three, but it could be a visual bias.

>> No.3152446

We are on a literature board, right? Why would I even want to think about that kind of songs? We can't give them the power to ruin a beautiful language.

>> No.3152467

I don't know, spanish it's a very complex language, like any romance idiom and like latin. I find that it's perfect for poetry and literature in general, but for music not so much.

>> No.3152477

Oh! Also all the romance languages have the BEST folk music only for their language.

Damn, there's so many good artists and song there that i can't even start to list them

>> No.3152482

Please do

on >>>/mu/

>> No.3152488

That's why i didn't list them. And they're good because it's poetry with music, not music with some guy singing shit.

>> No.3152498


Are you aware that "Asereje" is 2 parts gibberish and 1 part english?

>> No.3152505

I quite like the spansih poppy crap:
I'll take a boy band singing about mayonnaise over "Baby I luv u grrrl" anyday.

>> No.3152514

listening to girls speak farsi


>> No.3152534


>> No.3152547

Oh god THAT song. I remember satanic cults being involved with those lyrics.

>> No.3152554

Yeah, really. I like all the 'u' sounds and some of the diphthongs, like 'oa' sound really nice.

>> No.3152561

Veo que aquí hay muchas críticas al español de los mexicanos. Como español quiero abrir un puente de colaboración: vuestro castellano es bonito, como el de casi todos los sudacas de hecho. Bueno, luego están los burros que no saben hablar, pero de eso hay en todos sitios. Yo como andaluz seguramente también sonaré fatal para muchos.
BTW, I've always wondered this: for me, the most rare thing about english is how much enphasis you make as you speak. Do it happends on reverse? do we sound slow and tedious?

>> No.3152563

Also, this is a complete shot in the dark but your initials wouldn't be C.S. and your roomate's I.T., would they? I have a friend who has a Romanian roommate, just thought I'd ask.

>> No.3152569

Jaja, amigo andaluz, tienes que mejorar tu inglés.

>> No.3152572

I second this.

>> No.3152583

Tenía una maestra andaluza. En ocasiones hablaba muy bonito pero en otras me quería arrancar los oídos.

>> No.3152586

Q wea conchetumare no entendí ni pico las pescás que hablaste zorruo, yo hablo como quiero y que paza?

>> No.3152594

Spanish is the funniest language in the world. That shit is terrible and hilarious. And this is coming from someone who has portuguese as a mother tongue. It feels retarded as fuck.

>> No.3152596

Tranquilo, supel taldo.

>> No.3152597

> has portuguese as a mother tongue
You were taken away the right to give an opinion here.

>> No.3152598


>> No.3152602

Not brazilian, by the way. I'm portuguese. Even that aberration that is brazilian-portuguese is better than spanish.

>> No.3152605

Portuguese sounds to me like a mongoloid talking Spanish. Funny thing you have that same impression on Spanish.

>> No.3152612

I've noticed that before. Some spanish friends told me the same thing. But I don't know, if I ever heard somebody saying they are in 'peligro' I'd just laugh my ass off and the guy would die.
It's so damn funny.

>> No.3152626


>> No.3152636

I'm from Chile and i'm obviously a native spanish speaker, i've a big respect for portuguese, it's a pretty language. With the exception of women, they sound weird with that deep voice.

(though i hate their zealot way of life, that song is about the mother of that singer that is named Maria, not about the biblical Mary)

>> No.3152648

Wow, someone outside Brazil that appreciates Milton Nascimento. Noice.

>> No.3152685

He's awesome, very different from the nueva cancion genre of latin americans

>> No.3152696

Portuguese sounds like Spanish spoken by someone with Downs.

>> No.3152700
File: 14 KB, 359x330, tumblr_lzcnzneFEj1qcyi5f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Water all over my screen, sir.