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/lit/ - Literature

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3115631 No.3115631 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you reading something by Samuel Butcher, /lit/?


>> No.3115640

we tao lin now

>> No.3115645
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>> No.3115646

Because he looks like some useless cunt who used to bang my girlfriend.

>> No.3115648
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>> No.3115633


This reminds me so much of me a couple years ago when I would try to pack as many big words into my poems, because I thought that would make them sound better, somehow. Fuck I hate this shit. I don't even know what he's getting at with this poem, and a few others I've looked through.

>> No.3115741

OP here. Not Samuel Butcher, this isn't viral marketing. I actually just want to collectively make fun of him. Find something on his site, share, and make fun of it.

>> No.3115747

>Samuel Butcher

Step 1: Got to his poetry section under "Work"

Step 2: Read "Limaraku"

Step 3: Slice your own throat

>> No.3115782

>I have fucked a lot
and if not you then you aught
to see my cumshot

is this real life?

>> No.3115834

He strikes me as a person still developing, still trying to find some identity and give himself weight and importance he hasn't yet achieved.

The About section is the most horrible thing on the website. Trying to make out he's an intellectual and part of counter-culture because he smokes the same cigarette brand as other authors, is turned on by a woman's silhouette and apologises for any faults or pompousness not out of genuine humbleness but because he is aware it is expected. He is not his own person, but writes how he thinks he is expected to write.

>> No.3115843

I remember him making a kickstarter a year ago. Looked at it now, it got funded but he never finished the novel he was working on and people are demanding their money back.

>> No.3115853

that's the least surprising development ever, and anyone who donated to samuel fucking butler deserved to get took.

>> No.3115854

butler, butcher, w/e, i don't give a shit

>> No.3115859

poetry huh?

I have a really big dick,
sometimes I use it as a stick,
and sometimes it's a shooter,
when I stick it in your cooter.

There's some sass with this ass,
and I throw fits for your tits,
but I love to see the movies,
when they show your boobies.

>> No.3115860

meter in that last line needs some work

other than that, pretty much a masterpiece

>> No.3115921

I'm going to challenge myself to find something of his that doesn't completely suck. Even if it's just a line. I'm going to find something I like.

>> No.3115925


Me too. I've been hard on the guy. He's dedicated to the writing life, so he should have some good stuff in there. I'm gonna find it.

>> No.3115926


I've returned with this:

"I cannot help but think of the taste
of your cunt"

Well, I tried, Samuel. I really tried.

>> No.3115928


Okay, I found a line I like:

I live next to a castle in a shack
haunted by old beer and rats.

Not bad, not bad.

>> No.3115930


Oh Lawdy, which one is that from??

Alright, honestly the poem "Dear Savannah" is okay. A little too pastoral and way too nostalgic for a guy who's what? 26 or something? But really It's pleasant.

"My Kind of Guy" really isn't a bad little poem either.

>> No.3115933



>> No.3115942

>reaches k
>uses 'kn'

>> No.3116069
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>1+ packs smoked in one sitting

Alpha Centauri as fuark

>> No.3116111

God, he's fucking beautiful.

>> No.3116140


>caveman brow
>shitty crusty facial hair
>bulbous nose


>> No.3116147


>writing besides a green paradise full of leaves
>not writing at night, inside a moldy, wet abandoned cellar you rent for $100/month, with no heating, no electricity, only a candle, while the rain hits the concrete sidewalk outside and your only lullabye is your broken typewriter

is this guy even trying?

>> No.3116156
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how old is this guy? he's like me when I was 16

>> No.3116158

I thought you had to get published before you could take pictures of yourself smoking and looking serious?

>> No.3116159
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>> No.3116163

"he, inadvertently or perhaps entirely consciously, illustrated the dynamic changes of love inasmuch as a single word can come to inhabit a particular meaning in one context and a completely different meaning when utilized in another framework, allowing for the peculiar interpretation of situational perspective to often dictate the definition of the word rather than an existent codified delineation, it can then be a difficulty to communicate the myriad understandings one has with regards to a certain word"

I don't like people who write like this

>> No.3116169
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omg is this guy for real?

He should write "How to sound like you're smart For Dummies"

>> No.3116175
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>that poem

>> No.3116193


That quote made me angry. I want to get a copy of Plain Words and throw it as hard as I can at his face.

>> No.3116221

>Limaraku - Noun: a combination of Haiku and Limerick, with the rhyme scheme of the former and the lewd nature of the latter; invented by Samuel Butcher in 2010.

>> No.3116285


the rhyme scheme of a haiku?

>> No.3116320
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>268 words

>Ill never lie to you

>Its a judgement call

>this guy

>> No.3116337

I'm going to kill this guy /lit/, keep an eye on the news

>> No.3116344

This fucking guy...

>> No.3116355

Watch the video on his Kickstarter he failed to actually do despite being funded.

I think he's autistic or something.

>> No.3116374
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>Lux Aeterna

Stopped there

>> No.3116805


I'm so fucking sick of hearing that song on youtube

>omg so dramatic!!!1!1

>> No.3118655

this guy's still alive. read the comments. http://samuelbutcher.net/alltheworld/hooked-a-disaster-averted-myriad-disasters-created/#comments

>> No.3119106

This is no longer podracing.

>> No.3119109

>an 'essay' from his site:

Considering the notion of my own imperfections I arrive, again and again in cyclical annihilations, at one seemingly pristine contention: I can never be sure of anything. My mind, for better or for worse, locks itself in a whirlwind of postmodern argument, assuming the relative as an absolute (the tricky fallacy of language coating my tongue and making the tender flesh heavy and dull). I accept it for what it is, the existential dilemma that plagues the young or the foolish or both. For every point I construct a counter. For every assertion a rebuttal. For every fact a fiction. Consistency of thought may be the reflection of reason, but it is a poor echo of truth.

For all the chaos there are a few immovable facts I cannot deny, the so called better virtues of my mind shouted down by tempests of remorseless pleasure. I do not like to lie, least of all to myself, but I have made peace with placating. My mind is too infinitely small to comprehend: simply because a question can be posed does not mean it can be answered. Least of all in words.

Subscribe yourself to the ethical hedonists. That which causes pleasure without intended pain is good, and must be so. Where pain is pleasure and pleasure pain the broken psyches of our new world drown. There is no one approach for everyone; my beliefs allow for that to be true.

I promise you this; Ill never lie to you, unless I’m trying to help you. Its a judgment call, and I will make it. Trust me enough for that.

>> No.3119143

What I hate the most is that I used to write like this, back when I understood so little that I thought I understood everything.

>> No.3119157

Can someone give me the deets on not finishing his novel? Forum posts somewhere, anything? I was on /lit/ when he was begging for money, but I didn't know he never got it done.

>> No.3119181
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Calling your own shitty would-be self-published novel "compelling."

That's it.

>> No.3119216
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>> No.3119248
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>not going on his Facebook


>> No.3119249

shit's pretty common on the internet.
>well this is a really dramatic piece so i don't even need to consider any others

>> No.3119260

ooh the postmodern romantic... but he would reject such a term. he is so conflicted

>> No.3119566

I would fuck this guy, but I would never want to read his poetry

>> No.3119572


are you a desperate homo or an ugly girl?

>> No.3119576

Do you have a picture of his ass? Samuel Butcher, if you're reading this, will you please post a picture of your ass? Thanks.

>> No.3119577


>> No.3119594


The first part was actually not all that bad. It's not especially original, but it's a decent portrait of postmodernism (and how redunant it is).

The rest is fucking juvenile leap of faith bullshit

>> No.3121368
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>> No.3121385

>Gays sure are not dumb
>when they put it in the bum
>what a way to cum

Preach it, Sam!

>> No.3121400

I know that feel, bro.

>> No.3121685
File: 22 KB, 400x424, 1304144486941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go on his Facebook

>mfw his gf looks hot

>> No.3121689


>Limaraku - Noun: a combination of Haiku and Limerick, with the rhyme scheme of the former and the lewd nature of the latter; invented by Samuel Butcher in 2010.

Butcher needs a butchering

>> No.3121699


not even once.

>> No.3121745
File: 20 KB, 833x551, 1295770297293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad Samuel made a reappearance on /lit/. I was trying to remember this fuckers name the other day.

And oh god I've never read this but that alphabet alliteration what the fuck is this guy shiggidy diggidygsdhgjdg

>> No.3121758
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>He is not his own person, but writes how he thinks he is expected to write.

This cut me deep, Anon. I scribble my worries in a notebook and can't decide if I want to write "literature" or "fantasy/anime shit." I am a late bloomer and I feel like shit.

>> No.3121783

yfw he's just a trophy bf for her as she aims to show to her peers that she's intellectual by dating a writer?

>> No.3121786


You've got a loose definition of 'writer'

>> No.3121789

not me, her.

>> No.3121807

Really not that hard at all to see why. Given his website he's clearly self-absorbed and cocky and thinks he's the shit. Girls are attracted to that. Vapid girls will also readily eat up the "writer" "artist" thing. Also, he's really not a bad looking guy. If he lost the atrocious facial hair and shitty feathery haircut, he's really not bad looking.

>> No.3121810

Are you the same guy that wants to fuck him?

Otherwise yeah, I agree with you. The girl is obviously a fucking plebeian of the highest tier.

>> No.3121826
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never knew he was a quitter
never knew the shoe could fit her
kind of thought the bird would walk
kind of thought the girl would talk
didn't think it smelled so bad
didn't think it'd seem so sad
once I found it drawn in chalk
once I saw them turn and gawk
now I sit and think of things
now I sit with songs to sing
would you see it the same way?
well, then again, you've seen it every day

>> No.3122696


This guy's face is off-putting. It's close to being attractive, but it's also ugly.

>> No.3122758

From his Facebook-

>There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.

Oh wow.

I think he's about my age, but he writes like he's in high school.

How does this happen.

>> No.3122764


>not recognizing Hemingway
>making an apt description of the man's writing

>> No.3123312

I agree; the first paragraph is a good portrait of postmodernism, but the last two paragraphs are fairly good also.

Demonstrating how terrifying it would be to actually trust someone whose apprehension of pleasure and pain is completely relativistic.