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3140290 No.3140290[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the worst book you have ever read?

>> No.3140291

50 Shades of Purple by James Joyce.

>> No.3140293

hary poter

>> No.3140294

These are erotic novels... They are what they are

>> No.3140295

Only Revolutions, Mark Z Danielewski.

What the fuck is this fucking fuckity fuck.

>> No.3140303

The gospel of Luke.

Pretentious asshole, John was the way to go.

>> No.3140304

Stephen King - The Stand (unedited version)

>> No.3140305

Life of Pi.

>> No.3140319

Young Bond

>> No.3140324

"...And Another Thing" by Eoin Colfer. That dick almost ruined the HHGG for me.

>> No.3140330


What was wrong with it? I've read it, and it seemed decent enough. Not enough Arthur though.

>> No.3140334


>> No.3140346


>> No.3140349


>Reading a Hitchhiker book that wasn't made by Adams.

You brought it upon yourself

>> No.3140372

Oliver Twist (or, poor people are evil and rich people are saints)

>> No.3140375

Breaking Dawn
The Alchemist
The Casual Vacancy

>> No.3140376

Midaq fucking Alley.

>> No.3140389

The Fountainhead.

Shit philosophy and boring prose aside, the story was not engaging, and Ayn Rand doesn't know shit about architecture.

>> No.3140402 [DELETED] 
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Wow, you're far too dumb to appreciate that book.

Fountainhead's debate in the world of architecture (the classics vs the modernists) is a fucken mirroring for the debate in the literature world at the time (1920s).

Jesus fuck god damn stupid roach.


>> No.3140409

>The Alchemist

It's so bad, isn't it? You mean the Jonson play, right?

>> No.3140486

When you say unedited, do you mean the uncut?

>> No.3140493

The Scarlet Letter.
I'm so sorry, I know it's technically brilliant, but I just hate the language, and the story just isn't that great to begin with, in my opinion.
Add to that, I can't interpret Hawthorne's writing for shit, The Scarlet Letter always brings up memories of papers due the next day that haven't even been started.

>> No.3140584

There's not really much to interpret in The Scarlet Letter. Hawthorne's very blatant, despite the use of symbolism. He has the habit of using signs and then explaining them in detail.

>> No.3140592
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>> No.3140595



>> No.3140598


I'll have you know Rand was in contact with architects before and during the time she wrote The Fountainhead.

>> No.3140601

House of Leaves

>> No.3140633

Prince of Thorns, oh how I hated the protagonist.

>> No.3140634

The Stranger

>> No.3140656

Jonathan Rand > Ayn Rand

>> No.3140661

anything that cunt Robert Muchamore touches. Ruined teenage-spy as a genre

>> No.3140669


I have no idea why I even read that.

>> No.3140673

Is Atlas Shrugged really that bad? Been thinking about reading it just to know what the fuss is about.

>> No.3140685


imo you should read it, if only to understand why it's so bad.

>> No.3140694

Their Eyes Were Watching God.
I didn't feel an ounce of sympathy for her.

>> No.3140699

Naked Lunch

>> No.3140747

It's basically the same point told over and over in the same book that's fairly long. Which makes it feel even longer.

>> No.3140764


I'm A Stupid Faggot: The Post (or, my 3rd grade interpretation of Oliver Twist)

>> No.3140775

I can't finish this piece of shit book. It seems so interesting to have footnotes of obscure bullshit, but in the end it dances in its own steaming pile of shit until you understand that's the entire point of the novel and nothing else

>> No.3140781

So, I'm not cray in thinking it was bad?

>> No.3141207

Four past midnight by Stephen King

>> No.3141272
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>> No.3141289

Fifty shades was probably one of the worst.

>> No.3141344

It pisses me off how the protagonist is always stirring up stuff. You have someone who is rich, handsome, loving, and committed to you, and all you do is complain.

>> No.3141397

It's teen fiction.

I accidentally read the Fountainhead when I was around 12, didn't really understand any of the underlying meaning and it was hard to get through, but the entire futurist/art deco architecture and early 21st century america and high fashion, etc. depicted really captured me. So I dunno about not engaging. The view the main character had on art as corrupted when shared between people was the only thing I was really able to get out of it, and it's stuck with me and developed my views on art for a long time.

>> No.3141410

The Kite Runner

The epitome of "fiction" that was pretty much the author's life.

>> No.3141463

Not fiction, but reading The Secret kind of made me want to kill myself. If we're just talking fiction, then probably Fight Club.

>> No.3141480

Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.

The thing is only like 200 pages long and it took me a whole week to read because its so fucking stupid. I simply do not understand why people like this shit

>> No.3141496

>Four past midnight by Stephen King
Secret Window Secret Garden wasn't even that bad. It ended better than most of his stories usually do.

>> No.3141498


it's "clever" without being "pretentious", "political" without being "preachy", "edgy" while still being "light-hearted", and above all "lolsorandom"

in short, the perfect book for someone who wants to think they're thinking about things

>> No.3141500


Not just because of the plagiarism. The writing was just really awful, what with the purple prose and the obtuse words the author pulled out of the thesaurus to look smart.

>> No.3141503


>The Secret

Why would you ever do that to yourself?

>> No.3141508

or for someone who wants to read a funny ass book. what are some books you actually do find funny?

>> No.3141520

On The Road

>> No.3141524

ITT: Books people have decided to hate without reading

>> No.3141547


A girl I was going out with at the time suggested it might help our relationship.

It didn't.

>> No.3141549

Excuse me if I don't read books for "humor" factor. There are far better mediums that translate humor better than literature. H2G2 comes across as an entire book written by *~t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m~*

>> No.3141554


If a girl recommends The Secret, it's time to move on.

>> No.3141558

really? you don't read funny books? jeez your missing some of the best of the medium dog. Some humor does translate better to text.

>> No.3141574
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Butthurt poorfag detected.

>> No.3141580


We moved on shortly after. Not because she told me to read The Secret, but because she was the type of girl who thought that giving me The Secret to read would help our relationship.

>> No.3141583


look, this sort of thing depends on what you're reading for. i've classified them into two categories:

1. people who read mainly for entertainment
2. people who read for knowledge

more power to you if you're reading instead of watching tv, but don't think that you're getting anything more out of reading HG2G than watching, say, south park.

>> No.3141589

Well not that I don't read funny books. That's a poor way to put it. In fact, I often find myself laughing at books that aren't targeted at being humerous. I'm a pretty easy going guy when it comes to humor so i'm easy to please.

But when the entire book is so inane and "random" that lacks any sort of coherent plot or basic character development, then I just lost interest. And having a whale fall out of the sky and transform into a bowl of petunias doesn't make up for the complete lack of everything else.

>> No.3141591
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>There are far better mediums that translate humor better than literature

Going to have to disagree with you there.

>> No.3141592

I'm not the most well read person by no means,but could you give me skimmed accounts of whom he plagiarized from and why you hate the book?

>> No.3141594



>> No.3141608

so I shouldn't read funny books if I want to be smarter? seriously if yr argument is "if you're not this way, you must be this way" you have a lot more of both kinds of books to read. I believe in everything in moderation.

>> No.3141613
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>hurr I only read 4 knowledge

You sound dumb.

>> No.3141615


yeah, but one kind of books (the lolsofunnah kind) aren't conducive to intelligence. quality over quantity, life's too short to read bad books, etc.

do whatever you want though. i don't care. i'm just telling you how i feel, and why i don't think HG2G is a worthwhile endeavor, when there are so many better books to read.

>> No.3141621

SO are you telling me some of the most important works in history with a satirical overtone aren't good books?

>> No.3141627

>yeah, but one kind of books (the lolsofunnah kind) aren't conducive to intelligence

Some of the greatest writers ever are/were humorous writers and many, if not most, of these are incredible "conductive to intelligence".

>> No.3141628

Eragon is basically Star Wars: A New Hope.

But Eldest, Brisingr and Inheritance are all pretty decent, enjoyable fantasy imo.

>> No.3141633


Inheritance was the worst of the lot, imo.

>> No.3141634

Les Misérables.

>> No.3141638

I've never jumped on the Twilight hate bandwagon, but it really was the worst book I've read.

>> No.3141642

Out of curiosity, how come?

I recall enjoying it quite a bit.

>> No.3141645


in which case they would then fall into the other category for that merit and still be an option.

i'm not saying that all books should be super-serious, or that a worthwhile book can't be funny, i'm saying that any book that's sole purpose is to be funny isn't worth reading, to me.

>> No.3141656

the hunger games probably

>> No.3141667
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ur a faget

>> No.3141678


Well, it could be that I didn't finish it, but I just couldn't get past the introduction of the "magic spear that can totally kill dragons, yo" in the first chapter. It probably wasn't as bad as I'm making it, but it was the one where I started noticing all the things that were stupid about the series in general.

>> No.3141691
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I don't know, I stopped reading it and forgot about it.

>> No.3141693

The Waves of Atlantis.

I hope whoever wrote it is dead.

>> No.3141696

heh. Fair enough. I thought you were going to mention the other, HUGE deus ex machina that occurs about halfway through the book that eventually helps the good guys win.

I think I was able to mentally brace myself for it though, I mean, we had 3 books so far telling us how unbelivably powerful this bad dude is, and how he's had 100 years to perfect his badassery, and somehow this kid was going to come along and beat him. I was expecting some delicious deus ex from the jump so I was able mentally brace myself and enjoy the ride as I could.

>> No.3141698
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Was it your last fantasy book?

>> No.3141699

I tried to give it a chance, thought "Hey, maybe I'll disagree with everyone else."

I'd wipe my ass with the pages but even my anus couldn't bear such terrible writing

>> No.3141712


I recently re-read the His Dark Materials books, if that counts. Before that, probably Legend. I want to get into David Gemmell, but I haven't given him enough time yet.

Unless you're counting Magical Realism

>> No.3141724
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I bought this at an airport because the author was there and looked lonely. The last impulse book buy with a dragon on the cover (Temeraire) had turned out great, so why the fuck not?

Yikes. This shit.. is beyond words. I couldn't even really tell you the plot because it was everywhere. It's about a dragon, his daughters, Christianity, and some villains that don't really have any kind of importance whatsoever. Some rushed, disjointed shit happens at the end and it was horrible. I vaguely remember writing awful Transformers fanfiction at age 13 and it was about on par with this book.

>> No.3143103


I'm not about to disagree but that cover is banging, yo.

>> No.3143130

Twilight because I just couldn't get past his smoldering eyes.

Runner up is Planet Of The Damned by Harry Harrison. It could have been better. I burned it after reading it all.

>Betrayed in ancient times by his choice warriors, the dragon prophet sets a plan in motion to bring the traitors to justice. One thousand years later he hatches human daughters from eggs and arms them with the traitors' swords. Either the traitors will repent, or justice will be served.

The author's written two more books following this one.

>> No.3143154

Le Livre by Pierre Guyotat. Maybe I'm just too damn stupid for this kind of literature.

>> No.3143582
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this piece of shit
a friend gave it to me for my birthday, apparently he read "George R.R. Martin" in the cover and got it for me since I really got into ASOIAF last year (see kids? this is what you get when you read garbage)

Anyway this compilation by Gurm (with no stories from him) consists of more than 10 unbearably cheesy, unoriginal, poorly written "love stories" by astoundingly mediocre fantasy authors, targeting an audience that I can only imagine consists almost exclusively of lonely obese women in their 40's
Gaiman's story was the only thing passable in this trashbag

>> No.3143606

The first Discworld book or The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

>> No.3143622

Some Dan Brown thing I read on a plane - The Lost Symbol I think it was called.

The ending made me want to commit actual violence.

>> No.3143681

Mention one? Books are the prime way of conveying humor. Kafka has written some pretty funny stuff.

Also worst book ; Might've been Harry Potter - I must admit I was somewhat young, but they never really spoke to me.

>> No.3143684

World War Z

>> No.3143690

Fuck it, Yep. I agree here, worse than Harry Potter. Couldn't keep reading after 30-something pages. Rubbish.

>> No.3143691

my ex-girlfriend convinced me to read the first Twilight book
>"it's more than just masturbatory help for girls, Anon!"
why? oh why did I listen?

>> No.3143783

Bump for interest

>> No.3143792

anything by Clive Cussler

>> No.3144206


Twilight is the single greatest device ever created for weeding out women who are incapable of critical thinking. If they think that shit is romantic, then they are fucked in the head on a very basic level.

>> No.3144220

Because you're a bitch

>> No.3144273

This. And The Awakening.

Fuck I'm a humanist and I try to gold respect for all individuals but those protagonists could not have been any less likable.

>> No.3144281

The invisible man by Ralph Ellison.

Its not that I have anything against Black people but this book isn't so much a book as a series of shoehorned "racism is bad" messages all crammed together with no real interest in making an interesting story.

In the middle of the book is something like a 30 page sermon about why Booker T Washington was the second coming of black jesus only for the plot to suddenly shift gears. It does this over and over again.

Black people need better books.

>> No.3144283

>implying HHGG isn't hilarious as shit
>implying The HHGG Trilogy isn't GOAT
>implying you have anything in your life you would be shocked enough to see that you could forget to obey the law of gravity

>> No.3144308

Kiss the Girls
Patterson makes Steven King look like Tolstoy.

>> No.3144316

The Great Gatsby

Had to read it in high school. Most boring piece of shit ever. I had no idea why I was supposed to give a shit about any of those characters or about any of the events.

Also, the film adaptation was what helped me realize that Sam Waterston is actually a pretty mediocre actor. He'd play a decent Vulcan, though.

>> No.3144344

Seriously what was Drew thinking

>> No.3144357

That happens a lot, being forced to read something tends to make you feel pretty resistant towards liking it.

I actually liked that one though, mostly because I thought Gatsby was a bro and too good for any of the rich assholes he was hanging with.

>> No.3144375
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This book easily takes the cake of "worst book I've ever read".

>> No.3144388
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>forget to obey the law of gravity
But that's not how gravity works.
I bet you read books about dragons and magic goblins too.

>> No.3144392


>> No.3144393

It's humour, you can disregard gravity if you so choose.

>> No.3144398

>ITT: Morons complain about books assigned at school, don't understand that it makes them look like twats.

>> No.3144407

Saying that makes you look like a twat.

>> No.3144408

I remember reading this in middle school. It sucked.

>> No.3144415

>implying it's not genre-fiction reading neckbeards complaining about books they're too stupid to grasp

>> No.3144420

Some books are absolute 'assigned school reading' fodder. Just because a teacher or professor has a hardon for their pet social commentary doesn't make it a good book.

>> No.3144447

Night by elie wiesel. Worst fiction ever.

>> No.3144463

wuthering heights

>> No.3144476
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>he didn't get the reference

>> No.3144477

Bleak House.

Completely garbage.

The good end happily, the bad unhappily.

Saved you six hundred pages of reading.

>> No.3144538


Go to bed.

>> No.3144602
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The Kingmaker, Kingbreaker series by Karen Miller, specifically Awakened Mage.

>protagonist is a cunt
>not even a cunt in meaningful way
>every single fucking character is a cunt
>the whole fucking book builds to an "epic ass battle that will evacuate all the shit from your colon"
>battle is two pages long
>literary blue-balls to the fucking max
>only interesting character dies an idiotic, cliche death
>everyone is cunt

>> No.3145040
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*Three Whiny Ass Teenagers.

No meat or bones to the story whatsoever. I just remember it being the bane of my existence after reading it in Middle-school.

>> No.3145045

Native Son

Let's be nice to black people because... society makes them want to kill? Maybe I read this the wrong way but all I got from it was that Bigger was an asshole.

>> No.3145054

Twilight. A retarded monkey would right better than Meyers.

>> No.3145108

What did you not like about it? I've been trying to get through it for a while, but it's just so fucking dense. I do really like it though.

>> No.3145132

Much better than Mostly Harmless

I was bored out my fucking mind by book three though, book one was coherent and funny and it just slid downhill

As for me, The Casual Vacancy is the worst by far.

>> No.3145143

Seriously, Fuck Mostly Harmless. It was just depressing and tedious at that point.

>> No.3145178


how can you be so dumb

>> No.3145187


all need to reconsider their dumb opinions

worst recent read:

persuasion by jane austen

not that it's an awful book, i just couldn't take the style (yes, i realise that's half of the satire) and the content was terribly dull to me

>> No.3145229
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Stotan by Chris Crutcher
I had to read this in high school because I was sick on the day that we chose books for a report.

>> No.3145237 [DELETED] 

I do agree it was pretty bad.

>the scene where they are literally stacked on a pile and the guy is playing his violin

>> No.3145243

As bad as 'Mostly Harmless' was, it at least fit the series. 'And Another Thing' missed the point entirely and was just the author masturbating over Norse mythology and rock stars. Awful.

>> No.3145245
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I do agree it was pretty bad.

>the scene where they are literally stacked on a pile and the guy is playing his violin

>> No.3145286
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>mfw that's my favorite book

>> No.3145305

Are you black?

>> No.3145316

Bitch please like Adams didn't write about those things himself. Never read The Long Dark Tea-time of the Soul? Forgot the part of HHGG with the spaceship flying into the sun at the crescendo of a rock concert?

Actually disregard this I've never read And another thing.

>> No.3145320

A friend recommended "Elegance of the Hedgehog" to me. Without a doubt the worst shit I ever read all the way through. Simultaneously pretentious and stupid, with characters that are both unsympathetic and unbelievable.

>> No.3145324

He did write about it, but it didn't become the focus of the story, like eoin colfer did in 'and another thing'. I haven't read 'the long dark tea-time of the soul'.

It just became much more story driven in a really bad way with this book.

>> No.3145331

The River God by Wilbur Smith. I was so excited too, because I love ancient history novels, or whatever you call them, but good Christ, the MC was such a whiny mary-sue, I nearly punched myself in the face.
Every paragraph starts with him going on about how pretty he is, how loyal and smart and creative and, oh, animals totally love him and everything and everyone wants to bone him and mother of fucking god.
I dropped it after wild birds came to eat out of his hand while the sun lit his hair up like gold or glittering onyx or some shit.

>> No.3145339

Freedom by Franzen

>> No.3145401

My nomination is The Lovely Bones
but this is a close second

>> No.3145441

House Atreides by Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson

>> No.3145458


Holy fuck. I loved that book when I was a kid - he invents everything doesn't he?

I understand that it's a long time ago and all, but that book is way too heavy on paedophilia and homosexuality.

In the modern-day sequel (or third novel) the main character rides the surge from a broken dam using only his belly. So bad.

>> No.3145460


seconded. fucking christ i cant stand this little faggot, nor the other jew fuckers safran foer and eggers. I'm no anti-semitic retard, but for some reason i cant help but refer to them as jew fuckers. i just hate them

>> No.3145469

The Book Thief
Harry Potter

Whenever I'm suckered into reading one of the popular "Young Adult" novels I'm always deeply disappointed.

>> No.3145480

I only read excellent books approved by /lit/ scholars.

j/k it's Anthem by Ayn Rand. Just terrible

>> No.3145487


>The Book Thief

oh god it's not just me then. I read it because of a recommendation, and all I could think was "does modern literature really need another account of jews in the holocaust written in first-person?"

>> No.3145492

Hunger Games. I honestly read all the three books because I wanted to know what happened to any other character that wasn't Katniss

>> No.3145500

The Invisible Man

Just for the number of shits I did not give. It wasn't controversial; it wasn't about anything other than dull politics. People like it because it's about black people I suppose.

>> No.3145498

I read that too, one of the most horrible books I've ever read. I read it so I could critize it properly. I'll never get back the hours

>> No.3145511

I'm responding aren't I?

>> No.3145536

go to bed, underageb&

>> No.3146764

The Life and Death of a Fly

>> No.3146775

Finnegan's Wake

>> No.3146824

I've never read any of her books, but Joyce Carol Oates fucking sucks. I read her version of Anton Chekhov's "The Lady with the Pet Dog" and her own story "Three Girls" which both had terrible, gimmicky prose. I don't understand how that shit gets published.

>> No.3146836

The only book I have ever read that was worse than Breakfast of Champions was Bluebeard.

>> No.3146840

The Wind Up Bird Chronicle by Murakami. What a waste of time.

>> No.3146861

you should have know better

>> No.3147142

'House of Stairs' by some fucker.
No, not House of Leaves, House of Stairs.

Granted, I was in HS and hated everything, but I really wanted something dumb to read to give my brain a break but I was on the verge of tears from hating it so much when I got to the end. It was so fucking awful I had to finish it to see what bullshit would tie it all together into a big pile of shit.

>> No.3147196

Fuck you.

>> No.3148270

Out of the books from the literary canon, so excluding YA and other random garbage, Women in Love by DH Lawrence and anything by Dickens. DH Lawrence's characters made me wish I could put a fist through the book and punch them all in the genitals, and Dickens keeps inflating a basic ass plot in order to have more chapters to sell. His books absolutely do not work in a non serialized form.

>> No.3148342

The Sense of an Ending by Julian Barnes.
The White Tiger by Aravind Adiga.

Seriously, the Booker Prize is the worst indicator of quality.

>> No.3148408

I read Looking for Alibrandy in high school 4 years ago and holy shit it was terrible

>> No.3148412

The Scarlet Letter and the first book of the Nightangel trilogy: The Way of Shadows.

I can forgive the Scarlet Letter for being a bullshit book that would appeal to the pretentious. But The Way of Shadows is by far the shittier book.

>> No.3148414

I've never finished a bad book because, well, they're bad.
Books I had to stop include some shit by Jonathan Kellerman and Atlas Shrugged. That woman is not a writer, she is a philosopher. A bad one.

>> No.3148449

I read a slew of Sweet Dreams teen romance novels. I enjoyed the descriptions of 80s clothing and the sappy anachronistic language but it is what it is.

>> No.3148461

For all the weirdness that is Rand, Fountainhead felt like an accomplished, though overly long novel to me. Despite its hilarious characterization and philosophical argument (let alone the cheap porn scenario rape scene), her interest in architecture, and the metaphors she lends from that field lifted the work into mediocrity.

With all that generous praise for a pretty bad work, I can't think of any atrocious ones atm.

>> No.3148473

did you see the 'than'? This guy knows how to right anon, get over it already

>> No.3148478

Considering this author's pretty well-respected, you should read her most famous work, and test that first impression

>> No.3148606
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World War Z.

>> No.3148968

Wuthering Heights.

Don't know why I read it the first time. Hated it.
Had to read it at school a few years later. And then analyze the shit out of it. Hated it even more.

Luckily my professor agreed with me, and we laughed at all of the goth girls who said that it was the most romantic book they've ever read.

Aaaah. I miss my old literature teacher. A crazy son of a bitch with anger issues, but a total bro.

>> No.3149003

>all these posts
>no DFW, Pynchon and only one Joyce

H...h...has /lit/ grown up?

>> No.3149005

Fever by Robin Cook. There are like 3 books I couldn't even force myself to finish, and this is one of them. All characters have the emotional dept of a puddle, and yet it goes on and on about how sorry we should be feeling for all of them, goddamn.

>> No.3149900

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

>> No.3149952



the horror...

>> No.3149958
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>> No.3149960

The Ben Jonson or the other one?

>> No.3149965

the other one. coelho i think.

i have no face for the moment when i had to explain 6 bitches from school why this is worst book ive ever read and they all loved it.

>> No.3149982

I do this like every day with Downton Abbey. The BBC basically told Julian Fellowes that his show was shit.

>> No.3150013
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I'm not even kidding. I never even grew up on the original movie, but when I finally sat down and watched it, I realized how much of an improvement it was to keep the monster quiet and entirely cut out the framing device so that Victor could whine the whole goddamn time.

>> No.3150027

>It just became much more story driven in a really bad way with this book.
I'll grant you that, and I didn't get why Wowbagger had to be a part of it, or why there's some mutant freak Vogon kid who is NICE, but I at least liked how they dealt with the Mostly Harmless ending. It was pretty much how I expected it.

Didn't expect the second head to be removed though, what the fuck...?

>> No.3150065

The History of Love.
Later I found out she plagiarized most of it, from her husbands book.

>> No.3150167

he straight up raped a crazy chick in that one.

>> No.3150374

I loved that book.


>> No.3150453

Bukowski raped trannys in his life, so it wa probably a man he was basing that off of then.

>> No.3150485

Please elaborate.

>> No.3150513

Tarantula by Bob Dylan

>> No.3150601

He slept with trannies. Do you really need to know more.

>> No.3150891

Love Wins by Rob Bell. Why did I bother?

>> No.3150898

Anthem. For fucks sake Ayn Rand is god awful, I hate that I was such an edgy faggot of an 8th grader.

>> No.3150903

Forever Free, the sequel to The Forever War.

Even as pulpy genre fiction it was bad. I wouldn't erase most of those years of reading shitty genre fiction (I liked to think I learned something about how not to write from them) but I still wish I could purge Forever Free from my memory.

Also, Under The Dome, is like below shit tier if I were bothering to rank King novels. Cheeseburger and french fries of literature, sure, but he should be ashamed of that garbage. I want my hours back.

>> No.3150941

the white queen

i forget who wrote it but its popular with middle aged women

>> No.3150942
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Had to read this back in highschool.

It was just so fucking mind-numbingly boring.

I have no clue why anyone would consider it a classic.

And then the teacher made us watch the movie after we had read it. Jesus Christ, it was like a bunch of disinterested little kids reading lines from the book in monotone voices while standing in front of the camera looking stiff and awkward.

>> No.3150958

2001: space odyssey
I mean, seriosuly
Not just had I expected much more after watching the movie but the book is really boring
I started reading another book by arthur clarke but it's all so slow and the narrative so slopy, I quit after 20 pages.
I will never read anything from arthur clarke again

>> No.3150964
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This unabashed piece of shit in 5th grade called "On My Honor."

>pic unrelated, I'd give it a 0.

>> No.3150990

A Game of Thrones

I felt like I was really forcing myself to finish, it felt like it was written by a 12 year old.

>> No.3151011
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what's the matter, too stupid for grown up literature?

>> No.3151017

Yeah, it was shit. Don't let those pseudo intellectuals try to damn your view. It was garbage and Mark should be ashamed.

>> No.3151018

>game of thrones
>grown up literature

Someone help me find my sides.

>> No.3151019
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Frankenstein by Mary Shelly
the "dont fuck with nature" theme is bullshit
victor is a fag
the monster is a fag
/b/ probably likes it because there is wincest

>> No.3151028

>grown up
That one was so good that I have just thrown up

>> No.3151030

where are you going where have you been is a pretty good short story

>> No.3151031

FUCK, thought I was the only one who read that pile of shit. Worst book I ever invested in. Couldn't get past the third chapter due to the amazingly generic intro to the characters. Seriously felt like she played waaaayyy too much Chrono Cross.

>> No.3151032

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance


>> No.3151039
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You seem to be upset

>> No.3151154

A Happy Man by some European guy.

>> No.3151187
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itt contrarians shit on everything

>> No.3151194
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>grown up

>> No.3151424

didnt find hitchhikers guide funny at all, its just a bunch of lumpy jokes and an author going 'hurr hurr im doing silly things'. to be actually funny in a book you cant stamp your joke on the fucking readers face every time you get a cute idea in your cunty head

>> No.3151465

The Name of the Rose, by Umberto Eco
>these 14thC priests were wrong about things
>i have literally no way of making this topical

>> No.3151466

>fairly long
You might be an okay guy, but that doesn't mean you can walk around the workplace pissing on people's desks.

>> No.3151468
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>> No.3151477

>Seriously, Fuck Mostly Harmless
I'm unhealthily agitated by the uppercase on that 'f'.

>> No.3151481

just pretend it's his new band name

>> No.3151486

I can dig that.

>> No.3151656


>> No.3151665
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>> No.3152339

Brave New World.

The concept was good, but the writing itself was awful.

>> No.3152566

I agree. Most times when I tell people this they disagree, but it's a really awfully terribly written book and even though the ideas were fairly interesting I couldn't bear to read past half way through.

>> No.3152629

Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
I never regretted reading a book so much.

>> No.3152634

I liked it, but I think it's very imperfect. Huxley was aware of it : he said it wasn't philosophically complete.

>> No.3153615

I can't finish books I don't like. So since I never finish them cannot say.

my life is to short for crap.