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3138366 No.3138366[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

you can witness any moment in history. pick one. go.

>> No.3138373

That faggot Alexander Hamilton getting blasted by my nigga Aaron Burr.

>> No.3138377

nigga fuck up, burr was a fucking traitor on par with that cockmongler benedict arnold, even if he was ice cold

>> No.3138383

My birth

>> No.3138381


Big Bang.

>> No.3138391

Aaron Burr got dat dubble dubble letter swag doe

>> No.3138401

What that Pope said to Genghis Khan to get him to turn around.

>> No.3138411

The Battle of Clontarf

>> No.3138414

Et tu, Brute?

>> No.3138415

How it all ends.

Then, assuming this dude picked how everything begins, we'd meet up and chat and then we'd know the beginning and the end.

>> No.3138425


I'll see the very middle of it all so we can make the triumvirate.

>> No.3138432
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I fucking lol'd

>> No.3138442


>> No.3138465

Aw, fuck. I mean Attila The Hun.

>> No.3138469

So far as I can tell, this seems to be the setup to some sort of Papal anal sex joke.

>> No.3138470

you win the thread. +10 pts

>> No.3138473

The Birth of Jesus.

Either that or his Crucifixion.

C'mon, you can't deny that those would be two good things to witness.

>> No.3138474

analysis. anal lysis. the breaking apart of the anus.

>> No.3138477
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>> No.3138479
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The Spanish conquest of Mexico.

>> No.3138501

Emilia aerhart's crash!

jk dgaf

>> No.3138505

Napoleon's return from Elba.

>> No.3138521

aliens communicating with ancient civilizations

>> No.3138528


How can you witness something that never happened?

>> No.3138564
File: 53 KB, 400x376, 1331012926258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The assassination attempt on Andrew Jackson.

>> No.3138572

One of Alexander the Great's victory feasts.

>> No.3138583

the biggest fucking charge ever. candidates for that? preferably sans cavalry and guns

>> No.3138605

I honestly just want to go back to the 1950s and move to Washington and be a beatnik and climb a mountain with Gary Snyder and Jack Kerouac and then later we'll get drunk and discuss Buddhism and bang chicks and party. Dig it.

>> No.3138642
File: 154 KB, 833x1115, the-court-dwarf-don-franciso-lezcano-called-el-nino-de-vallecas-1637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to see Velasquez paint a portrait.

>> No.3138673

dfw's suicide. Maybe, just maybe I can stop it. Still worth it.

>> No.3138683

The impact which created the Vredefort crater, provided I could somehow view it safely. Or the Tunguska Event with the same proviso, if it had to be an event in recorded history.

>> No.3138695

follow hitler around from 1935 until his death

>> No.3138834

Socrates' apology, shit would be pious

>> No.3138837

a few hours before the big bang.

>> No.3138840

the sinking of atlantis.

>> No.3138841


Time (as near as we can tell) came into 'existence' along with the big bang. What do?

>> No.3138843

Me, loved.

>> No.3138852

I have a feeling that if I got sent back, as soon as I got there I would explode into a universe.

>> No.3138855



We have no fucking clue what the universe is or what 'preceded' it. What the true state of things is remains entirely beyond our grasp, as the set of all things observable need not necessarily be the set of all things.

>> No.3138859

No, but it would make me God.

>> No.3138860


If you and the universe weren't disparate, why would it matter whether or not you were god? You would be god and ant and all between.

>> No.3138902


Mi amigo.

I'd like to see Pizarro capture Atahualpa:

>“The Governor himself took his sword and dagger, entered the thick of the Indians with the Spaniards who were with him, and with great bravery reached Atahuallpa’s litter. He fearlessly grabbed Atahuallpa’s left arm and shouted ‘Santiago!,’ but he could not pull Atahuallpa out of his litter because it was held up high. Although we killed the Indians who held the litter, others at once took their places and held it aloft, and in this manner we spent a long time in overcoming and killing Indians. Finally seven or eight Spaniards on horseback spurred on their horses, rushed upon the litter from one side, and with great effort they heaved it over on its side. In that way Atahuallpa was captured, and the Governor took Atahuallpa to his lodging. The Indians carrying the litter, and those escorting Atahuallpa, never abandoned him: all died around him."

This occurred 480 years ago this Friday.

>> No.3139535


What the fucking shit fuck nigger tits shit cocksucking motherfucking what the actual extreme fuck

As you posted this I am in world geo class. Watching the very same documentary you quoted from. At the very event you mentioned. Hearing the words you quoted. Fucking shit. Never been that freaked out. It was as if someone was narrating this post. Fucking shit. Fucking "Guns, Germs, and Steel"

Fucking fuck this is too freaky. This is over the limit. Fucking shit I'll an hero. Fucking Incas fucking Spaniards fucking shit I have denounced my god.

May someone have mercy on my soul, and yours, for we are linked, my friend.

>> No.3140741

"God is being"

>> No.3140749

when the rock was rolled from the tomb to see which niggas actually did it

>> No.3140758

I thought grant did that

>> No.3140772

>I watched some fat people eat crisps.

>> No.3140777

>sans cavalry
See, I was thinking maybe Hannibal's pincer.

>> No.3140785

The eruption of Mt Vesuvius in AD 79.

>> No.3140792

big bang would be cool

maybe pyramids or stonehenge or puma punku or some shit

>> No.3140806

The historic election when a black man won the presidency in 2008.

>> No.3141885

This would be something.

I also vote the Russian Revolution. Shit would be pretty goddamn spectacular.

>> No.3141920

> When Rocky beat the russian

>> No.3141931 [DELETED] 

The alleged holocaust.

>> No.3142003


But I'd also go for the trial of Socrates.

>> No.3142023

The sack of Berlin

>> No.3142080

woah guyz. zinger over here.
enlighten us.

>> No.3142084

First man/ group of people to harness fire. Their reactions would be so interesting.

>> No.3142100

>Not watching some important moment that will end debate on some subject matter.

How did life come about.

If I could choose any point in time, I'd say the end of existence. Feels Omega, man.

>> No.3142104

The coronation of George V or the congress of the Nazi Party in 1934 at Nuremberg.

Interesting choice

>> No.3142109

If possible - the very first time homo-sapiens-sapiens killed another homo-sapiens-sapiens.
In other words, the first murder of human life... see how the murderer reacts to their actions, how others react... However, im not sure such a scenario would be possible; So my other would be the burning of the Library of Alexandria (the first time), and again just to see the reaction of people.

>> No.3142888

The pub about 4 years ago, somebody stole my coat. I'd love to know who it was.

>> No.3142894

>history thread
>devolves into "lol butts"

I'd like to live during the islamic golden age.
Well before the chinks got there to ruin it, of course.

>> No.3142898


I'd say seeing the first real humans would be interesting. There you are, the first beings with full sentience and all around you is a crazy landscape and the only other species somewhat similar to you are monkeys.

How they lived, saw the world, and reacted to everything would be very interesting and pretty cool.

>> No.3142902
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The destruction of Xanadu. Fuck knows I write about it enough allegorically, I'd like to be able to write about the real thing.

>> No.3142908

Okay, you see a woman push a baby from her vagina. What next?

The crucifixion might be cool, as long as you got to hang around to see what happened to the body.

>> No.3142990
File: 2.11 MB, 2400x1507, NeesW19Rulers03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But we already know what happened; Leo was flanked by Peter and Paul, and Attila felt a searing pain in his head and turned back

Can I go to June 16 1904 and reenact Ulysses? I guess I can just witness Joyce's fart-sex instead.

>> No.3142998

the moment nietzsche broke down

>> No.3143205 [DELETED] 


The battle of Verdun of course.

>> No.3143274

mr. bungle's halloween show where they pretended to be the red hot chili peppers

>> No.3143338

The defenestrations in Prague. That shit had to be hilarious.

>> No.3143358

You beat me to it

>> No.3143372

when scarjo lost her vcard

alternatively alisson brie

>> No.3143382

gladiator games, the lions and all that
first performance of the rite of spring
aerial view of pompeii getting buried
aztec mass sacrifice
see the hanging gardens of babylon
the minoan civilization in its' prime
walking into ed gein's home in its' prime
seeing the brazen bull and other similar devices in action

>> No.3143415
File: 491 KB, 499x281, brie_boner.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not the best use of time travel ever, but I'd be tempted to watch your shonky iPhone video of the event when you posted it.

>> No.3143419

Uh, if I recall correctly Attila was bribed with money or power.

>> No.3143473

Well, time to fap.

>> No.3143519

If its one moment it would be cruicifiction.

For more, early republic battles. Phyric war, Punic wars, Macedonian wars...