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/lit/ - Literature

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3126699 No.3126699 [Reply] [Original]

A while ago someone told me about a newer Young Adult series about a spaceship fighter pilot or something. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? Is it any good?

>> No.3126704

Yeah, it is Infinite Jest (by Foster). Go pick it up at the library next chance you get.

Don't read the wiki unless you want it spoiled! Seriously, don't look!

Also, people might ruin the surprise in this thread so you might not want to read any more posts. People might troll you by spoiling everything.

>> No.3126705

Dude, stop trolling. The author's name is David Foster Wallace, not Foster. You wouldn't want to mislead OP, would you?

>> No.3126707

Not sure if telling the truth but something doesn't quite feel right. What does "Jest" mean again?

>> No.3126711

He's one of the pilots. Seriously get out of here if you haven't read this. /lit/ is full of trolls who will spoil it.

>> No.3126708

Is there an audiobook version?

>> No.3126722

fuck you /lit/. this isn't funny in the slightest.

>> No.3126723

I'm getting the feeling that you are the troll.

>> No.3126750

The person who told me was a high school English teacher. I know you guys know what I'm talking about. Could someone just please tell me what it's called.

>> No.3126752

OK, fine. I'm like 80% sure that it's Ender's Game.

You're no fun OP.

>> No.3126760

This is a new series of books.

>> No.3126761
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>> No.3126770

What's up your butt? This type of literature isn't good enough for you

>> No.3126789

A lot of people here have the 'you're an idiot if you enjoy things I don't' mentality. Read it if it floats your boat.

>> No.3126823

I would if I could remember what it is.

>> No.3126837

Star Wars

>> No.3126841

Is it the one where the spaceship fighter pilot is a vampyre?

>> No.3126905

It's called "Fifty Shades of Gray".

(The title comes from the way hyperspace is described -- when the ship goes into warp mode everything turns gray and messes with the pilot's mind.)