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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 11 KB, 200x274, John_Dies_at_the_End.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3150487 No.3150487 [Reply] [Original]

Alright /lit/ let me hear some guilty pleasures. Pic related.

>inb4 all of /lit/ secretly loves A Song of Ice and Fire

>> No.3150519

I love "The Puppet Masters" by Robert Heinlein.

>> No.3150523
File: 33 KB, 470x341, dah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The people on here who get pleasure from George Retard Retard Martin aren't guilty about it, inexplicably.

>> No.3150533

House of Leaves was #2spooky4me when I was like 16, I still like it.

>> No.3150535
File: 106 KB, 611x1006, Knee_Deep_in_the_Dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying im guilty about anything i read

Pic related, my most read book.

>> No.3150549

I always picture David and John as the two main guys from 'Shawn of the Dead' for some reason.

>> No.3150600

you read the sequel?

>> No.3150609

Good effort, champ. You'll get them next time.

>> No.3150623


Get 'trolling' out of your head. People just say things.

>> No.3151049

nice dubs, and no, I have it though

>> No.3151067

Despite its obvious flaws, I thought World War Z was overall a really interesting take on the zombie genre, and is the only one I can think of with that sort of global scope.

>> No.3151084

The biggest problem with world war z is that some of the chapters are worse then /x/ level copy pasta. I remember the one about the Chinese submarine being quite interesting though.

>> No.3151096

Yeah, some of the stories are quite unique, whereas others just feel like exposition.

>> No.3151600

Wow OP, John Dies at the End is definitely a guilty pleasure of mine, I got sassed to shit when I made a thread asking if This Book is Full of Spiders was good about a month ago

>> No.3151607

I love John Dies at the End.

>feeling guilty about it

>> No.3151611

Seriously, OP? I thought it was pretty terrible.

>> No.3151612

Dark Tower series

>> No.3151614

so maybe we get /lit/ to turn its head to JDatE, this thread is pretty much a "I like John Dies at the End, I feel bad about it for some reason"

>> No.3151616


>> No.3151618

Neal Stephenson

>> No.3151630

Guilty pleasure? I thought /lit/ liked american pulp that was easy to read and sort of ground breaking for the time...

>> No.3151922
File: 19 KB, 300x300, 512OrAgB2RL._SL500_AA300_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My guiltiest pleasure IS Guilty Pleasures.
Shit would make a good B-movie, it's already a great comic book.

>> No.3151974

I love The Puppet Master by King Diamond

>> No.3151986

Anne Rice

>> No.3151991
File: 590 KB, 798x595, picture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

visual novels
horror novels
Lesbian YA novels

>> No.3151995
File: 7 KB, 262x192, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3151997

You've got to be shitting me?
There's a novel about Doom?
I know what I'm reading next.

>> No.3152019


Murakami is basically western normalfag shit.

>> No.3152023

Xanth. Awful, terrible, stupid, shallow books... but oh god the puns.

>> No.3152029

I've read it. It's on par with the Halo novel.

>> No.3152055

My guilty pleasure is Norwegian Wood. I liked it.

>dem feels

>> No.3152059


There is four, and they are awesome.

Well, the first two are at least.

>> No.3152067
File: 307 KB, 1321x1740, arkadydarell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stephen King, I guess. I've read a buncha his books, such as they are. Pulpy, but usually good.

Pic unrelated.

>> No.3152076

Anything that has to do with a post apocalyptic setting, I'll probably read. Also worlds that have a dystopia setting.

>Night Work
>World War Z
>Metro 2033
>The Walking Dead
>Y: The Last Man
>Zombie Survival Guide
>A Boy and His Dog
>Brave New World

and so many more... I just can't stop. Most of my vidya collection are things like that too.

>> No.3152103

I read a lot of SF&F, though I try to avoid the shitty stuff unless it's being talked about a lot and I want to see what the fuss is about. I guess I have a weakness for hard SF, though, and that's generally pretty poorly written.

I also try to balance that one-to-one with literary fiction or nonfiction...but frankly I'd generally rather spend my time reading Gene Wolfe than Dostoevsky.

Dammit, I used to fap to that Foundation and Earth picture. My penis is no longer so easily pleased.

>> No.3152108

> mfw when I just noticed the giant vagina for the first time

>> No.3152112


Uh, it's actually Second Foundation. Hadn't you heard of real people porn? I don't know what to say. This is weird.

>> No.3152125

Oh yeah, got them mixed up. I'm sorry to have to say this to you, buddy, but this was probably around 1985, when I was eleven. So a) it took very little to achieve a boner; b) no Internet; c) dire consequences for having porn in the house.

I know, I know, I'm like a window to a prehistoric age. Feel free to ask an old guy more about his masturbatory habits--it's a priceless opportunity for you.

>> No.3152188

I saw JDATE at the library once and briefly considered picking it up.
Then I flipped to the end and John wasn't dead. Then I put it back down.

>> No.3152205

Yeah I like 'em as well. Same with alternative history stuff.

Not that they're "guilty" pleasures because I don't feel guilty about it at all.