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/lit/ - Literature

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3145519 No.3145519 [Reply] [Original]

How does one write an epic poem?

How do you 'invoke a muse'?

What is an acceptable verse style when writing one?

Some may remember me doing a thread about an epic poem and metaphorically killing stars.

In medias res, or ab ovo

>> No.3145522

Write about something that you care about. You need to feel as though you MUST write about it, or else you'll die. Just write, and tweak later.

>> No.3145570

The muse doesn't exist, just learn to write.

>> No.3145575

...I fucking know a muse isn't real ass tard. I was asking if the idea was 'integral' to the form of an epic poem. Jesus fucking Christ how stupid is this place?

>> No.3145622


that was beautiful.

>> No.3145633

>How do you 'invoke a muse'?
Hoo boy.
Well, it involves a lot of chicken blood and mescaline.

>> No.3145637
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>> No.3145645
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I was more asking how it works as part of the writing process and if stating the invocation of a muse was necessary or if left out would disqualify the writing as an epic.

But since we're all children here, I'll go fetch me lesser key of Solomon and see if I can summon some rape goblins to sodomize some people.

>> No.3145646


>>muse isn't real

I don't think you'll be going anywhere soon if you intend to write an epic. Take >>3145633
advice and buy yourself a vision, because you obviously don't have the imagination to obtain the seer's sight.

>> No.3145660

>since we're all children here

Not really, and it's not high school either.

>> No.3145664

instead of all the trolling, would some of you simply state how one invokes a muse?

this board is more elitist than /ic/.

>> No.3145667
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Look everyone! Someone got offended after I accused them of shitting up my thread with retarded shit?

They can't into self-examination of there knee-jerk reactions. Critical thinking failure plebes the lot of you.

>> No.3145672


that was beautiful too.

ignore the haters. they are just jealous.

and work on "their/there/they're". we all have trouble with that one!

>> No.3145675
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International board. Correcting.


>> No.3145676

Look everyone! Someone got offended after I accused them of shitting up my thread with retarded shit?
They can't into self-examination of there knee-jerk reactions. Critical thinking failure plebes the lot of you.

>> No.3145677


read the whole thread. OP is an entitled idiot, no matter where he is from or how many languages he abuses.

>> No.3145678


Copy pasta troll is lamest troll.

2/10 for reply.

>> No.3145680

>How does one write an epic poem?
Consult 'Epic Poems for Fucking Retards'
>How do you 'invoke a muse'?
You gotta believe, son.
>What is an acceptable verse style when writing one?
Come forth, muse. And then she came.

>> No.3145681
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OP is some how entitled for asking literary questions on what qualifies for epic poem. Then is some how entitled when gets mad at clinical retard for stating obvious. Then is entitled for getting annoyed at trolls for shitting up thread.

Fuck you.

>> No.3145682


nice fail, OP.

>> No.3145683
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Ass cancer upon you my son.

may it block your bowels and you burst with belly swollen of filth.

>> No.3145685

What OP's asking is way beyond retarded. He can't really expect serious answers.

>> No.3145687
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>Asking about format of epic poems.
>Can't be taken seriously.

Congratulations. You are selected to be one of the new world leaders for your amazing intellect. Please enter this shower room filled with zyklon-B to collect your money and office.

>> No.3145697

>doesn't know the least about epics
>lel I'll just ask how to write one

>> No.3145700


some guy on /diy/ the other day wanted to know how to build a boat.

i wonder if it's the same guy.

>> No.3145701

>Has read la comedia, Gilgamesh, Rime of the Ancient Mariner, and the Odessy.

>Angry poster grasping at straws to validate the butthurt of his stupidity to OP.

>> No.3145710
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Oh wow, I'm sure as hell not leaving this thread now!

>> No.3145714

You're fucking retarded.

>> No.3145719
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OP here.

Well fuck you /lit/

You again astound me at how useless you are concerning questions of about the very core of your boards reason for being.

Sure I could just write something. Sure I could just go forth and put my idea whatever way I wanted to pen.

But here I thought. Gee, I should do some of the leg work on how to properly format an Epic Poem, not only to give direction, but to fundamentally fulfill 'correctly' the tenants that make up an epic.

Doing some research via wiki and reading, I still have questions. Best not to bore people with what I've already learned for the sake of brevity. I'll ask general broad sweeping questions to see if there's anything I would forget to ask or miss in a more focused statement.

Whoops I forgot everyone here is a bunch of useless ass hats.

Fuck you all. Sincerely OP.

>> No.3145725


lol no problem, OP.

>> No.3145729

>Doing some research via wiki and reading, I still have questions.
Are you referring to the "how to write an epic" question?

>> No.3145735

Rape goblins are the best.

>> No.3145737

>How does one write an epic poem?
Have a good idea is the hard part. Most of the epic poets picked classical ideas and themes or religious themes. So dig out that old testament and that copy of greek myths and legends and go from there. Of course, you might not be inspired by such things, and thus you must seek other things to inspire you. A lot of longer poems have been written about having affairs and doing naughty things such as that. It's up to you.

>How do you 'invoke a muse'?

I have no fucking clue.

>What is an acceptable verse style when writing one?

Again, this is for you to decide. A lot of poets use heroic verse or blank verse. It is up to you ultimately. You could do something more outrageous and pen something in the pindaric or alliterative verse.

>> No.3145745

Real insight!


>> No.3145752

If you did your research, this wouldn't be news to you.

>> No.3145755

Agreed. You definitely cannot write an epic poem without reading them as well.

I'd recommend that OP goes away and reads "The Faerie Queen" and "Paradise Lost" before he embarks on such an arduous task.

>> No.3145758

I'm thanking him for contributing with relevant information. Not trolling like a fuck tard.

>> No.3145762
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You're sixteen, aren't you?

>> No.3145764

>Risky Business. Tom Cruise.


Watched the Berlin wall fall as a child.

>> No.3145768

Somehow that doesn't seem to make you any wiser.

>> No.3145770

Never said it did.

>> No.3145774

That's nice to know.