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3134253 No.3134253[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

After his unfortunate loss to Obama, I thought I'd read a biography of Romney. Is this book any good, or could you recommend a better one?

>> No.3134258

Poor Mott Romnoy

>> No.3134262

Hollo, Kort Vonnogot.

>> No.3134264
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>unfortunate loss to Obama

>> No.3134269
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>> No.3134271
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>> No.3134274

Typical homophobic Romnoy fan.

>> No.3134277
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>> No.3134278

>Trying to justify your desire to be pounded in the ass by a black guy with a 4ft cock.

>> No.3134281
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Don't be a cunt, I don't even like Obama. But I'd prefer only 4 more years of this bullshit than potentially 8 with that Mormon scum.

>> No.3134284

You're getting very specific with your imagery there. It's almost like you're enjoying it.

>> No.3134291
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I get it, you prefer to have a black puppet.

>> No.3134294
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I voted 3rd party.

>> No.3134297
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>> No.3134303
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fyeah mfer

>> No.3134307

So Johnson is against the bailout? Good thing I voted for Obama

>> No.3134309

das it mane das it

>> No.3134312
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Haha, libertards

>> No.3134333
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Gary Johnson: 1,139,594 votes
Rocky Anderson: 33,212 votes

>> No.3134352

Barack Obama: 61,785,331 votes
Mitt Romney: 58,562,227 votes

>> No.3134358

1.14 million in a tight election where the two major parties spent something like a billion dollars is pretty amazing for a third party with no debate presence, almost no money, and no media attention. it's the most votes a Libertarian has ever received. and it's orders of magnitude above the nobody Rocky Anderson.

>> No.3134365

lol @ anyone who still votes and actually believes democracy works

>> No.3134372

Democracy does "work," so to speak. The depressing thing is democracy's ultimate and inherent failure in how it works: all things are decided by the average.

>> No.3134374

I know it doesn't, I just vote because it gives me an ego boost, and people can't be like "omg u didnt vot u can't complane"


>> No.3134381


democracy can't exist until capitalism is destroyed. you'll notice that the "choice" americans have is between two (three if youre a delusional libertarian) pro-capitalist candidates. that's how much the elites in USA think of so-called "democracy"

>> No.3134389

We have two socialist parties and the Greens. Just because they can't win doesn't mean they don't exist.

>> No.3134391


if they were even in a position to win there would be an extreme campaign of repression and violence by the political and financial elite. just look at how the first and second red scares went down.

>> No.3134394

We have a socialist Senator who got over 70% of the vote in his state.

>> No.3134396

there are almost no significant, actually anti-capitalist parties in any country outside dying remnants of the soviet era like Cuba, North Korea, and Chavez' Venezuela. capitalism is here to stay (fortunately). hitchens and einstein came to accept it. so will you.

>> No.3134398

Bernie Sanders is a 'socialist' in the sense of being more like Sweden i.e. a capitalist welfare state.

>> No.3134401


capitalism can't stay due to its own internal contradictions. also lol @ calling chavez a remnant of the 'soviet era'. c'mon son!

>> No.3134410


hitchens was racist trotskyite scum (i dont want to be associated with him anyhow) and einstein was a lifelong socialist.

>> No.3134409

>derp derp contradictions of capitalism

the only inherent contradictions in capitalism are the tensions between the market and the state. Chavez and the ideologies of the parties that supported him were indeed remnants of the soviet era in sudamerica.

>> No.3134413



>> No.3134423
File: 292 KB, 806x746, albert-einstein1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>einstein was a lifelong socialist

“It is no accident that Capitalism has brought with it progress, not merely in production but also in knowledge. Egoism and competition are, alas, stronger forces than ‘public spirit’ and ‘sense of duty.’ In Russia they say it is impossible to get a decent piece of bread. Perhaps I am over-pessimistic concerning State and other forms of communal enterprise, but I expect little good from them. Bureaucracy is the death of achievement.”

~ Albert Einstein, The World As I See It: Culture and Prosperity (1954)

>> No.3134425


how exactly does that contradict a pro-socialist attitude? you dumbfuck

>> No.3134432

>captialism brings progress in production and knowledge
>egoism and competition are more effective than new socialist man
>state and communal enterprise will do no good

read the whole essay. he argues for capitalism with light government regulation and a safety net. i can sense your butthurt already.

>> No.3134433
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The only way for utopia to come is through force.

>> No.3134435

Enjoy your nihilism and alienation, slave.

>> No.3134436

i will, because capitalism is permanent hegemony and you won't live to see anything else. go cry into a david harvey book.

>> No.3134440

Then Einstein was a dumb kike

>> No.3134441

We'll see about that, slave.

>> No.3134442


also zionist scum too

>> No.3134452
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>the genius einstein was a lifelong socialist
>oh what he wasn't? he became a capitalist?
>well he was dumb zionist kike

>> No.3134454
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>> No.3134459


Yes, and?

>the genius lived his life thinking correctly
>actually he was a fucking pleb
>oh well then he was a retard

Don't see anything wrong with that.

>> No.3134461

jidf detected.

>> No.3134475

Back to /mu/

>> No.3135955
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Droppin' statistics in this bitch.

>> No.3135973
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Go back to whatever board you came from, kid.
This place isn't for you.

>> No.3135990


2/10 for le effort :P

>> No.3135992

>implying pleb isn't tossed around all the time here
>implying not samefag

>> No.3135995


>> No.3136004

No. People parroting 'pleb' as an insult are universally ridiculed here.

>> No.3136011

I do because he gives me more welfare than Romney, and I fucking love seeing Republicans lose their shit. It's hilarious

Also he "represents" liberalism and socialism to them even if he's a neocon authoritarian

Also he doesn't deep throat Israel's cock as hard as Rmoney did so it's less likely that our generation will be sent to Iran for them.

Also the culture that Obama represents is much more appealing than that of Rmoney's

>> No.3136027

Einstein was socialist as fuck. I'll find more quotes and sources on that later.

>> No.3136035

>Also he doesn't deep throat Israel's cock as hard as Rmoney did so it's less likely that our generation will be sent to Iran for them.

You do know Obama has currently forced the UN to put a global trade embargo on Iran right? They are losing billions annually, and the country is close to political and economic collapse. Bush was moron who loved to fight, but Obama is a sneaky mother fucker. Iran is a lot bigger than Iraq, so it makes sense to hobble the country first before going in for mass slaughter.

>> No.3136049

I do know that, but Israel overwhelmingly supported Romney and praised Obama's sanctions anyway. Netanyahu doesn't seem to like Obama much and wants him to send in Americans as pawns now.

But you do bring up an interesting point if you're implying he does plan to go to war and is using this to weaken them before the strike.

I don't know, they were both evil as fuck, NDAA, drone strikes, I just felt Obama was the lesser of two evils.

>> No.3136052

Further proof that letting anyone aside from straight white men vote was a mistake.

>> No.3136056

>implying there's a difference between Obama and Rmoney other than meaningless cultural bullshit and an insignificant amount of welfare

>> No.3136072

>Uneducated poor people with no ambition.
>Successful family men and business men.

>> No.3136075
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>But you do bring up an interesting point if you're implying he does plan to go to war and is using this to weaken them before the strike.
That is exactly what I am implying. Obama will never let the breach of the proliferation treaty go unpunished. I don't see why he keeps rejecting their proposed amendment to the treaty. It the US is allowed to arm itself to the teeth and point it's weapons at Iran, then they should be allowed to have weapons as a defensive measure.

It's not as if America has any qualms when it comes to arming the rest of the world anyway:

>> No.3136139

>I don't see why he keeps rejecting their proposed amendment to the treaty


>> No.3136154

lurk more