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/lit/ - Literature

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3137186 No.3137186[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tl;dr: I no longer write and I barely read, I have a colossal fucking cheek to pick up a pen quite obviously. right?

Hi /lit/, long time no see. I'm 24 and I've not written anything since I left school. English was my best subject and I won a few creative writing prizes. I used to absolutely love reading and would always have at least two books on the go and my next five planned.

These days I lack the willpower to keep going with a book though, I put it down after twenty pages then start another a few weeks later, repeat process. I think the last thing I actually finished was In Cold Blood about six months ago, started it at eleven on a weeknight and phoned in sick to work in the morning because I'd spent all night reading it, quite literally could not put it down, it was sheer perfection and I've never read anything like it.

I've had an idea for a short story though, would probably form about twenty pages after much editing. It's witty, dark and hopefully has not been done before. I'm confident it is something I would love to read if written by another writer. I've had these fleeting thoughts occasionally in the past,

Then I start thinking how the fuck do I know other people would enjoy it? Who the fuck am I to even think of writing when I can't even force myself to read after an exhausting day at work? What do I do with it when I write it, shove it on a forum where it will fade into obscurity immediately or be nit-picked at by housewives who spend their whole day doing that sort of thing? If it actually is good it's just going to get plagiarised. Do I honestly have the sheer audacity to think that what I have to say is important enough to bother a publisher with? Am I so narcissistic as to think that I have ever had an intelligent or original thought in my mediocre existence?

And now I just can't be fucked doing it and I'm probably not going to.

>> No.3137187

(2) Avid readers, writers, is this reasonable thinking? There's got to be someone else here who has felt this. What's your response to it? Are we two of a kind or do you think I'm just a defeatist prick?

>> No.3137238

I still read but no longer write as I've come to the realization that I doubt anyone would enjoy it. But I wouldn't mind reading some of your stuff if you'd like second opinions? I could post my email if you'd like to send something? I'm trying to dodge education anyways, might as well spend it reading and helping.

>> No.3137243

I would very much like that, thanks very much for the offer.

>> No.3137249

>nit-picked at by housewives

Some of them will fuck you though. Take it from me. If you're a writer, you always get some blart. Even if the birds are a bit ropey, they're always numerous. It's the main reason to bother putting pen to paper or finger to key or whatever the fuck the cliche should be now.

>> No.3137257

Although note there are no writings at present. You will get a surprise email (email begins irritating_) from this anon within a few weeks with a sample if I actually do it.

>> No.3137263

That is quite alright - Included Email ; I'll try to remember to check on it, and respond as fast as possible. Would you like basic response (feelings on the work), or actual objective criticism?

>> No.3137268
File: 13 KB, 300x200, Paris_Tuileries_Garden_Facepalm_statue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to include Email, Fuck.
Did it now.

>> No.3137282

Objective, blunt. Maybe 4chan is the best place to post but everywhere gets trolls /lit/ not withstanding.

I thank you for this and I have saved your email but please do not go out your way to respond or keep checking for it, this might not happen.

>> No.3137295

In all honesty, it's my work email, so I will probably have to check it anyways... But whatever I can do to help ; I'm a man of honesty - even on 4chan.

>> No.3137368

Thanks again. I'm chiefly a slow boarder (/ck/ and /trv/), I know 4chan can be a great website at times rather than just somewhere to solely take the piss and talk shit. I look forward to your response if this happens.

>> No.3137378

And I, in turn, look forward to reading your works.

>> No.3137387
File: 87 KB, 388x349, 12 year old hipster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the fuck over yourself, kid.

>> No.3137398

Honestly surprised this wasn't the first response. Noted.

>> No.3137438

Me, being the initial responder, lol'd.
4chan never ceases to attempt to insult.

>> No.3138279

Of course you cannot write. You're on 4chan. Don't even think about it, nobody of any intellectual worth has ever frequented this website and don't kid yourself.

>> No.3138283

No, no, that samefagging is just too fucking obvious. I just have an aversion to admitting bumping. Sorry.

Any more opinions?

>> No.3138303

I think you're a depressed person. Nobody cares about what you have to say, no matter what. That you're a little bit of a narcisist, we can all see from your post, a dramatic monologue. Nevertheless, I'll recommend that you just shut the fuck up and keep writing. It's no difference whether you do it or not. It's going to be bad whether or not you like it. We're all doomed. It's not like the stupid, small, mediocre, selfish happiness you can get from that shit will even matter in the great scheme of things.

>> No.3138309

If this story you want to tell isn't bursting forth from you then your heart most likely isn't in the endeavor.

I can tell you that coming here won't tell you whether it is or not.

>> No.3138445

>I think you're a depressed person.
You're probably right. Not to the extent that I'm going to jump in front of a train so no medical diagnosis necessary. Rest assured I have absolutely no intention about writing about myself though.

Yeah. You're right to be honest. I'll just go to a creative writing evening class or something, can't hurt my chances, might get laid.

>> No.3138703

You're on here for attention. Your entire post is dripping with barely camoflaged pretension. If you want to go write, go write. People humored you in high school, but that doesn't mean you'll hold up as a good writer as an adult. Only way to find out for sure is to write your shitty book and see what happens.

>> No.3138715

This is terrible advice, don't listen to him. If you wait for the perfect story to strike you, you'll never write anything.

>> No.3138723

who said anything about a perfect story?

>> No.3138729

I'm not sure what your experience with writing is, but stories don't burst forth from you shedding angelic light. You have to induce your own creativity and passion. Don't tell the poor guy to be passive.

>> No.3138743

As DFW once wrote: Wondering wether other people might like what you're writing is the surest way into a writer's blockade.

So just do it.

>> No.3138747

First you inferred 'perfect story' and now you've inferred 'shedding angelic light'—I said neither of these things. My point was that if this story really means something to this guy then writing it will be the only option. That has nothing to do with whether or not it's a story worth reading, or whether or not it comes about of nothingness.

The words 'bursting forth from you' mean that you cannot contain something, hence if OP truly values the story he thinks he wants to tell then he won't need to be on /lit/ musing about what he's going to do.

>> No.3139081

please op PLEASE imbue us with your insight on the human condition

is this what you what fucker? write for yourself not for others

>> No.3141657



>> No.3141673

if the average person likes it, it's probably shit anyways. accessible means diluted, etc.

>> No.3142083

Your melodramatic wailing is oppressive OP. If you want to write, do it. Don't expect anyone will give a fuck.